I thought everyone would like to meet who is really in charge of America....

You better not bring a picture of me out there. I don't appreciate being stalked.
I could go on...but you get the picture.
America is not a Democratic Republic.
We are a Corporatist Oligarchy
I just thought maybe folks needed to see who holds the real power in America. PERIOD.
Can we all agree???


If these people were really in control the economy would be booming.

Hardly. These men have stake in a particular corporation/company. What they do not have an interest in is seeing that corporation subject to competition. Which is why when it comes time to write legislation for themselves through their bought off representative(s), it almost always involves enhancing their business model and strategy, at the expense of competition, which is deliberate.

We see it in sector after sector. This type of system destroys competition and with it, economic "booms".

Give me an example and I bet I will be able to show you how your theory is wrong.

FYI....all win in an oligopoly.
Monsanto. There is your example. Fire away, fella. This should be good.

It wont be good.
I asked for an example and I got shot in the face.

Good example. No response. Red in face. Cowering.....

No,, actually you got an example of the collusion of govt, and big business and as you said, everyone wins in a oligopoly, right? So, tear apart my assertions about corporatism and show me the errors.
FYI....all win in an oligopoly.

Uh huh. And would you consider this free market capitalism too? :lol:

It is not an example of "pure competition" but it is something that proves to be quite useful for all involved...from the anchor company(s) to the surrounding ones.

Oligopoly is not comeptition at all. It's the exact opposite of competition.
Monsanto. There is your example. Fire away, fella. This should be good.

It wont be good.
I asked for an example and I got shot in the face.

Good example. No response. Red in face. Cowering.....

No,, actually you got an example of the collusion of govt, and big business and as you said, everyone wins in a oligopoly, right? So, tear apart my assertions about corporatism and show me the errors.

on the most part....a large corporation is lobbying for itself, yes, but for its industry as well...albeit, unintentional.

If company A makes cogs and it lobby's the government to allow it to buy cog parts from Cuba where there is a glut of cog parts..(when I say lobby, I mean pay off the reps to get it going in congress).....company A will most certainly benefit....but so will its competition for now the worldwide supply of cog parts has increased dropping the price of cog parts..
Uh huh. And would you consider this free market capitalism too? :lol:

It is not an example of "pure competition" but it is something that proves to be quite useful for all involved...from the anchor company(s) to the surrounding ones.

Oligopoly is not comeptition at all. It's the exact opposite of competition.

I disagree...it is not pure competition....but it is most certainly competition.

Rarely does an oligopoly have just one anchor corporation.
[ol-i-gahr-kee] Show IPA
noun, plural ol·i·gar·chies.
a form of government in which all power is vested in a few persons or in a dominant class or clique; government by the few.
a state or organization so ruled.
the persons or class so ruling.

Seems you live in the wrong century.
Try understanding the past :
A History of English Government
Why this country was founded or fought a revolution.
noun \ri-ˈpə-blik\

: a country that is governed by elected representatives and by an elected leader (such as a president) rather than by a king or queen
Full Definition of REPUBLIC
a (1) : a government having a chief of state who is not a monarch and who in modern times is usually a president (2) : a political unit (as a nation) having such a form of government.
But I doubt you will have any concession to the ideology you think this country was founded upon.

I could go on...but you get the picture.
America is not a Democratic Republic.
We are a Corporatist Oligarchy
I just thought maybe folks needed to see who holds the real power in America. PERIOD.
Can we all agree???

We can. What i'd prefer to begin to agree on with everyone, is that this problem is not the result of capitalism. But that's been a serious uphill fight for years now.
No, an oligolopy, by it's very definition, is a cartel of providers using the concentraion ratio. As an example (i stole this from the wiki), as of fourth quarter 2008, Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, and T-Mobile together control 89% of the US cellular phone market.

Or perhaps OPEC is an even better example of oligopolistic cartelization.

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