I missed it on Fox News, who in the hell compared ANTIFA to the heroes on the beaches of Normandy?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
This is sacreligious.
Whoever did this is disrespecting those who really sacrificed and it's about as offensive a comparison one can make. Can anyone identify what poorly informed person made this comparison?

If anyone should be called out for offensive language, it's the person who made this comparison.

Update: I found the poorly informed, disrespectful hyperbole using fools.

‘The Atlantic’ Editor Compares Antifa To WWII Allies. Um, No.

‘The Atlantic’ Editor Compares Antifa To WWII Allies. Um, No.

On Tuesday night, Jeffrey Goldberg, Editor-in-Chief of The Atlantic, went a bridge too far, comparing the uber-left group Antifa to the intrepid soldiers who stormed the beaches of Normandy on D-Day in World War II:

Jeffrey Goldberg


Watching 'Saving Private Ryan,' a movie about a group of very aggressive alt-left protesters invading a beach without a permit.

11:51 PM - Aug 15, 2017
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Goldberg, in using the term “alt-left,” was likely referring to President Trump’s use of the term on Tuesday at a press conference discussing the violent events in Charlottesville on Saturday. Questioned about the violence from the “alt-right,” Trump referred to the Antifa counter protesters, saying:
Goldberg was anticipated in his idiocy by this tweet from columnist Scott Gilmore:

View image on Twitter

Scott Gilmore


Alt-left, violently coming at the alt-right, circa 1944.
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The same people who considered Neo-Nazi's to be nice people? :dunno:
So let me see if I got this straight: Antifa would storm the beaches of Normandy with baseball bats, sticks, bricks, and bike locks?

Against MG-34's, mortars, MP-40's Lugers, Walthers, Mausers, and 88mm artillery rounds?

That would be a sight to see. Would their mommies be waiting for them with Band-Aids for their boo-boos?
Can anyone identify what poorly informed person made this comparison?.

I don't know, but I have been finding so many poorly informed people on Fox News these past couple of days, I can't even stand to tune it in for a while!

They have jumped the shark after dumping O'Reilly, haven't they? But overall, they're reporting is still more balanced than the other networks.
Every man on that beach would enthusiastically kick Nazi ass on our soil. Do any of you think a single man rushing up that beach would be on the side of the American Nazis and their apologists? You all disgrace their memory and sacrifice when you even hesitate to condemn those Nazi scumbags. Do not ever use the memory of Normandy for your own purposes again, you have all forfeited the right.
"On Tuesday night, Jeffrey Goldberg, Editor-in-Chief of The Atlantic, went a bridge too far, comparing the uber-left group Antifa to the intrepid soldiers who stormed the beaches of Normandy on D-Day in World War II"

If true, this is bullshit. The vast majority of Americans do not support white supremacists, and that includes the military. It was a different country in 1944, racism was somewhat more widespread then than it is now, but I also think that those men would not have supported the denial of free speech to anybody, even those same white supremacists. Nor would they support the violence incited at many of Trumps rallies during the campaign perpetrated by Antifa groups, as I'm sure most of us do not support it now. It ain't easy to allow somebody who preaches discrimination to have their say, or to demonstrate their opposition to some political action or point of view. But saying one side is worse than the other ignores the fact that both sides are wrong.
"On Tuesday night, Jeffrey Goldberg, Editor-in-Chief of The Atlantic, went a bridge too far, comparing the uber-left group Antifa to the intrepid soldiers who stormed the beaches of Normandy on D-Day in World War II"

If true, this is bullshit. The vast majority of Americans do not support white supremacists, and that includes the military. It was a different country in 1944, racism was somewhat more widespread then than it is now, but I also think that those men would not have supported the denial of free speech to anybody, even those same white supremacists. Nor would they support the violence incited at many of Trumps rallies during the campaign perpetrated by Antifa groups, as I'm sure most of us do not support it now. It ain't easy to allow somebody who preaches discrimination to have their say, or to demonstrate their opposition to some political action or point of view. But saying one side is worse than the other ignores the fact that both sides are wrong.
Nope, they would see a guy holding a nazi flag in the country they fought for and stomp his ass. Simple as that.
Every man on that beach would enthusiastically kick Nazi ass on our soil. Do any of you think a single man rushing up that beach would be on the side of the American Nazis and their apologists? You all disgrace their memory and sacrifice when you even hesitate to condemn those Nazi scumbags. Do not ever use the memory of Normandy for your own purposes again, you have all forfeited the right.
Must be why left wingers protested the war until the USA was forced to participate. You dweebs supported Hitler much like you now support ISIS.
Every man on that beach would enthusiastically kick Nazi ass on our soil. Do any of you think a single man rushing up that beach would be on the side of the American Nazis and their apologists? You all disgrace their memory and sacrifice when you even hesitate to condemn those Nazi scumbags. Do not ever use the memory of Normandy for your own purposes again, you have all forfeited the right.
Must be why left wingers protested the war until the USA was forced to participate. You dweebs supported Hitler much like you now support ISIS.
You seem to be the one defending the Hitler fan club around here. We are witnessing what we always knew, nazism is a right wing thing. In spite of the right's silly accusations of nazism it seems the left hates them more than anyone and you hate them for it. Conservatives have not yet realized just how badly they have fucked up closing ranks around these sub-humans.
Can anyone identify what poorly informed person made this comparison?.

I don't know, but I have been finding so many poorly informed people on Fox News these past couple of days, I can't even stand to tune it in for a while!

They have jumped the shark after dumping O'Reilly, haven't they? But overall, they're reporting is still more balanced than the other networks.

