I expected the Soviet Union to make moon landings


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
Even though they lost the race to the moon. ( and they were ahead in the begining - Sputnick - first person in space, first object on the moon

genuiley puzzled that they justgave up
I was a 15 year old paper boy when around 5AM delivered papers about the firstmoon landingin July 1969 - headline MOON WALK in black bold letters.

Proud to be an American
The Moon Landings took place during the Nixon administration. When the Soviet Union collapsed they found an experimental aircraft that looked like the Space Shuttle rusting in some hanger. The Space Shuttle program was cancelled during the Obama administration. Some day if Barry and his boys have their way somebody is going to find rusty Space Shuttles rusting away in some hanger in was was once known as the USA.
The Soviet Union wussed-out after we be them to themoon.

Never made a mood landing.

The competion made us better.
Thelibe/commies/America-hater couldnt stand it that the USA got their first.
And then the Ruskies quit.
There wasn't a lot of strategic importance to landing on the moon past the initial PR win of getting there first. We eventually gave up on moon landings too. Until recently there just wasn't a reason to go, and even now the biggest reason is mostly theoretic (possibility of H3).

Plus, what we learned after the Cold War is that the Russian program was basically just a lot of crap tossed into space that may or may not come back. They weren't really that far into space exploration.
Going to the moon would have been a huge expense with no real benefit, and than bragging rights for being there first.
The Apollo program was one of the prime movers in getting computer science going. And the fact that one could view the event live all over the world as it happened were two very important accomplishments. And that is not even noting the psychological importance of the earthrise picture.

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