I feel like this little kid who tells adults.."why don't you let air out of the tires of the truck stuck under the bridge?"


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
So simple. Yet why are adults in this article so truly stupid?
The average scores for Black (454) and Latino or Hispanic students (478) are significantly lower than those
of white (547) and Asian students (632).
The proportion of students reaching college-readiness benchmarks also differs by race. Over half (59%) of white and four-fifths of Asian test takers met the college readiness math benchmark, compared to less than a quarter of Black students and under a third of Hispanic or Latino students. As we show, there are similar patterns for English, but the gaps are not as stark.
As SAT participation gaps have shrunk, so have enrollment gaps. But significant gaps in graduation rates and test scores remain; representation is increasing, but success rates have yet to catch up.
Half of Asian students and 45% of white students graduate college in 4 years compared to 21% of Black students, and 32% of Latino or Hispanic students. Default rates on student loans tell a similar story; Black and Latino or Hispanic students are much more likely to default within 12 years of graduation.

Yet when you read the Brookings article what conclusion is reached to help Black students do better on their scores?
Alter the text questions for "racial equality"!

DUH!!!! Why not teach math in grade school?
Why are Asian students who have the same schooling as the blacks.. have the highest scores (632)!
But instead of pointing out the primary cause, this is the excuse!
However, too often they receive negative messaging about their continued success in STEM. Such messages from teachers or counselors downplay or minimize their mathematics abilities. The low expectations from these talented boys serve to further discourage them from pursuing STEM fields.
Really? Teachers telling blacks they aren't smart enough??? Really?

So what is the major reason young black males especially do poorly in STEM courses?
Are these the reasons..
There are societal messages that equate black maleness with criminality, with teachers often being afraid of their black male students.
Often enough, as my own research shows, unequal access to treatment results in poorer health outcomes for black kids.
The early academic years for these students are riddled with long-term (two months or longer) illnesses that negatively impact their schooling and result in attending at least one summer school term.

Again all this is the fault of our society! WRONG!!!
The major problem is a simple word. Fathers!
Missing fathers. Father authority figures. FACTS are:
In 2020, there were about 4.25 million Black families in the United States with a single mother. This is an increase from 1990 levels, when there were about 3.4 million Black families with a single mother.
In 2020, there were about 10.24 million black families living in the United States.
Think about it. 42% have NO father figures. No authority figures... just the single mom!
In 2020, there were about 53.72 million white, non-Hispanic families living in the United States but
In 2020, there were about 7.01 million white, non-Hispanic families with a single mother living in the United States.single parent families:
But white families: 13% single parent families!
Now Asian families where STEM, test scores are highest?
In 2020, there were about 577,000 Asian families with a single mother living in the United States
In 2019 there were 5,725,000 Asian households or just 10% had single parent!

Is there a correlation here? Blacks have 42% single parent, whites 13% and Asians 10%...HMMM!
Common thread Authority figure is present in higher STEM scores!
So simple. Yet why are adults in this article so truly stupid?
The average scores for Black (454) and Latino or Hispanic students (478) are significantly lower than those
of white (547) and Asian students (632).
The proportion of students reaching college-readiness benchmarks also differs by race. Over half (59%) of white and four-fifths of Asian test takers met the college readiness math benchmark, compared to less than a quarter of Black students and under a third of Hispanic or Latino students. As we show, there are similar patterns for English, but the gaps are not as stark.
As SAT participation gaps have shrunk, so have enrollment gaps. But significant gaps in graduation rates and test scores remain; representation is increasing, but success rates have yet to catch up.
Half of Asian students and 45% of white students graduate college in 4 years compared to 21% of Black students, and 32% of Latino or Hispanic students. Default rates on student loans tell a similar story; Black and Latino or Hispanic students are much more likely to default within 12 years of graduation.

Yet when you read the Brookings article what conclusion is reached to help Black students do better on their scores?
Alter the text questions for "racial equality"!

