"White woman pulls gun on belligerent black family trying to attack her"


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2015
"White woman pulls gun on belligerent black family trying to attack her":

Hello. I am curious to learn if people believe the mother and daughter in this disturbing public confrontation represent a large or small population of AA citizens believing all Euro Americans are racist?

Also, was the woman justified displaying a firearm and pointing it at the mother and daughter harassing her?

Those black women just need a good Spartan Kick to the chest.

They should have got in the car and called the police the moment they felt threatened and for sure when they hit the car.

Apparently they are not in a stand your ground state??

The police should have arrested the woman who hit the car and was making threats.

Sad situations that people like that are creating are creating division when there is none. It makes it harder for good people who could care less about the color of another person's skin.
They should have got in the car and called the police the moment they felt threatened and for sure when they hit the car.

Apparently they are not in a stand your ground state??

The police should have arrested the woman who hit the car and was making threats.

Sad situations that people like that are creating are creating division when there is none. It makes it harder for good people who could care less about the color of another person's skin.

Hello, RodISHI. I agree, as soon as someone begins making threats of violence...it is time retreat, leave the scene and call authorities to report the incident.

If the couple had simply driven away, there would be no need to pull out a gun.

Frankly, I'm not seeing justification for displaying a firearm...especially after the couple was leaving the scene and could have notified police if they felt an offense was committed.

In my opinion, the husband escalated the situation by using an expletive when replying to the apparent emotionally or mentally ill mom and daughter.

In my experience, when people are beefing, using words of HATE and anger, often results with more HATE being tossed about. Especially when dealing with apparent emotionally troubled people.

Sadly, Justin is 100% correct. To their detriment, significant numbers of ProBlack practicing citizens embrace tribalism, refusing to SNITCH on emotionally troubled, homicidal suicidal minded people causing Community Violence, Chaos and FEAR.

As always, my question is...

Specifically, who is the HATE-giving "U" the late Child Abuse & Gun Homicide victim Tupac Shakur is referring to in his much ignored, often misinterpreted "THUGLIFE" Child Abuse, Neglect and Maltreatment! AWARENESS PREVENTION PSA?

"The HATE U Give Little Infants Fvvks Everybody"

Black Children Have Highest Abuse Rates by Jazelle Hunt - BlackVoiceNews

'ProBlack' Women Are Destroying Themselves, Black Men & Communities:

ProBlack/BLM community pathology explained in 60 seconds:

ProBlack/BLM Logic, Fvvkery, White Supremacy:

Early Brain Child Development SCIENTIST, Dr. Bruce D. Perry MD, PhD spills the beans to Oprah about Childhood Trauma & ADULT MENTAL HEALTH:

Dr. Bruce D. Perry - Early Brain Development - Reducing The Effects Of Trauma:

Cali Surgeon General Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, MD, MPH, FAAP, explains Childhood Trauma, Neglect, Maltreatment and MENTAL HEALTH:

Dr. Harris offers 'SOULutions' for ending HATE & Violence:

Dr. Nadine Burke Harris - How early childhood experiences affect children’s future


Avery, the last time Rod and I were in southern California was back in the 80's. Pre-teens and teens were just getting out of school on the road we happen to be on while going to see a relative. They were teasing cars jumping off the sidewalk as if they were going to cross and then jumping back and forth on the sidewalk to the road when a car would try to get pass them. That went on for about fifteen minutes while Rod sat there patiently waiting for them to cross. Some cars went pass but we sat there because the pickup was one of those first diesels and it lurched when taking off from a stop. It would not just smoothly accelerate. The moment Rod finally got tired of waiting on those nasty brats and went past him a cop pulled him over. He ticketed Rod for pulling out in front of those brats who'd been jumping on and off the sidewalk. We vowed to not go back to California after that and have kept that vow thus far. That was obviously a game those kids played daily and the local cop surely knew that.

I've agreed with you to a point on abuse and the tragedies that come out of it but I know a lot of people who have suffered abuse in their childhoods that have overcome what happen in their childhoods. It cannot be used as an excuse for bad behavior. There are many factors involved in a child's life. Public school has been a biggy too so ownership of problem issues need to be dealt with there too.
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I've agreed with you to a point on abuse and the tragedies that come out of it but I know a lot of people who have suffered abuse in their childhoods that have overcome what happen in their childhoods. It cannot be used as an excuse for bad behavior. There are many factors involved in a child's life.

Hello, RodISHI. No one, including me, is making excuses for abhorrent human behaviors.

Scientific research conducted by medical doctors and child brain development scientists explains WHY people engage in abhorrent or antisocial behaviors.

I am sorry to learn you reject scientific research explaining why perfectly healthy newborns mature into sometimes violent, homicidal, suicidal minded teen and adult citizens engaging in people and Community harming antisocial behaviors.

RodISHI, I would like to learn your theory explaining why perfectly healthy newborns mature into apparent emotionally or mentally ill teen and adult citizens largely lacking compassion, empathy and respect for their peaceful or less fortunate neighbors.

