‘I don’t remember’: James Comey gets a case of amnesia in testimony before Senate committee


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2019
Former FBI Director James Comey appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee Wednesday to answer questions about the bureau’s counterintelligence operation into the 2016 Trump campaign.

Chaired by Sen. Lindsey Graham, the committee has, for months, scrutinized the FBI’s decision-making process during the earliest phases of the investigation.

That includes false statements made to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court by a former FBI lawyer to secure a surveillance warrant against then-Trump campaign adviser Carter Page, as well as misrepresenting the so-called “Steele Dossier,” a document the bureau knew was paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign and likely contained false information fed to former British spy Christopher Steele by a suspected Russian intelligence figure.

BJ's pull quote:
In kicking off the hearing, Graham noted that the committee discovered evidence recently that the FBI suspected nearly a decade ago that the Steele Dossier sub-source was linked to Russian intelligence.

BJ -
This Guy is J. Edgar Hoover level of corrupt.
If history is consistent they will name a building after this piece of shit.
He was TOLD to say this....and he skates as do all establishment operatives

NONE will ever see any jail time.
The Establishment protects it's own
Our system is compromised and corrupt and run by the radical Left and will get worse with time.
It is not the radical left just the usual shadow operatives.
He was TOLD to say this....and he skates as do all establishment operatives

NONE will ever see any jail time.
The Establishment protects it's own
Our system is compromised and corrupt and run by the radical Left and will get worse with time.
It is not the radical left just the usual shadow operatives.

Those "shadow operatives" be they Democrats or Republicans, are aiding the radical left and the globalists in their pursuit of complete control of this country.
Those "shadow operatives" be they Democrats or Republicans, are aiding the radical left and the globalists in their pursuit of complete control of this country.

LMAO they picked the wrong country, we Americans won't put up with their shit. The UK learned that lesson a couple of times.
He was TOLD to say this....and he skates as do all establishment operatives

NONE will ever see any jail time.
The Establishment protects it's own
Our system is compromised and corrupt and run by the radical Left and will get worse with time.
It is not the radical left just the usual shadow operatives.

Unless I'm mistaken, they tend to be those we call "Globalists"
But I can't hold the radical Left harmless.
Those "shadow operatives" be they Democrats or Republicans, are aiding the radical left and the globalists in their pursuit of complete control of this country.

LMAO they picked the wrong country, we Americans won't put up with their shit. The UK learned that lesson a couple of times.

With all due respect.......
What the fuck do you mean "won't put up with their shit' ?
This isn't even America anymore they've already done so much!

Are you even aware that in 27 states now they have Red Flag laws and can TAKE your guns with ZERO probably cause?
Are you aware that in California and NewYork it is nearly impossible to own a gun without government intervention?
Are you aware of Civil Forfeiture where they can take EVERYTHING from you with NO WARRANT ?
Are you aware of the patriot Act?
Are you aware they just shut down Remington and are systematically getting rid of all guns and ammo manufacturers?

This list goes on for DAYS.

Makes me mad when people talk this "ain't gonna take it BS while they ARE "taking it"
Last edited:
He was TOLD to say this....and he skates as do all establishment operatives

NONE will ever see any jail time.
The Establishment protects it's own
Our system is compromised and corrupt and run by the radical Left and will get worse with time.
It is not the radical left just the usual shadow operatives.

On second thought....you may be correct.
He was TOLD to say this....and he skates as do all establishment operatives

NONE will ever see any jail time.
The Establishment protects it's own
Our system is compromised and corrupt and run by the radical Left and will get worse with time.
It is not the radical left just the usual shadow operatives.

Unless I'm mistaken, they tend to be those we call "Globalists"
But I can't hold the radical Left harmless.
Those "shadow operatives" be they Democrats or Republicans, are aiding the radical left and the globalists in their pursuit of complete control of this country.

LMAO they picked the wrong country, we Americans won't put up with their shit. The UK learned that lesson a couple of times.

With all due respect.......
What the fuck do you mean "won't put up with their shit' ?

Are you even aware that in 27 states now they have Red Flag laws and can TAKE your guns with ZERO probably cause?
Are you aware that in California and NewYork it is nearly impossible to own a gun without government intervention?
Are you aware of Civil Forfeiture where they can take EVERYTHING from you with NO WARRANT ?
Are you aware of the patriot Act?
Are you aware they just shut down Remington and are systematically getting rid of all guns and ammo manufacturers?

This list goes on for DAYS.

Makes me mad when people talk this "ain't gonna take it BS while they ARE "taking it"
are you aware remington is still operating?
Former FBI Director James Comey appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee Wednesday to answer questions about the bureau’s counterintelligence operation into the 2016 Trump campaign.