DUH!!!! Why not teach math in grade school?
Why are Asian students who have the same schooling as the blacks.. have the highest scores (632)!
But instead of pointing out the primary cause, this is the excuse!
However, too often they receive negative messaging about their continued success in STEM. Such messages from teachers or counselors downplay or minimize their mathematics abilities. The low expectations from these talented boys serve to further discourage them from pursuing STEM fields.
Really? Teachers telling blacks they aren't smart enough??? Really?

So what is the major reason young black males especially do poorly in STEM courses?
Are these the reasons..
There are societal messages that equate black maleness with criminality, with teachers often being afraid of their black male students.
Often enough, as my own research shows, unequal access to treatment results in poorer health outcomes for black kids.
The early academic years for these students are riddled with long-term (two months or longer) illnesses that negatively impact their schooling and result in attending at least one summer school term.

Again all this is the fault of our society! WRONG!!!
The major problem is a simple word. Fathers!
Missing fathers. Father authority figures. FACTS are:
In 2020, there were about 4.25 million Black families in the United States with a single mother. This is an increase from 1990 levels, when there were about 3.4 million Black families with a single mother.
In 2020, there were about 10.24 million black families living in the United States.
Think about it. 42% have NO father figures. No authority figures... just the single mom!
In 2020, there were about 53.72 million white, non-Hispanic families living in the United States but
In 2020, there were about 7.01 million white, non-Hispanic families with a single mother living in the United States.single parent families:
But white families: 13% single parent families!
Now Asian families where STEM, test scores are highest?
In 2020, there were about 577,000 Asian families with a single mother living in the United States
In 2019 there were 5,725,000 Asian households or just 10% had single parent!

Is there a correlation here? Blacks have 42% single parent, whites 13% and Asians 10%...HMMM!
Common thread Authority figure is present in higher STEM scores!
But their all experts on gender and social warriors. That's enough
So simple. Yet why are adults in this article so truly stupid?
The average scores for Black (454) and Latino or Hispanic students (478) are significantly lower than those
of white (547) and Asian students (632).
The proportion of students reaching college-readiness benchmarks also differs by race. Over half (59%) of white and four-fifths of Asian test takers met the college readiness math benchmark, compared to less than a quarter of Black students and under a third of Hispanic or Latino students. As we show, there are similar patterns for English, but the gaps are not as stark.
As SAT participation gaps have shrunk, so have enrollment gaps. But significant gaps in graduation rates and test scores remain; representation is increasing, but success rates have yet to catch up.
Half of Asian students and 45% of white students graduate college in 4 years compared to 21% of Black students, and 32% of Latino or Hispanic students. Default rates on student loans tell a similar story; Black and Latino or Hispanic students are much more likely to default within 12 years of graduation.

Yet when you read the Brookings article what conclusion is reached to help Black students do better on their scores?
Alter the text questions for "racial equality"!

DUH!!!! Why not teach math in grade school?
Why are Asian students who have the same schooling as the blacks.. have the highest scores (632)!
But instead of pointing out the primary cause, this is the excuse!
However, too often they receive negative messaging about their continued success in STEM. Such messages from teachers or counselors downplay or minimize their mathematics abilities. The low expectations from these talented boys serve to further discourage them from pursuing STEM fields.
Really? Teachers telling blacks they aren't smart enough??? Really?

So what is the major reason young black males especially do poorly in STEM courses?
Are these the reasons..
There are societal messages that equate black maleness with criminality, with teachers often being afraid of their black male students.
Often enough, as my own research shows, unequal access to treatment results in poorer health outcomes for black kids.
The early academic years for these students are riddled with long-term (two months or longer) illnesses that negatively impact their schooling and result in attending at least one summer school term.

Again all this is the fault of our society! WRONG!!!
The major problem is a simple word. Fathers!
Missing fathers. Father authority figures. FACTS are:
In 2020, there were about 4.25 million Black families in the United States with a single mother. This is an increase from 1990 levels, when there were about 3.4 million Black families with a single mother.
In 2020, there were about 10.24 million black families living in the United States.
Think about it. 42% have NO father figures. No authority figures... just the single mom!
In 2020, there were about 53.72 million white, non-Hispanic families living in the United States but
In 2020, there were about 7.01 million white, non-Hispanic families with a single mother living in the United States.single parent families:
But white families: 13% single parent families!
Now Asian families where STEM, test scores are highest?
In 2020, there were about 577,000 Asian families with a single mother living in the United States
In 2019 there were 5,725,000 Asian households or just 10% had single parent!

