I Urge Israel To Take Out Iran's Nuke Plant. You?

Yup, and more than likely those citizens will again be handed over to the JD for trial. I'd prefer they be tried as traitors and given the maximum sentence under military law, death by firing squad.

Of course, but you and yours are exempted right, otherwise you are going to holler like a stuck hog:

"You’ll recall that the government’s position was that Padilla, as an “unlawful enemy combatant” suspected of having committed terrorist acts, was not entitled to the procedural rights guaranteed to criminal defendants in the Bill of Rights, including the rights to counsel, due process, and trial by jury. "


:eusa_eh: I'm not at war with the US, what do I have to worry about.

If one engages in acts of war against the U.S., then one (regardless of citizenship or non-citizenship) OUGHT to be treated as an enemy saboteur or spy. We are not discussing the niceties of criminal justice. We are discussing acts of war. No. They are not synonyms.

Arguing with Confusedatious is pointless. He is far too much of a bombastic simpleton to grasp such obvious distinctions.
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Of course, but you and yours are exempted right, otherwise you are going to holler like a stuck hog:

"You’ll recall that the government’s position was that Padilla, as an “unlawful enemy combatant” suspected of having committed terrorist acts, was not entitled to the procedural rights guaranteed to criminal defendants in the Bill of Rights, including the rights to counsel, due process, and trial by jury. "


:eusa_eh: I'm not at war with the US, what do I have to worry about.

If one engages in acts of war against the U.S., then one (regardless of citizenship or non-citizenship) OUGHT to be treated as an enemy saboteur or spy. We are not discussing the niceities of criminal justice. We are discussing acts of war. No. They are not synonyms.

Arguing with Confusedatious is pointless. He is far too much of a bombastic simpleton to grasp such obvious distinctions.

I know but it's fun. :eusa_whistle: :lol:
The fucktards have stated that "We don't even need to use our forces. All we have to do is provide the airspace for the Israeli's to get the job done" .

The dumb asses forget that any attack on Iraq will be construed - correctly - as one by the US.

Iran will be forced to retaliate. The US has over 100,000 troops in Iraq who will be subjected to a retaliatory attack by Iran or by the shiites who are affiliated with Iran.

If Iran hits Israel Iran hard - like Hezbollah did in 2008 - the zionuts will be hollering like stuck hogs and will demand that the US intervene.

Gas will go up to 20 dollars a gallon.

But the warmongers don't care because more than likely they are residents of nursing homes.


yea they are all in nursing homes....your about as bright as Midcant....
The fucktards have stated that "We don't even need to use our forces. All we have to do is provide the airspace for the Israeli's to get the job done" .

The dumb asses forget that any attack on Iraq will be construed - correctly - as one by the US.

Iran will be forced to retaliate. The US has over 100,000 troops in Iraq who will be subjected to a retaliatory attack by Iran or by the shiites who are affiliated with Iran.

If Iran hits Israel Iran hard - like Hezbollah did in 2008 - the zionuts will be hollering like stuck hogs and will demand that the US intervene.

Gas will go up to 20 dollars a gallon.

But the warmongers don't care because more than likely they are residents of nursing homes.


That's what I'm trying to say.
The fucktards have stated that "We don't even need to use our forces. All we have to do is provide the airspace for the Israeli's to get the job done" .

The dumb asses forget that any attack on Iraq will be construed - correctly - as one by the US.

Iran will be forced to retaliate. The US has over 100,000 troops in Iraq who will be subjected to a retaliatory attack by Iran or by the shiites who are affiliated with Iran.

If Iran hits Israel Iran hard - like Hezbollah did in 2008 - the zionuts will be hollering like stuck hogs and will demand that the US intervene.

Gas will go up to 20 dollars a gallon.

But the warmongers don't care because more than likely they are residents of nursing homes.


