I have a more unpleasant forecast for Trump. After the White House he faces a very unhappy period

This is the Russian already dumping agent Orange and consigning him to the poop-chute of history.

Donald Trump has outlived his political and strategic usefulness to the Russians and they are pulling the rug out from under him and portending the bleak demise of the Trump organization.

The Russians have achieved their objective of using agent Orange to divide and destabilize the USA and their work has been outstanding in achieving their objective in less than four years.

Donald Trump has thrown the USA under the bus with his tactics of division and destabilization.

Trump Gets Called a Russian Agent on Russia State TV

Trump Gets Called a Russian Agent on Russia State TV
By Rachel Singh | December 16, 2019 | 5:31pm

Last week, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov returned home from his visit to the Oval Office with Donald Trump and Russian state media had a field day. The meeting was especially satisfying for Russians as Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky has not gotten his “quid pro quo” meeting with Trump as he has failed to announce the smear investigation Trump wants on Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. Trump is currently going through impeachment due to that promise, but that’s another, and another and another story.

After Lavrov’s meeting, TV Channel Rossiya 1 aired a segment not so subtly titled “Puppet Master and ‘Agent’’—How to Understand Lavrov’s Meeting With Trump.” You probably don’t need an explainer to guess who’s the master and who’s the agent in this analogy. Additionally, Vesti Nedeli, a Sunday news show on the same network, pointed out that Trump personally asked Lavrov to pose standing next to Trump while Trump sat at his desk. If you’re getting Game of Thrones vibes, we are, too, and if there’s any notes to take from that show, it’s sometimes the Hand of the King (and not the one on the Throne) holds more of the power.
Russian state television doesn’t seem concerned about losing their perceived pawn: They seem to view impeachment as a minor obstacle that won’t get Trump removed. Besides, heightened division in the U.S. works in Russia’s favor, especially since it hurts relations between the U.S. and Ukraine.
Russia news networks are making fun of Trump while he’s in office, and also predicting a downturn for him once he’s out. On Sunday Evening with Vladimir Soloview, Mikhail Gusman, the first deputy director general of ITAR-TASS, Russia’s oldest and largest news agency, stated, “Sooner or later, the Democrats will come back into power. The next term or the term after that, it doesn’t matter … I have an even more unpleasant forecast for Trump. After the White House, he will face a very unhappy period.”
Host Vladimir Soloviev responded, “Should we get another apartment in Rostov ready?” The comment was an allusion to Viktor Yanukovych, former president of Ukraine, who had to flee for Russia in 2014 after corruption and treason. The comparison between Yanukovych and Trump is made more frightening as Russian experts and politicians consider both of them to be openly pro-Kremlin. As much as we’d love for Trump to be out of office, having him completely in Russia’s pocket is definitely not a solution.

Any other Democrats politicans defect?

Itll get really funny if we start having to use 2 hands to count em

Muh peach mint will move forward lol
View attachment 295310

Donald Trump is not laughing. He doesn't trust anybody and has 50+ GOP senators to watch many of whom have been threatened and-or insulted by Donald Trump.
This is the Russian already dumping agent Orange and consigning him to the poop-chute of history.

Donald Trump has outlived his political and strategic usefulness to the Russians and they are pulling the rug out from under him and portending the bleak demise of the Trump organization.

The Russians have achieved their objective of using agent Orange to divide and destabilize the USA and their work has been outstanding in achieving their objective in less than four years.

Donald Trump has thrown the USA under the bus with his tactics of division and destabilization.

Trump Gets Called a Russian Agent on Russia State TV

Trump Gets Called a Russian Agent on Russia State TV
By Rachel Singh | December 16, 2019 | 5:31pm

Last week, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov returned home from his visit to the Oval Office with Donald Trump and Russian state media had a field day. The meeting was especially satisfying for Russians as Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky has not gotten his “quid pro quo” meeting with Trump as he has failed to announce the smear investigation Trump wants on Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. Trump is currently going through impeachment due to that promise, but that’s another, and another and another story.

After Lavrov’s meeting, TV Channel Rossiya 1 aired a segment not so subtly titled “Puppet Master and ‘Agent’’—How to Understand Lavrov’s Meeting With Trump.” You probably don’t need an explainer to guess who’s the master and who’s the agent in this analogy. Additionally, Vesti Nedeli, a Sunday news show on the same network, pointed out that Trump personally asked Lavrov to pose standing next to Trump while Trump sat at his desk. If you’re getting Game of Thrones vibes, we are, too, and if there’s any notes to take from that show, it’s sometimes the Hand of the King (and not the one on the Throne) holds more of the power.
Russian state television doesn’t seem concerned about losing their perceived pawn: They seem to view impeachment as a minor obstacle that won’t get Trump removed. Besides, heightened division in the U.S. works in Russia’s favor, especially since it hurts relations between the U.S. and Ukraine.
Russia news networks are making fun of Trump while he’s in office, and also predicting a downturn for him once he’s out. On Sunday Evening with Vladimir Soloview, Mikhail Gusman, the first deputy director general of ITAR-TASS, Russia’s oldest and largest news agency, stated, “Sooner or later, the Democrats will come back into power. The next term or the term after that, it doesn’t matter … I have an even more unpleasant forecast for Trump. After the White House, he will face a very unhappy period.”
Host Vladimir Soloviev responded, “Should we get another apartment in Rostov ready?” The comment was an allusion to Viktor Yanukovych, former president of Ukraine, who had to flee for Russia in 2014 after corruption and treason. The comparison between Yanukovych and Trump is made more frightening as Russian experts and politicians consider both of them to be openly pro-Kremlin. As much as we’d love for Trump to be out of office, having him completely in Russia’s pocket is definitely not a solution.

Take your meds please

These meds?

This is the Russian already dumping agent Orange and consigning him to the poop-chute of history.

Donald Trump has outlived his political and strategic usefulness to the Russians and they are pulling the rug out from under him and portending the bleak demise of the Trump organization.

The Russians have achieved their objective of using agent Orange to divide and destabilize the USA and their work has been outstanding in achieving their objective in less than four years.

Donald Trump has thrown the USA under the bus with his tactics of division and destabilization.