Is there a correlation here? Blacks have 42% single parent, whites 13% and Asians 10%...HMMM!
Common thread Authority figure is present in higher STEM scores!

Something worth noting is blacks in world history. Looking back at the entire world, going back as far as possible in all countries, etc. Not just the United States, everywhere.

Now with your mind framed that way, tell me how many blacks have founded, governed and maintained countries that were 1st or even 2nd world countries compared to white countries during the same time period? Very few at best in the history of the world managed to be 1st world, most aren't even 2nd world countries.

Looking at contributions to mankinds evolution like inventing things, medicine, engineering, space exploration, electronics, architecture, biology, physics, philosophy, science, and so on. How many of those fields made strides because of blacks vs whites?

Again I am talking around the world, so we can't just pick the USA and blame everything on slavery and racism here.

Sure there are some rich and successful blacks, but most of them became that in a white founded country.

The bottom line is in Earth's history they have always been in last place. It's not racism, it's fact. So really to try and come up with excuses as to why they are behind now is not looking at the historical reality of things.

For every Thomas Sowell there is you have 10,000 George Floyd's.

They have had thousands of years to do better and they failed to achieve what whites and Asians have done, they haven't even come close.

I feel like the child telling the adults about the air in the tires because the answer is quite simple and all you have to do is look at history to see it. They have historically shown they are on the whole incapable of competing with whites and Asians in terms of intelligence and ambition.
Something worth noting is blacks in world history. Looking back at the entire world, going back as far as possible in all countries, etc. Not just the United States, everywhere.

Now with your mind framed that way, tell me how many blacks have founded, governed and maintained countries that were 1st or even 2nd world countries compared to white countries during the same time period? Very few at best in the history of the world managed to be 1st world, most aren't even 2nd world countries.

Looking at contributions to mankinds evolution like inventing things, medicine, engineering, space exploration, electronics, architecture, biology, physics, philosophy, science, and so on. How many of those fields made strides because of blacks vs whites?

Again I am talking around the world, so we can't just pick the USA and blame everything on slavery and racism here.

Sure there are some rich and successful blacks, but most of them became that in a white founded country.

The bottom line is in Earth's history they have always been in last place. It's not racism, it's fact. So really to try and come up with excuses as to why they are behind now is not looking at the historical reality of things.

For every Thomas Sowell there is you have 10,000 George Floyd's.

They have had thousands of years to do better and they failed to achieve what whites and Asians have done, they haven't even come close.

I feel like the child telling the adults about the air in the tires because the answer is quite simple and all you have to do is look at history to see it. They have historically shown they are on the whole incapable of competing with whites and Asians in terms of intelligence and ambition.
OH I totally agree with you on all your points. In fact I'll go you one better.
Ever hear of E. O. Wilson and his book Sociobiology: The New Synthesis in 1975.
Wilson premises that social biology is the scientific study of the biological (especially ecological and evolutionary) aspects of social behavior in animals and humans.
How that relates is in this fact:
Slave owners (including 3,000 black slave owners!) breed just as cattle breeders desirable characteristics in slaves, i.e. Dumb and strong. Weak and smart were not desirable. Hence the social biological background of many American blacks has those
genealogical elements. Now given that history, AND the fact that Federal Government welfare payments encourage single mothers
However, a majority of the newer studies show that welfare has a significantly negative effect on marriage or a positive effect on fertility rather than none at all.
he current consensus is that the welfare system probably has some effect on these demographic outcomes
. The Effect of Welfare on Marriage and Fertility - Welfare, The Family, And Reproductive Behavior - NCBI Bookshelf
In common sense... welfare payments are higher with more kids and no father providing paychecks!
So simple. Yet why are adults in this article so truly stupid?
The average scores for Black (454) and Latino or Hispanic students (478) are significantly lower than those
of white (547) and Asian students (632).
The proportion of students reaching college-readiness benchmarks also differs by race. Over half (59%) of white and four-fifths of Asian test takers met the college readiness math benchmark, compared to less than a quarter of Black students and under a third of Hispanic or Latino students. As we show, there are similar patterns for English, but the gaps are not as stark.
As SAT participation gaps have shrunk, so have enrollment gaps. But significant gaps in graduation rates and test scores remain; representation is increasing, but success rates have yet to catch up.
Half of Asian students and 45% of white students graduate college in 4 years compared to 21% of Black students, and 32% of Latino or Hispanic students. Default rates on student loans tell a similar story; Black and Latino or Hispanic students are much more likely to default within 12 years of graduation.
All you've done is confirm your racism. The numbers are lower in some cases for non-whites due to less opportunities.

