I love this lie from Entertainment Tonight on Noah

Feb 15, 2012
Reporting yesterday, the day of the film’s premiere, ET host, Nancy O’Dell, after gushing over this Biblical epic tells us of the “meeting” Russell Crowe had with the pope recently at the Vatican. Note: Of course there was no “meeting.” The facts are this (reported elsewhere) – Russell Crowe had been “badgering” the Vatican and the pope to meet with him and to watch his film. This via his many tweets and other means. Variety magazine reports the meeting was arranged by the Vatican, but later canceled. More lies. A spokesman for the Vatican Father Federico Lombardi said a meeting with Russell Crowe was never considered and the interest in the movie Noah was not there as well.

Anyway, after a continuous barrage of solicitations from Paramount and Crowe, the Vatican invited Crowe and some of the cast to be in the VIP section of the pope’s regular Wednesday audience. This is in a large Vatican hall which holds 5,000 or more. The VIP section has to have hundreds. After the pope gives his sermon some are allowed to pass by the pope and shake hands or offer the most quick of greetings. That is what Russell Crowe and other higher ups of the film were part of. A quick pass by and shaking of hands. No words were exchanged between Crowe and the Pope that anyone has admitted to, and I really doubt even Russell would have the gall to use that moment to plug his film?

So Variety lied about a Crowe-Francis meeting agreed to but later canceled. Many other national media outlets lied about a meeting having taken place between Crowe and Francis, or was that a “meeting” where no one talked in the 5 seconds they were together? Finally, this is what perked my interest enough to write about these events.

Entertainment Tonight after giving exciting reports on the new movie, the Vatican meeting, and all the Hollywood buzz around it manages to throw in the these words in their report. “…the pope has also given his blessing to the movie.”


Someone has no conscience, or at least, no concern whatsoever if “big lies” will affect them at some later date.

Anyway, I found it hilarious. Hilarious in the sense that there is a growing presence in our culture and world that is interested only in money and pleasure, and not the One who created them, and will do anything no matter how unscrupulous to advance their self-centered ambitions. Even using the pope with an obvious lie. No doubt Paramount or some Hollywood mogul pressured the owners of E.T. to make up this lie to entice some Christian faithful to go spend their money because the pope gave it “two thumbs up.” But it’s still amazing! Go for it you “beautiful people.”

Spoiler Alert from the reviews:
The main reason God destroys the ancient world with this flood was because of their lack of environmental activism and overpopulation. LOL! Hollywood, always altruistic, will not waste an opportunity to advance their agendas to teach the world what is our highest purpose and truth.

Vatican says pope had no plans to meet actor Russell Crowe | La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno.it
"Noah" star Russell Crowe meets Pope Francis at the Vatican - CBS News
?Noah? Star Russell Crowe Talks About Meeting Pope Francis | Variety
Good Fight Ministries - The Noah Movie Deception and the Last Days

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