Trump Gets Called a Russian Agent on Russia State TV

Trump Gets Called a Russian Agent on Russia State TV
By Rachel Singh | December 16, 2019 | 5:31pm

Last week, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov returned home from his visit to the Oval Office with Donald Trump and Russian state media had a field day. The meeting was especially satisfying for Russians as Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky has not gotten his “quid pro quo” meeting with Trump as he has failed to announce the smear investigation Trump wants on Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. Trump is currently going through impeachment due to that promise, but that’s another, and another and another story.

After Lavrov’s meeting, TV Channel Rossiya 1 aired a segment not so subtly titled “Puppet Master and ‘Agent’’—How to Understand Lavrov’s Meeting With Trump.” You probably don’t need an explainer to guess who’s the master and who’s the agent in this analogy. Additionally, Vesti Nedeli, a Sunday news show on the same network, pointed out that Trump personally asked Lavrov to pose standing next to Trump while Trump sat at his desk. If you’re getting Game of Thrones vibes, we are, too, and if there’s any notes to take from that show, it’s sometimes the Hand of the King (and not the one on the Throne) holds more of the power.
Russian state television doesn’t seem concerned about losing their perceived pawn: They seem to view impeachment as a minor obstacle that won’t get Trump removed. Besides, heightened division in the U.S. works in Russia’s favor, especially since it hurts relations between the U.S. and Ukraine.
Russia news networks are making fun of Trump while he’s in office, and also predicting a downturn for him once he’s out. On Sunday Evening with Vladimir Soloview, Mikhail Gusman, the first deputy director general of ITAR-TASS, Russia’s oldest and largest news agency, stated, “Sooner or later, the Democrats will come back into power. The next term or the term after that, it doesn’t matter … I have an even more unpleasant forecast for Trump. After the White House, he will face a very unhappy period.”
Host Vladimir Soloviev responded, “Should we get another apartment in Rostov ready?” The comment was an allusion to Viktor Yanukovych, former president of Ukraine, who had to flee for Russia in 2014 after corruption and treason. The comparison between Yanukovych and Trump is made more frightening as Russian experts and politicians consider both of them to be openly pro-Kremlin. As much as we’d love for Trump to be out of office, having him completely in Russia’s pocket is definitely not a solution.

With all due respect, you're completely mis-interpreting what Trump has done to promote and usher in the multi-polar geo-politics on this planet we all share.

He'll be rewarded by his many new international friends with plenty of regular busines deals, and in my book at least, he'll go down in History as one of the greatest Presidents ever, slightly bigger even than Obama.
This is the Russian already dumping agent Orange and consigning him to the poop-chute of history.

Donald Trump has outlived his political and strategic usefulness to the Russians and they are pulling the rug out from under him and portending the bleak demise of the Trump organization.

The Russians have achieved their objective of using agent Orange to divide and destabilize the USA and their work has been outstanding in achieving their objective in less than four years.

Donald Trump has thrown the USA under the bus with his tactics of division and destabilization.

Trump Gets Called a Russian Agent on Russia State TV

Trump Gets Called a Russian Agent on Russia State TV
By Rachel Singh | December 16, 2019 | 5:31pm

Last week, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov returned home from his visit to the Oval Office with Donald Trump and Russian state media had a field day. The meeting was especially satisfying for Russians as Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky has not gotten his “quid pro quo” meeting with Trump as he has failed to announce the smear investigation Trump wants on Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. Trump is currently going through impeachment due to that promise, but that’s another, and another and another story.

After Lavrov’s meeting, TV Channel Rossiya 1 aired a segment not so subtly titled “Puppet Master and ‘Agent’’—How to Understand Lavrov’s Meeting With Trump.” You probably don’t need an explainer to guess who’s the master and who’s the agent in this analogy. Additionally, Vesti Nedeli, a Sunday news show on the same network, pointed out that Trump personally asked Lavrov to pose standing next to Trump while Trump sat at his desk. If you’re getting Game of Thrones vibes, we are, too, and if there’s any notes to take from that show, it’s sometimes the Hand of the King (and not the one on the Throne) holds more of the power.
Russian state television doesn’t seem concerned about losing their perceived pawn: They seem to view impeachment as a minor obstacle that won’t get Trump removed. Besides, heightened division in the U.S. works in Russia’s favor, especially since it hurts relations between the U.S. and Ukraine.
Russia news networks are making fun of Trump while he’s in office, and also predicting a downturn for him once he’s out. On Sunday Evening with Vladimir Soloview, Mikhail Gusman, the first deputy director general of ITAR-TASS, Russia’s oldest and largest news agency, stated, “Sooner or later, the Democrats will come back into power. The next term or the term after that, it doesn’t matter … I have an even more unpleasant forecast for Trump. After the White House, he will face a very unhappy period.”
Host Vladimir Soloviev responded, “Should we get another apartment in Rostov ready?” The comment was an allusion to Viktor Yanukovych, former president of Ukraine, who had to flee for Russia in 2014 after corruption and treason. The comparison between Yanukovych and Trump is made more frightening as Russian experts and politicians consider both of them to be openly pro-Kremlin. As much as we’d love for Trump to be out of office, having him completely in Russia’s pocket is definitely not a solution.

With all due respect, you're completely mis-interpreting what Trump has done to promote and usher in the multi-polar geo-politics on this planet we all share.

He'll be rewarded by his many new international friends with plenty of regular busines deals, and in my book at least, he'll go down in History as one of the greatest Presidents ever, slightly bigger even than Obama.

Donald Trump will be flushed down the poop-chute of history in disgrace.

Donald Trump is a brazen and blatant lawbreaker.
This is the Russian already dumping agent Orange and consigning him to the poop-chute of history.

Donald Trump has outlived his political and strategic usefulness to the Russians and they are pulling the rug out from under him and portending the bleak demise of the Trump organization.

The Russians have achieved their objective of using agent Orange to divide and destabilize the USA and their work has been outstanding in achieving their objective in less than four years.

Donald Trump has thrown the USA under the bus with his tactics of division and destabilization.