Wow you are a dumb fuck! In all of Israel's wars America has never intervened. The only war Israel had foreign help in was the Suez Canal incident back in '52! Hezbollah didn't kick Israel's ass, rather Hezbollah stopped Israel from reaching its objectives. All honest people will acknowledged that Lebanon took much more damage than she gave out! God help Lebanon if Hezbollah attacks Israel again. This time she will fight with the gloves off and will tell the world to STFU! Iran won't be able to invade, so her population advantage will mean very little. Iran's airforce and navy are not even a percent of what Israel's is, think the Arab airforce in the 6 day war. All this missile talk is a paper dragon. Iran's missile capabilities are no where near as effective to Israel's missile shields. Unlike Hezbollah Iran's missiles will have to travel a large distance and will be easily detectable.

I know you have wet dreams about an Iranian counter attack on Israel destroying Israel, but the truth is the counter attack will reveal Iran to be a paper dragon.

I have American interests reasons for not wanting Israel to attack Iran, but don't bust a load thinking Iran is actually going to wipe Israel off the map!
The fucktards have stated that "We don't even need to use our forces. All we have to do is provide the airspace for the Israeli's to get the job done" .

The dumb asses forget that any attack on Iraq will be construed - correctly - as one by the US.

Iran will be forced to retaliate. The US has over 100,000 troops in Iraq who will be subjected to a retaliatory attack by Iran or by the shiites who are affiliated with Iran.

If Iran hits Israel Iran hard - like Hezbollah did in 2008 - the zionuts will be hollering like stuck hogs and will demand that the US intervene.

Gas will go up to 20 dollars a gallon.

But the warmongers don't care because more than likely they are residents of nursing homes.

Yep, you really are that fuckin' stupid!:cuckoo:

So someone is automatically "stupid, fucktarded, idiotic" because they believe that a strike on Israel will immediately involve us? Do you believe that it won't? I can promise you that it will.
Can of worms or a nuclear Iran? *weighing* Hard call. I'd have to know a few more details about that can of worms.

Think it through. We're already involved in 2 wars. You don't think that some of that aggression would be turned toward us?

Earth to stupid! The operation, OPERATION being the key word, would be a single day! One mission! No invasion! No ground troops!
The fucktards have stated that "We don't even need to use our forces. All we have to do is provide the airspace for the Israeli's to get the job done" .

The dumb asses forget that any attack on Iraq will be construed - correctly - as one by the US.

Iran will be forced to retaliate. The US has over 100,000 troops in Iraq who will be subjected to a retaliatory attack by Iran or by the shiites who are affiliated with Iran.

If Iran hits Israel Iran hard - like Hezbollah did in 2008 - the zionuts will be hollering like stuck hogs and will demand that the US intervene.

Gas will go up to 20 dollars a gallon.

But the warmongers don't care because more than likely they are residents of nursing homes.


Wow you are a dumb fuck! In all of Israel's wars America has never intervened. The only war Israel had foreign help in was the Suez Canal incident back in '52! Hezbollah didn't kick Israel's ass, rather Hezbollah stopped Israel from reaching its objectives. All honest people will acknowledged that Lebanon took much more damage than she gave out! God help Lebanon if Hezbollah attacks Israel again. This time she will fight with the gloves off and will tell the world to STFU! Iran won't be able to invade, so her population advantage will mean very little. Iran's airforce and navy are not even a percent of what Israel's is, think the Arab airforce in the 6 day war. All this missile talk is a paper dragon. Iran's missile capabilities are no where near as effective to Israel's missile shields. Unlike Hezbollah Iran's missiles will have to travel a large distance and will be easily detectable.

I know you have wet dreams about an Iranian counter attack on Israel destroying Israel, but the truth is the counter attack will reveal Iran to be a paper dragon.

I have American interests reasons for not wanting Israel to attack Iran, but don't bust a load thinking Iran is actually going to wipe Israel off the map!

One of my big concerns is that our troops are right next door, and we all know that one of the biggest reasons for animosity toward the US from much of the Middle East, is because we are pro-Israel. They may not level Israel, but I think that they would sure retaliate against one of the closest targets. Just sayin'.
The fucktards have stated that "We don't even need to use our forces. All we have to do is provide the airspace for the Israeli's to get the job done" .

The dumb asses forget that any attack on Iraq will be construed - correctly - as one by the US.

Iran will be forced to retaliate. The US has over 100,000 troops in Iraq who will be subjected to a retaliatory attack by Iran or by the shiites who are affiliated with Iran.

