I get the feeling that America will eventually go socialist


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
Maybe not full blown socialist list Cuba or Venezuela, but rather a socialist democracy like Sweden for example. I say that cuz I believe our young people are being indoctrinated with the false dream of equality and justice for all that they've been told socialism will offer, only to discover too late that it doesn't. And too many Americans are totally dissatisfied with the gov't as it is now, that's why we voted Trump into office in the 1st place. Maybe he gets re-elected and maybe not, but the Far Left isn't going away until they finally get in charge and tryout their ideological ideas and policies, which of course will fail miserably. Hopefully at that point the idea will fall from grace and die as a political choice, but I doubt it'll go quietly or stay dead. I think so many people were disgusted by the debate on Tuesday and both candidates, so if the Dems run a more viable socialist candidate in 2024, then that person could have a good shot at winning.

Other countries have already tried it, Sweden did back in the 70s and 80s, and it almost wrecked their economy. They were smart enough to return to free market capitalism, although they did keep some socialist policies, but thy also agreed as a people for everybody to pay those high taxes, even the lowest earners. I hope we can realize that capitalism is a better choice, if we do go socialist for awhile. The problem is that if and when the socialists get into power here, they will make it very difficult to be removed. Ending the filibuster, packing the court, adding DC and Puerto Rico as new states, amnesty to millions of illegals who become democratic voters, and God knows what else will make it hard to turn back from whatever they've done. It may be that we'll have to endure another major depression similar to the 1930s; It took a war to get out of that one, hopefully history won't repeat that. This next time it will have to be the American people who will realize that a gov't run economy and society doesn't work. There's gonna have to be a major paradigm shift away from collectivism back to individualism, at least to some degree.
Not in my lifetime, if I can help it. I am also teaching our grandchildren the value of the freedoms were founded on, and how to think critically and research, research, research, so hopefully, others are as well.
Not in my lifetime, if I can help it. I am also teaching our grandchildren the value of the freedoms were founded on, and how to think critically and research, research, research, so hopefully, others are as well.
I guess you're planning on kicking the bucket and leaving this mortal coil within the next 10 years huh?

Good riddance I say.
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Not in my lifetime, if I can help it. I am also teaching our grandchildren the value of the freedoms were founded on, and how to think critically and research, research, research, so hopefully, others are as well.

" Not in my lifetime, if I can help it. "

Nor in mine if i can help it either, but I see the forces of the media and academia and Hollywood against us and I'm thinking we're eventually going to lose the battle. Maybe sooner than we thought if Biden wins next month. If the Dems also win the Senate then we will soon see the beginning of the dismantling of American democracy, beginning with the end of the filibuster.
Maybe not full blown socialist list Cuba or Venezuela, but rather a socialist democracy like Sweden for example.
Sweden is Socialist as shit. Not even the Cuban CIA party girls can outdo the whores who filed rape charges against Julian Assange. Like some Aussie dude might've smoked a little weed here or there and put a wiki online, and a bunch of motherfucking rich banksters are going to skip him out on £1,000,000 cash bail from some female celebrity's purse and violate an extradition treaty to traffic the guy to some foreign jurisdiction for more extreme punishment than what is possible in their local bailiwick.
You are probably right.
IDK why people that support that authoritarian bullshit dont move to a country that already has it.
Granted, Our corporatist economy isnt great either. We need to go back to capitalism.
The USA is too diverse to follow the Swedish model. Instead, we will devolve into a one-party state which will maintain power by constantly stoking the fires of racism and victimization. Given demographic trends, we are only a few elections away from that outcome.
Granted, Our corporatist economy isnt great either. We need to go back to capitalism
How is corporatism any different from Nazism, or Communism by any other name? There's hired security, guns are banned on some pretext or another of interstate or foreign commerce, they don't let us work for them, and they don't let us go in business for ourselves, either, or allow us to do anything to earn or keep our own property.
Maybe not full blown socialist list Cuba or Venezuela, but rather a socialist democracy like Sweden for example. I say that cuz I believe our young people are being indoctrinated with the false dream of equality and justice for all that they've been told socialism will offer, only to discover too late that it doesn't. And too many Americans are totally dissatisfied with the gov't as it is now, that's why we voted Trump into office in the 1st place. Maybe he gets re-elected and maybe not, but the Far Left isn't going away until they finally get in charge and tryout their ideological ideas and policies, which of course will fail miserably. Hopefully at that point the idea will fall from grace and die as a political choice, but I doubt it'll go quietly or stay dead. I think so many people were disgusted by the debate on Tuesday and both candidates, so if the Dems run a more viable socialist candidate in 2024, then that person could have a good shot at winning.

Other countries have already tried it, Sweden did back in the 70s and 80s, and it almost wrecked their economy. They were smart enough to return to free market capitalism, although they did keep some socialist policies, but thy also agreed as a people for everybody to pay those high taxes, even the lowest earners. I hope we can realize that capitalism is a better choice, if we do go socialist for awhile. The problem is that if and when the socialists get into power here, they will make it very difficult to be removed. Ending the filibuster, packing the court, adding DC and Puerto Rico as new states, amnesty to millions of illegals who become democratic voters, and God knows what else will make it hard to turn back from whatever they've done. It may be that we'll have to endure another major depression similar to the 1930s; It took a war to get out of that one, hopefully history won't repeat that. This next time it will have to be the American people who will realize that a gov't run economy and society doesn't work. There's gonna have to be a major paradigm shift away from collectivism back to individualism, at least to some degree.
Wall of Words. Please summarize.
The USA is too diverse to follow the Swedish model. Instead, we will devolve into a one-party state which will maintain power by constantly stoking the fires of racism and victimization. Given demographic trends, we are only a few elections away from that outcome.

Also, throw in corrupt Gov't Institutions as we sleepwalk into a Venezuela state-of-being.
The USA is too diverse to follow the Swedish model. Instead, we will devolve into a one-party state which will maintain power by constantly stoking the fires of racism and victimization. Given demographic trends, we are only a few elections away from that outcome.

Also, throw in corrupt Gov't Institutions as we sleepwalk into a Venezuela state-of-being.
"Also, throw in corrupt Gov't Institutions as we sleepwalk into a Venezuela state-of-being."

Speak for yourself, Asshole.
The USA is too diverse to follow the Swedish model. Instead, we will devolve into a one-party state which will maintain power by constantly stoking the fires of racism and victimization. Given demographic trends, we are only a few elections away from that outcome.

Also, throw in corrupt Gov't Institutions as we sleepwalk into a Venezuela state-of-being.
"Also, throw in corrupt Gov't Institutions as we sleepwalk into a Venezuela state-of-being."

Speak for yourself, Asshole.

I always do.
Whenever anyone agrees, it's just a cherry-on-top!
Yes, which is why Sweden has started backing off things like the minimum wage and cut back on handouts so they don't go broke.

Research, Google and ... think
Backup your claims.

I'm not going on some wild goose chase.

Cite your sources hack.
The USA is too diverse to follow the Swedish model. Instead, we will devolve into a one-party state which will maintain power by constantly stoking the fires of racism and victimization. Given demographic trends, we are only a few elections away from that outcome.
Explain how diversity changes anything.

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