Trump Gets Called a Russian Agent on Russia State TV

Trump Gets Called a Russian Agent on Russia State TV
By Rachel Singh | December 16, 2019 | 5:31pm

Last week, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov returned home from his visit to the Oval Office with Donald Trump and Russian state media had a field day. The meeting was especially satisfying for Russians as Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky has not gotten his “quid pro quo” meeting with Trump as he has failed to announce the smear investigation Trump wants on Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. Trump is currently going through impeachment due to that promise, but that’s another, and another and another story.

After Lavrov’s meeting, TV Channel Rossiya 1 aired a segment not so subtly titled “Puppet Master and ‘Agent’’—How to Understand Lavrov’s Meeting With Trump.” You probably don’t need an explainer to guess who’s the master and who’s the agent in this analogy. Additionally, Vesti Nedeli, a Sunday news show on the same network, pointed out that Trump personally asked Lavrov to pose standing next to Trump while Trump sat at his desk. If you’re getting Game of Thrones vibes, we are, too, and if there’s any notes to take from that show, it’s sometimes the Hand of the King (and not the one on the Throne) holds more of the power.
Russian state television doesn’t seem concerned about losing their perceived pawn: They seem to view impeachment as a minor obstacle that won’t get Trump removed. Besides, heightened division in the U.S. works in Russia’s favor, especially since it hurts relations between the U.S. and Ukraine.
Russia news networks are making fun of Trump while he’s in office, and also predicting a downturn for him once he’s out. On Sunday Evening with Vladimir Soloview, Mikhail Gusman, the first deputy director general of ITAR-TASS, Russia’s oldest and largest news agency, stated, “Sooner or later, the Democrats will come back into power. The next term or the term after that, it doesn’t matter … I have an even more unpleasant forecast for Trump. After the White House, he will face a very unhappy period.”
Host Vladimir Soloviev responded, “Should we get another apartment in Rostov ready?” The comment was an allusion to Viktor Yanukovych, former president of Ukraine, who had to flee for Russia in 2014 after corruption and treason. The comparison between Yanukovych and Trump is made more frightening as Russian experts and politicians consider both of them to be openly pro-Kremlin. As much as we’d love for Trump to be out of office, having him completely in Russia’s pocket is definitely not a solution.

That is hilarious on soooo many levels. The only Russian interference was done on behalf of the dems and the fake dossier.
This is the Russian already dumping agent Orange and consigning him to the poop-chute of history.

Donald Trump has outlived his political and strategic usefulness to the Russians and they are pulling the rug out from under him and portending the bleak demise of the Trump organization.

The Russians have achieved their objective of using agent Orange to divide and destabilize the USA and their work has been outstanding in achieving their objective in less than four years.

Donald Trump has thrown the USA under the bus with his tactics of division and destabilization.

Trump Gets Called a Russian Agent on Russia State TV

Trump Gets Called a Russian Agent on Russia State TV
By Rachel Singh | December 16, 2019 | 5:31pm

Last week, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov returned home from his visit to the Oval Office with Donald Trump and Russian state media had a field day. The meeting was especially satisfying for Russians as Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky has not gotten his “quid pro quo” meeting with Trump as he has failed to announce the smear investigation Trump wants on Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. Trump is currently going through impeachment due to that promise, but that’s another, and another and another story.

After Lavrov’s meeting, TV Channel Rossiya 1 aired a segment not so subtly titled “Puppet Master and ‘Agent’’—How to Understand Lavrov’s Meeting With Trump.” You probably don’t need an explainer to guess who’s the master and who’s the agent in this analogy. Additionally, Vesti Nedeli, a Sunday news show on the same network, pointed out that Trump personally asked Lavrov to pose standing next to Trump while Trump sat at his desk. If you’re getting Game of Thrones vibes, we are, too, and if there’s any notes to take from that show, it’s sometimes the Hand of the King (and not the one on the Throne) holds more of the power.
Russian state television doesn’t seem concerned about losing their perceived pawn: They seem to view impeachment as a minor obstacle that won’t get Trump removed. Besides, heightened division in the U.S. works in Russia’s favor, especially since it hurts relations between the U.S. and Ukraine.
Russia news networks are making fun of Trump while he’s in office, and also predicting a downturn for him once he’s out. On Sunday Evening with Vladimir Soloview, Mikhail Gusman, the first deputy director general of ITAR-TASS, Russia’s oldest and largest news agency, stated, “Sooner or later, the Democrats will come back into power. The next term or the term after that, it doesn’t matter … I have an even more unpleasant forecast for Trump. After the White House, he will face a very unhappy period.”
Host Vladimir Soloviev responded, “Should we get another apartment in Rostov ready?” The comment was an allusion to Viktor Yanukovych, former president of Ukraine, who had to flee for Russia in 2014 after corruption and treason. The comparison between Yanukovych and Trump is made more frightening as Russian experts and politicians consider both of them to be openly pro-Kremlin. As much as we’d love for Trump to be out of office, having him completely in Russia’s pocket is definitely not a solution.

That is hilarious on soooo many levels. The only Russian interference was done on behalf of the dems and the fake dossier.

Dale you are stale. You need a good flush to freshen up.
This is the Russian already dumping agent Orange and consigning him to the poop-chute of history.

Donald Trump has outlived his political and strategic usefulness to the Russians and they are pulling the rug out from under him and portending the bleak demise of the Trump organization.

The Russians have achieved their objective of using agent Orange to divide and destabilize the USA and their work has been outstanding in achieving their objective in less than four years.

Donald Trump has thrown the USA under the bus with his tactics of division and destabilization.

Trump Gets Called a Russian Agent on Russia State TV

Trump Gets Called a Russian Agent on Russia State TV
By Rachel Singh | December 16, 2019 | 5:31pm

Last week, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov returned home from his visit to the Oval Office with Donald Trump and Russian state media had a field day. The meeting was especially satisfying for Russians as Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky has not gotten his “quid pro quo” meeting with Trump as he has failed to announce the smear investigation Trump wants on Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. Trump is currently going through impeachment due to that promise, but that’s another, and another and another story.

