I think even less today than yesterday about John McCain and his ungrateful family!

John McCain was one of the most destructive RINOs to ever serve in the Congress. Trump was right when he said he was revered for getting shot down and captured by the North Vietnamese. Given his record in Congress, I can't help but wonder just who's side he was really on after that....but he was the most conservative DEMONRAT to serve in Congress in the last decade.

President Trump on Wednesday said that he arranged the senator’s full dress funeral service at the Washington National Cathedral — and didn’t even get a thank you ..... (from fat ass Megan or McLaren wife....ungrateful scum!)

“I gave him the kind of funeral that he wanted, which, as president, I had to approve. I didn’t get a thank you. That is OK. I was not a fan of John McCain,” Trump said in remarks to workers at the Joint Systems Manufacturing Center in Lima, Ohio, the last remaining manufacturer of the Army’s main battle tank, the M1A2 Abrams.

Then Don, you know what to do if Jimmy Carter or Walter Mondale pass away during your administration.....
Typical Anti-American, anti-military crap we get from Trump.

All Trump did was approve the funeral. You assfucks act like he planned it.

To trash an America Hero at an official event is disgusting.

You act as though he got shot down due to incompetence. Flying onto flack to complete his mission. Fuck you, you'd be curled up screaming for mommy.

At least he was there. Your fat assed orange POS busy counting daddy's money.

Fuck you for supporting Trump & trashing McCain.
Actually, all he did was approve the military plane. It's not the president that orders a funeral for a public servant, it's the Congress.
That is total bullshit. He ran as a Republican before Republicans turned into anti-American white supremacist assholes.
Your opinion of what constitutes a conservative is so immaterial it's impossible to express it. McCain was constantly siding with the left and getting his dick stroked by the left wing Government Approved Media.

His last political act before mercifully leaving this world was to stab his constituents in the back by vindictively voting no on Trump's attempt to repeal Obama Care thereby reneging on his campaign promise to do away with the white elephant health care plan.

Oh, and he was instrumental in getting Hillary Clinton's opposition research project disguised
and misrepresented as an intelligence report into the hands of the media and FBI kicking off the attempted coup of Donald Trump. I almost forgot that.

That was McCain...not a real conservative but definitely a real asshole!
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John McCain was one of the most destructive RINOs to ever serve in the Congress. Trump was right when he said he was revered for getting shot down and captured by the North Vietnamese. Given his record in Congress, I can't help but wonder just who's side he was really on after that....but he was the most conservative DEMONRAT to serve in Congress in the last decade.

President Trump on Wednesday said that he arranged the senator’s full dress funeral service at the Washington National Cathedral — and didn’t even get a thank you ..... (from fat ass Megan or McLaren wife....ungrateful scum!)

“I gave him the kind of funeral that he wanted, which, as president, I had to approve. I didn’t get a thank you. That is OK. I was not a fan of John McCain,” Trump said in remarks to workers at the Joint Systems Manufacturing Center in Lima, Ohio, the last remaining manufacturer of the Army’s main battle tank, the M1A2 Abrams.

Then Don, you know what to do if Jimmy Carter or Walter Mondale pass away during your administration.....
Typical Anti-American, anti-military crap we get from Trump.

All Trump did was approve the funeral. You assfucks act like he planned it.

To trash an America Hero at an official event is disgusting.

You act as though he got shot down due to incompetence. Flying onto flack to complete his mission. Fuck you, you'd be curled up screaming for mommy.

At least he was there. Your fat assed orange POS busy counting daddy's money.

Fuck you for supporting Trump & trashing McCain.
Actually, all he did was approve the military plane. It's not the president that orders a funeral for a public servant, it's the Congress.
President MUST APPROVE....DAMN you really try to be this stupid....WOW!
John McCain was one of the most destructive RINOs to ever serve in the Congress. Trump was right when he said he was revered for getting shot down and captured by the North Vietnamese. Given his record in Congress, I can't help but wonder just who's side he was really on after that....but he was the most conservative DEMONRAT to serve in Congress in the last decade.

President Trump on Wednesday said that he arranged the senator’s full dress funeral service at the Washington National Cathedral — and didn’t even get a thank you ..... (from fat ass Megan or McLaren wife....ungrateful scum!)

“I gave him the kind of funeral that he wanted, which, as president, I had to approve. I didn’t get a thank you. That is OK. I was not a fan of John McCain,” Trump said in remarks to workers at the Joint Systems Manufacturing Center in Lima, Ohio, the last remaining manufacturer of the Army’s main battle tank, the M1A2 Abrams.

Then Don, you know what to do if Jimmy Carter or Walter Mondale pass away during your administration.....
Typical Anti-American, anti-military crap we get from Trump.

All Trump did was approve the funeral. You assfucks act like he planned it.

To trash an America Hero at an official event is disgusting.

