I join my friend PoliticalChic in despondency regarding America's future


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
I've faced reality and have come to the inescapable conclusion that America as we know it is doomed. There simply isn't anyone at the Federal government that takes their oath to uphold the Constitution seriously. And there just aren't any Republican Governors who will take a meaningful stand against the creeping Fascism of the Socialist democrats. Maybe DeSantis, maybe Abbott, but it feels like "sure Sessions was awful, but Barr will hold the traitors to account"

Our Intel Agencies are filled with traitors, many of whom are likely pedophiles. They spied on THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES AND GOT AWAY SCOTT FREE!!

Fauxi conspired with the CCP to develop a unique bioweapon that targeted the human respiratory system that has since killed millions. He's still revered by our CCP media and democrats. When he's Hillaried later this summer, who else is left to hold accountable for the CCP bioweapon attack? NOBODY! We are living in 1984. “The Party said that Oceania had never been in alliance with Eurasia. He, Winston Smith, knew that Oceania had been in alliance with Eurasia as short a time as four years ago. But where did that knowledge exist? Only in his own consciousness, which in any case must soon be annihilated." No, Fauxi, rest in peace, was never aligned with the CCP.

President Trump merely pointed out how screwed we are. He then went on to hire one Deep State critter after another and we're supposed to be shocked that Barr let the traitors walk.

Best case is we split the country up. Worse case is we All Love Big Brother
"President Trump merely pointed out how screwed we are. He then went on to hire one Deep State critter after another and we're supposed to be shocked that Barr let the traitors walk."

The dawning of wisdom among the trumptards. It's really a beautiful thing. Gets me right here <sniff>
We lost to China already, for the record. And don't fool yourselves, our government can't do an hour's work in 1000, and after they've blown that 1000 hours it's still wrong because they're tarded. This video is being kind to the USA, we're far more pitiful than implied.

"President Trump merely pointed out how screwed we are. He then went on to hire one Deep State critter after another and we're supposed to be shocked that Barr let the traitors walk."

The dawning of wisdom among the trumptards. It's really a beautiful thing. Gets me right here <sniff>


You read like a Bodecca cut and paste
Okay, are you ready to realize that we need a new Constitution, because the checks and balances do not work, or are you going to keep praying for god to cause something?
I've been saying this for a while. I got attacked for it before but now some of the people who attacked me are saying the same thing now. The New World Order is going to happen at some point, not really a matter of if but when.
Well, it is a matter of us getting on with organizing it before they do.
It's because most people are lazy, dumb, unmotivated, and very selfish. We raised an entire generation to be weak willed, coddled, and pussies. Now everyone caters to them so they cater to them by continuing to treat them that way.

It's obvious in how the government, media and corporations are all about people's feelings. Used to be the government, media and corporations were there because they needed the people. Now the people need them and they know it.

For a long time citizens and the country itself were what mattered. Rules, laws, and the constitution were a thing respected by most. But now they don't matter. All that matters now is saying the right thing, doing what you're told, and thinking the right things. And no one does a thing because they don't feel like they can.

Our country is going away because we have too many people, genders, sexualities, cultures, religions, etc all trying to make our society be the society they want. We no longer have a society, now it's just groups and sub groups all arguing and bitching and demanding everyone else change for them.

I used to love this country but now I just hope I'm dead before it really turns to shit.
I've faced reality and have come to the inescapable conclusion that America as we know it is doomed. There simply isn't anyone at the Federal government that takes their oath to uphold the Constitution seriously. And there just aren't any Republican Governors who will take a meaningful stand against the creeping Fascism of the Socialist democrats. Maybe DeSantis, maybe Abbott, but it feels like "sure Sessions was awful, but Barr will hold the traitors to account"

Our Intel Agencies are filled with traitors, many of whom are likely pedophiles. They spied on THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES AND GOT AWAY SCOTT FREE!!

