I don’t see how sub-Saharan Africa could have done it


Gold Member
Dec 25, 2013
Awhile back, in this forum, an Afrocentric poster mentioned advanced steel making in the ancient history of sub-Saharan Africa. I don’t see how sub-Saharan Africa could have had an independent iron age. I say that not because I think Africans of any race are inferior or that the people of Europe or, more precisely, the people of Eurasia are superior. I believe all people of all races have equal potential ability. My problem with an independent sub-Saharan African Iron Age is that I don’t see how people could go directly from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. Africa South of the Sahara had no Bronze age but went from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. How do people do that; making iron is not easy, especially for people with no knowledge of metals?

The people of Eurasia had an advantageous climate for the discovery of metals. One can see how copper could have been accidentally discovered. The cold weather of northern Eurasia would have been the motivation for large bonfires, and a bonfire produces enough heat to melt copper ore. Someone, cleaning out a fire pit could find tiny copper beads. We know from archeology that the ancient people of Eurasia were fascinated with copper. It must have seemed like something from the realm of the gods.

This fascination with copper leads to the heavy production of copper for trade. The intense production of copper leads to the accidental mixing of copper and tin ore and the discovery of bronze. Bronze had a profound effect on the people of Eurasia. Warrior armed with stone weapons had little chance of survival against soldiers armed with bronze.

The intense production of bronze leads to depletion of tin ores, which leads to the search for alternate ores to make more bronze, which in turn leads to the accidental discovery of iron. To be more precise, the discovery of iron bloom which looks nothing like any metal.

It is just not possible a people could discover iron-making without prior knowledge of metals. How would someone know, to repeatedly heat the iron bloom in a forge and beat out the impurity from the iron?
Awhile back, in this forum, an Afrocentric poster mentioned advanced steel making in the ancient history of sub-Saharan Africa. I don’t see how sub-Saharan Africa could have had an independent iron age. I say that not because I think Africans of any race are inferior or that the people of Europe or, more precisely, the people of Eurasia are superior. I believe all people of all races have equal potential ability. My problem with an independent sub-Saharan African Iron Age is that I don’t see how people could go directly from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. Africa South of the Sahara had no Bronze age but went from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. How do people do that; making iron is not easy, especially for people with no knowledge of metals?

The people of Eurasia had an advantageous climate for the discovery of metals. One can see how copper could have been accidentally discovered. The cold weather of northern Eurasia would have been the motivation for large bonfires, and a bonfire produces enough heat to melt copper ore. Someone, cleaning out a fire pit could find tiny copper beads. We know from archeology that the ancient people of Eurasia were fascinated with copper. It must have seemed like something from the realm of the gods.

This fascination with copper leads to the heavy production of copper for trade. The intense production of copper leads to the accidental mixing of copper and tin ore and the discovery of bronze. Bronze had a profound effect on the people of Eurasia. Warrior armed with stone weapons had little chance of survival against soldiers armed with bronze.

The intense production of bronze leads to depletion of tin ores, which leads to the search for alternate ores to make more bronze, which in turn leads to the accidental discovery of iron. To be more precise, the discovery of iron bloom which looks nothing like any metal.

It is just not possible a people could discover iron-making without prior knowledge of metals. How would someone know, to repeatedly heat the iron bloom in a forge and beat out the impurity from the iron?
Subsaharan Africans are lying.
Awhile back, in this forum, an Afrocentric poster mentioned advanced steel making in the ancient history of sub-Saharan Africa. I don’t see how sub-Saharan Africa could have had an independent iron age. I say that not because I think Africans of any race are inferior or that the people of Europe or, more precisely, the people of Eurasia are superior. I believe all people of all races have equal potential ability. My problem with an independent sub-Saharan African Iron Age is that I don’t see how people could go directly from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. Africa South of the Sahara had no Bronze age but went from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. How do people do that; making iron is not easy, especially for people with no knowledge of metals?

The people of Eurasia had an advantageous climate for the discovery of metals. One can see how copper could have been accidentally discovered. The cold weather of northern Eurasia would have been the motivation for large bonfires, and a bonfire produces enough heat to melt copper ore. Someone, cleaning out a fire pit could find tiny copper beads. We know from archeology that the ancient people of Eurasia were fascinated with copper. It must have seemed like something from the realm of the gods.

