I have been Called to the Principal's Office

Is bodecea suggesting we should just be good socialist and accept whatever level of education the government is willing to supply with our tax dollars? I'm sure that someone at Samson's house is fully aware that a parent has expectations of them doing their best after such efforts have been expended. Why would it take bullying to get a school district to fulfill their mission?

Absolutely not...and I honestly cannot see how you get that from my posts. Explain, please.
Is bodecea suggesting we should just be good socialist and accept whatever level of education the government is willing to supply with our tax dollars? I'm sure that someone at Samson's house is fully aware that a parent has expectations of them doing their best after such efforts have been expended. Why would it take bullying to get a school district to fulfill their mission?

Absolutely not...and I honestly cannot see how you get that from my posts. Explain, please.
I got that you feel it would be wrong if not impossible to meet the demands of each and every parent.

For instance, what if another father insecure about his tenth grader's ability demands a weekly phone conference? And another demands a weekly personal conference. Another demands a teacher correct a weekly summary of the student's version of what was taught that week. Another demands each teacher gives a student a weekly hour coaching session.

Teachers are already saddled with enough bullshit from the nervous school boards and the freaking NCLB bullshit that they are almost unable to teach anything at all.

It is up to the community as a whole to set a standard and not the individual parent. Schools have never been set up to cater to the whims of an individual parent.
Is bodecea suggesting we should just be good socialist and accept whatever level of education the government is willing to supply with our tax dollars? I'm sure that someone at Samson's house is fully aware that a parent has expectations of them doing their best after such efforts have been expended. Why would it take bullying to get a school district to fulfill their mission?

Absolutely not...and I honestly cannot see how you get that from my posts. Explain, please.
I got that you feel it would be wrong if not impossible to meet the demands of each and every parent.

For instance, what if another father insecure about his tenth grader's ability demands a weekly phone conference? And another demands a weekly personal conference. Another demands a teacher correct a weekly summary of the student's version of what was taught that week. Another demands each teacher gives a student a weekly hour coaching session.

Teachers are already saddled with enough bullshit from the nervous school boards and the freaking NCLB bullshit that they are almost unable to teach anything at all.

It is up to the community as a whole to set a standard and not the individual parent. Schools have never been set up to cater to the whims of an individual parent.

Yes, what if parents become involved in schools?


Normally I ignore your stupid frothy ravings, but occasionally you're able to contrive something so outrageously idiotic that I must appreciate it for nothing else if not its comic value.


Jezze you're a moron.:cuckoo:
Absolutely not...and I honestly cannot see how you get that from my posts. Explain, please.
I got that you feel it would be wrong if not impossible to meet the demands of each and every parent.

For instance, what if another father insecure about his tenth grader's ability demands a weekly phone conference? And another demands a weekly personal conference. Another demands a teacher correct a weekly summary of the student's version of what was taught that week. Another demands each teacher gives a student a weekly hour coaching session.

Teachers are already saddled with enough bullshit from the nervous school boards and the freaking NCLB bullshit that they are almost unable to teach anything at all.

It is up to the community as a whole to set a standard and not the individual parent. Schools have never been set up to cater to the whims of an individual parent.

Yes, what if parents become involved in schools?


Normally I ignore your stupid frothy ravings, but occasionally you're able to contrive something so outrageously idiotic that I must appreciate it for nothing else if not its comic value.


Jezze you're a moron.:cuckoo:
Being involved is not the same as being a demanding prick of a hovercraft father.

I got that you feel it would be wrong if not impossible to meet the demands of each and every parent.

For instance, what if another father insecure about his tenth grader's ability demands a weekly phone conference? And another demands a weekly personal conference. Another demands a teacher correct a weekly summary of the student's version of what was taught that week. Another demands each teacher gives a student a weekly hour coaching session.

Teachers are already saddled with enough bullshit from the nervous school boards and the freaking NCLB bullshit that they are almost unable to teach anything at all.

It is up to the community as a whole to set a standard and not the individual parent. Schools have never been set up to cater to the whims of an individual parent.

Yes, what if parents become involved in schools?


Normally I ignore your stupid frothy ravings, but occasionally you're able to contrive something so outrageously idiotic that I must appreciate it for nothing else if not its comic value.