I've agreed with you to a point on abuse and the tragedies that come out of it but I know a lot of people who have suffered abuse in their childhoods that have overcome what happen in their childhoods. It cannot be used as an excuse for bad behavior. There are many factors involved in a child's life.

Hello, RodISHI. No one, including me, is making excuses for abhorrent human behaviors.

Scientific research conducted by medical doctors and child brain development scientists explains WHY people engage in abhorrent or antisocial behaviors.

I am sorry to learn you reject scientific research explaining why perfectly healthy newborns mature into sometimes violent, homicidal, suicidal minded teen and adult citizens engaging in people and Community harming antisocial behaviors.

RodISHI, I would like to learn your theory explaining why perfectly healthy newborns mature into apparent emotionally or mentally ill teen and adult citizens largely lacking compassion, empathy and respect for their peaceful or less fortunate neighbors.

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Avery we are all made up of both spirit and flesh. In that we are subject to what, where and how we are raised both physically and spiritually. That is not a rejection of your theories; those are things that affect many people regardless of skin tone. You seem to ignore that their is a spirit involved in it all. Why is that?

Some science also claims it is perfectly fine to start injecting newborns with vaccines that even killed and maim adults when it was studied on them. I do not reject science but I am very reserved about the expertise of some of it claimed.

I do agree that hatred any infant or child is subjected to can alter that child's life. It happens in adults lives too. One wrong accusation or error can lead to a path of destruction that manifest in ways humans never realize.
I try to stay away from black people. Lived with them for 35 years in So. L.A.. Constant racial attacks by blacks. Not many blacks here, but always looking over my shoulder for polar bear hunters looking for the next knockout to put on the tube. Ingrained in me from L.A.

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It is so sad that some young folks have absolutely no conscience whatsoever.

They have no remorse whatsoever in knocking out a perfect stranger who has done absolutely nothing to them and who for all they know may be a supporter of BLM.

I feel so sorry for the good people of the ethnicity under discussion. They must be mortified by the fact that so many people are afraid of their younger members.

Some of the nicest Americans are people of that ethnicity. What a shame that an unusually large percentage of their youth give the whole ethnicity a negative reputation.
Pineal Gland

In the 1990s, a British scientist, Jennifer Luke, discovered that fluoride accumulates to strikingly high levels in the pineal gland. (Luke 2001). The pineal gland is located between the two hemispheres of the brain and is responsible for the synthesis and secretion of the hormone melatonin. Melatonin maintains the body’s circadian rhythm (sleep-wake cycle), regulates the onset of puberty in females, and helps protect the body from cell damage caused by free radicals.
While it is not yet known if fluoride accumulation affects pineal gland function, preliminary animal experiments found that fluoride reduced melatonin levels and shortened the time to puberty. (Luke, 1997). Based on this and other evidence, the National Research Council has stated that “fluoride is likely to cause decreased melatonin production and to have other effects on normal pineal function, which in turn could contribute to a variety of effects in humans” (NRC, 2006, p. 256).
The Pineal Gland Has Highest Levels of Fluoride in Body
As a calcifying tissue that is exposed to a high volume of blood flow, the pineal gland is a major target for fluoride accumulation in humans. In fact, the calcified parts of the pineal gland (hydroxyapatite crystals) contain the highest fluoride concentrations in the human body (up to 21,000 ppm F), higher than either bone or teeth. (Luke 1997; 2001). Although the soft tissue of the pineal does not accumulate fluoride to the same extent as the calcified part, it does contain higher levels of fluoride than found than in other types of soft tissue in the body — with concentrations (~300 ppm F) that are known in other contexts to inhibit enzymes. While the impacts of these fluoride concentrations in the pineal are not yet fully understood, studies have found that calcified deposits in the pineal are associated with decreased numbers of functioning pinealocytes and reduced melatonin production (Kunz et al., 1999) as well as impairments in the sleep-wake cycle. (Mahlberg 2009).
Fluoride and Earlier Puberty in Girls
In the United States, children are reaching the age of puberty at earlier ages than in the past — a trend that carries health consequences, including a heightened risk for breast cancer. Some evidence indicates that fluoride, via its effect on the pineal, could be a contributing cause to this trend. In animal studies, for example, fluoride exposure has been found to cause a decrease in the amount of circulating melatonin and lead to an accelerated sexual maturation in females. (Luke 1997). Similar findings have been reported in two epidemiological studies of human populations drinking fluoridated water. In the first published fluoridation safety experiment in Newburgh, New York, the authors found that girls living in a fluoridated community reached puberty five months earlier than girls living in a non-fluoridated community. (Schlesinger 1956) Later, in 1983, Farkas reported that postmenarcheal girls were “present at younger ages in the higher fluoride town than in the low-fluoride town, although the reported median ages were the same.”
  • Farkas G, et al. (1983). The fluoride content of drinking water and menarcheal age. Acta Univ Szeged Acta Biol. 29(1-4):159-168.
  • Kunz D, et al. (1999). A new concept for melatonin deficit: on pineal calcification and melatonin excretion. Neuropsychopharmacology 21(6):765-72.
  • Luke J. (2001). Fluoride deposition in the aged human pineal gland. Caries Res. 35(2):125-128.
  • Luke J. (1997). The Effect of Fluoride on the Physiology of the Pineal Gland. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Surrey, Guildford.
  • Mahlberg R, et al. (2009). Degree of pineal calcification (DOC) is associated with polysomnographic sleep measures in primary insomnia patients. Sleep Med. 10(4):439-45.
  • National Research Council. (2006). Fluoride in Drinking Water: A Scientific Review of EPA’s Standards. National Academies Press, Washington D.C.
  • Schlesinger ER, et al. (1956). Newburgh-Kingston caries fluorine study. XIII. Pediatric findings after ten years. J Am Dent Assoc. 52(3):296-306.
Nutrition and pollutants are both playing a role too.