You act as though he got shot down due to incompetence. Flying onto flack to complete his mission. Fuck you, you'd be curled up screaming for mommy.

At least he was there. Your fat assed orange POS busy counting daddy's money.

Fuck you for supporting Trump & trashing McCain.
Actually, all he did was approve the military plane. It's not the president that orders a funeral for a public servant, it's the Congress.
President MUST APPROVE....DAMN you really try to be this stupid....WOW!

Trump authorized the use of Air Force 2 to transport McCain’s body from Arizona to Washington, D.C., after his death, but the President had nothing to do with his state funeral at the U.S. Capitol on Aug. 31.

Rather, McCain’s lying in state was approved via a resolution passed by the Senate.
That is total bullshit. He ran as a Republican before Republicans turned into anti-American white supremacist assholes.
Your opinion of what constitutes a conservative is so immaterial it's impossible to express it. McCain was constantly siding with the left and getting his dick stroked by the left wing Government Approved Media.

His last political act before mercifully leaving this world was to stab his constituents in the back by vindictively voting no on Trump's attempt to repeal Obama Care thereby reneging on his campaign promise to do away with the white elephant health care plan.

Oh, and he was instrumental in getting Hillary Clinton's opposition research project disguised
and misrepresented as an intelligence report into the hands of the media and FBI kicking off the attempted coup of Donald Trump. I almost forgot that.

That was McCain...not a real conservative but definitely a real asshole!

Wow, you really are quite the lying fuck.

He had nothing to do with the dossier other than turning over a copy he received to Law Enforcement. What was he supposed to do with it? Really, I want to know what a total assfuck like you thinks McCain should have done with it.

Maybe if your fat assed orange buddy wasn't lying about his business in Russia & lying about his campaignj's Russian contacts. no one would have given a shit.
Fuck mccain
And fuck Trump for his disgusting attitude.
But YOU SCUM keep calling him mentally I'll and a RACIST.... You ABNORMALS are really psychos!!
Purge, I don't call him either of those things. I am talking ONLY about his pout that the McCains didn't kiss his ring for approving his state funeral--which of course a senator would get. For some reason, McCain really threatens our Pres. Otherwise he wouldn't be so disrespectful of him for the past couple years.
Wow, you really are quite the lying fuck.
And you really are an ignorant foul mouthed baboon.

He had nothing to do with the dossier other than turning over a copy he received to Law Enforcement. What was he supposed to do with it? Really, I want to know what a total assfuck like you thinks McCain should have done with it.
McCain was made aware of the dossier and dispatched an aide to London specifically to pick up the
unverified collection of unverified slander.
McCain was told what the Steele dossier was supposed to be and he just had to get his hands on it. It's not as though he just happened to find the dossier on his front porch one day, so let's do away with your idiotic lie that he had "nothing" to do with the dossier. Sen. John McCain's role in Trump dossier intrigue detailed in deposition

He was a significant anti Trump political figure who proactively sought out the dossier and put it in the hands of media and Deep State figures. He actively
promoted the dossier. Stop lying and spinning.

Of course knowing how stupid you are, you might be completely ignorant of how McCain got his hands on the document
and are just spewing out disinformation and other nonsense. That's very possible and it's unlikely you would actually know something about what you are blathering on about.

McCain, through his flunky, got copies of the dossier to Buzzfeed news, NPR, McClatchy news, Wall St. Journal
and Washington Post knowing that this would become explosive anti Trump dogma so another lie, that McCain just turned the dossier over to the FBI, is exposed.

If anger and profane ignorance were wisdom you would be really smart and not have posted this b.s. in the first place.
But of course you are just a know nothing troll with anger management problems.

Maybe if your fat assed orange buddy wasn't lying about his business in Russia & lying about his campaignj's Russian contacts. no one would have given a shit.
Of course :icon_rolleyes:
Because who cares what Donald Trump does?
John McCain was one of the most destructive RINOs to ever serve in the Congress. Trump was right when he said he was revered for getting shot down and captured by the North Vietnamese. Given his record in Congress, I can't help but wonder just who's side he was really on after that....but he was the most conservative DEMONRAT to serve in Congress in the last decade.

President Trump on Wednesday said that he arranged the senator’s full dress funeral service at the Washington National Cathedral — and didn’t even get a thank you ..... (from fat ass Megan or McLaren wife....ungrateful scum!)

“I gave him the kind of funeral that he wanted, which, as president, I had to approve. I didn’t get a thank you. That is OK. I was not a fan of John McCain,” Trump said in remarks to workers at the Joint Systems Manufacturing Center in Lima, Ohio, the last remaining manufacturer of the Army’s main battle tank, the M1A2 Abrams.

Then Don, you know what to do if Jimmy Carter or Walter Mondale pass away during your administration.....
Typical Anti-American, anti-military crap we get from Trump.

