I Thought These Were Peaceful "Protests!"


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
You have a right to protest, it is a peaceful but restricted process. You do so in certain places in certain ways. YOU DON'T HAVE A RIGHT TO RIOT. The Left and Blacks have made a particular point to DEFEND these protests as a racial and human rights issue! But if these are only protests, and not RIOTS, then why are nearly 400 NYC cops alone in the hospital?

Hundreds of officers in NYC alone have been hit in the head with bricks, smashed with glass bottles and seen their police vehicles go up in flames. Does that sound like a protest?

Cops have been run over, hit in the head with fire extinguishers, and had their riot helmets cracked open with a brick (he'd be DEAD if not for that helmet). That is not protesting. Protesting is marching peacefully with signs. It's hardly any wonder why some police have fought back.

ITMT, in even crazier news, in a crazy world, the TV show COPS has also been cancelled. :smoke:


Who shall be our police and keep law and order now. As always, the Left first bends then breaks the system. Now it has thrown it out. God help us all.
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People that peacefully protest against violence inflicted on them by the government they pay taxes to dont realize that this is ineffective until you give them something to pay attention to. What you want is a revolution. Never in the history of mankind do you obtain your goals against an oppressor by peacefully protesting.
People that peacefully protest against violence inflicted on them by the government they pay taxes to dont realize that this is ineffective until you give them something to pay attention to. What you want is a revolution. Never in the history of mankind do you obtain your goals against an oppressor by peacefully protesting.
People that peacefully protest against violence inflicted on them by the government should get a protest permit and do so out of the way of everyday commuter traffic....as soon as the first road is blocked its no longer a protest its an unlawful gathering....if arrests were made at that time with overwhelming presence there would have been no riots.....
People that peacefully protest against violence inflicted on them by the government they pay taxes to dont realize that this is ineffective until you give them something to pay attention to. What you want is a revolution. Never in the history of mankind do you obtain your goals against an oppressor by peacefully protesting.
People that peacefully protest against violence inflicted on them by the government should get a protest permit and do so out of the way of everyday commuter traffic....as soon as the first road is blocked its no longer a protest its an unlawful gathering....if arrests were made at that time with overwhelming presence there would have been no riots.....
" People that peacefully protest against violence inflicted on them by the government should get a protest permit ..."

Thats fucking retarded. If they peacefully/legally protest no one is going to give a shit. :laughing0301:
People that peacefully protest against violence inflicted on them by the government they pay taxes to dont realize that this is ineffective until you give them something to pay attention to. What you want is a revolution. Never in the history of mankind do you obtain your goals against an oppressor by peacefully protesting.

I was under the impression that Gandhi led a non-violent movement against the Brits that ended with them relinquishing control of India. Does that not count for some reason?
People that peacefully protest against violence inflicted on them by the government they pay taxes to dont realize that this is ineffective until you give them something to pay attention to. What you want is a revolution. Never in the history of mankind do you obtain your goals against an oppressor by peacefully protesting.
True. Black people are being shot in protest. People are sick of your violence. Clean up your act or more deaths will follow.
then why are nearly 400 NYC cops alone in the hospital?
Proving once and for all that the police can't even protect themselves and you need to carry a gun.
Well, you can kiss the Left's anti-gun movement goodbye and out the door. The Left has nixed that now. Cops leaving the force, cops tied up unable to do their jobs, crime will be up, gun violence will be up, need for personal protection up. The Left have again achieved the exact opposite their stated attempt.

The Left never intended this to be a protest. Democrats set this up with their blind shutdowns, refusing to consider the social and economic consequence. Now that society has gone on a blitzkrieg, they openly admit desire for riot and revolution, ever forgetting that cops may stand around hands tied, but the gun owners of America are 30 million strong and will not hesitate to use whatever force is necessary with 300 million guns and a trillion rounds of ammo to hold the peace.