After Lavrov’s meeting, TV Channel Rossiya 1 aired a segment not so subtly titled “Puppet Master and ‘Agent’’—How to Understand Lavrov’s Meeting With Trump.” You probably don’t need an explainer to guess who’s the master and who’s the agent in this analogy. Additionally, Vesti Nedeli, a Sunday news show on the same network, pointed out that Trump personally asked Lavrov to pose standing next to Trump while Trump sat at his desk. If you’re getting Game of Thrones vibes, we are, too, and if there’s any notes to take from that show, it’s sometimes the Hand of the King (and not the one on the Throne) holds more of the power.
Russian state television doesn’t seem concerned about losing their perceived pawn: They seem to view impeachment as a minor obstacle that won’t get Trump removed. Besides, heightened division in the U.S. works in Russia’s favor, especially since it hurts relations between the U.S. and Ukraine.
Russia news networks are making fun of Trump while he’s in office, and also predicting a downturn for him once he’s out. On Sunday Evening with Vladimir Soloview, Mikhail Gusman, the first deputy director general of ITAR-TASS, Russia’s oldest and largest news agency, stated, “Sooner or later, the Democrats will come back into power. The next term or the term after that, it doesn’t matter … I have an even more unpleasant forecast for Trump. After the White House, he will face a very unhappy period.”
Host Vladimir Soloviev responded, “Should we get another apartment in Rostov ready?” The comment was an allusion to Viktor Yanukovych, former president of Ukraine, who had to flee for Russia in 2014 after corruption and treason. The comparison between Yanukovych and Trump is made more frightening as Russian experts and politicians consider both of them to be openly pro-Kremlin. As much as we’d love for Trump to be out of office, having him completely in Russia’s pocket is definitely not a solution.

With all due respect, you're completely mis-interpreting what Trump has done to promote and usher in the multi-polar geo-politics on this planet we all share.

He'll be rewarded by his many new international friends with plenty of regular busines deals, and in my book at least, he'll go down in History as one of the greatest Presidents ever, slightly bigger even than Obama.

Donald Trump will be flushed down the poop-chute of history in disgrace.

Donald Trump is a brazen and blatant lawbreaker.
law-bender, i'd say.
This is the Russian already dumping agent Orange and consigning him to the poop-chute of history.

Donald Trump has outlived his political and strategic usefulness to the Russians and they are pulling the rug out from under him and portending the bleak demise of the Trump organization.

The Russians have achieved their objective of using agent Orange to divide and destabilize the USA and their work has been outstanding in achieving their objective in less than four years.

Donald Trump has thrown the USA under the bus with his tactics of division and destabilization.

Trump Gets Called a Russian Agent on Russia State TV

Trump Gets Called a Russian Agent on Russia State TV
By Rachel Singh | December 16, 2019 | 5:31pm

Last week, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov returned home from his visit to the Oval Office with Donald Trump and Russian state media had a field day. The meeting was especially satisfying for Russians as Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky has not gotten his “quid pro quo” meeting with Trump as he has failed to announce the smear investigation Trump wants on Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. Trump is currently going through impeachment due to that promise, but that’s another, and another and another story.

After Lavrov’s meeting, TV Channel Rossiya 1 aired a segment not so subtly titled “Puppet Master and ‘Agent’’—How to Understand Lavrov’s Meeting With Trump.” You probably don’t need an explainer to guess who’s the master and who’s the agent in this analogy. Additionally, Vesti Nedeli, a Sunday news show on the same network, pointed out that Trump personally asked Lavrov to pose standing next to Trump while Trump sat at his desk. If you’re getting Game of Thrones vibes, we are, too, and if there’s any notes to take from that show, it’s sometimes the Hand of the King (and not the one on the Throne) holds more of the power.
Russian state television doesn’t seem concerned about losing their perceived pawn: They seem to view impeachment as a minor obstacle that won’t get Trump removed. Besides, heightened division in the U.S. works in Russia’s favor, especially since it hurts relations between the U.S. and Ukraine.
Russia news networks are making fun of Trump while he’s in office, and also predicting a downturn for him once he’s out. On Sunday Evening with Vladimir Soloview, Mikhail Gusman, the first deputy director general of ITAR-TASS, Russia’s oldest and largest news agency, stated, “Sooner or later, the Democrats will come back into power. The next term or the term after that, it doesn’t matter … I have an even more unpleasant forecast for Trump. After the White House, he will face a very unhappy period.”
Host Vladimir Soloviev responded, “Should we get another apartment in Rostov ready?” The comment was an allusion to Viktor Yanukovych, former president of Ukraine, who had to flee for Russia in 2014 after corruption and treason. The comparison between Yanukovych and Trump is made more frightening as Russian experts and politicians consider both of them to be openly pro-Kremlin. As much as we’d love for Trump to be out of office, having him completely in Russia’s pocket is definitely not a solution.

^^^ you suffering from TDS????

More of your usual nothing
These lefty loons have lost their fucking minds.

Agent Orange's owners, the Russians?

They are quite brazenly mocking Donald Trump.

Sergei Lavrov went to the oval office to debrief Agent Orange in private and alone.
These lefty loons have lost their fucking minds.

Agent Orange's owners, the Russians?

They are quite brazenly mocking Donald Trump.

Sergei Lavrov went to the oval office to debrief Agent Orange in private and alone.

You are so full of shit but good for a laugh.

Who cares what the Russians say. I sure don't.

You see Russian spy's under every bush and behind every tree.

As for Trump being a Russian spy?? Another load of bull shit brought to you by lefty loons who have lost their fucking minds.

Carry on mindless.
This is the Russian already dumping agent Orange and consigning him to the poop-chute of history.

Donald Trump has outlived his political and strategic usefulness to the Russians and they are pulling the rug out from under him and portending the bleak demise of the Trump organization.

The Russians have achieved their objective of using agent Orange to divide and destabilize the USA and their work has been outstanding in achieving their objective in less than four years.

Donald Trump has thrown the USA under the bus with his tactics of division and destabilization.

Trump Gets Called a Russian Agent on Russia State TV

Trump Gets Called a Russian Agent on Russia State TV
By Rachel Singh | December 16, 2019 | 5:31pm

Last week, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov returned home from his visit to the Oval Office with Donald Trump and Russian state media had a field day. The meeting was especially satisfying for Russians as Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky has not gotten his “quid pro quo” meeting with Trump as he has failed to announce the smear investigation Trump wants on Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. Trump is currently going through impeachment due to that promise, but that’s another, and another and another story.