Jezze you're a moron.:cuckoo:
Being involved is not the same as being a demanding prick of a hovercraft father.



OMG you mean a weekly phone call/meeting/email/graded paper may just push teachers over the edge??


Clearly, you haven't the slightest fucking clue what you are babbling about: I suggest you go drool over another subject for which you may have more expertise: The side effects of a variety of mind altering psychiatric medications and procedures.
Yes, what if parents become involved in schools?


Normally I ignore your stupid frothy ravings, but occasionally you're able to contrive something so outrageously idiotic that I must appreciate it for nothing else if not its comic value.


Jezze you're a moron.:cuckoo:
Being involved is not the same as being a demanding prick of a hovercraft father.



OMG you mean a weekly phone call/meeting/email/graded paper may just push teachers over the edge??


Clearly, you haven't the slightest fucking clue what you are babbling about: I suggest you go drool over another subject for which you may have more expertise: The side effects of a variety of mind altering psychiatric medications and procedures.
I realize you have a genetic defect that prevents you from considering alternate views.

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a personality disorder [1].
The narcissist is described as being excessively preoccupied with issues of personal adequacy, power, and prestige.[2] Narcissistic personality disorder is closely linked to self-centeredness.
Being involved is not the same as being a demanding prick of a hovercraft father.



OMG you mean a weekly phone call/meeting/email/graded paper may just push teachers over the edge??


Clearly, you haven't the slightest fucking clue what you are babbling about: I suggest you go drool over another subject for which you may have more expertise: The side effects of a variety of mind altering psychiatric medications and procedures.
I realize you have a genetic defect that prevents you from considering alternate views.

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a personality disorder [1].
The narcissist is described as being excessively preoccupied with issues of personal adequacy, power, and prestige.[2] Narcissistic personality disorder is closely linked to self-centeredness.

Your Leg-humping doesn't help.:evil:

****tries to shake Ravi off left leg****

Damn, you're leaving a stain.
Is bodecea suggesting we should just be good socialist and accept whatever level of education the government is willing to supply with our tax dollars? I'm sure that someone at Samson's house is fully aware that a parent has expectations of them doing their best after such efforts have been expended. Why would it take bullying to get a school district to fulfill their mission?

Absolutely not...and I honestly cannot see how you get that from my posts. Explain, please.
I got that you feel it would be wrong if not impossible to meet the demands of each and every parent.

For instance, what if another father insecure about his tenth grader's ability demands a weekly phone conference? And another demands a weekly personal conference. Another demands a teacher correct a weekly summary of the student's version of what was taught that week. Another demands each teacher gives a student a weekly hour coaching session.

Teachers are already saddled with enough bullshit from the nervous school boards and the freaking NCLB bullshit that they are almost unable to teach anything at all.

It is up to the community as a whole to set a standard and not the individual parent. Schools have never been set up to cater to the whims of an individual parent.

Samson is just using the standards to make sure his child is getting an education. Maybe you think getting a piece of paper after attending thirteen years is fine. Many of us know a whole different story. It was a failure by the teachers to maintain the school's standards that prompted his inquiries. If you can't handle working for the public pick a different profession than teaching.
Absolutely not...and I honestly cannot see how you get that from my posts. Explain, please.
I got that you feel it would be wrong if not impossible to meet the demands of each and every parent.

For instance, what if another father insecure about his tenth grader's ability demands a weekly phone conference? And another demands a weekly personal conference. Another demands a teacher correct a weekly summary of the student's version of what was taught that week. Another demands each teacher gives a student a weekly hour coaching session.

Teachers are already saddled with enough bullshit from the nervous school boards and the freaking NCLB bullshit that they are almost unable to teach anything at all.

It is up to the community as a whole to set a standard and not the individual parent. Schools have never been set up to cater to the whims of an individual parent.

Samson is just using the standards to make sure his child is getting an education. Maybe you think getting a piece of paper after attending thirteen years is fine. Many of us know a whole different story. It was a failure by the teachers to maintain the school's standards that prompted his inquiries. If you can't handle working for the public pick a different profession than teaching.
I think a tenth grader should be self directed to some extent and not need mommy or daddy reviewing his work at every turn.