This fascination with copper leads to the heavy production of copper for trade. The intense production of copper leads to the accidental mixing of copper and tin ore and the discovery of bronze. Bronze had a profound effect on the people of Eurasia. Warrior armed with stone weapons had little chance of survival against soldiers armed with bronze.

The intense production of bronze leads to depletion of tin ores, which leads to the search for alternate ores to make more bronze, which in turn leads to the accidental discovery of iron. To be more precise, the discovery of iron bloom which looks nothing like any metal.

It is just not possible a people could discover iron-making without prior knowledge of metals. How would someone know, to repeatedly heat the iron bloom in a forge and beat out the impurity from the iron?

Current day analysis of societies can date back to the late paleolithic period from the 40th millennium BC (stone age). With the advent of what I call the start of the empire age(Achaemenid empire 550 BCE - 330 BCE) there appears to be a somewhat rapid acceleration in technology. Upon a more in depth examination before the global flood there once again appears to be some unusual activity on our planet earth, that MAY have paved the way for technology to have been more advanced than fully realised by contemporary standards. This could possibly explain your question regarding untimely advancements in metallurgy.
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Awhile back, in this forum, an Afrocentric poster mentioned advanced steel making in the ancient history of sub-Saharan Africa. I don’t see how sub-Saharan Africa could have had an independent iron age. I say that not because I think Africans of any race are inferior or that the people of Europe or, more precisely, the people of Eurasia are superior. I believe all people of all races have equal potential ability. My problem with an independent sub-Saharan African Iron Age is that I don’t see how people could go directly from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. Africa South of the Sahara had no Bronze age but went from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. How do people do that; making iron is not easy, especially for people with no knowledge of metals?

The people of Eurasia had an advantageous climate for the discovery of metals. One can see how copper could have been accidentally discovered. The cold weather of northern Eurasia would have been the motivation for large bonfires, and a bonfire produces enough heat to melt copper ore. Someone, cleaning out a fire pit could find tiny copper beads. We know from archeology that the ancient people of Eurasia were fascinated with copper. It must have seemed like something from the realm of the gods.

This fascination with copper leads to the heavy production of copper for trade. The intense production of copper leads to the accidental mixing of copper and tin ore and the discovery of bronze. Bronze had a profound effect on the people of Eurasia. Warrior armed with stone weapons had little chance of survival against soldiers armed with bronze.

The intense production of bronze leads to depletion of tin ores, which leads to the search for alternate ores to make more bronze, which in turn leads to the accidental discovery of iron. To be more precise, the discovery of iron bloom which looks nothing like any metal.

It is just not possible a people could discover iron-making without prior knowledge of metals. How would someone know, to repeatedly heat the iron bloom in a forge and beat out the impurity from the iron?
Subsaharan Africans are lying.

I don’t think they are lying; at least not most of them. I think these people are mostly deluded wanting to see something so badly they see what they want to see where it doesn’t exist. It is a natural human trait; there are men that can’t see that their wife is cheating on them because they don’t want to see it. The opposite is true as well. But a scientist is someone who is dedicated to the truth and will overcome his bias to see what is really there. It is unacceptable for a scientist to allow his bias to interfere in his observations. A few years ago a claim came out of Africa that the African cow was indigenous to Africa that it evolved from local wild bovine. A DNA study proved that claim was false, all cattle originate in Eurasia. The African cow is an immigrant from the north. I reckon Africa has a shortage of real scientists.
Awhile back, in this forum, an Afrocentric poster mentioned advanced steel making in the ancient history of sub-Saharan Africa. I don’t see how sub-Saharan Africa could have had an independent iron age. I say that not because I think Africans of any race are inferior or that the people of Europe or, more precisely, the people of Eurasia are superior. I believe all people of all races have equal potential ability. My problem with an independent sub-Saharan African Iron Age is that I don’t see how people could go directly from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. Africa South of the Sahara had no Bronze age but went from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. How do people do that; making iron is not easy, especially for people with no knowledge of metals?

The people of Eurasia had an advantageous climate for the discovery of metals. One can see how copper could have been accidentally discovered. The cold weather of northern Eurasia would have been the motivation for large bonfires, and a bonfire produces enough heat to melt copper ore. Someone, cleaning out a fire pit could find tiny copper beads. We know from archeology that the ancient people of Eurasia were fascinated with copper. It must have seemed like something from the realm of the gods.

