I have changed my mind on abortion,,

What you are talking about here is coming............the left had a practice run in from 1917 to the 1960s.........they have a taste for it now and are simply biding their time....
I know its a harsh thing to say and do but at some point we have to realize humanity is at stake,,
I was never a religious absolutist on abortion, my ex wife and I killed our first child with abortion when we were young but when our second child came along that changed my mind the moment I saw him and only got more so when our 3rd was born
but seeing the decline of humanity and the burden the useless put on the rest of us that are responsible people that provide for ourselves, I have now changed my mind again.

sure we can make excuses and say it will help climate change and stop the suffering of the useless that would have been born into poverty, but in reality its the rest of us that suffers from these useless people. they serve no purpose for themselves or us, they refuse to work and demand others pay for their existence, thats not living,,

so that being said I now fully support abortion and will gladly allow my tax dollars to go towards not just pre birth abortion but as many dems say post birth abortions even up to 5 yrs old, we should go into the schools early and determine which of the walking fetus's will never serve humanity and remove them from the suffering they are going through, we should not only have a planned parenthood in every poor neighborhood but have mobile abortion clinics that can go directly into the poor areas and provide the relief they need so much,
and in cases where the parents refuse to work and expect the rest of us pay for their existence be sterilized and that would be both mother and father,,

as for those that get abortions and have more than enough money to care for their children they should be jailed for cold blooded murder because thats exactly what it is,,

now for myself I could never again even consider killing my own child regardless of my financial situation,, I have always and will always care for myself and my children and try my hardest to never be a burden to another person,,

thanks for your time,,

Good idea. Now I'm thinking of opening a free Abortion/Sterilization clinic in my garage. I have plenty of tools....pliers, hammers, tin snips...vice grips...

No appointment necessary and everyone gets a free surprise gift.
I was never a religious absolutist on abortion, my ex wife and I killed our first child with abortion when we were young but when our second child came along that changed my mind the moment I saw him and only got more so when our 3rd was born
but seeing the decline of humanity and the burden the useless put on the rest of us that are responsible people that provide for ourselves, I have now changed my mind again.

sure we can make excuses and say it will help climate change and stop the suffering of the useless that would have been born into poverty, but in reality its the rest of us that suffers from these useless people. they serve no purpose for themselves or us, they refuse to work and demand others pay for their existence, thats not living,,

so that being said I now fully support abortion and will gladly allow my tax dollars to go towards not just pre birth abortion but as many dems say post birth abortions even up to 5 yrs old, we should go into the schools early and determine which of the walking fetus's will never serve humanity and remove them from the suffering they are going through, we should not only have a planned parenthood in every poor neighborhood but have mobile abortion clinics that can go directly into the poor areas and provide the relief they need so much,
and in cases where the parents refuse to work and expect the rest of us pay for their existence be sterilized and that would be both mother and father,,

as for those that get abortions and have more than enough money to care for their children they should be jailed for cold blooded murder because thats exactly what it is,,

now for myself I could never again even consider killing my own child regardless of my financial situation,, I have always and will always care for myself and my children and try my hardest to never be a burden to another person,,

thanks for your time,,
Who cares what a murderer thinks...child killer.....

Hopefully, when Republicans stop being cowards and actually pass the anti-abortion policies that Jesus intended, people who committed child murder in the past will also be sentenced to life in prison...
I recommend people like you first. Those who think others are a waste of skin are merely projecting.
since I am not a burden to others and also provide for their existence what would it serve to abort me??

FFS we paid over 50K in taxs just last yr and next yr it will be more,,
I benefit humanity not take from it,,
Who cares what a murderer thinks...child killer.....

Hopefully, when Republicans stop being cowards and actually pass the anti-abortion policies that Jesus intended, people who committed child murder in the past will also be sentenced to life in prison...
I would never again kill a child,,
I was never a religious absolutist on abortion, my ex wife and I killed our first child with abortion when we were young but when our second child came along that changed my mind the moment I saw him and only got more so when our 3rd was born
but seeing the decline of humanity and the burden the useless put on the rest of us that are responsible people that provide for ourselves, I have now changed my mind again.

sure we can make excuses and say it will help climate change and stop the suffering of the useless that would have been born into poverty, but in reality its the rest of us that suffers from these useless people. they serve no purpose for themselves or us, they refuse to work and demand others pay for their existence, thats not living,,

so that being said I now fully support abortion
this is sick

You have no respect for human life save your own and those you find worthy to live.. how utterly arrogant and selfish

But thanks for "making me love" the TRUE Catholic Church even more than ever (not the Bergoglio Church but the SSPX, the Original One Christ founded) that teaches human life is sacred from cradle to grave.

You love $$ and the things of this life.

But when you die, you will lose EVERYTHING and stand NAKED before TRUTH itself (Jesus Christ who is both Mercy AND Perfect Justice) to give an account of your life.

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blah blah blah,,,

go fuck yourself,,

As suspected, you're a complete and utter failure at refuting anything I said. You lack the intellectual capacity to actually engage someone on the issue. No, cowards like you just say "go fuck yourself" as you tuck your tail between your legs and run away like a little girl...
As suspected, you're a complete and utter failure at refuting anything I said. You lack the intellectual capacity to actually engage someone on the issue. No, cowards like you just say "go fuck yourself" as you tuck your tail between your legs and run away like a little girl...
blah blah blah,,,

fuck off,,
Planned Parenthood should have a clinic on every corner in poor and minority areas. Every abortion should come with sterilization. Every man convicted of a felony should get a forcible vasectomy as a part of sentencing. Families of the decent, undrug addicted, law abiding should be encouraged to be large.
Planned Parenthood should have a clinic on every corner in poor and minority areas. Every abortion should come with sterilization. Every man convicted of a felony should get a forcible vasectomy as a part of sentencing. Families of the decent, undrug addicted, law abiding should be encouraged to be large.
agree with the first part but not the second,,

If "pro life" advocates that every pregnancy be carried to term, then "pro abortion" would advocate that every pregnancy be terminated, and no sane person has done that. Acting like a drama queen with the "pro abortion" moniker just proves that you have very little on which to base a decent argument.

And yet, by our own admission, you did exactly that.

I wonder, what penalty do you think you and your wife should be awarded for the murder of your child? If it's murder, then it's a criminal act. The crime of murder has no statute of limitations in any jurisdiction. So, I wonder, since you believe you murdered your child, for how long should you be imprisoned? Given your revised view on the issue, when will you be surrendering yourself to the authorities for the crime of murder?

Because, you know, if you don't do that then your comments are nothing but hypocritical bullshit...
he can't turn himself in to the authorities bc abortion was probably legal when he killed his child.

But there is another Court that will Someday decide. If he hasn't repented or expiated his sins fully...

yikes.. I've heard that hardly anyone makes it to Heaven.. The longer I live, the more i see going on in this sick world.. the less problem I have believing that.. assuming I have any problem at all at this point..

Anyway, I have more respect for you than I did b4.. for confronting this poster on his inconsistencies.. which are massive..

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