If this had been a problem with a particular teacher...fine. But squidboi decided at the beginning of the year that all teachers were evil and stupid and acted accordingly.
I got that you feel it would be wrong if not impossible to meet the demands of each and every parent.

For instance, what if another father insecure about his tenth grader's ability demands a weekly phone conference? And another demands a weekly personal conference. Another demands a teacher correct a weekly summary of the student's version of what was taught that week. Another demands each teacher gives a student a weekly hour coaching session.

Teachers are already saddled with enough bullshit from the nervous school boards and the freaking NCLB bullshit that they are almost unable to teach anything at all.

It is up to the community as a whole to set a standard and not the individual parent. Schools have never been set up to cater to the whims of an individual parent.

Samson is just using the standards to make sure his child is getting an education. Maybe you think getting a piece of paper after attending thirteen years is fine. Many of us know a whole different story. It was a failure by the teachers to maintain the school's standards that prompted his inquiries. If you can't handle working for the public pick a different profession than teaching.
I think a tenth grader should be self directed to some extent and not need mommy or daddy reviewing his work at every turn.

If this had been a problem with a particular teacher...fine. But squidboi decided at the beginning of the year that all teachers were evil and stupid and acted accordingly.

Yes, and money should grow on trees in the backyard and we shouldn't have to go to work either. There is fantasy and there is real life. Should a tenth grader be self directed? Yes, hopefully and a few are. But many are not. Parents have a responsibility to raise their children and turn them into decent, educated, self sufficient adults. The school is where we are forced by law to send them for their book learning. Keeping track of the progress and the quality of that education is what any intelligent and responsible parent would do. Obviously, you have never raised a child. If so and you were the type that dropped them at the door to be babysat and never gave another thought to their education beyond that......well, you probably got what you deserved.
Samson is just using the standards to make sure his child is getting an education. Maybe you think getting a piece of paper after attending thirteen years is fine. Many of us know a whole different story. It was a failure by the teachers to maintain the school's standards that prompted his inquiries. If you can't handle working for the public pick a different profession than teaching.
I think a tenth grader should be self directed to some extent and not need mommy or daddy reviewing his work at every turn.

If this had been a problem with a particular teacher...fine. But squidboi decided at the beginning of the year that all teachers were evil and stupid and acted accordingly.

Yes, and money should grow on trees in the backyard and we shouldn't have to go to work either. There is fantasy and there is real life. Should a tenth grader be self directed? Yes, hopefully and a few are. But many are not. Parents have a responsibility to raise their children and turn them into decent, educated, self sufficient adults. The school is where we are forced by law to send them for their book learning. Keeping track of the progress and the quality of that education is what any intelligent and responsible parent would do. Obviously, you have never raised a child. If so and you were the type that dropped them at the door to be babysat and never gave another thought to their education beyond that......well, you probably got what you deserved.

If tenth graders should be able to fend for themselves without any adult supervision, why don't we just declare them legal adults at that age? And then idiots like Ravi can start bitching about how EIGHTH graders should be totally independent. :cuckoo: I don't personally think 18-year-olds are all that capable of running their lives without any guidance, and while a tenth grader should certainly have more self-discipline than a kid in elementary school, they ARE still children and their parents ARE still - hopefully - teaching them the ropes of being adults.
Samson is just using the standards to make sure his child is getting an education. Maybe you think getting a piece of paper after attending thirteen years is fine. Many of us know a whole different story. It was a failure by the teachers to maintain the school's standards that prompted his inquiries. If you can't handle working for the public pick a different profession than teaching.
I think a tenth grader should be self directed to some extent and not need mommy or daddy reviewing his work at every turn.

If this had been a problem with a particular teacher...fine. But squidboi decided at the beginning of the year that all teachers were evil and stupid and acted accordingly.

Yes, and money should grow on trees in the backyard and we shouldn't have to go to work either. There is fantasy and there is real life. Should a tenth grader be self directed? Yes, hopefully and a few are. But many are not. Parents have a responsibility to raise their children and turn them into decent, educated, self sufficient adults. The school is where we are forced by law to send them for their book learning. Keeping track of the progress and the quality of that education is what any intelligent and responsible parent would do. Obviously, you have never raised a child. If so and you were the type that dropped them at the door to be babysat and never gave another thought to their education beyond that......well, you probably got what you deserved.
Maybe in your world, but not mine.