Too bad for them that those protesting and rioting are the same ones who've for years been calling for the disarmament of America. A brick or a bat is no match for a machine gun.
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People that peacefully protest against violence inflicted on them by the government they pay taxes to dont realize that this is ineffective until you give them something to pay attention to. What you want is a revolution. Never in the history of mankind do you obtain your goals against an oppressor by peacefully protesting.
People that peacefully protest against violence inflicted on them by the government should get a protest permit and do so out of the way of everyday commuter traffic....as soon as the first road is blocked its no longer a protest its an unlawful gathering....if arrests were made at that time with overwhelming presence there would have been no riots.....
" People that peacefully protest against violence inflicted on them by the government should get a protest permit ..."

Thats fucking retarded. If they peacefully/legally protest no one is going to give a shit. :laughing0301:
No one gives a shit about what rioters say. Your riots just make everyone hate you and your dumbass cause.
You have a right to protest, it is a peaceful but restricted process. You do so in certain places in certain ways. YOU DON'T HAVE A RIGHT TO RIOT. The Left and Blacks have made a particular point to DEFEND these protests as a racial and human rights issue! But if these are only protests, and not RIOTS, then why are nearly 400 NYC cops alone in the hospital?

Hundreds of officers in NYC alone have been hit in the head with bricks, smashed with glass bottles and seen their police vehicles go up in flames. Does that sound like a protest?

Cops have been run over, hit in the head with fire extinguishers, and had their riot helmets cracked open with a brick (he'd be DEAD if not for that helmet). That is not protesting. Protesting is marching peacefully with signs. It's hardly any wonder why some police have fought back.

ITMT, in even crazier news, in a crazy world, the TV show COPS has also been cancelled. :smoke:


Who shall be our police and keep law and order now. As always, the Left first bends then breaks the system. Now it has thrown it out. God help us all.
I thought cops were hired to protect the community?
People that peacefully protest against violence inflicted on them by the government they pay taxes to dont realize that this is ineffective until you give them something to pay attention to. What you want is a revolution. Never in the history of mankind do you obtain your goals against an oppressor by peacefully protesting.

I was under the impression that Gandhi led a non-violent movement against the Brits that ended with them relinquishing control of India. Does that not count for some reason?

You should look deeper.

People that peacefully protest against violence inflicted on them by the government should get a protest permit and do so out of the way of everyday commuter traffic....as soon as the first road is blocked its no longer a protest its an unlawful gathering....
Kinda hard to reconcile a group of people protesting violence-- -- -- BY USING VIOLENCE -- -- --bricks, cars, bats, bottles. What these RIOTERS have started, LOOTERS, VANDALS, THUGS, what the police cannot stop, what the democrat mayors, politicians and governors are unwilling to control, the American people will.

People that peacefully protest against violence inflicted on them by the government they pay taxes to dont realize that this is ineffective until you give them something to pay attention to. What you want is a revolution. Never in the history of mankind do you obtain your goals against an oppressor by peacefully protesting.
People that peacefully protest against violence inflicted on them by the government should get a protest permit and do so out of the way of everyday commuter traffic....as soon as the first road is blocked its no longer a protest its an unlawful gathering....if arrests were made at that time with overwhelming presence there would have been no riots.....
" People that peacefully protest against violence inflicted on them by the government should get a protest permit ..."

Thats fucking retarded. If they peacefully/legally protest no one is going to give a shit. :laughing0301:
Well my sweet open minded left of center girlfriend stopped by last night in a foul mood...she got stuck in protester traffic for two hours...just sitting there...no cops in sight....she has a whole different attitude over your rioting today.....I am close to having her vote for Trump....last night may have sealed the deal......
People that peacefully protest against violence inflicted on them by the government they pay taxes to dont realize that this is ineffective until you give them something to pay attention to. What you want is a revolution. Never in the history of mankind do you obtain your goals against an oppressor by peacefully protesting.
People that peacefully protest against violence inflicted on them by the government should get a protest permit and do so out of the way of everyday commuter traffic....as soon as the first road is blocked its no longer a protest its an unlawful gathering....if arrests were made at that time with overwhelming presence there would have been no riots.....
" People that peacefully protest against violence inflicted on them by the government should get a protest permit ..."