This fascination with copper leads to the heavy production of copper for trade. The intense production of copper leads to the accidental mixing of copper and tin ore and the discovery of bronze. Bronze had a profound effect on the people of Eurasia. Warrior armed with stone weapons had little chance of survival against soldiers armed with bronze.

The intense production of bronze leads to depletion of tin ores, which leads to the search for alternate ores to make more bronze, which in turn leads to the accidental discovery of iron. To be more precise, the discovery of iron bloom which looks nothing like any metal.

It is just not possible a people could discover iron-making without prior knowledge of metals. How would someone know, to repeatedly heat the iron bloom in a forge and beat out the impurity from the iron?
They did it and that's the way it is.
Why does it bother you so much knowing that black people are the fathers of civilisation ?

This thread is about the possibility of an independent iron age in sub-Saharan Africa, but we can expand to talk about ancient Egypt if you want. I assume that is what you are referring to as “the fathers of civilization”. It wouldn’t bother me if it was true, but unfortunately, things are not what we want them to be but what they are and were. Like the African Cow, the Black Egypt claim was also discredited by DNA testing in 2017. The ancient Egyptian mummies were more closely related to eastern Europeans than they were to sub-Saharan Africans. And you can’t have a civilization without a written language; there were no ancient indigenous written languages south of Ethiopia.
Isn't it enough that your people invented funk? Come on my brotha? :D

I'm not your brother. Secondly why does it burn you so much ? Black ppl don't waste time trying to discredit Tesla or Einstein or whoever. We don't give a sh*t
Awhile back, in this forum, an Afrocentric poster mentioned advanced steel making in the ancient history of sub-Saharan Africa. I don’t see how sub-Saharan Africa could have had an independent iron age. I say that not because I think Africans of any race are inferior or that the people of Europe or, more precisely, the people of Eurasia are superior. I believe all people of all races have equal potential ability. My problem with an independent sub-Saharan African Iron Age is that I don’t see how people could go directly from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. Africa South of the Sahara had no Bronze age but went from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. How do people do that; making iron is not easy, especially for people with no knowledge of metals?

The people of Eurasia had an advantageous climate for the discovery of metals. One can see how copper could have been accidentally discovered. The cold weather of northern Eurasia would have been the motivation for large bonfires, and a bonfire produces enough heat to melt copper ore. Someone, cleaning out a fire pit could find tiny copper beads. We know from archeology that the ancient people of Eurasia were fascinated with copper. It must have seemed like something from the realm of the gods.

This fascination with copper leads to the heavy production of copper for trade. The intense production of copper leads to the accidental mixing of copper and tin ore and the discovery of bronze. Bronze had a profound effect on the people of Eurasia. Warrior armed with stone weapons had little chance of survival against soldiers armed with bronze.

The intense production of bronze leads to depletion of tin ores, which leads to the search for alternate ores to make more bronze, which in turn leads to the accidental discovery of iron. To be more precise, the discovery of iron bloom which looks nothing like any metal.

It is just not possible a people could discover iron-making without prior knowledge of metals. How would someone know, to repeatedly heat the iron bloom in a forge and beat out the impurity from the iron?
.....Europe was building multi-decked ships while sub-S Africans were building canoes
...Europe was building very complex windmills for various utilities while sub S Africans were chucking spears
..Europe was building complex castles that still stand while sub S Africans were building grass huts
...Europe WAS superior in technology/education/etc
--all facts
Isn't it enough that your people invented funk? Come on my brotha? :D

I'm not your brother. Secondly why does it burn you so much ? Black ppl don't waste time trying to discredit Tesla or Einstein or whoever. We don't give a sh*t

I am not trying to discredit anything. I am paying homage to the funk. :thup:


Look. Black people from Africa civilized Europe. There were bath houses all thru Moorish Spain as well as well lit streets, Universities, Palaces.


I don't take any pleasure in saying this because I didn't do it. But they built stuff like


And this throughout Europe.


That's why they have statues of blk ppl on many European countries




They introduced art, architecture, sciences, medicines, animal husbandry and other advanced disciplines to Spain and the rest of Europe. This was the catalyst which led to the European Renaissance.