If Iran hits Israel Iran hard - like Hezbollah did in 2008 - the zionuts will be hollering like stuck hogs and will demand that the US intervene.

Gas will go up to 20 dollars a gallon.

But the warmongers don't care because more than likely they are residents of nursing homes.

Yep, you really are that fuckin' stupid!:cuckoo:

So someone is automatically "stupid, fucktarded, idiotic" because they believe that a strike on Israel will immediately involve us? Do you believe that it won't? I can promise you that it will.

No you are a fucktard because you agree with something Cuntumacious says!
Can of worms or a nuclear Iran? *weighing* Hard call. I'd have to know a few more details about that can of worms.

Think it through. We're already involved in 2 wars. You don't think that some of that aggression would be turned toward us?

Earth to stupid! The operation, OPERATION being the key word, would be a single day! One mission! No invasion! No ground troops!

Go ahead and call me an "idiot", "poop-for-brains" or whatever else, if it makes you feel smarter. I think that I get the concept of bombing a plant, as human beings don't fly, and they don't have the ability (that I'm aware of) of firing missles from their mouths. I'm thinking of the aftermath, and the repercussions.

I would prefer that Iran not have nukes, either. But do you doubt that Iran would partially blame us?
So, Kalam, you keep providing sources that further support the fact that Iran is developing weapons.
The article said that Iran was continuing to produce LEU which, as you know, is necessary for nuclear power production. I will gladly concede that Iran is producing nuclear weapons if you decide to post evidence confirming this.

Third time I will ask: Why are you in favor of nuclear proliferation and especially in favor of such an oppressive regime developing nuclear weapons?

I'm not.
The fucktards have stated that "We don't even need to use our forces. All we have to do is provide the airspace for the Israeli's to get the job done" .

The dumb asses forget that any attack on Iraq will be construed - correctly - as one by the US.

Iran will be forced to retaliate. The US has over 100,000 troops in Iraq who will be subjected to a retaliatory attack by Iran or by the shiites who are affiliated with Iran.

If Iran hits Israel Iran hard - like Hezbollah did in 2008 - the zionuts will be hollering like stuck hogs and will demand that the US intervene.

Gas will go up to 20 dollars a gallon.

But the warmongers don't care because more than likely they are residents of nursing homes.


Wow you are a dumb fuck! In all of Israel's wars America has never intervened. The only war Israel had foreign help in was the Suez Canal incident back in '52! Hezbollah didn't kick Israel's ass, rather Hezbollah stopped Israel from reaching its objectives. All honest people will acknowledged that Lebanon took much more damage than she gave out! God help Lebanon if Hezbollah attacks Israel again. This time she will fight with the gloves off and will tell the world to STFU! Iran won't be able to invade, so her population advantage will mean very little. Iran's airforce and navy are not even a percent of what Israel's is, think the Arab airforce in the 6 day war. All this missile talk is a paper dragon. Iran's missile capabilities are no where near as effective to Israel's missile shields. Unlike Hezbollah Iran's missiles will have to travel a large distance and will be easily detectable.

I know you have wet dreams about an Iranian counter attack on Israel destroying Israel, but the truth is the counter attack will reveal Iran to be a paper dragon.

I have American interests reasons for not wanting Israel to attack Iran, but don't bust a load thinking Iran is actually going to wipe Israel off the map!
Seriously, this dudes an idiot. An anti-semite to the core. It's not about the "state of Israel", it's about his abject hatred of jews. Keep hammering him!
(...)are you for nuclear proliferation or against it?(...)

How about assureing Israel signs the NPT and the nuclear arsenal of Israel is being demolished, and in the wake of this act the world-community can work with moral backing to assure the Middle-East stays Nuclear-Free?

At present the only country that has Nuclear Weapons is Israel, it is also the country upholding the largest open-air prison in the world called Gaza/Westbank.
Israel can and should do whatever they deem necessary, to protect their sovereign country. They don't need to take advice from the U.S. They are more than capable.
The fucktards have stated that "We don't even need to use our forces. All we have to do is provide the airspace for the Israeli's to get the job done" .

