I realize the mere mention of Rachel Maddow's name makes Trumplton's apoplectic, but..........

She is the Rush Limbaugh of the left.
Crazy as all get out.

Mr. Limbaugh is the recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom as well as a past nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize. Ms. Maddow isn't in his league.

Rachael Maddow is a Rhodes Scholar while the best Rush has on his resume is High School Graduate

Mr. Limbaugh dropped out of college because he knew what he wanted to do and realized that college wouldn't help him.

Couldn‘t cut it in college. He became a DJ
Not Rocket Science

Mr. Limbaugh isn't a DJ, he's an innovator in radio communication who revolutionized the AM band and talk radio. There were talk shows before Limbaugh- local programs that were caller-driven. Rush's idea was to have a program where the host would be central and the job of the callers was to make him look good. Now he has 50 million listeners, and is a neighbor of President Trump's in Palm Beach.
After flunking out of college, Limbaugh worked as a DJ, tried sports and finally found his spot in hate radio

I don't know why you hate Limbaugh's program. But he MADE his own spot in radio, devising the format himself.

How would a college degree have helped Rush? Don't need one is radio and that is what he was born to do
Is this the same Maddow that bragged about getting Trumps tax returns and hyped every Russian collusion theroy that poped up for days and weeks? She is far left version of Alex Jones.

LOL. Alex Jones?? No. First she would have to hawk every conspiracy theory under the sun, then she'd have to have a website that not only hawked these theories, but also sold you useless supplements and other survival paraphernalia to part you from your money. And finally, she's have to be a complete fraud. Which she isn't. Nice try. I've never personally heard her refer to the Sandy Hook shootings as a false flag. And don't worry, we're gonna see Trump's tax records eventually. :)
Whatever the fact remains she is a far left partisan hack who has zero credibility as journalists. As far as Trumps tax returns go even if that liberal wet dream does eventually come true the only ones likely to care are far left partisan hacks. Now I’m going to watch some fanless baseball still more entertaining than Maddow.

I watched baseball for 20 seconds this after noon. That's all I could take, the phony crowd noise was too distracting
Maddow is an intellectual

Most conservative hosts have just a HS education and get by on hate and fear
Is this the same Maddow that bragged about getting Trumps tax returns and hyped every Russian collusion theroy that poped up for days and weeks? She is far left version of Alex Jones.

LOL. Alex Jones?? No. First she would have to hawk every conspiracy theory under the sun, then she'd have to have a website that not only hawked these theories, but also sold you useless supplements and other survival paraphernalia to part you from your money. And finally, she's have to be a complete fraud. Which she isn't. Nice try. I've never personally heard her refer to the Sandy Hook shootings as a false flag. And don't worry, we're gonna see Trump's tax records eventually. :)
Whatever the fact remains she is a far left partisan hack who has zero credibility as journalists. As far as Trumps tax returns go even if that liberal wet dream does eventually come true the only ones likely to care are far left partisan hacks. Now I’m going to watch some fanless baseball still more entertaining than Maddow.

I watched baseball for 20 seconds this after noon. That's all I could take, the phony crowd noise was too distracting
I find the pipeing in crowd noise silly as you can clearly see the empty seats but I can tolerate it.
It's rough watching a grown man cry.....
It's pathetic watching morons make sexist jokes about someone because they can't address the subject at hand without acknowledging another abuse of power by Trump in forcing the CDC to alter their guidelines to serve his political fortunes.

Maybe he should have just instructed states to stop counting.

Obama admin shut down H1N1 testing, complicating Biden's ...

However, during the 2009 swine flu pandemic, the Obama administration suddenly told states to shut down their testing, without providing much in the way of explanation. And, Biden's top advisor at the time has acknowledged that the Obama administration didn't do "anything right" to combat that pandemic, before walking back those comments.

"In late July, the CDC abruptly advised states to stop testing for H1N1 flu, and stopped counting individual cases," CBS News reported in 2009. "The rationale given for the CDC guidance to forego testing and tracking individual cases was: why waste resources testing for H1N1 flu when the government has already confirmed there's an epidemic?"
Naturally, Faux distorts the truth by putting "Obama shut down testing" in the headline rather than "The CDC shut down testing." If there's evidence Obama put pressure on the CDC to make this decision as there is that Trump pressured the CDC to change the school reopening guidelines please provide it. Otherwise, STFU.

We should apply the same logic now as Obama/CDC did then.

"why waste resources testing for H1N1 flu when the government has already confirmed there's an epidemic"? It's amazing how the narrative changes.