Not the only one but an important one.

"White woman pulls gun on belligerent black family trying to attack her":

Hello. I am curious to learn if people believe the mother and daughter in this disturbing public confrontation represent a large or small population of AA citizens believing all Euro Americans are racist?

Also, was the woman justified displaying a firearm and pointing it at the mother and daughter harassing her?

Who gives a sh*t ? You white ass kissing, uncle Tom n*gga.

You're like a guy in a basketball team who snitches on his teammates to the ref for cheating.

Who cares if those sisters were looking for a fight or over reacting. That's not the point.

Most white ppl side with the cop if they kill a blk person. Most Asians side with Asians if they do something bad to a blk person.

Yet here you getting all moral and righteous when pretty much no one acts moral and righteous with us.
If blacks pulled guns every time we feel threatened by whites, we'd damn sure would have gun control laws. You whites here have severe cases of psychosis. You want to pretend that you don't have a 400 year record of severe violent atrocities no other race has in this country. You make excuses for your violence then tell everybody else to take responsibility for theirs. You motherf-----s commit the most violent crime annually but excuse your violence with a ratio. Why don't you losers just shut the fuck up and fix your own?
Why don't you losers just shut the fuck up and fix your own?

Hello, my friend IM2.

Unfortunately, I recognize you are full-fledged member of America's large Divisive, Female dominated, Child Neglecting, NO SNITCHING, Segregation minded, Intra-Racial Discrimination practicing ProBlack/BLM community:

Be honest IM2. Would you engage in a serious discussion with someone you believe is emotionally troubled or disturbed?

Though I will share with you the identity of my fellow American citizens who THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, were killed or horribly maimed by an emotionally disturbed citizen raised and socialized by America's emotionally troubled ProBlack community.

IM2, sadly, I recognize you live your life strictly adhering to the Segregation minded ProBlack community's NO SNITCHING rule that compels you to obfuscate and deny reality.



I'm pretty confident in saying that AveryJarhman is not black American.

I've met his type. He's either from the Caribbean islands or Africa. Basically he's from a place where they're broken and they bow down to white people. They bow down to white supremacy.

And he wants to bring his cowardice over here to black Americans.

Because let's be honest. Not only are blk Americans the face of blk ppl globally but we are not fully broken. We are the main group of black people who have consistently challenged white supremacy for 400 years.

We shame guys like AveryJarhman because

We are out-numbered
We are out-financed
We are out-gunned

We go up against the most powerful military force on the planet

But we fkin dust ourselves off n say "HELL NO ! We ain't gonna bow down to this sh*t"

No one has the kinda courage and heart like blk Americans.
You seem to ignore that their is a spirit involved in it all.

Hello, RodISHI. I have a personal question for you.

Are you male, female or other?

Frankly, with all due respect, I do not believe in spirits.

Though if they do exist, I wish they would get to work influencing mere mortals to love, or at least show a minimum of respect for others.

Over the last five or so years I've spent quite a few hours listening to Medical Doctors and Child Development scientists speak about childhood trauma, or adverse childhood experiences.

I cannot recall one doctor mentioning anything about the pineal gland.

Unless I can review more substantive research, I'm not inclined to believe the pineal gland is significantly relevant to a child's emotional development. Though I thank you for sharing.

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You seem to ignore that their is a spirit involved in it all.

Hello, RodISHI. I have a personal question for you.

Are you male, female or other?

Frankly, with all due respect, I do not believe in spirits.

Though if they do exist, I wish they would get to work influencing mere mortals to love, or at least show a minimum of respect for others.

Over the last five or so years I've spent quite a few hours listening to Medical Doctors and Child Development scientists speak about childhood trauma, or adverse childhood experiences.

I cannot recall one doctor mentioning anything about the pineal gland.

Unless I can review more substantive research, I'm not inclined to believe the pineal gland is significantly relevant to a child's emotional development. Though I thank you for sharing.

Rod is my husband and I have two grown children that came from my own womb along with a good number of grandchildren that the two children brought forth. Hopefully that helps with your curiosity.

Sorry to hear you do not believe as that is truly a loss.

My point about the pineal gland is that there are a lot of factors involved in life long stability for any and all humans. Once the endocrine system is imbalanced it affects how people be they children or adults cope.

Your welcome. Maybe some more information will be available to you and perhaps you may even gain some insight on the spirit at some point.

God bless and keep you in peace.

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