After the Greco/Roman Empire fell, whites went back into the DARK AGES.

The black plague almost killed all of white Europe in the 13th, due to UNSANITARY conditions.

During that same time, in Spain, the Moors had over 300 public baths. While 1% of Europe was literate, there were over 90 universities in the Moorish Empire.

These blacks are responsible for the white boy 'renaissance' where they had a refocus on science, learning and math. BLACK MOORS are the ones who inspired this reawakening.

Black ppl gave the world the alphabet (Phoenicians were black Moorish people from North Africa...the word PHONICS comes from them) and numbers (Arabic numbers are 0-9 as opposed to Roman numerals which don't have a zero making higher math IMPOSSIBLE).

Most of Western European scientific discoveries or rather copies of the original discoveries of Africans were put to use during the sixteenth to the twentieth centuries.

It was during this time that some of the great scientific and technological discoveries and inventions were made.

Yet, these discoveries and inventions were and are merely improvements on ancient discoveries made by Africans Blacks.

For example, gunpowder was invented by the ancient Egyptians and Nigerians who used the cola nut to make gunpowder. The Chinese reinvented it and used it in fireworks and explosives.

Steel work and iron smelting was invented by Africans in ancient Tanzania, where ancient cone-like blast furnaces with bellows still exist to this very day and are still used.

The hydraulic pump for lifting water and irrigation was invented by Africans in Egypt

Therefore, even if people of European origins have made improvements in ancient technologies and ancient inventions, such as rocketry, computer technology, aerodynamics and others, the basic mathematical formulas and ancient prototypes were invented by Africans

You see, SERIOUS White historians know these facts very well they also know that to tell the truth would reveal the dominate position of the Blackman in the bronze-age.

SERIOUS white historians know they were barbarians when the foundation of world civilization was built by black men but few western historians will tell the full story of man's racial history to do so would challenge the Aryan model of history
Sub Saharan Africans were not isolated. When they traveled they took there knowledge with them and when others traveled there they brought there knowledge. People learned from each other.
Awhile back, in this forum, an Afrocentric poster mentioned advanced steel making in the ancient history of sub-Saharan Africa. I don’t see how sub-Saharan Africa could have had an independent iron age. I say that not because I think Africans of any race are inferior or that the people of Europe or, more precisely, the people of Eurasia are superior. I believe all people of all races have equal potential ability. My problem with an independent sub-Saharan African Iron Age is that I don’t see how people could go directly from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. Africa South of the Sahara had no Bronze age but went from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. How do people do that; making iron is not easy, especially for people with no knowledge of metals?

The people of Eurasia had an advantageous climate for the discovery of metals. One can see how copper could have been accidentally discovered. The cold weather of northern Eurasia would have been the motivation for large bonfires, and a bonfire produces enough heat to melt copper ore. Someone, cleaning out a fire pit could find tiny copper beads. We know from archeology that the ancient people of Eurasia were fascinated with copper. It must have seemed like something from the realm of the gods.

This fascination with copper leads to the heavy production of copper for trade. The intense production of copper leads to the accidental mixing of copper and tin ore and the discovery of bronze. Bronze had a profound effect on the people of Eurasia. Warrior armed with stone weapons had little chance of survival against soldiers armed with bronze.

The intense production of bronze leads to depletion of tin ores, which leads to the search for alternate ores to make more bronze, which in turn leads to the accidental discovery of iron. To be more precise, the discovery of iron bloom which looks nothing like any metal.

It is just not possible a people could discover iron-making without prior knowledge of metals. How would someone know, to repeatedly heat the iron bloom in a forge and beat out the impurity from the iron?

...Europe WAS superior in technology/education/etc
--all facts
That is true, but it is not because the Europeans are racially superior; it because of a simple accident of geography. If the world was positioned so that the equator ran through Eurasia from France to China, it could be the Europeans migrating to Africa for a better life.

Look. Black people from Africa civilized Europe. There were bath houses all thru Moorish Spain as well as well lit streets, Universities, Palaces.

View attachment 409798

I don't take any pleasure in saying this because I didn't do it. But they built stuff like

View attachment 409800

And this throughout Europe.