After Lavrov’s meeting, TV Channel Rossiya 1 aired a segment not so subtly titled “Puppet Master and ‘Agent’’—How to Understand Lavrov’s Meeting With Trump.” You probably don’t need an explainer to guess who’s the master and who’s the agent in this analogy. Additionally, Vesti Nedeli, a Sunday news show on the same network, pointed out that Trump personally asked Lavrov to pose standing next to Trump while Trump sat at his desk. If you’re getting Game of Thrones vibes, we are, too, and if there’s any notes to take from that show, it’s sometimes the Hand of the King (and not the one on the Throne) holds more of the power.
Russian state television doesn’t seem concerned about losing their perceived pawn: They seem to view impeachment as a minor obstacle that won’t get Trump removed. Besides, heightened division in the U.S. works in Russia’s favor, especially since it hurts relations between the U.S. and Ukraine.
Russia news networks are making fun of Trump while he’s in office, and also predicting a downturn for him once he’s out. On Sunday Evening with Vladimir Soloview, Mikhail Gusman, the first deputy director general of ITAR-TASS, Russia’s oldest and largest news agency, stated, “Sooner or later, the Democrats will come back into power. The next term or the term after that, it doesn’t matter … I have an even more unpleasant forecast for Trump. After the White House, he will face a very unhappy period.”
Host Vladimir Soloviev responded, “Should we get another apartment in Rostov ready?” The comment was an allusion to Viktor Yanukovych, former president of Ukraine, who had to flee for Russia in 2014 after corruption and treason. The comparison between Yanukovych and Trump is made more frightening as Russian experts and politicians consider both of them to be openly pro-Kremlin. As much as we’d love for Trump to be out of office, having him completely in Russia’s pocket is definitely not a solution.

^^^ you suffering from TDS????


you used that made up word again. Does that mean that there yet to be another Rump Cabinet Position open up that needs to a replacement due to a firing, resignation or indictment?

These lefty loons have lost their fucking minds.

Agent Orange's owners, the Russians?

They are quite brazenly mocking Donald Trump.

Sergei Lavrov went to the oval office to debrief Agent Orange in private and alone.

You are so full of shit but good for a laugh.

Who cares what the Russians say. I sure don't.

You see Russian spy's under every bush and behind every tree.

As for Trump being a Russian spy?? Another load of bull shit brought to you by lefty loons who have lost their fucking minds.

Carry on mindless.

Please don't thank me for exposing Agent Orange.

"Giuliani’s efforts on behalf of President Trump are bound to pay propaganda dividends for the Kremlin.

Putin has expressed undisguised delight with the crusade led by Trump and Giuliani to whitewash Moscow’s interference in the U.S. elections and pin the blame on Kyiv. Last month, the Russian president smugly remarked “Thank God no one is accusing us of interfering in the U.S. elections anymore. Now they’re accusing Ukraine.

Russia’s State TV Calls Trump Their ‘Agent’

Russia’s State TV Calls Trump Their ‘Agent’

Russian commentators note, rightly, that “sooner or later, the Democrats will come back into power," and they’re already joking about offering Trump asylum.

Julia Davis
Updated Dec. 17, 2019 8:02AM ET / Published Dec. 16, 2019 10:12AM ET

via Twitter

Sometimes a picture doesn’t have to be worth a thousand words. Just a few will do. As Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov returned home from his visit with President Donald Trump in the Oval Office last week, Russian state media were gloating over the spectacle. TV channel Rossiya 1 aired a segment entitled “Puppet Master and ‘Agent’—How to Understand Lavrov’s Meeting With Trump.”

Vesti Nedeli, a Sunday news show on the same network, pointed out that it was Trump, personally, who asked Lavrov to pose standing near as Trump sat at his desk. It’s almost the literal image of a power behind the throne.

And in the meantime, much to Russia’s satisfaction, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is still waiting for that critical White House meeting with the American president: the famous “quid pro quo” for Zelensky announcing an investigation that would smear Democratic challenger Joe Biden. As yet, Zelensky hasn’t done that, and as yet, no meeting has been set.

Russian state television still views the impending impeachment as a bump in the road that won’t lead to Trump’s removal from office. But President Vladimir Putin’s propaganda brigades enjoy watching the heightened divisions in the United States, and how it hurts relations between the U.S. and Ukraine.

They’ve also added a cynical new a narrative filled with half-joking ironies as they look at the American president’s bleak prospects when he does leave office.

Appearing on Sunday Evening With Vladimir Soloviev, Mikhail Gusman, first deputy director general of ITAR-TASS, Russia’s oldest and largest news agency, predicted: “Sooner or later, the Democrats will come back into power. The next term or the term after that, it doesn’t matter... I have an even more unpleasant forecast for Trump. After the White House, he will face a very unhappy period.”

“Russia's state television uses every opportunity to demoralize the Ukrainians with talking points based on Trump’s distaste for their beleaguered country.”

The host, Vladimir Soloviev, smugly asked: “Should we get another apartment in Rostov ready?” Soloviev’s allusion was to the situation of Viktor Yanukovych, former president of Ukraine, who was forced to flee to Russia in 2014 and settled in the city of Rostov-on-Don.

Such parallels between Yanukovych and Trump are being drawn not only because of their common association with Paul Manafort, adviser to the first, campaign chairman for the second, but also because Russian experts and politicians consider both of them to be openly pro-Kremlin.

Tightly controlled Russian state-television programs constantly reiterate that Trump doesn’t care about Ukraine and gave Putin no reasons to even contemplate concessions in the run-up to the recent Normandy Four summit in Paris.

State-television news shows use every opportunity to demoralize the Ukrainians with a set of talking points based on the U.S. president’s distaste for their beleaguered country. The host of Who’s Against on Rossiya-1, Dmitry Kulikov, along with pro-Kremlin guests, took repeated jabs at the Ukrainian panelist, boasting about the meeting between Trump and Lavrov.

“There are no disagreements or contradictions between Trump and Russia,” argued Valery Korovin, director of the Center for Geopolitical Expertise, appearing on the state-television channel Rossiya-24. Korovin insisted that the Democrats in Congress are the main antagonists in the relationship between Russia and the United States.

