I think even less today than yesterday about John McCain and his ungrateful family!

John McCain was one of the most destructive RINOs to ever serve in the Congress. Trump was right when he said he was revered for getting shot down and captured by the North Vietnamese. Given his record in Congress, I can't help but wonder just who's side he was really on after that....but he was the most conservative DEMONRAT to serve in Congress in the last decade.

President Trump on Wednesday said that he arranged the senator’s full dress funeral service at the Washington National Cathedral — and didn’t even get a thank you ..... (from fat ass Megan or McLaren wife....ungrateful scum!)

“I gave him the kind of funeral that he wanted, which, as president, I had to approve. I didn’t get a thank you. That is OK. I was not a fan of John McCain,” Trump said in remarks to workers at the Joint Systems Manufacturing Center in Lima, Ohio, the last remaining manufacturer of the Army’s main battle tank, the M1A2 Abrams.

Then Don, you know what to do if Jimmy Carter or Walter Mondale pass away during your administration.....
Typical Anti-American, anti-military crap we get from Trump.

All Trump did was approve the funeral. You assfucks act like he planned it.

To trash an America Hero at an official event is disgusting.

You act as though he got shot down due to incompetence. Flying onto flack to complete his mission. Fuck you, you'd be curled up screaming for mommy.

At least he was there. Your fat assed orange POS busy counting daddy's money.

Fuck you for supporting Trump & trashing McCain.
-------------------------------------'mcstain' sure surrendered politely and there is a Memorial Statue dedicated to his surrender and Memorializing his surrender . The Memorial is on some Lake right outside Hanoi , You oughta take a flower run to lay a Wreath at the 'mcstain' Memorial RDave .
Interesting, how most Trumpflakes now openly despise the military. After all, it's what they've been told to do.

But then, they didn't need to be told. They've always secretly despised the military. Now they just have permission to say so out loud.
It's real easy to take all your hateful prejudices and then pretend that's how conservatives feel. It makes actual thinking
an unnecessary act.
John McCain was one of the most destructive RINOs to ever serve in the Congress. Trump was right when he said he was revered for getting shot down and captured by the North Vietnamese. Given his record in Congress, I can't help but wonder just who's side he was really on after that....but he was the most conservative DEMONRAT to serve in Congress in the last decade.

President Trump on Wednesday said that he arranged the senator’s full dress funeral service at the Washington National Cathedral — and didn’t even get a thank you ..... (from fat ass Megan or McLaren wife....ungrateful scum!)

“I gave him the kind of funeral that he wanted, which, as president, I had to approve. I didn’t get a thank you. That is OK. I was not a fan of John McCain,” Trump said in remarks to workers at the Joint Systems Manufacturing Center in Lima, Ohio, the last remaining manufacturer of the Army’s main battle tank, the M1A2 Abrams.

Then Don, you know what to do if Jimmy Carter or Walter Mondale pass away during your administration.....
Typical Anti-American, anti-military crap we get from Trump.

All Trump did was approve the funeral. You assfucks act like he planned it.

To trash an America Hero at an official event is disgusting.

You act as though he got shot down due to incompetence. Flying onto flack to complete his mission. Fuck you, you'd be curled up screaming for mommy.

At least he was there. Your fat assed orange POS busy counting daddy's money.

Fuck you for supporting Trump & trashing McCain.
-------------------------------------'mcstain' sure surrendered politely and there is a Memorial Statue dedicated to his surrender and Memorializing his surrender . The Memorial is on some Lake right outside Hanoi , You oughta take a flower run to lay a Wreath at the 'mcstain' Memorial RDave .

McCain broke both arms & a leg in the crash when he was shot down.
You God damn assfuck as you sit on your fat ass & claim McCain politely surrendered is just proof what a piece of shit you fre. Fuck of you asshole.
John McCain was one of the most destructive RINOs to ever serve in the Congress. Trump was right when he said he was revered for getting shot down and captured by the North Vietnamese. Given his record in Congress, I can't help but wonder just who's side he was really on after that....but he was the most conservative DEMONRAT to serve in Congress in the last decade.

President Trump on Wednesday said that he arranged the senator’s full dress funeral service at the Washington National Cathedral — and didn’t even get a thank you ..... (from fat ass Megan or McLaren wife....ungrateful scum!)

“I gave him the kind of funeral that he wanted, which, as president, I had to approve. I didn’t get a thank you. That is OK. I was not a fan of John McCain,” Trump said in remarks to workers at the Joint Systems Manufacturing Center in Lima, Ohio, the last remaining manufacturer of the Army’s main battle tank, the M1A2 Abrams.

Then Don, you know what to do if Jimmy Carter or Walter Mondale pass away during your administration.....
Typical Anti-American, anti-military crap we get from Trump.

All Trump did was approve the funeral. You assfucks act like he planned it.

To trash an America Hero at an official event is disgusting.

You act as though he got shot down due to incompetence. Flying onto flack to complete his mission. Fuck you, you'd be curled up screaming for mommy.

At least he was there. Your fat assed orange POS busy counting daddy's money.