Umm..let's see. How many people infected?? How many dead?? Is there a vaccine yet?? An effective treatment?? Because within six months of H1N1 showing up, we had both. It's amazing what you'll ignore in defense of a man who shouldn't even be sitting in the chair. But, getting back to Maddow, I can see why she causes the reaction she does in right wingers. They don't like facts. They don't like their lord and savior being called out...even though he's responsible for all of his bad press. She makes you think.
Rachael Maddow is a Rhodes Scholar while the best Rush has on his resume is High School Graduate
Kris Kristofferson is a Rhodes Scholar as well- who's smartest?
Rush is a multi-gazillionaire- Kristofferson is a lyrical genius and fairly good actor- what is Maddow?

Maddow is a renowned political analyst.

Rush is a racist blow hard rallying dim witted conservatives
"Renowned" by morons like you.
Maddow is an intellectual

Most conservative hosts have just a HS education and get by on hate and fear


Dr. Glenn Beck, Dr. Michael Savage and the great one, Mark R. Levin all have a high degree of education.

Beck is a hack. Savage is bat shit crazy. And Levin? Well, he comes off as the scholarly voice of reason...until you dig a little deeper and find out it's just same right wing blather...just packaged nicer so you don't notice it as much.
Point is. Just because you have a Dr in front of your name, it doesn't make you smart.
Maddow is an intellectual

Most conservative hosts have just a HS education and get by on hate and fear


Dr. Glenn Beck, Dr. Michael Savage and the great one, Mark R. Levin all have a high degree of education.

Beck is NOT a Dr, and ONLY has a HS Diploma, he is also ADHD and used drugs and alcohol extensively.
Savage got a PhD in Nutrition... come on Nutrition? And THAT makes him qualified for radio and politics?
Levin is the only one with a real education, but being a lawyer he knows how to talk and talk without saying
anything substantial.
Maddow is an intellectual

Most conservative hosts have just a HS education and get by on hate and fear


Dr. Glenn Beck, Dr. Michael Savage and the great one, Mark R. Levin all have a high degree of education.

Beck is NOT a Dr, and ONLY has a HS Diploma, he is also ADHD and used drugs and alcohol extensively.
Savage got a PhD in Nutrition... come on Nutrition? And THAT makes him qualified for radio and politics?
Levin is the only one with a real education, but being a lawyer he knows how to talk and talk without saying
anything substantial.

The education level of all these people no longer matters.

They are older and have had access to plenty of resources to learn more and more.

Lincoln's education was very minimal (less than 12 months total), but he never stopped learning.
It's rough watching a grown man cry.....
It's pathetic watching morons make sexist jokes about someone because they can't address the subject at hand without acknowledging another abuse of power by Trump in forcing the CDC to alter their guidelines to serve his political fortunes.

Maybe he should have just instructed states to stop counting.

Obama admin shut down H1N1 testing, complicating Biden's ...

However, during the 2009 swine flu pandemic, the Obama administration suddenly told states to shut down their testing, without providing much in the way of explanation. And, Biden's top advisor at the time has acknowledged that the Obama administration didn't do "anything right" to combat that pandemic, before walking back those comments.

"In late July, the CDC abruptly advised states to stop testing for H1N1 flu, and stopped counting individual cases," CBS News reported in 2009. "The rationale given for the CDC guidance to forego testing and tracking individual cases was: why waste resources testing for H1N1 flu when the government has already confirmed there's an epidemic?"
Naturally, Faux distorts the truth by putting "Obama shut down testing" in the headline rather than "The CDC shut down testing." If there's evidence Obama put pressure on the CDC to make this decision as there is that Trump pressured the CDC to change the school reopening guidelines please provide it. Otherwise, STFU.

We should apply the same logic now as Obama/CDC did then.

"why waste resources testing for H1N1 flu when the government has already confirmed there's an epidemic"? It's amazing how the narrative changes.

Umm..let's see. How many people infected?? How many dead?? Is there a vaccine yet?? An effective treatment?? Because within six months of H1N1 showing up, we had both. It's amazing what you'll ignore in defense of a man who shouldn't even be sitting in the chair. But, getting back to Maddow, I can see why she causes the reaction she does in right wingers. They don't like facts. They don't like their lord and savior being called out...even though he's responsible for all of his bad press. She makes you think.

I bet you loved her Trump tax expose show.
It's rough watching a grown man cry.....
It's pathetic watching morons make sexist jokes about someone because they can't address the subject at hand without acknowledging another abuse of power by Trump in forcing the CDC to alter their guidelines to serve his political fortunes.