Fauxi conspired with the CCP to develop a unique bioweapon that targeted the human respiratory system that has since killed millions. He's still revered by our CCP media and democrats. When he's Hillaried later this summer, who else is left to hold accountable for the CCP bioweapon attack? NOBODY! We are living in 1984. “The Party said that Oceania had never been in alliance with Eurasia. He, Winston Smith, knew that Oceania had been in alliance with Eurasia as short a time as four years ago. But where did that knowledge exist? Only in his own consciousness, which in any case must soon be annihilated." No, Fauxi, rest in peace, was never aligned with the CCP.

President Trump merely pointed out how screwed we are. He then went on to hire one Deep State critter after another and we're supposed to be shocked that Barr let the traitors walk.

Best case is we split the country up. Worse case is we All Love Big Brother
Yep.....Obama spent 8 years filling the intel community and the military with fags and Islamic terrorist supporters.
None of them is worth a bucket of spit.
I've faced reality and have come to the inescapable conclusion that America as we know it is doomed. There simply isn't anyone at the Federal government that takes their oath to uphold the Constitution seriously. And there just aren't any Republican Governors who will take a meaningful stand against the creeping Fascism of the Socialist democrats. Maybe DeSantis, maybe Abbott, but it feels like "sure Sessions was awful, but Barr will hold the traitors to account"

Our Intel Agencies are filled with traitors, many of whom are likely pedophiles. They spied on THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES AND GOT AWAY SCOTT FREE!!

Fauxi conspired with the CCP to develop a unique bioweapon that targeted the human respiratory system that has since killed millions. He's still revered by our CCP media and democrats. When he's Hillaried later this summer, who else is left to hold accountable for the CCP bioweapon attack? NOBODY! We are living in 1984. “The Party said that Oceania had never been in alliance with Eurasia. He, Winston Smith, knew that Oceania had been in alliance with Eurasia as short a time as four years ago. But where did that knowledge exist? Only in his own consciousness, which in any case must soon be annihilated." No, Fauxi, rest in peace, was never aligned with the CCP.

President Trump merely pointed out how screwed we are. He then went on to hire one Deep State critter after another and we're supposed to be shocked that Barr let the traitors walk.

Best case is we split the country up. Worse case is we All Love Big Brother
I remain optimistic that people will reject the Stalinist fascism and bigotry of the Pol Pot left.
I've faced reality and have come to the inescapable conclusion that America as we know it is doomed. There simply isn't anyone at the Federal government that takes their oath to uphold the Constitution seriously. And there just aren't any Republican Governors who will take a meaningful stand against the creeping Fascism of the Socialist democrats. Maybe DeSantis, maybe Abbott, but it feels like "sure Sessions was awful, but Barr will hold the traitors to account"

Our Intel Agencies are filled with traitors, many of whom are likely pedophiles. They spied on THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES AND GOT AWAY SCOTT FREE!!

Fauxi conspired with the CCP to develop a unique bioweapon that targeted the human respiratory system that has since killed millions. He's still revered by our CCP media and democrats. When he's Hillaried later this summer, who else is left to hold accountable for the CCP bioweapon attack? NOBODY! We are living in 1984. “The Party said that Oceania had never been in alliance with Eurasia. He, Winston Smith, knew that Oceania had been in alliance with Eurasia as short a time as four years ago. But where did that knowledge exist? Only in his own consciousness, which in any case must soon be annihilated." No, Fauxi, rest in peace, was never aligned with the CCP.

President Trump merely pointed out how screwed we are. He then went on to hire one Deep State critter after another and we're supposed to be shocked that Barr let the traitors walk.

Best case is we split the country up. Worse case is we All Love Big Brother
I remain optimistic that people will reject the Stalinist fascism and bigotry of the Pol Pot left.

I so much want to remain optimistic like you....

But as each day goes by....and weeks and months......and the destruction of America continues unabated by these thugs who stole the election.....

I lose all hope.:(
I've faced reality and have come to the inescapable conclusion that America as we know it is doomed. There simply isn't anyone at the Federal government that takes their oath to uphold the Constitution seriously. And there just aren't any Republican Governors who will take a meaningful stand against the creeping Fascism of the Socialist democrats. Maybe DeSantis, maybe Abbott, but it feels like "sure Sessions was awful, but Barr will hold the traitors to account"

Our Intel Agencies are filled with traitors, many of whom are likely pedophiles. They spied on THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES AND GOT AWAY SCOTT FREE!!

