I propose we rename Washington D.C. and also change the name of the White House!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Despite having been an active slave holder for 56 years, George Washington struggled with the institution of slavery and spoke frequently of his desire to end the practice. At the end of this life Washington made the bold step to free his slaves in his 1799 will - the only slave-holding Founding Father to do so.
Ten Facts About Washington & Slavery

There fore Washington D.C. should be renamed! Suggestions?

The "White House"??? How demeaning! Being part American Indian I'm insulted! If anything it should be
the "Red House" after all it was my ancestors that allowed Thanksgiving,etc.

By NOW folks I hope you understand HOW totally ignorant these types of comments are to the rest of
Americans! Bull crap from Walmart,etc. chastising Trump for WHAT? Speaking the truth to justice?

The ANTIFA, BLMs ,Soros funded people started the violence in Charlottesville!
Watch the video and see who was marching peacefully! And who was calling the most vile disgusting
And you know who is really the most embarrassed about all this?
The VAST majority of hard working, honest black people... mostly black people with jobs.
A lot of black people just want to see ONE color...GREEN! And the vast majority of the black people KNOW that tearing down, fighting inciting violence...
THEY know better then any group what a violent protest does to a community. Look at Ferguson. Look at any place that has had these violent confrontations
and who suffers most? The people that live in the area! Businesses are destroyed. Never to come back!
The radical left appears to want revolution. Maybe they think it will usher in a new golden age, headed by someone similar to Lenin, Mao, or Castro. Their beloved heroes.
Oh looks like I stumbled into a Nazi Sympathizer meeting.

I'll show myself out.
Actually you stumbled into an honest debate about how the MSM continual biased reporting influences people evidently like you.

Here read what some black people have to say about the statues!!!

Predominantly Black Dallas Group Forms To Protect Confederate Monuments
“I’m not intimidated by Robert E. Lee’s statue. I’m not intimidated by it. It doesn’t scare me,” said Crenshaw. “We don’t want America to think that all African Americans are supportive of this.”

Crenshaw, along with some Buffalo Solider historians and Sons of Confederate Veterans are coming together to help protect the Confederate markers from toppling over in Dallas.

They feel the monuments, like the Freedman’s Cemetery, tell an important story and help heal racial wounds.

“Some people think that by taking a statue down, that’s going to erase racism,” said Crenshaw. “Misguided.”

City council member Philip Kingston disagrees.

“What we don’t do is leave up a monument that celebrates the very idea that some of us are not equal to the others,” said Kingston.

Predominantly Black Dallas Group Forms To Protect Confederate Monuments
These ANTIFA, et.al. don't seem to realize how much they are like ISIS,Al-Qeada i.e. they are so bent on making the majority of Americans bow to their demands.
Sorry but this is the point where most tax paying, honest Americans are drawing the line, especially when most Americans are recognizing this is the MSM's doing!
Let it go lefties. The flag that flew off the stern of slave ships for 200 years was predominantly the Union Jack. Go rename Brit buildings if you want a project.

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