I stopped counting at 101 Clinton excuses

lolol, I think these people secretly hoped that they could hate PRESIDENT Hillary Clinton for four years.
Absolutely. They were coasting on hate for years and loving it. Their representatives voted 61 times to repeal the ACA, and were probably hoping to do that 100 times more. But now they won't even dare it once more.
I'm so sick of that woman and her stupid book tour and all that....I can not begin to tell you :confused:

But this is so rich. We nearly elected this poor excuse symbol of weakness, lies and hypocrisy as our LEADER. Dodged a bullet on that one.

Hillary Clinton Asked if She Made Enough Mistakes to Lose Election on Her Own — Just Listen to Her Answer

And that is the scary part, that despite the HORROR of this lying crooked piece of shit, that we almost elected her as president! That she even had a chance, that the Dems could find someone WORSE THAN OBAMA that there are that many clueless, ignorant, deluded fools brainwashed with liberal-infused GARBAGE in their heads, that they can't even tell day from night, just as the idiots arguing here that Irma went over Tampa Bay when its center was half the state to the east at that point, that half the people in this country cannot tell up from down even when shown the indisputable record means that we dodged a bullet for now, but the problem will only grow larger in the future as these people FIGHT for the worst possible outcomes of the worst possible decisions anyone could make, and STILL think they are right about it!!!!!!! My DOG has better sense than half the people on this board! And if Putin is trying to influence any elections it is because he knows we are RIPE for a takeover as America is FULL of clueless idiots.
What I don't get is what it is about being First Lady that qualifies her to be President. That's a really third-world thing to do, to elect a First Lady to be President.
But this is so rich. We nearly elected this poor excuse symbol of weakness, lies and hypocrisy as our LEADER. Dodged a bullet on that one.

Hillary Clinton Asked if She Made Enough Mistakes to Lose Election on Her Own — Just Listen to Her Answer

Unreal. Narcissism at it's finest. She just can't take an ounce of credit for losing.

She blames the media, Sanders, misogynistic men (and women) who weren't ready for a woman pres, Russia, Comey, no one respected her accomplishments enough, and all those weak women who supposedly listened to their men (as if anyone can't do as they please in the privacy of the voting booth).

I'm sure global warming is somehow responsible, too.

Or maybe a witch cast a spell.

Maybe people were brainwashed through subliminal messages on their television sets.

Maybe water towers across the country were spiked with mind-control drugs.

Yea, that must be it.

Or maybe people got sick of the lies. Maybe people didn't want Hillary and her anti-American views finishing the radical agenda that Obama started. Maybe people were unimpressed with her complete ignorance (or dishonesty) regarding the handling of email security. Maybe people didn't want her to push for a one world government, as she told WS she would do. Maybe people were disgusted that she intended to fight against the second amendment, as she promised. Maybe people got fed up of the political correctness and the sharp left turn this country was taking. Maybe enough was enough.

Blame me, Hillary. Me and millions like me who just plain don't like you and your radical ideas. But, it's YOUR FAULT we don't like you. Sure, the snowflakes were all excited about the free shit you promised. A recent poll showed that the majority at some colleges would give up their freedoms in exchange for their college loans being paid.

This is the kind of shit we've been warned about in the past. You want to talk about greed? Well, people who would sell us out so they can have what they want is about as greedy as it gets. Thankfully, there just weren't enough of them but I am sure the left is working on that. Make all those illegals legit because they are here to see what they can get. And you libs are ready to give them whatever it takes to put you back in power. If the left had their way, we wouldn't be a sovereign country anymore. We'd be a state under a globalist socialist government, ruled by the U.N.

Hillary lost because not everyone was willing to destroy the country as a trade off for free shit and fake promises of a better life.
If you think Hillary should not have used a private and unsecure server to correspond about classified information, you are clearly a misogynist.
What I don't get is what it is about being First Lady that qualifies her to be President. That's a really third-world thing to do, to elect a First Lady to be President.

Absolutely NOTHING. Proof once again that the Royal Elite feel the entitlement to the throne and the vote is but a plaything! Oh the indignity of it all that Hillary The Special was denied her rightful place by a bunch of Deplorable Misanthropes who dared think for themselves; that she had to debase herself to the common rabble, those that live in little houses and pay taxes and work dirty jobs everyday and have to take the . . . grrrr . . . . subway, using tokens like the unwashed poor-------- you know, people like her COOK, her Chauffeur, like her Secret Service grunts. You see, it isn't possible that the unwashed masses actually CHOSE Trump over HER!!! The only POSSIBLE explanation is that somehow the sheep were mislead by some campaign by Trump with the outside help of someone who wished her to lose. The problem is that since Hillary screwed everyone she ever dealt with as crooked First Lady where the WH staff weren't allowed to make eye contact, the New Yorkers where she carpetbagged her way into the Senate to do NOTHING for them, or all the world leaders she toyed with and either stepped all over to get her way with them or she sold out to for money, that it could be almost anyone willing to screw Hillary the soulless bitch out of being President too. Maybe it was Little Willie!!
I stopped counting at 101 Clinton excuses

Why are you even counting?

I picture you pseudocons gleefully rubbing your hands together as you relish Clinton's whining. And then you come here to whine about her whining.

I swear, there has been at least one topic a day for the past couple weeks whining about Clinton's whining.

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