Thats fucking retarded. If they peacefully/legally protest no one is going to give a shit. :laughing0301:
Well my sweet open minded left of center girlfriend stopped by last night in a foul mood...she got stuck in protester traffic for two hours...just sitting there...no cops in sight....she has a whole different attitude over your rioting today.....I am close to having her vote for Trump....last night may have sealed the deal......
The Left have created another unintended conservative! Welcome to the Trump Force. These rioting protesters have NO REGARD for anyone but themselves and just as Obama showed us HOW BAD the left can be when put in office, now these unrestrained protesters will show us how bad they can be on the street until they get SO bad, that any and all means will finally be used to stop them. Another failed liberal experiment. :laughing0301:
You have a right to protest, it is a peaceful but restricted process. You do so in certain places in certain ways. YOU DON'T HAVE A RIGHT TO RIOT. The Left and Blacks have made a particular point to DEFEND these protests as a racial and human rights issue! But if these are only protests, and not RIOTS, then why are nearly 400 NYC cops alone in the hospital?

Hundreds of officers in NYC alone have been hit in the head with bricks, smashed with glass bottles and seen their police vehicles go up in flames. Does that sound like a protest?

Cops have been run over, hit in the head with fire extinguishers, and had their riot helmets cracked open with a brick (he'd be DEAD if not for that helmet). That is not protesting. Protesting is marching peacefully with signs. It's hardly any wonder why some police have fought back.

ITMT, in even crazier news, in a crazy world, the TV show COPS has also been cancelled. :smoke:


Who shall be our police and keep law and order now. As always, the Left first bends then breaks the system. Now it has thrown it out. God help us all.
The media played this straight through as "White People BAD!".
. If they peacefully/legally protest no one is going to give a shit.
Peaceful or violent, I still don't give a shit.
If anything the violence has erased any outrage of the dick cop and replaced it with outrage over the asses who destroyed innocent peoples property.
Block a roadway or commiting acts of violence for a cause is no way to get the average person to your side. It just alienates others from any just cause.
People that peacefully protest against violence inflicted on them by the government they pay taxes to dont realize that this is ineffective until you give them something to pay attention to. What you want is a revolution. Never in the history of mankind do you obtain your goals against an oppressor by peacefully protesting.

I was under the impression that Gandhi led a non-violent movement against the Brits that ended with them relinquishing control of India. Does that not count for some reason?

You should look deeper.

That article doesn't address my point at all. The only way it's related is it highlights how negative British rule was for India. It certainly doesn't refute the fact that Gandhi led a non-violent movement that led to the end of British rule.
Well, you can kiss the Left's anti-gun movement goodbye and out the door. The Left has nixed that now. Cops leaving the force, cops tied up unable to do their jobs, crime will be up, gun violence will be up, need for personal protection up. The Left have again achieved the exact opposite their stated attempt.

The Left never intended this to be a protest. Democrats set this up with their blind shutdowns, refusing to consider the social and economic consequence. Now that society has gone on a blitzkrieg, they openly admit desire for riot and revolution, ever forgetting that cops may stand around hands tied, but the gun owners of America are 30 million strong and will not hesitate to use whatever force is necessary with 300 million guns and a trillion rounds of ammo to hold the peace.

Too bad for them that those protesting and rioting are the same ones who've for years been calling for the disarmament of America. A brick or a bat is no match for a machine gun.

While the various shutdowns likely played a part in the violence and looting, they weren't simply a product of "the left."

I consider protestors and rioters to be separate. Plenty of people have engaged in and want peaceful protests. It's unfortunate that the violence and looting has overshadowed that in many cases.
So now they have taken over Seattle's city hall. Another place had its police precinct emptied out and is now either burned down or taken over by the terrorists. Yes, they are terrorists.

My question is......WHY is Trump allowing this to continue? He's tweeting about law and order, MAGA, rallies....and so far has NOT given cities back their police departments or city hall or freeways taken over in Oregon for people to walk upon and chant, etc etc.

How is MAGA, MAGA if the potus does NOTHING to making it great again? It isn't great again. Its a mess. It WAS great for a short time but now? No. And still nothing is being done. I don't understand why he is refusing to act against domestic terrorists taking over cities and yes..its pissing me off.

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