Dmitry Kiselyov, the host of the Sunday news show Vesti Nedeli, accused the Democrats of joining forces with Hollywood, carrying out various conspiracies in order to undermine Trump’s popularity. Reporting for Vesti Nedeli from Washington, Mikhail Antonov used the term “the Cold War,” a fraught rhetorical twist to describe the clash between Trump and the Democratic majority in the House of Representatives.

“Putin has expressed undisguised delight with the crusade led by Trump and Giuliani to whitewash Moscow’s interference in the U.S. elections.”

The Worst Thing About Rudy’s Trip to Ukraine

Appearing on Sunday Evening With Vladimir Soloviev, Mikhail Gusman noted: “The scariest part of our relationship with America is that the level of trust between our countries, our governments, our political powers, is precisely at zero.”

“But not between the presidents,” chimed in the host.

Rudy Giuliani, acting as the president’s personal attorney and determined to divert attention from Trump’s impeachment to former Vice President Biden’s alleged corruption, recently embarked on an “evidence-gathering” trip to Ukraine. Shortly after Giuliani’s return to the United States, Russian state television started airing video clips of his OAN (One America News Network) “documentary.” It purports to prove Kyiv’s meddling in U.S. elections and accuses former Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch of “lying under oath in Congress to whitewash [Joe] Biden’s corruption.” Giuliani’s efforts on behalf of President Trump are bound to pay propaganda dividends for the Kremlin.

Putin has expressed undisguised delight with the crusade led by Trump and Giuliani to whitewash Moscow’s interference in the U.S. elections and pin the blame on Kyiv. Last month, the Russian president smugly remarked “Thank God no one is accusing us of interfering in the U.S. elections anymore. Now they’re accusing Ukraine.”

Rossiya-1 reporter Valentin Bogdanov surmised that by now the majority of American Republicans believe that Ukraine interfered in the U.S. elections, with the show airing various clips from Fox News.

The absurdity of such claims spawned by the Russian security services puts the hypocrisy of the Republicans on full display. The Kremlin, having argued for years that democracy is a sham and the West is devoid of morals and principles, can now showcase the GOP as its “Exhibit A.”

Appearing on The Evening With Vladimir Soloviev in October, political scientist Dmitry Evstafiev argued that Trump has to destroy the Republican Party in order to secure his own long-term survival. The impeachment proceedings seemed to expedite the process, with the GOP’s self-immolation for the sake of its “Dear Leader.”

Prompted by the head-spinning swerve of the Republicans, Tucker Carlson of Fox News even argued that, in the Ukrainian conflict, the U.S. should be taking the side of Russia. Kremlin-controlled Russian state media doesn’t suffer from a similar lack of clarity.

Appearing on Soloviev’s show, Semyon Bagdasarov, director of the Moscow-based Center for Middle Eastern and Central Asian Studies, exclaimed: “The United States is the enemy. It is our enemy. It is a hostile state that aims to destroy our country... We are at war!”
This is the Russian already dumping agent Orange and consigning him to the poop-chute of history.

Donald Trump has outlived his political and strategic usefulness to the Russians and they are pulling the rug out from under him and portending the bleak demise of the Trump organization.

The Russians have achieved their objective of using agent Orange to divide and destabilize the USA and their work has been outstanding in achieving their objective in less than four years.

Donald Trump has thrown the USA under the bus with his tactics of division and destabilization.

Trump Gets Called a Russian Agent on Russia State TV

Trump Gets Called a Russian Agent on Russia State TV
By Rachel Singh | December 16, 2019 | 5:31pm

Last week, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov returned home from his visit to the Oval Office with Donald Trump and Russian state media had a field day. The meeting was especially satisfying for Russians as Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky has not gotten his “quid pro quo” meeting with Trump as he has failed to announce the smear investigation Trump wants on Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. Trump is currently going through impeachment due to that promise, but that’s another, and another and another story.

After Lavrov’s meeting, TV Channel Rossiya 1 aired a segment not so subtly titled “Puppet Master and ‘Agent’’—How to Understand Lavrov’s Meeting With Trump.” You probably don’t need an explainer to guess who’s the master and who’s the agent in this analogy. Additionally, Vesti Nedeli, a Sunday news show on the same network, pointed out that Trump personally asked Lavrov to pose standing next to Trump while Trump sat at his desk. If you’re getting Game of Thrones vibes, we are, too, and if there’s any notes to take from that show, it’s sometimes the Hand of the King (and not the one on the Throne) holds more of the power.
Russian state television doesn’t seem concerned about losing their perceived pawn: They seem to view impeachment as a minor obstacle that won’t get Trump removed. Besides, heightened division in the U.S. works in Russia’s favor, especially since it hurts relations between the U.S. and Ukraine.
Russia news networks are making fun of Trump while he’s in office, and also predicting a downturn for him once he’s out. On Sunday Evening with Vladimir Soloview, Mikhail Gusman, the first deputy director general of ITAR-TASS, Russia’s oldest and largest news agency, stated, “Sooner or later, the Democrats will come back into power. The next term or the term after that, it doesn’t matter … I have an even more unpleasant forecast for Trump. After the White House, he will face a very unhappy period.”
Host Vladimir Soloviev responded, “Should we get another apartment in Rostov ready?” The comment was an allusion to Viktor Yanukovych, former president of Ukraine, who had to flee for Russia in 2014 after corruption and treason. The comparison between Yanukovych and Trump is made more frightening as Russian experts and politicians consider both of them to be openly pro-Kremlin. As much as we’d love for Trump to be out of office, having him completely in Russia’s pocket is definitely not a solution.

With all due respect, you're completely mis-interpreting what Trump has done to promote and usher in the multi-polar geo-politics on this planet we all share.

He'll be rewarded by his many new international friends with plenty of regular busines deals, and in my book at least, he'll go down in History as one of the greatest Presidents ever, slightly bigger even than Obama.

Donald Trump will be flushed down the poop-chute of history in disgrace.

Donald Trump is a brazen and blatant lawbreaker.

Who has provably broken no laws. The one thing he did was prevent a fascist takeover of this country.

And that pisses you off!
This is the Russian already dumping agent Orange and consigning him to the poop-chute of history.

Donald Trump has outlived his political and strategic usefulness to the Russians and they are pulling the rug out from under him and portending the bleak demise of the Trump organization.