Fauxi conspired with the CCP to develop a unique bioweapon that targeted the human respiratory system that has since killed millions. He's still revered by our CCP media and democrats. When he's Hillaried later this summer, who else is left to hold accountable for the CCP bioweapon attack? NOBODY! We are living in 1984. “The Party said that Oceania had never been in alliance with Eurasia. He, Winston Smith, knew that Oceania had been in alliance with Eurasia as short a time as four years ago. But where did that knowledge exist? Only in his own consciousness, which in any case must soon be annihilated." No, Fauxi, rest in peace, was never aligned with the CCP.

President Trump merely pointed out how screwed we are. He then went on to hire one Deep State critter after another and we're supposed to be shocked that Barr let the traitors walk.

Best case is we split the country up. Worse case is we All Love Big Brother
I remain optimistic that people will reject the Stalinist fascism and bigotry of the Pol Pot left.

I so much want to remain optimistic like you....

But as each day goes by....and weeks and months......and the destruction of America continues unabated by these thugs who stole the election.....

I lose all hope.:(
Never lose hope. The hate filled fascism of the left WILL BE rejected.
I've faced reality and have come to the inescapable conclusion that America as we know it is doomed. There simply isn't anyone at the Federal government that takes their oath to uphold the Constitution seriously. And there just aren't any Republican Governors who will take a meaningful stand against the creeping Fascism of the Socialist democrats. Maybe DeSantis, maybe Abbott, but it feels like "sure Sessions was awful, but Barr will hold the traitors to account"

Our Intel Agencies are filled with traitors, many of whom are likely pedophiles. They spied on THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES AND GOT AWAY SCOTT FREE!!

Fauxi conspired with the CCP to develop a unique bioweapon that targeted the human respiratory system that has since killed millions. He's still revered by our CCP media and democrats. When he's Hillaried later this summer, who else is left to hold accountable for the CCP bioweapon attack? NOBODY! We are living in 1984. “The Party said that Oceania had never been in alliance with Eurasia. He, Winston Smith, knew that Oceania had been in alliance with Eurasia as short a time as four years ago. But where did that knowledge exist? Only in his own consciousness, which in any case must soon be annihilated." No, Fauxi, rest in peace, was never aligned with the CCP.

President Trump merely pointed out how screwed we are. He then went on to hire one Deep State critter after another and we're supposed to be shocked that Barr let the traitors walk.

Best case is we split the country up. Worse case is we All Love Big Brother
We lost to China already, for the record. And don't fool yourselves, our government can't do an hour's work in 1000, and after they've blown that 1000 hours it's still wrong because they're tarded. This video is being kind to the USA, we're far more pitiful than implied.

Ah yes, the infamous quick built substandard hopsital wards that collapsed three months later, yeah, that's progress to a republiklan member.
I've faced reality and have come to the inescapable conclusion that America as we know it is doomed. There simply isn't anyone at the Federal government that takes their oath to uphold the Constitution seriously. And there just aren't any Republican Governors who will take a meaningful stand against the creeping Fascism of the Socialist democrats. Maybe DeSantis, maybe Abbott, but it feels like "sure Sessions was awful, but Barr will hold the traitors to account"

Our Intel Agencies are filled with traitors, many of whom are likely pedophiles. They spied on THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES AND GOT AWAY SCOTT FREE!!

Fauxi conspired with the CCP to develop a unique bioweapon that targeted the human respiratory system that has since killed millions. He's still revered by our CCP media and democrats. When he's Hillaried later this summer, who else is left to hold accountable for the CCP bioweapon attack? NOBODY! We are living in 1984. “The Party said that Oceania had never been in alliance with Eurasia. He, Winston Smith, knew that Oceania had been in alliance with Eurasia as short a time as four years ago. But where did that knowledge exist? Only in his own consciousness, which in any case must soon be annihilated." No, Fauxi, rest in peace, was never aligned with the CCP.

President Trump merely pointed out how screwed we are. He then went on to hire one Deep State critter after another and we're supposed to be shocked that Barr let the traitors walk.