Maybe he should have just instructed states to stop counting.

Obama admin shut down H1N1 testing, complicating Biden's ...

However, during the 2009 swine flu pandemic, the Obama administration suddenly told states to shut down their testing, without providing much in the way of explanation. And, Biden's top advisor at the time has acknowledged that the Obama administration didn't do "anything right" to combat that pandemic, before walking back those comments.

"In late July, the CDC abruptly advised states to stop testing for H1N1 flu, and stopped counting individual cases," CBS News reported in 2009. "The rationale given for the CDC guidance to forego testing and tracking individual cases was: why waste resources testing for H1N1 flu when the government has already confirmed there's an epidemic?"
Naturally, Faux distorts the truth by putting "Obama shut down testing" in the headline rather than "The CDC shut down testing." If there's evidence Obama put pressure on the CDC to make this decision as there is that Trump pressured the CDC to change the school reopening guidelines please provide it. Otherwise, STFU.

We should apply the same logic now as Obama/CDC did then.

"why waste resources testing for H1N1 flu when the government has already confirmed there's an epidemic"? It's amazing how the narrative changes.

Umm..let's see. How many people infected?? How many dead?? Is there a vaccine yet?? An effective treatment?? Because within six months of H1N1 showing up, we had both. It's amazing what you'll ignore in defense of a man who shouldn't even be sitting in the chair. But, getting back to Maddow, I can see why she causes the reaction she does in right wingers. They don't like facts. They don't like their lord and savior being called out...even though he's responsible for all of his bad press. She makes you think.

I bet you loved her Trump tax expose show.

^Shrug^. Was what it was. If you step up to the plate enough, sometimes, you're gonna whiff. By my count though, she's smashed more home runs than Roger Maris. She's batting about 995. Again, always well prepared and well spoken.
It's rough watching a grown man cry.....
It's pathetic watching morons make sexist jokes about someone because they can't address the subject at hand without acknowledging another abuse of power by Trump in forcing the CDC to alter their guidelines to serve his political fortunes.

Maybe he should have just instructed states to stop counting.

Obama admin shut down H1N1 testing, complicating Biden's ...

However, during the 2009 swine flu pandemic, the Obama administration suddenly told states to shut down their testing, without providing much in the way of explanation. And, Biden's top advisor at the time has acknowledged that the Obama administration didn't do "anything right" to combat that pandemic, before walking back those comments.

"In late July, the CDC abruptly advised states to stop testing for H1N1 flu, and stopped counting individual cases," CBS News reported in 2009. "The rationale given for the CDC guidance to forego testing and tracking individual cases was: why waste resources testing for H1N1 flu when the government has already confirmed there's an epidemic?"
Naturally, Faux distorts the truth by putting "Obama shut down testing" in the headline rather than "The CDC shut down testing." If there's evidence Obama put pressure on the CDC to make this decision as there is that Trump pressured the CDC to change the school reopening guidelines please provide it. Otherwise, STFU.

We should apply the same logic now as Obama/CDC did then.

"why waste resources testing for H1N1 flu when the government has already confirmed there's an epidemic"? It's amazing how the narrative changes.

Umm..let's see. How many people infected?? How many dead?? Is there a vaccine yet?? An effective treatment?? Because within six months of H1N1 showing up, we had both. It's amazing what you'll ignore in defense of a man who shouldn't even be sitting in the chair. But, getting back to Maddow, I can see why she causes the reaction she does in right wingers. They don't like facts. They don't like their lord and savior being called out...even though he's responsible for all of his bad press. She makes you think.

I bet you loved her Trump tax expose show.

^Shrug^. Was what it was. If you step up to the plate enough, sometimes, you're gonna whiff. By my count though, she's smashed more home runs than Roger Maris. She's batting about 995. Again, always well prepared and well spoken.

LOL...he's batting 100 at this point and no one wants to watch him play.
As the ratings prove.
.................if you would like to see a comprehensive explanation of how Trump has corrupted the CDC, in this case with respect to their guidelines for re-opening schools, watch this.

During the segment she shows a document that was part of the CDC's original guidelines, the ones they issued before Trump forced them to be changed. It shows a large STOP sign indicating consideration for school re-opening by local officials should stop at the point when the area the school is in is experiencing difficulty in handling the spread of COVID.

Anyway, the video is self explanatory.

It is my contention that during any other presidency this would be a scandal of enormous magnitude. There would be unrelenting coverage of a story showing how the POTUS pressured the CDC to modify its guidelines despite there being no change in the science on which the original ones were based. A story leaving no doubt in people's minds that the public's safety is knowingly being jeopardized by an official policy of a US government agency, after being directed to do so by the POTUS, that does not reflect the best available scientific information.