The Russians have achieved their objective of using agent Orange to divide and destabilize the USA and their work has been outstanding in achieving their objective in less than four years.

Donald Trump has thrown the USA under the bus with his tactics of division and destabilization.

Trump Gets Called a Russian Agent on Russia State TV

Trump Gets Called a Russian Agent on Russia State TV
By Rachel Singh | December 16, 2019 | 5:31pm

Last week, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov returned home from his visit to the Oval Office with Donald Trump and Russian state media had a field day. The meeting was especially satisfying for Russians as Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky has not gotten his “quid pro quo” meeting with Trump as he has failed to announce the smear investigation Trump wants on Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. Trump is currently going through impeachment due to that promise, but that’s another, and another and another story.

After Lavrov’s meeting, TV Channel Rossiya 1 aired a segment not so subtly titled “Puppet Master and ‘Agent’’—How to Understand Lavrov’s Meeting With Trump.” You probably don’t need an explainer to guess who’s the master and who’s the agent in this analogy. Additionally, Vesti Nedeli, a Sunday news show on the same network, pointed out that Trump personally asked Lavrov to pose standing next to Trump while Trump sat at his desk. If you’re getting Game of Thrones vibes, we are, too, and if there’s any notes to take from that show, it’s sometimes the Hand of the King (and not the one on the Throne) holds more of the power.
Russian state television doesn’t seem concerned about losing their perceived pawn: They seem to view impeachment as a minor obstacle that won’t get Trump removed. Besides, heightened division in the U.S. works in Russia’s favor, especially since it hurts relations between the U.S. and Ukraine.
Russia news networks are making fun of Trump while he’s in office, and also predicting a downturn for him once he’s out. On Sunday Evening with Vladimir Soloview, Mikhail Gusman, the first deputy director general of ITAR-TASS, Russia’s oldest and largest news agency, stated, “Sooner or later, the Democrats will come back into power. The next term or the term after that, it doesn’t matter … I have an even more unpleasant forecast for Trump. After the White House, he will face a very unhappy period.”
Host Vladimir Soloviev responded, “Should we get another apartment in Rostov ready?” The comment was an allusion to Viktor Yanukovych, former president of Ukraine, who had to flee for Russia in 2014 after corruption and treason. The comparison between Yanukovych and Trump is made more frightening as Russian experts and politicians consider both of them to be openly pro-Kremlin. As much as we’d love for Trump to be out of office, having him completely in Russia’s pocket is definitely not a solution.

With all due respect, you're completely mis-interpreting what Trump has done to promote and usher in the multi-polar geo-politics on this planet we all share.

He'll be rewarded by his many new international friends with plenty of regular busines deals, and in my book at least, he'll go down in History as one of the greatest Presidents ever, slightly bigger even than Obama.

Donald Trump will be flushed down the poop-chute of history in disgrace.

Donald Trump is a brazen and blatant lawbreaker.

Who has provably broken no laws. The one thing he did was prevent a fascist takeover of this country.

And that pisses you off!

You are denouncing Ted Cruz as a fascist?
This is the Russian already dumping agent Orange and consigning him to the poop-chute of history.

Donald Trump has outlived his political and strategic usefulness to the Russians and they are pulling the rug out from under him and portending the bleak demise of the Trump organization.

The Russians have achieved their objective of using agent Orange to divide and destabilize the USA and their work has been outstanding in achieving their objective in less than four years.

Donald Trump has thrown the USA under the bus with his tactics of division and destabilization.

Trump Gets Called a Russian Agent on Russia State TV

Trump Gets Called a Russian Agent on Russia State TV
By Rachel Singh | December 16, 2019 | 5:31pm

Last week, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov returned home from his visit to the Oval Office with Donald Trump and Russian state media had a field day. The meeting was especially satisfying for Russians as Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky has not gotten his “quid pro quo” meeting with Trump as he has failed to announce the smear investigation Trump wants on Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. Trump is currently going through impeachment due to that promise, but that’s another, and another and another story.

After Lavrov’s meeting, TV Channel Rossiya 1 aired a segment not so subtly titled “Puppet Master and ‘Agent’’—How to Understand Lavrov’s Meeting With Trump.” You probably don’t need an explainer to guess who’s the master and who’s the agent in this analogy. Additionally, Vesti Nedeli, a Sunday news show on the same network, pointed out that Trump personally asked Lavrov to pose standing next to Trump while Trump sat at his desk. If you’re getting Game of Thrones vibes, we are, too, and if there’s any notes to take from that show, it’s sometimes the Hand of the King (and not the one on the Throne) holds more of the power.
Russian state television doesn’t seem concerned about losing their perceived pawn: They seem to view impeachment as a minor obstacle that won’t get Trump removed. Besides, heightened division in the U.S. works in Russia’s favor, especially since it hurts relations between the U.S. and Ukraine.
Russia news networks are making fun of Trump while he’s in office, and also predicting a downturn for him once he’s out. On Sunday Evening with Vladimir Soloview, Mikhail Gusman, the first deputy director general of ITAR-TASS, Russia’s oldest and largest news agency, stated, “Sooner or later, the Democrats will come back into power. The next term or the term after that, it doesn’t matter … I have an even more unpleasant forecast for Trump. After the White House, he will face a very unhappy period.”
Host Vladimir Soloviev responded, “Should we get another apartment in Rostov ready?” The comment was an allusion to Viktor Yanukovych, former president of Ukraine, who had to flee for Russia in 2014 after corruption and treason. The comparison between Yanukovych and Trump is made more frightening as Russian experts and politicians consider both of them to be openly pro-Kremlin. As much as we’d love for Trump to be out of office, having him completely in Russia’s pocket is definitely not a solution.

With all due respect, you're completely mis-interpreting what Trump has done to promote and usher in the multi-polar geo-politics on this planet we all share.

He'll be rewarded by his many new international friends with plenty of regular busines deals, and in my book at least, he'll go down in History as one of the greatest Presidents ever, slightly bigger even than Obama.

Donald Trump will be flushed down the poop-chute of history in disgrace.

Donald Trump is a brazen and blatant lawbreaker.

Who has provably broken no laws. The one thing he did was prevent a fascist takeover of this country.

And that pisses you off!

You are denouncing Ted Cruz as a fascist?

