I Used to Think it was Deflection...


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
...but am now coming to the conclusion that it is limited mental incapacity. For example, there is an OP which criticizes Barnie Sanders for paying his interns $12 per hour while advocating a mandatory "living wage" of $15 per hour. Rather than discussing its accuracy, merits or consistency, most of the responses either dismiss this assertion as a failed attempt to create a "scandal" of some sort or else try to redefine his "living wage" proposal as merely something that would gradually occur over time.

I used to think this was nothing more than partisan deflection from sensitive subject areas, but I find that many of these same posters are unable to discuss any subject in an objective manner. I don't know whether the ability to think logically is inherited or taught, but it seems to have about as much relevance today as other Greek mythology.
...but am now coming to the conclusion that it is limited mental incapacity. For example, there is an OP which criticizes Barnie Sanders for paying his interns $12 per hour while advocating a mandatory "living wage" of $15 per hour. Rather than discussing its accuracy, merits or consistency, most of the responses either dismiss this assertion as a failed attempt to create a "scandal" of some sort or else try to redefine his "living wage" proposal as merely something that would gradually occur over time.

I used to think this was nothing more than partisan deflection from sensitive subject areas, but I find that many of these same posters are unable to discuss any subject in an objective manner. I don't know whether the ability to think logically is inherited or taught, but it seems to have about as much relevance today as other Greek mythology.

maybe they just choose not to have those discussions with hacks like you.

that o/p was written by someone who couldn't care less whether people have a living wage and in fact is a troll who thinks that it's every person for themselves.
...but am now coming to the conclusion that it is limited mental incapacity. For example, there is an OP which criticizes Barnie Sanders for paying his interns $12 per hour while advocating a mandatory "living wage" of $15 per hour. Rather than discussing its accuracy, merits or consistency, most of the responses either dismiss this assertion as a failed attempt to create a "scandal" of some sort or else try to redefine his "living wage" proposal as merely something that would gradually occur over time.

I used to think this was nothing more than partisan deflection from sensitive subject areas, but I find that many of these same posters are unable to discuss any subject in an objective manner. I don't know whether the ability to think logically is inherited or taught, but it seems to have about as much relevance today as other Greek mythology.

Leftists care only about party. They have talking points from the hate sites which they recite, but NEVER expect anything rational from the leftists.

Jillian has NEVER had a thought that didn't originate with George Soros, and she never will. Ditto rdean, shitflinger, Jake5000, and the rest of the leftard fools around here.
I find that there is a large group of people on here who are VERY ANGRY.

They seem to get all of their information from limited sources and generally make assertions that are neither accurate nor backed up by facts.Feelings far outweigh facts in their values.

Any requests for a source either makes them angrier or they run and hide.

They trawl religious texts and quote derived nonsense in order to justify their hatred of others.

They pretty much hate everyone who isnt like themselves and they probably hate themselves as well.

Anybody who isnt like them is out to destroy them and their way of life.

They go straight to abuse on the first or second posting and that makes discussion difficult.

When you refute their point of view they dont respond, they either repeat their original idiocy or abuse you.

Their intellect is engaged only when making up abusive names for people they dislike. E.G. "Hitlery", "Barack Osama". "Libturds" and so on.


They are poster boys for the failure of education systems, across the world.

Its not an American thing either. In fact your idiots can generally spell better than their British white trash brethren.

Their collective output is like a river of sewage drowning out intelligence,reason and other suspect concepts.

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