Keep your fingers crossed Laura Ingraham takes the 9:00 pm slot and the five is tossed back to 5 pm.....they need a major purge starting with Perino and that homo Shep Smith
Every man on that beach would enthusiastically kick Nazi ass on our soil. Do any of you think a single man rushing up that beach would be on the side of the American Nazis and their apologists? You all disgrace their memory and sacrifice when you even hesitate to condemn those Nazi scumbags. Do not ever use the memory of Normandy for your own purposes again, you have all forfeited the right.
Must be why left wingers protested the war until the USA was forced to participate. You dweebs supported Hitler much like you now support ISIS.
You seem to be the one defending the Hitler fan club around here. We are witnessing what we always knew, nazism is a right wing thing. In spite of the right's silly accusations of nazism it seems the left hates them more than anyone and you hate them for it. Conservatives have not yet realized just how badly they have fucked up closing ranks around these sub-humans.
You only hate them when it's convienient. Like I said...you dweebs protested against fighting in WW2
Can anyone identify what poorly informed person made this comparison?.

I don't know, but I have been finding so many poorly informed people on Fox News these past couple of days, I can't even stand to tune it in for a while!

They have jumped the shark after dumping O'Reilly, haven't they? But overall, they're reporting is still more balanced than the other networks.

Keep your fingers crossed Laura Ingraham takes the 9:00 pm slot and the five is tossed back to 5 pm.....they need a major purge starting with Perino and that homo Shep Smith

She was MY PICK for Trump's Press Secretary! She sure told Krauthammer to STFU the other night! She sure doesn't take any shit while remaining a lady.
To put pathetic Antifa basement dwellers, those insignificant coward and pathetic creatures....in the same sentence than the Normandy heroes.....

That by itself is blasphemy! :mad-61:
Can anyone identify what poorly informed person made this comparison?.

I don't know, but I have been finding so many poorly informed people on Fox News these past couple of days, I can't even stand to tune it in for a while!

They have jumped the shark after dumping O'Reilly, haven't they? But overall, they're reporting is still more balanced than the other networks.

Keep your fingers crossed Laura Ingraham takes the 9:00 pm slot and the five is tossed back to 5 pm.....they need a major purge starting with Perino and that homo Shep Smith

She was MY PICK for Trump's Press Secretary! She sure told Krauthammer to STFU the other night! She sure doesn't take any shit while remaining a lady.

Charles has long overstayed his welcome...he must be cheap or something
It is a shame our ShockedCanadian cannot correct his headline which is a LIE.

Former Clinton campaign spokesman’s Antifa comparison might just make you nauseous
Jon Street 6 hours

Former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign spokesman, Brian Fallon, compared leftist Antifa protesters to soldiers who stormed the beaches of Normandy during World War II, helping the Allied powers defeat Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany.


Antifa protesters were heralded Saturday by many on the left for their counterprotests of white supremacists.

Fallon, a CNN political commentator, even compared Antifa counterprotesters with those who gave their lives during World War II.

Former Clinton campaign spokesman’s Antifa comparison might just make you nauseous
This is sacreligious.
Whoever did this is disrespecting those who really sacrificed and it's about as offensive a comparison one can make. Can anyone identify what poorly informed person made this comparison?

If anyone should be called out for offensive language, it's the person who made this comparison.

Update: I found the poorly informed, disrespectful hyperbole using fools.

‘The Atlantic’ Editor Compares Antifa To WWII Allies. Um, No.

‘The Atlantic’ Editor Compares Antifa To WWII Allies. Um, No.

On Tuesday night, Jeffrey Goldberg, Editor-in-Chief of The Atlantic, went a bridge too far, comparing the uber-left group Antifa to the intrepid soldiers who stormed the beaches of Normandy on D-Day in World War II:

Jeffrey Goldberg


Watching 'Saving Private Ryan,' a movie about a group of very aggressive alt-left protesters invading a beach without a permit.

11:51 PM - Aug 15, 2017
Twitter Ads info and privacy

Goldberg, in using the term “alt-left,” was likely referring to President Trump’s use of the term on Tuesday at a press conference discussing the violent events in Charlottesville on Saturday. Questioned about the violence from the “alt-right,” Trump referred to the Antifa counter protesters, saying:
Goldberg was anticipated in his idiocy by this tweet from columnist Scott Gilmore:

View image on Twitter

Scott Gilmore


Alt-left, violently coming at the alt-right, circa 1944.

It was a joke, right?
Every man on that beach would enthusiastically kick Nazi ass on our soil. Do any of you think a single man rushing up that beach would be on the side of the American Nazis and their apologists? You all disgrace their memory and sacrifice when you even hesitate to condemn those Nazi scumbags. Do not ever use the memory of Normandy for your own purposes again, you have all forfeited the right.

You don't compare the sacrifices these allied soldiers made in freeing the world during war while their enemy was heavily armed and killing millions to the efforts of the bloody ANTIFA. You are going to tell me a bunch of counter protesters, some well paid; others looking for some media coverage or something to do; is in any way comparable to the sacrifices of these men who faced imminent death to save the world!?!? Against real nazis not the wannabe ones living in Moms basement generations later. Hyperbole isn't even a word accurate enough to describe how inaccurate this comparison is.

Let's be clear, confronting a bunch of cowardly loons who are playing dress up and showing admiration for a group that was defeated in the 1940's while the media covers some leader who lost by a million votes in the 1990's is not comparable in any way, shape or form to the risks those on the beaches of Normandy took.

Furthermore, there are many nuts and abusers of democracy on both sides, there is no question about this. The men who died on the beach of Normandy saved the entire world, changed history, and put their lives on the line for the liberty and freedom of America. If you can't see the difference than nothing anyone says will change this.

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