How about this, you ignorant hillbilly: I have an unpleasant forecast you you and your shit-eating Democrat Party. The Senate will throw your stupid "impeachment" folly in the trash can, Donald J. Trump will win in 2020, the Senate will pick up ten more seats, and the House will revert to full GOP control.

President Donald J. Trump will appoint two more Supreme Court justices in 2021 and 2022 as well as 74 lower-court conservative judges, he will write 35 more executive orders, he will get passed through Congress a sum total of 37 new MAGA pieces of legislation, and you will sit with your thumb up your ass for the following four years, wondering what the hell happened.

Come to think of it, that's not a "projection." That's not even a threat. That is a promise.

So how are you gonna act? Think you can handle it?
This is the Russian already dumping agent Orange and consigning him to the poop-chute of history.

Donald Trump has outlived his political and strategic usefulness to the Russians and they are pulling the rug out from under him and portending the bleak demise of the Trump organization.

The Russians have achieved their objective of using agent Orange to divide and destabilize the USA and their work has been outstanding in achieving their objective in less than four years.

Donald Trump has thrown the USA under the bus with his tactics of division and destabilization.

Trump Gets Called a Russian Agent on Russia State TV

Trump Gets Called a Russian Agent on Russia State TV
By Rachel Singh | December 16, 2019 | 5:31pm

Last week, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov returned home from his visit to the Oval Office with Donald Trump and Russian state media had a field day. The meeting was especially satisfying for Russians as Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky has not gotten his “quid pro quo” meeting with Trump as he has failed to announce the smear investigation Trump wants on Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. Trump is currently going through impeachment due to that promise, but that’s another, and another and another story.

After Lavrov’s meeting, TV Channel Rossiya 1 aired a segment not so subtly titled “Puppet Master and ‘Agent’’—How to Understand Lavrov’s Meeting With Trump.” You probably don’t need an explainer to guess who’s the master and who’s the agent in this analogy. Additionally, Vesti Nedeli, a Sunday news show on the same network, pointed out that Trump personally asked Lavrov to pose standing next to Trump while Trump sat at his desk. If you’re getting Game of Thrones vibes, we are, too, and if there’s any notes to take from that show, it’s sometimes the Hand of the King (and not the one on the Throne) holds more of the power.
Russian state television doesn’t seem concerned about losing their perceived pawn: They seem to view impeachment as a minor obstacle that won’t get Trump removed. Besides, heightened division in the U.S. works in Russia’s favor, especially since it hurts relations between the U.S. and Ukraine.
Russia news networks are making fun of Trump while he’s in office, and also predicting a downturn for him once he’s out. On Sunday Evening with Vladimir Soloview, Mikhail Gusman, the first deputy director general of ITAR-TASS, Russia’s oldest and largest news agency, stated, “Sooner or later, the Democrats will come back into power. The next term or the term after that, it doesn’t matter … I have an even more unpleasant forecast for Trump. After the White House, he will face a very unhappy period.”
Host Vladimir Soloviev responded, “Should we get another apartment in Rostov ready?” The comment was an allusion to Viktor Yanukovych, former president of Ukraine, who had to flee for Russia in 2014 after corruption and treason. The comparison between Yanukovych and Trump is made more frightening as Russian experts and politicians consider both of them to be openly pro-Kremlin. As much as we’d love for Trump to be out of office, having him completely in Russia’s pocket is definitely not a solution.

With all due respect, you're completely mis-interpreting what Trump has done to promote and usher in the multi-polar geo-politics on this planet we all share.

He'll be rewarded by his many new international friends with plenty of regular busines deals, and in my book at least, he'll go down in History as one of the greatest Presidents ever, slightly bigger even than Obama.

Donald Trump will be flushed down the poop-chute of history in disgrace.

Donald Trump is a brazen and blatant lawbreaker.

Who has provably broken no laws. The one thing he did was prevent a fascist takeover of this country.

And that pisses you off!

You are denouncing Ted Cruz as a fascist?

How about this, you ignorant hillbilly: I have an unpleasant forecast you you and your shit-eating Democrat Party. The Senate will throw your stupid "impeachment" folly in the trash can, Donald J. Trump will win in 2020, the Senate will pick up ten more seats, and the House will revert to full GOP control.

President Donald J. Trump will appoint two more Supreme Court justices in 2021 and 2022 as well as 74 lower-court conservative judges, he will write 35 more executive orders, he will get passed through Congress a sum total of 37 new MAGA pieces of legislation, and you will sit with your thumb up your ass for the following four years, wondering what the hell happened.

Come to think of it, that's not a "projection." That's not even a threat. That is a promise.

So how are you gonna act? Think you can handle it?

You are as frightened and frantic as Donald Trump is.

The man is blubbering.
With all due respect, you're completely mis-interpreting what Trump has done to promote and usher in the multi-polar geo-politics on this planet we all share.

He'll be rewarded by his many new international friends with plenty of regular busines deals, and in my book at least, he'll go down in History as one of the greatest Presidents ever, slightly bigger even than Obama.

Donald Trump will be flushed down the poop-chute of history in disgrace.

Donald Trump is a brazen and blatant lawbreaker.

Who has provably broken no laws. The one thing he did was prevent a fascist takeover of this country.

And that pisses you off!

You are denouncing Ted Cruz as a fascist?

How about this, you ignorant hillbilly: I have an unpleasant forecast you you and your shit-eating Democrat Party. The Senate will throw your stupid "impeachment" folly in the trash can, Donald J. Trump will win in 2020, the Senate will pick up ten more seats, and the House will revert to full GOP control.

President Donald J. Trump will appoint two more Supreme Court justices in 2021 and 2022 as well as 74 lower-court conservative judges, he will write 35 more executive orders, he will get passed through Congress a sum total of 37 new MAGA pieces of legislation, and you will sit with your thumb up your ass for the following four years, wondering what the hell happened.

Come to think of it, that's not a "projection." That's not even a threat. That is a promise.

So how are you gonna act? Think you can handle it?

You are as frightened and frantic as Donald Trump is.

The man is blubbering.

In your fevered dreams clown boi.

We are laughing at you idiots. And Trump is positively giddy about the shitstorm about to be unleashed on you fools.

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