The numbers are most likely correct for America and other countries that are inflicted with endemic racism but they're not true for the world's leading democracies. There is no difference in intelligence of human due to skin colour.

You're a racist and your post indicates that you're not a very bright one yourself.
Shame on Americans that think like you!
tell me how many blacks have founded, governed and maintained countries that were 1st or even 2nd world countries compared to white countries during the same time period?

Where is Asslips when we need him to tell us how Black countries are superior.
The numbers are lower in some cases for non-whites due to less opportunities
Yea...due to their large amount of single parent families, namely without a father figure...

All you did was prove you have to make everything about “racism”, when the real problem are policies and lifestyle choices people are making.
The OP demonstrated a lack of intelligence when he showed that Asians achieve higher than the average whit person.
Would he suggest Asian superiority on account of skin colour?
Or should we give him the real reason why Asians achieve higher than most whites?
Would he even be capable of understanding?
Whats the difference in IQ'S?
There is no genetic difference in intelligence. There are other well known factors that account for the lesser or greater intelligence of Asians and Blacks.

Only racists refuse to acknowledge the facts.
All you've done is confirm your racism. The numbers are lower in some cases for non-whites due to less opportunities.

The numbers are most likely correct for America and other countries that are inflicted with endemic racism but they're not true for the world's leading democracies. There is no difference in intelligence of human due to skin colour.

You're a racist and your post indicates that you're not a very bright one yourself.
Shame on Americans that think like you!
How do you know what race I am? For example I have native American Indian heritage.
Also are you telling me these "BLACK MEN" are racists?

Walter Williams a professor of economics at George Mason University and in the famous words of Obama who said..(."by the way he is black"!, ) points this out.
"In 1960, just 22 percent of black children were raised in single-parent families.
Fifty years later, more than 70 percent of black children were raised in single-parent families.
Colonel Allen West
As early as the 1880s, three-quarters of black families were two-parent. In 1925 New York City, 85 percent of black families were two-parent. One study of 19th-century slave families found that in up to three-fourths of the families, all the children had the same mother and father.” President Obama
I’ve tried to be for Michelle and my girls what my father was not for my mother and me,” he told the graduates of Morehouse College in 2013. “I want to break that cycle where a father is not at home — where a father is not helping to raise that son or daughter. I want to be a better father, a better husband, a better man.”

Thomas Sowell..an American economist, social theorist, and senior fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution
In 1960, before this expansion of the welfare state, 22 percent of black children were raised with only one parent. By 1985, 67 percent of black children were raised with either one parent or no parent.
How do you know what race I am?
I made an educated guess, but whatever race you try to claim, you're a racist.
And already you're pretending to not be a racist and you're pretending to not be proud of it.
For example I have native American Indian heritage.
Racism crosses all skin colour boundaries.
Also are you telling me these "BLACK MEN" are racists?
Some black men are racists. Many more black men in America than in many other countries.
America has had a race problem for hundreds of years and that became a 'racism' problem that can't be solved. Americans can only imagine applying more police brutality and lethal force.

If you have any ambition to learn to act like a normal decent person, let me know. I won't waste anymore of my time on hate rhetoric.
In common sense... welfare payments are higher with more kids and no father providing paychecks!
And I would add to that, absentee father claims are the most common type of welfare fraud.

Usually they know damn well who their baby daddy is, but purposefully don't put it on the birth certificate.

For the woman this has 2 major benefits.