As for the rest of your post...piss off.

You want to raise namby pambies that can't think for themselves and need a hovercraft to guide them, be my guest. Don't whine to me when they still live in your basement at 30.
I think a tenth grader should be self directed to some extent and not need mommy or daddy reviewing his work at every turn.

If this had been a problem with a particular teacher...fine. But squidboi decided at the beginning of the year that all teachers were evil and stupid and acted accordingly.

Yes, and money should grow on trees in the backyard and we shouldn't have to go to work either. There is fantasy and there is real life. Should a tenth grader be self directed? Yes, hopefully and a few are. But many are not. Parents have a responsibility to raise their children and turn them into decent, educated, self sufficient adults. The school is where we are forced by law to send them for their book learning. Keeping track of the progress and the quality of that education is what any intelligent and responsible parent would do. Obviously, you have never raised a child. If so and you were the type that dropped them at the door to be babysat and never gave another thought to their education beyond that......well, you probably got what you deserved.
Maybe in your world, but not mine.

As for the rest of your post...piss off.

You want to raise namby pambies that can't think for themselves and need a hovercraft to guide them, be my guest. Don't whine to me when they still live in your basement at 30.

No, you piss off. You pop into a long thread and begin popping off without knowing the history of the thread. Methinks you want to take shots at Samson personally rather than actually add anything of value to the subject at hand......since you haven't yet.

Namby pambies? Yeah right. That's what I do. I'm an Assistant Scoutmaster of a Boy Scout Troop. Troops are boy led. While mentored by adults, they hold elections and elect their own youth leadership who actually runs the troop. They determine their own program, plan their campouts, plan and cook their own menus, etc. They are taught to be self sufficient. That's the world I live in. My son just finished his Eagle Scout project. He had to find a project, research, plan, recruit help and direct the project. In addition to the actual project, he has to document the project and present it to a Board of Review to get approval to do it. Then after it is done, he has to add to the documentation and attend a final Board of Review where the project is signed off. He tore an old rotting roof off of a pavillion down to the support posts and built a new frame, rafters and roof. He is 17. He works 6 days a week and is an honor student who has made all A's except for 6 B's since kindergarten. Yes, I raised a namby pamby. Tell me, what have you done?
If tenth graders should be able to fend for themselves without any adult supervision, why don't we just declare them legal adults at that age? And then idiots like Ravi can start bitching about how EIGHTH graders should be totally independent. :cuckoo: I don't personally think 18-year-olds are all that capable of running their lives without any guidance, and while a tenth grader should certainly have more self-discipline than a kid in elementary school, they ARE still children and their parents ARE still - hopefully - teaching them the ropes of being adults.

Some people are just Bitchy.

It sure in hell would be nice to just have kids fend for themselves at 16, but then they'd be taking the jobs away from the Ravinoids: those who were abandoned by their parents at an early age because they were clearly going to be idiots as adults, no matter how much effort their parents tried to change them.
Is bodecea suggesting we should just be good socialist and accept whatever level of education the government is willing to supply with our tax dollars? I'm sure that someone at Samson's house is fully aware that a parent has expectations of them doing their best after such efforts have been expended. Why would it take bullying to get a school district to fulfill their mission?

Absolutely not...and I honestly cannot see how you get that from my posts. Explain, please.
I got that you feel it would be wrong if not impossible to meet the demands of each and every parent.

For instance, what if another father insecure about his tenth grader's ability demands a weekly phone conference? And another demands a weekly personal conference. Another demands a teacher correct a weekly summary of the student's version of what was taught that week. Another demands each teacher gives a student a weekly hour coaching session.

Teachers are already saddled with enough bullshit from the nervous school boards and the freaking NCLB bullshit that they are almost unable to teach anything at all.

It is up to the community as a whole to set a standard and not the individual parent. Schools have never been set up to cater to the whims of an individual parent.

Ravi, teachers scream till they are blue in the face about the lack of parental involvement in their children's education and school. Then when one shows up looking to be involved they whine because they are to overworked. They cant have it both ways.

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