All Trump did was approve the funeral. You assfucks act like he planned it.

To trash an America Hero at an official event is disgusting.

You act as though he got shot down due to incompetence. Flying onto flack to complete his mission. Fuck you, you'd be curled up screaming for mommy.

At least he was there. Your fat assed orange POS busy counting daddy's money.

Fuck you for supporting Trump & trashing McCain.
Actually, all he did was approve the military plane. It's not the president that orders a funeral for a public servant, it's the Congress.
President MUST APPROVE....DAMN you really try to be this stupid....WOW!

Trump authorized the use of Air Force 2 to transport McCain’s body from Arizona to Washington, D.C., after his death, but the President had nothing to do with his state funeral at the U.S. Capitol on Aug. 31.

Rather, McCain’s lying in state was approved via a resolution passed by the Senate.
Which the president has to sign as with any bill from congress....is this hard...ask your cat to explain it!
Fuck mccain
And fuck Trump for his disgusting attitude.
But YOU SCUM keep calling him mentally I'll and a RACIST.... You ABNORMALS are really psychos!!
Purge, I don't call him either of those things. I am talking ONLY about his pout that the McCains didn't kiss his ring for approving his state funeral--which of course a senator would get. For some reason, McCain really threatens our Pres. Otherwise he wouldn't be so disrespectful of him for the past couple years.
Look up and see how many senators got state funerals....I can wait!...It is now proven McLane was the one passing around the phony dossier...I wouldn't have done shit for him or that family after what that treasonous bastard did!
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John McCain was one of the most destructive RINOs to ever serve in the Congress. Trump was right when he said he was revered for getting shot down and captured by the North Vietnamese. Given his record in Congress, I can't help but wonder just who's side he was really on after that....but he was the most conservative DEMONRAT to serve in Congress in the last decade.

President Trump on Wednesday said that he arranged the senator’s full dress funeral service at the Washington National Cathedral — and didn’t even get a thank you ..... (from fat ass Megan or McLaren wife....ungrateful scum!)

“I gave him the kind of funeral that he wanted, which, as president, I had to approve. I didn’t get a thank you. That is OK. I was not a fan of John McCain,” Trump said in remarks to workers at the Joint Systems Manufacturing Center in Lima, Ohio, the last remaining manufacturer of the Army’s main battle tank, the M1A2 Abrams.

Then Don, you know what to do if Jimmy Carter or Walter Mondale pass away during your administration.....
John McCain may have been a war hero when he served, but later in life he evolved into yet another corrupt, crooked, deep state garden variety politician, that not only contributed to the problems we were having in this country, but why nothing was being done to fix them.

Either way he's dead now, so rest in peace.
John McLame our modern day.....Benedict Arnold (1741-1801) was an early American hero of the Revolutionary War (1775-83) who later became one of the most infamous traitors in U.S. history after he switched sides and fought for the British. ... The plot was discovered, but Arnold escaped to British lines...... change the British to DemonRAT lines and the truth shines brightly!
It really does beg the question; why give the dossier to McCain?

Kramer acknowledged during the deposition that he gave a copy of the memos to reporters at BuzzFeed News, McClatchy news service, the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal and National Public Radio. Kramer said Steele and Simpson were aware of some of his contacts with media outlets; he said Steele specifically asked him to meet with a BuzzFeed reporter and veteran journalist Carl Bernstein, which he did.

“I, you know, became aware that other journalists either had seen it or had it,” Kramer said in the deposition. “I stressed to every person I met the sensitivity of the document, the need to verify or refute it, and not to publish it. Unless or until that would be done. And if it was refuted, it was obviously no reason to publish it.”

Kramer met with a BuzzFeed reporter on Dec. 29, 2016, at the McCain Institute in Washington, D.C. The office was closed for the holidays, he said. They met for no more than an hour.

The reporter asked if he could take photos of the memos.

" ... He said he wanted to read them, he asked me if he could take photos of them on his — I assume it was an iPhone,” Kramer recalled. “I asked him not to. He said he was a slow reader, he wanted to read it. And so I said, you know, I got a phone call to make, and I had to go to the bathroom so I’ll let you be because I don’t read well when people are looking at me breathing down my neck, and so I left him to read for 20, 30 minutes.”

Kramer said he did not know photos had been taken, and that if he had known that the reporter was going to take photos — and that BuzzFeed would publish the memos — he would not have given the reporter access to the dossier.

Kramer learned from Simpson that BuzzFeed had posted the memos, and called the reporter.

"And my first words out of my mouth were, ‘You are gonna get people killed,'” he said in the deposition.

And, he recalled his reaction when he saw — while coincidentally meeting with a reporter from the Guardian — CNN’s reporting of the dossier.

Sen. John McCain's role in Trump dossier intrigue detailed in deposition

Did McCain direct Kramer give the Dossier to the Press?

This seems to have been farcical!!!


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