View attachment 409802

That's why they have statues of blk ppl on many European countries

View attachment 409804

View attachment 409805

View attachment 409807

They introduced art, architecture, sciences, medicines, animal husbandry and other advanced disciplines to Spain and the rest of Europe. This was the catalyst which led to the European Renaissance.

After the Greco/Roman Empire fell, whites went back into the DARK AGES.

The black plague almost killed all of white Europe in the 13th, due to UNSANITARY conditions.

During that same time, in Spain, the Moors had over 300 public baths. While 1% of Europe was literate, there were over 90 universities in the Moorish Empire.

These blacks are responsible for the white boy 'renaissance' where they had a refocus on science, learning and math. BLACK MOORS are the ones who inspired this reawakening.

Black ppl gave the world the alphabet (Phoenicians were black Moorish people from North Africa...the word PHONICS comes from them) and numbers (Arabic numbers are 0-9 as opposed to Roman numerals which don't have a zero making higher math IMPOSSIBLE).

Most of Western European scientific discoveries or rather copies of the original discoveries of Africans were put to use during the sixteenth to the twentieth centuries.

It was during this time that some of the great scientific and technological discoveries and inventions were made.

Yet, these discoveries and inventions were and are merely improvements on ancient discoveries made by Africans Blacks.

For example, gunpowder was invented by the ancient Egyptians and Nigerians who used the cola nut to make gunpowder. The Chinese reinvented it and used it in fireworks and explosives.

Steel work and iron smelting was invented by Africans in ancient Tanzania, where ancient cone-like blast furnaces with bellows still exist to this very day and are still used.

The hydraulic pump for lifting water and irrigation was invented by Africans in Egypt

Therefore, even if people of European origins have made improvements in ancient technologies and ancient inventions, such as rocketry, computer technology, aerodynamics and others, the basic mathematical formulas and ancient prototypes were invented by Africans

You see, SERIOUS White historians know these facts very well they also know that to tell the truth would reveal the dominate position of the Blackman in the bronze-age.

SERIOUS white historians know they were barbarians when the foundation of world civilization was built by black men but few western historians will tell the full story of man's racial history to do so would challenge the Aryan model of history
Now you've triggered them to jumping up and down
Awhile back, in this forum, an Afrocentric poster mentioned advanced steel making in the ancient history of sub-Saharan Africa. I don’t see how sub-Saharan Africa could have had an independent iron age. I say that not because I think Africans of any race are inferior or that the people of Europe or, more precisely, the people of Eurasia are superior. I believe all people of all races have equal potential ability. My problem with an independent sub-Saharan African Iron Age is that I don’t see how people could go directly from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. Africa South of the Sahara had no Bronze age but went from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. How do people do that; making iron is not easy, especially for people with no knowledge of metals?

The people of Eurasia had an advantageous climate for the discovery of metals. One can see how copper could have been accidentally discovered. The cold weather of northern Eurasia would have been the motivation for large bonfires, and a bonfire produces enough heat to melt copper ore. Someone, cleaning out a fire pit could find tiny copper beads. We know from archeology that the ancient people of Eurasia were fascinated with copper. It must have seemed like something from the realm of the gods.

This fascination with copper leads to the heavy production of copper for trade. The intense production of copper leads to the accidental mixing of copper and tin ore and the discovery of bronze. Bronze had a profound effect on the people of Eurasia. Warrior armed with stone weapons had little chance of survival against soldiers armed with bronze.

The intense production of bronze leads to depletion of tin ores, which leads to the search for alternate ores to make more bronze, which in turn leads to the accidental discovery of iron. To be more precise, the discovery of iron bloom which looks nothing like any metal.

It is just not possible a people could discover iron-making without prior knowledge of metals. How would someone know, to repeatedly heat the iron bloom in a forge and beat out the impurity from the iron?

...Europe WAS superior in technology/education/etc
--all facts
That is true, but it is not because the Europeans are racially superior; it because of a simple accident of geography. If the world was positioned so that the equator ran through Eurasia from France to China, it could be the Europeans migrating to Africa for a better life.
the term ''racially'' superior is very idiotic/nonsensical/etc
..the Europeans were superior --plain and simple--that's a fact
...the Dutch produced very complex windmills starting in the 1400s!--they took swampland/marshland/etc and turned it into farmland--you are WRONG = NO--you cannot say for sure it's geographical...

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