Best case is we split the country up. Worse case is we All Love Big Brother
I remain optimistic that people will reject the Stalinist fascism and bigotry of the Pol Pot left.
You could elaborate on exactly what you mean but your insults hold no value because they are empty gestures without meaning.
I've faced reality and have come to the inescapable conclusion that America as we know it is doomed. There simply isn't anyone at the Federal government that takes their oath to uphold the Constitution seriously. And there just aren't any Republican Governors who will take a meaningful stand against the creeping Fascism of the Socialist democrats. Maybe DeSantis, maybe Abbott, but it feels like "sure Sessions was awful, but Barr will hold the traitors to account"

Our Intel Agencies are filled with traitors, many of whom are likely pedophiles. They spied on THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES AND GOT AWAY SCOTT FREE!!

Fauxi conspired with the CCP to develop a unique bioweapon that targeted the human respiratory system that has since killed millions. He's still revered by our CCP media and democrats. When he's Hillaried later this summer, who else is left to hold accountable for the CCP bioweapon attack? NOBODY! We are living in 1984. “The Party said that Oceania had never been in alliance with Eurasia. He, Winston Smith, knew that Oceania had been in alliance with Eurasia as short a time as four years ago. But where did that knowledge exist? Only in his own consciousness, which in any case must soon be annihilated." No, Fauxi, rest in peace, was never aligned with the CCP.

President Trump merely pointed out how screwed we are. He then went on to hire one Deep State critter after another and we're supposed to be shocked that Barr let the traitors walk.

Best case is we split the country up. Worse case is we All Love Big Brother

Everything that Trump did to destroy the country, was somebody else's fault. Is that what you're trying to sell us Frank? The guy who made ALL of the decisions, didn't do anything wrong, it was his corrupt minions who carried out his every wish, who fucked up, BIGLY?

Trump promised he would run the country the way he does his businesses and he really did. He ran the country into the ground, and left a big mess for somebody else to clean up, none of which is his fault, because nothing that goes wrong is EVER Trump's fault.
I've faced reality and have come to the inescapable conclusion that America as we know it is doomed. There simply isn't anyone at the Federal government that takes their oath to uphold the Constitution seriously. And there just aren't any Republican Governors who will take a meaningful stand against the creeping Fascism of the Socialist democrats. Maybe DeSantis, maybe Abbott, but it feels like "sure Sessions was awful, but Barr will hold the traitors to account"

Our Intel Agencies are filled with traitors, many of whom are likely pedophiles. They spied on THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES AND GOT AWAY SCOTT FREE!!

Fauxi conspired with the CCP to develop a unique bioweapon that targeted the human respiratory system that has since killed millions. He's still revered by our CCP media and democrats. When he's Hillaried later this summer, who else is left to hold accountable for the CCP bioweapon attack? NOBODY! We are living in 1984. “The Party said that Oceania had never been in alliance with Eurasia. He, Winston Smith, knew that Oceania had been in alliance with Eurasia as short a time as four years ago. But where did that knowledge exist? Only in his own consciousness, which in any case must soon be annihilated." No, Fauxi, rest in peace, was never aligned with the CCP.

President Trump merely pointed out how screwed we are. He then went on to hire one Deep State critter after another and we're supposed to be shocked that Barr let the traitors walk.

Best case is we split the country up. Worse case is we All Love Big Brother
I remain optimistic that people will reject the Stalinist fascism and bigotry of the Pol Pot left.

If your sole contribution to this board is going to insults, you need a better comprehension as to their meaning, because, quite frankly, your sentence made me giggle. If you're going to insult people, you don't want your nastiness to make you look ridiculous. You want outrage and hurt feelings, not "Gawd but she's dumb", as your first response.

Stalin wasn't a fascist, but he was a left wing authoritarian. Fascism is a right wing problem. Hitler was a fascist, as was Mussolini and General Franco.

From Britannica.com:

Although fascist parties and movements differed significantly from one another, they had many characteristics in common, including extreme militaristic nationalism, contempt for electoral democracy and political and cultural liberalism, a belief in natural social hierarchy and the rule of elites . . .

As for Pol Pot, I don't think anyone in the West has the first clue as to what he stood for or his policies.

Try again, you can do better.

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