I like to debate...


Warrior Princess
Mar 24, 2007
how about you?

and I am not talking about debate in the manner of, " you are an idiot who lives in your mama's basement" kind of debate...but real debating the issues with civil discourse, and in the end, agreeing to respectfully disagree....
You get squeamish when people baldly state facts, Care.

if I thought they were facts allie...I would not be gettting squeamish about them....;)


we will have to agree to disagree! :lol:

Happy Saint Patti's Day allie!
I love to debate with people who love to debate.

I'll admit I do weary of the schoolyard taunts, sound bites of the the day, the 'your mom wears army boots' or 'my dad can beat up your dad' mentality, the contests to see who can use the most vulgarities in a single post, the straw men, non sequiturs, ad hominem characterizations, and other stupidities.

Some would say I'm too critical. :)
I love to debate with people who use facts.

So many on the right use nothing but lies and deversion.
how about you?

and I am not talking about debate in the manner of, " you are an idiot who lives in your mama's basement" kind of debate...but real debating the issues with civil discourse, and in the end, agreeing to respectfully disagree....

Shall I ask if you can join the same debate forum as me?
how about you?

and I am not talking about debate in the manner of, " you are an idiot who lives in your mama's basement" kind of debate...but real debating the issues with civil discourse, and in the end, agreeing to respectfully disagree....

We'll have to agree to disagree.
(Stupid tard!) :eusa_whistle:
how about you?

and I am not talking about debate in the manner of, " you are an idiot who lives in your mama's basement" kind of debate...but real debating the issues with civil discourse, and in the end, agreeing to respectfully disagree....

Shall I ask if you can join the same debate forum as me?

is this a trick question? :D
btw, on kids with costumes....

my husband and i lived in a fabulous off the main road neighborhood in a massachusetts town, where cars never went in to...unless you lived in the community....just a fabulous neighborhood for kids to grow up, and the whole street was filled with parents of small kids....families....matt and i were the only couple on the street, not blessed with children.....

and guess where the bus stop was? yep. right in front of our house....7 am sharp....the one house with no kids....

at first i viewed it sadly, like it was a curse to be reminded of what matt and i would never have, every morning at 7 am.....

but then it turned in to a blessing, watching these cute little kids getting on the bus and some kissing their mommies goodbye and waving to them....

Every year on halloween we could not wait to wake up early, so we could have coffee in hand while watching the little kiddies at the bus stop and what cute little outfits they would be wearing as costumes...your kids dressed in green story reminded me of those good ole times....

here, i am lucky to see a human of any age....i see more animals than humans....
how about you?

and I am not talking about debate in the manner of, " you are an idiot who lives in your mama's basement" kind of debate...but real debating the issues with civil discourse, and in the end, agreeing to respectfully disagree....

Shall I ask if you can join the same debate forum as me?

is this a trick question? :D

:lol::lol: No. I belong to a serious debate forum. We have proper rules and everything! :lol: I find it hard cuz you can't call anyone a fucking idiot.
how about you?

and I am not talking about debate in the manner of, " you are an idiot who lives in your mama's basement" kind of debate...but real debating the issues with civil discourse, and in the end, agreeing to respectfully disagree....

I love to debate and discuss intelligently, but only when the other party wants to debate and discuss intelligently.

But since most of the shit that is posted on USMB is namecalling, fingerpointing, and partisan bullshit, I just revert to silliness.

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