I thought GOP Establishment villain Paul Ryan was going to be OUT??!!

Paul Ryan Meets With Trump to Build Relationship, Plan Agenda

Business as usual. Now we'll get to hear all the Trumpbots say that they wanted Ryan to stay all along.

Bear in mind that good ol' Ryan is RE-proposing the privatization of Medicare.....I wonder how trump will react to that.

Those swing voters in the so called rust belt who gave Trump the election will be happy to taketh away what they gaveth if the GOP starts fucking with Medicare and SS.
Paul Ryan Meets With Trump to Build Relationship, Plan Agenda

Business as usual. Now we'll get to hear all the Trumpbots say that they wanted Ryan to stay all along.

Trump goes to DC and puts aside differences by respecting President Obama and House Speaker Ryan and you're angry about that?

You and others might help yourselves by recalling some of the stuff that was said here about Paul Ryan over the campaign:

Paul Ryan Meets With Trump to Build Relationship, Plan Agenda

Business as usual. Now we'll get to hear all the Trumpbots say that they wanted Ryan to stay all along.

Trump goes to DC and puts aside differences by respecting President Obama and House Speaker Ryan and you're angry about that?

You and others might help yourselves by recalling some of the stuff that was said here about Paul Ryan over the campaign:


No need. Everything changes after the election is over.
Ryan has never been more popular here is Wisconsin. Why should he agree with mocking a handicapped person? When trump has said obscene things Ryan has guts snuff to call that out. Nothing wrong with that.

THat reporter deserved to be mocked.

If a republican sides with the press vs a fellow republican he is a fool.
Paul Ryan Meets With Trump to Build Relationship, Plan Agenda

Business as usual. Now we'll get to hear all the Trumpbots say that they wanted Ryan to stay all along.

And the whole 'drain the swamp' mantra. All of the scum clinging to the bottom of the con swamp for the last 25 years, the very Washington insiders that were supposed to be out, are the people p.o.shit trump is appointing to jobs. They will be sucking off the teet of the American taxpayer, this is the way of the red state.
Paul Ryan Meets With Trump to Build Relationship, Plan Agenda

Business as usual. Now we'll get to hear all the Trumpbots say that they wanted Ryan to stay all along.

And the whole 'drain the swamp' mantra. All of the scum clinging to the bottom of the con swamp for the last 25 years, the very Washington insiders that were supposed to be out, are the people p.o.shit trump is appointing to jobs. They will be sucking off the teet of the American taxpayer, this is the way of the red state.

You voted for Hillary and you have the gall to talk about Washington insiders?


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