Fuck you for supporting Trump & trashing McCain.
The president's approval was not required for his funeral. The only thing that might have required approval was when the body was carried on a presidential plane.
Trump claims he approved John McCain's funeral — here's what actually happened
That bloated-cheeked, tree-trunk-neck McCain cocksucker was literally such a WHORE, that after he got back from Vietnam he saw that his wife (mother of his kids) was permanently crippled in a car accident. So he immediately dumped her and married a Coca-Cola heiress with a giant fortune, with which he could use for his political career. That selfish, psychopathic, cold-blooded collection of feces. What a male WHORE he was.

Nancy Reagan was a friend of McCain's crippled wife and ever since the early '70s, she understandably hated John McCain so much that the Reagans and McCains were never again on speaking terms for the rest of their lives. McCain was such a traitor, such a psychopath, and had no more moral compass than the Obamaggot whores he fellated. That pig was filth and I hope his cancer was as degrading, painful and crippling as any cancer could possibly get.
That is total bullshit. He ran as a Republican before Republicans turned into anti-American white supremacist assholes.
Your opinion of what constitutes a conservative is so immaterial it's impossible to express it. McCain was constantly siding with the left and getting his dick stroked by the left wing Government Approved Media.

His last political act before mercifully leaving this world was to stab his constituents in the back by vindictively voting no on Trump's attempt to repeal Obama Care thereby reneging on his campaign promise to do away with the white elephant health care plan.

Oh, and he was instrumental in getting Hillary Clinton's opposition research project disguised
and misrepresented as an intelligence report into the hands of the media and FBI kicking off the attempted coup of Donald Trump. I almost forgot that.

That was McCain...not a real conservative but definitely a real asshole!

Trump is the real asshole.

McCain refused to kick millions of people off of their heath insurance. Republicans seem obsessed with that. McSalley did exactly that and she lost her bid for the Senate.

He insisted that the dossier be looked at to see how much of it is true. Any real American would want to know but it is typical of Trump supporters. Put Trump above the country.
John McCain was one of the most destructive RINOs to ever serve in the Congress. Trump was right when he said he was revered for getting shot down and captured by the North Vietnamese. Given his record in Congress, I can't help but wonder just who's side he was really on after that....but he was the most conservative DEMONRAT to serve in Congress in the last decade.

President Trump on Wednesday said that he arranged the senator’s full dress funeral service at the Washington National Cathedral — and didn’t even get a thank you ..... (from fat ass Megan or McLaren wife....ungrateful scum!)

“I gave him the kind of funeral that he wanted, which, as president, I had to approve. I didn’t get a thank you. That is OK. I was not a fan of John McCain,” Trump said in remarks to workers at the Joint Systems Manufacturing Center in Lima, Ohio, the last remaining manufacturer of the Army’s main battle tank, the M1A2 Abrams.

Then Don, you know what to do if Jimmy Carter or Walter Mondale pass away during your administration.....
John McCain may have been a war hero when he served, but later in life he evolved into yet another corrupt, crooked, deep state garden variety politician, that not only contributed to the problems we were having in this country, but why nothing was being done to fix them.

Either way he's dead now, so rest in peace.

The deep state does not exist. It is Trump who is corrupt. Trump is doing nothing to fix the problems in our country.
John McCain was one of the most destructive RINOs to ever serve in the Congress. Trump was right when he said he was revered for getting shot down and captured by the North Vietnamese. Given his record in Congress, I can't help but wonder just who's side he was really on after that....but he was the most conservative DEMONRAT to serve in Congress in the last decade.

President Trump on Wednesday said that he arranged the senator’s full dress funeral service at the Washington National Cathedral — and didn’t even get a thank you ..... (from fat ass Megan or McLaren wife....ungrateful scum!)

“I gave him the kind of funeral that he wanted, which, as president, I had to approve. I didn’t get a thank you. That is OK. I was not a fan of John McCain,” Trump said in remarks to workers at the Joint Systems Manufacturing Center in Lima, Ohio, the last remaining manufacturer of the Army’s main battle tank, the M1A2 Abrams.

Then Don, you know what to do if Jimmy Carter or Walter Mondale pass away during your administration.....

I actually appreciate John McCain. If he wasn't the quintessential sellout spineless RINO, the hapless loser, traitor to his country, self-servicing bungling bastard riding his father's coattails to get anywhere all his life whose last act as a dying man was to stop his own party from fixing Obamascare, if his family wasn't the thankless, bitter, cretins they are, we wouldn't have this movement to reform the GOP into something today that actually represents the people again instead of a bunch of fat, old, rich, assholes whose tongues are up the DNC's asses.

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John McCain: crossed the isle 271 times to meet democrats wishes.
Number of times the DNC crossed back: zero.

He was not a sellout nor was he spineless. The fact is he responded to what Americans wanted. Republicans were not trying to fix Obamacare. Voters recognized this. That is why voters prefer Democrats over Republicans on healthcare. That is a large reason why Democrats took over the House.

McCain was in office for around 37 years. That averages out to less than 10 times a year.
Does everything have to come down to politics? I mean some people judge solely on one's s political identity? Surely there is so much more to a person than how they vote etc. Think about this fact...politics really does not matter. It's time both sides drop the childish banter. It's over and no damage done. Some fools believe political matters are so important. God and family. Take care of your responsibilities on those two fronts.

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