The dumb asses forget that any attack on Iraq will be construed - correctly - as one by the US.

Iran will be forced to retaliate. The US has over 100,000 troops in Iraq who will be subjected to a retaliatory attack by Iran or by the shiites who are affiliated with Iran.

If Iran hits Israel Iran hard - like Hezbollah did in 2008 - the zionuts will be hollering like stuck hogs and will demand that the US intervene.

Gas will go up to 20 dollars a gallon.

But the warmongers don't care because more than likely they are residents of nursing homes.


Wow you are a dumb fuck! In all of Israel's wars America has never intervened. The only war Israel had foreign help in was the Suez Canal incident back in '52! Hezbollah didn't kick Israel's ass, rather Hezbollah stopped Israel from reaching its objectives. All honest people will acknowledged that Lebanon took much more damage than she gave out! God help Lebanon if Hezbollah attacks Israel again. This time she will fight with the gloves off and will tell the world to STFU! Iran won't be able to invade, so her population advantage will mean very little. Iran's airforce and navy are not even a percent of what Israel's is, think the Arab airforce in the 6 day war. All this missile talk is a paper dragon. Iran's missile capabilities are no where near as effective to Israel's missile shields. Unlike Hezbollah Iran's missiles will have to travel a large distance and will be easily detectable.

I know you have wet dreams about an Iranian counter attack on Israel destroying Israel, but the truth is the counter attack will reveal Iran to be a paper dragon.

I have American interests reasons for not wanting Israel to attack Iran, but don't bust a load thinking Iran is actually going to wipe Israel off the map!
Seriously, this dudes an idiot. An anti-semite to the core. It's not about the "state of Israel", it's about his abject hatred of jews. Keep hammering him!

Am I looking at this correctly? I think that he's Jewish. Wouldn't that fact make it unlikely that he is anti-semitic? I'm making sure that I'm reading the correct post from the correct poster.
You specifically, I doubt it but you in conjunction with the leaders of the main-stream Islamic community, tons.
One of the biggest challenges are peoples are judged (rightly or wrongly) by the excesses of their extreme members. Because of the actions by the Islamist radicals the west (general population) views most or all Islam as radical, uneducated and terrorist in nature. To mitigate and hopefully remove much of the misconception the world wide main-stream Islamic community needs to stop giving (mostly) lip-service to fighting these elements
I support resistance against government oppression in Israel, Sudan, Chechnya, and Xinjiang, but I don't support any specific "resistance" group (excluding the Sudanese JEM) because they tend to kill civilians. I support resistance to oppression, not the slaughter of civilians. Many well-meaning Muslims endorse terrorist groups purely out of sympathy for the oppressed people those groups claim to defend.

and expose and isolate the radicals that hide within their midst.
Radicals expose themselves by expressing their viewpoints. AFAIK, I don't associate with any.

The Saudis and Pakistanis are famous for this, their actions along these lines are well known within the IC.
The Saudis are heretics; the Pakistanis seem to be motivated far more by their rivalry with India than anything else.

Also by doing nothing to inhibit or stop the radicals, implied acceptance and/or willful collaboration can only be assumed (remember, perception is everything).

Plenty have made it clear that this isn't the case. For the most part, it seems that the West simply doesn't care enough to listen to them:

On Eid, bands against terror - India - The Times of India
200,000 protest Amman attacks - Washington Times
BBC NEWS | UK | Muslim march over shrine bombing
BLACKFIVE: Iraqis March Against Terror
:: Xinhuanet - English ::
Gateway Pundit: Massive Muslim Demonstration Against Al Qaida!!

Israel has a right to exist, but if it nukes Iran, it won't exist thereafter. Israel is the geographic size of New Jersey and is surrounded by hostile nations. It wouldn't stand a chance of surviving retaliation.

did i miss something? i didn't see any suggestion that Israel nuke Iran. The suggestion was that Israel take out Iran's nuclear capability.

And you presume that the moderate Arab states would be troubled by Iran being de-nuked. I think that's a leap.

I'm not saying that it's the only possible way (though it may be, I don't know), but much of previous discussion around Israel bombing Iran's nuclear sites did involve the use of Israel's own nuclear arsenal.

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