1) Baby daddy's income isn't counted when she's applying for welfare benefits.

2) She always has that hanging over baby daddy's head. Many years later if he pisses her off, she can officially declare that he's the father, and he will owe the government many years of back child support payments. And in many states, failure to pay child support is a felony that can land baby daddy in prison for a long time.

She can blackmail him to get what she wants from him. Basically, she owns his negro ass. It's amazing how many black guys fall into that trap.
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And I would add to that, absentee father claims are the most common type of welfare fraud.

Usually they know damn well who their baby daddy is, but purposefully don't put it on the birth certificate.

For the woman this has 2 major benefits.

1) Baby daddy's income isn't counted when she's applying for welfare benefits.

2) She always has that hanging over baby daddy's head. Many years later if he pisses her off, she can officially declare that he's the father, and he will owe the government many years of back child support payments. And in many states, failure to pay child support is a felony that can land baby daddy in prison for a long time.

She can blackmail him to get what she wants from him. Basically, she owns his negro ass. It's amazing how many black guys fall into that trap.
I Dad's income doesn't count at all if they are not married.

When a child is born and the parents are not married, the child does not have a legal father until paternity is established. The most simple way to do this is for both parents to sign an Affidavit Acknowledging Paternity at the hospital when the baby is born. When both parents sign the Affidavit, the man becomes the legal father of the child and his name is placed on the child’s birth certificate.

Will a parent have to pay child support? Not necessarily. When both parents voluntarily sign the Affidavit Acknowledging Paternity, there is no order for child support or medical coverage. If a parent would like to request child support, they can contact a private attorney or the Family Support Division. The parent who does not live with the child is usually required to provide financial and medical support. State guidelines are used to set the amount of support based on the incomes of both parents
I made an educated guess, but whatever race you try to claim, you're a racist.
And already you're pretending to not be a racist and you're pretending to not be proud of it.

Racism crosses all skin colour boundaries.

Some black men are racists. Many more black men in America than in many other countries.
America has had a race problem for hundreds of years and that became a 'racism' problem that can't be solved. Americans can only imagine applying more police brutality and lethal force.

If you have any ambition to learn to act like a normal decent person, let me know. I won't waste anymore of my time on hate rhetoric.
Merriam-Webster’s current definition of racism reads:

a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.”

b: doctrine or political program based on the assumption of racism and designed to execute its principles

c: a political or social system founded on racism

d. Racial prejudice or discrimination.

How is the issue that blacks have more single parent families "racist"?
Of these 3 colors which term is "racist" "White" "Black" "Yellow"? Are these racist terms?
Which color of a race has highest test scores?
Black (454)
white (547)
Yellow (632).
Is that a racist fact?
Of 4,250,000 black families 42% are single parent
of 53,720,000 white families 14% are single parents
of 5,725,000 yellow families 10% are single parents.
Is there a correlation between color and test scores and single families?
Is that racist?
I Dad's income doesn't count at all if they are not married.

When a child is born and the parents are not married, the child does not have a legal father until paternity is established. The most simple way to do this is for both parents to sign an Affidavit Acknowledging Paternity at the hospital when the baby is born. When both parents sign the Affidavit, the man becomes the legal father of the child and his name is placed on the child’s birth certificate.

Will a parent have to pay child support? Not necessarily. When both parents voluntarily sign the Affidavit Acknowledging Paternity, there is no order for child support or medical coverage. If a parent would like to request child support, they can contact a private attorney or the Family Support Division. The parent who does not live with the child is usually required to provide financial and medical support. State guidelines are used to set the amount of support based on the incomes of both parents
I appreciate your above information.
But the primary cause of single parent household is the "welfare" penalty against marriage!
I am confident that some if not MANY black single mothers receive some $$$ support from the fathers simply out of the fathers' fear of other people learning about the "fathers" infidelity.
There are some "fathers" that provide $$$ support because they also feel guilty.
BUT I am almost 100% confident that if a black married couple had a baby the combined income of the parents would be calculated as part of the welfare payment.
if you are married and your partner lives with you, you both must apply for public assistance.
If either of you has income, it will be counted against both of you.
The same is true for parents and children under age 21.

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