Normally, this would end whatever increasingly slim chance Don had for a second term. It would be front page news on the cover of every newspaper and the lead on every news show. The Sunday morning talk shows would be speaking of nothing else.

As it is, the story will likely be dropped from the news cycle by tomorrow. Replaced by the next scandal that would normally end the presidency of any other politician. And so it goes.

She makes their heads explode.

She got to un-credible to watch. Haven't watched in 2+ years.
I'm surprised someone still pays her.

I never watch her. She makes blob supporters crazy though. Good enough for me
.................if you would like to see a comprehensive explanation of how Trump has corrupted the CDC, in this case with respect to their guidelines for re-opening schools, watch this.

During the segment she shows a document that was part of the CDC's original guidelines, the ones they issued before Trump forced them to be changed. It shows a large STOP sign indicating consideration for school re-opening by local officials should stop at the point when the area the school is in is experiencing difficulty in handling the spread of COVID.

Anyway, the video is self explanatory.

It is my contention that during any other presidency this would be a scandal of enormous magnitude. There would be unrelenting coverage of a story showing how the POTUS pressured the CDC to modify its guidelines despite there being no change in the science on which the original ones were based. A story leaving no doubt in people's minds that the public's safety is knowingly being jeopardized by an official policy of a US government agency, after being directed to do so by the POTUS, that does not reflect the best available scientific information.

Normally, this would end whatever increasingly slim chance Don had for a second term. It would be front page news on the cover of every newspaper and the lead on every news show. The Sunday morning talk shows would be speaking of nothing else.

As it is, the story will likely be dropped from the news cycle by tomorrow. Replaced by the next scandal that would normally end the presidency of any other politician. And so it goes.

Now that is funny.
.................if you would like to see a comprehensive explanation of how Trump has corrupted the CDC, in this case with respect to their guidelines for re-opening schools, watch this.

During the segment she shows a document that was part of the CDC's original guidelines, the ones they issued before Trump forced them to be changed. It shows a large STOP sign indicating consideration for school re-opening by local officials should stop at the point when the area the school is in is experiencing difficulty in handling the spread of COVID.

Anyway, the video is self explanatory.

It is my contention that during any other presidency this would be a scandal of enormous magnitude. There would be unrelenting coverage of a story showing how the POTUS pressured the CDC to modify its guidelines despite there being no change in the science on which the original ones were based. A story leaving no doubt in people's minds that the public's safety is knowingly being jeopardized by an official policy of a US government agency, after being directed to do so by the POTUS, that does not reflect the best available scientific information.

Normally, this would end whatever increasingly slim chance Don had for a second term. It would be front page news on the cover of every newspaper and the lead on every news show. The Sunday morning talk shows would be speaking of nothing else.

As it is, the story will likely be dropped from the news cycle by tomorrow. Replaced by the next scandal that would normally end the presidency of any other politician. And so it goes.

She makes their heads explode.

She got to un-credible to watch. Haven't watched in 2+ years.
I'm surprised someone still pays her.

I never watch her. She makes blob supporters crazy though. Good enough for me

She's good for entertainment.
Kinda like dementia Joe when he try's to speak.
.................if you would like to see a comprehensive explanation of how Trump has corrupted the CDC, in this case with respect to their guidelines for re-opening schools, watch this.

During the segment she shows a document that was part of the CDC's original guidelines, the ones they issued before Trump forced them to be changed. It shows a large STOP sign indicating consideration for school re-opening by local officials should stop at the point when the area the school is in is experiencing difficulty in handling the spread of COVID.

Anyway, the video is self explanatory.

It is my contention that during any other presidency this would be a scandal of enormous magnitude. There would be unrelenting coverage of a story showing how the POTUS pressured the CDC to modify its guidelines despite there being no change in the science on which the original ones were based. A story leaving no doubt in people's minds that the public's safety is knowingly being jeopardized by an official policy of a US government agency, after being directed to do so by the POTUS, that does not reflect the best available scientific information.

Normally, this would end whatever increasingly slim chance Don had for a second term. It would be front page news on the cover of every newspaper and the lead on every news show. The Sunday morning talk shows would be speaking of nothing else.

As it is, the story will likely be dropped from the news cycle by tomorrow. Replaced by the next scandal that would normally end the presidency of any other politician. And so it goes.

Math -

Literally no one here takes you seriously
Multiplied by
Literally no one here takes that Maddow guy seriously.

Equals what in you mind?

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