Chaired by Sen. Lindsey Graham, the committee has, for months, scrutinized the FBI’s decision-making process during the earliest phases of the investigation.

That includes false statements made to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court by a former FBI lawyer to secure a surveillance warrant against then-Trump campaign adviser Carter Page, as well as misrepresenting the so-called “Steele Dossier,” a document the bureau knew was paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign and likely contained false information fed to former British spy Christopher Steele by a suspected Russian intelligence figure.

BJ's pull quote:
In kicking off the hearing, Graham noted that the committee discovered evidence recently that the FBI suspected nearly a decade ago that the Steele Dossier sub-source was linked to Russian intelligence.

BJ -
This Guy is J. Edgar Hoover level of corrupt.
If history is consistent they will name a building after this piece of shit.

Yup. Senator Hawley was pretty fun to watch as he systematically exposed each one of comeys lies.
If this nation had any balls, Comey would be executed for treason. He is a lying traitor. What a piece of shit.
Amen. His picture pops up when you google weasel. Graham really did a great job of exposing that POS. But my question is, how does this fuck write books when he can't remember anything that happened in his life? My second question is what kind of asshole would buy that book? Viva Trump, the only man for the job.
Former FBI Director James Comey appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee Wednesday to answer questions about the bureau’s counterintelligence operation into the 2016 Trump campaign.

Chaired by Sen. Lindsey Graham, the committee has, for months, scrutinized the FBI’s decision-making process during the earliest phases of the investigation.

That includes false statements made to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court by a former FBI lawyer to secure a surveillance warrant against then-Trump campaign adviser Carter Page, as well as misrepresenting the so-called “Steele Dossier,” a document the bureau knew was paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign and likely contained false information fed to former British spy Christopher Steele by a suspected Russian intelligence figure.

BJ's pull quote:
In kicking off the hearing, Graham noted that the committee discovered evidence recently that the FBI suspected nearly a decade ago that the Steele Dossier sub-source was linked to Russian intelligence.

BJ -
This Guy is J. Edgar Hoover level of corrupt.
If history is consistent they will name a building after this piece of shit.

How soon he forgot the title of his book. ‘A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership’. I wonder if his next book will be his memoirs?
If this nation had any balls, Comey would be executed for treason. He is a lying traitor. What a piece of shit.
Amen. His picture pops up when you google weasel. Graham really did a great job of exposing that POS. But my question is, how does this fuck write books when he can't remember anything that happened in his life? My second question is what kind of asshole would buy that book? Viva Trump, the only man for the job.

If it is any indication, Amazon has 437 copies of his book for sale starting at $0.99. Amazon has the hard copy available for $3.81.
Former FBI Director James Comey appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee Wednesday to answer questions about the bureau’s counterintelligence operation into the 2016 Trump campaign.

Chaired by Sen. Lindsey Graham, the committee has, for months, scrutinized the FBI’s decision-making process during the earliest phases of the investigation.

That includes false statements made to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court by a former FBI lawyer to secure a surveillance warrant against then-Trump campaign adviser Carter Page, as well as misrepresenting the so-called “Steele Dossier,” a document the bureau knew was paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign and likely contained false information fed to former British spy Christopher Steele by a suspected Russian intelligence figure.

BJ's pull quote:
In kicking off the hearing, Graham noted that the committee discovered evidence recently that the FBI suspected nearly a decade ago that the Steele Dossier sub-source was linked to Russian intelligence.

BJ -
This Guy is J. Edgar Hoover level of corrupt.
If history is consistent they will name a building after this piece of shit.
Actually. Comey's exposure of the Clinton emails was a huge factor in trump's election. The piece of shit grifter demanded Comey's loyalty to him and Comey informed the piece of shit grifter that he was loyal to the American people. Everyone in trump's sphere must be loyal to that piece of shit and not to the American people or they are out, and the piece of shit trump decided to squash Comey. This is what dictators do, kinda like Putin did to his opposition leader and others. Trump has the utmost respect for dictators. How 'bout you?
Former FBI Director James Comey appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee Wednesday to answer questions about the bureau’s counterintelligence operation into the 2016 Trump campaign.

Chaired by Sen. Lindsey Graham, the committee has, for months, scrutinized the FBI’s decision-making process during the earliest phases of the investigation.

That includes false statements made to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court by a former FBI lawyer to secure a surveillance warrant against then-Trump campaign adviser Carter Page, as well as misrepresenting the so-called “Steele Dossier,” a document the bureau knew was paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign and likely contained false information fed to former British spy Christopher Steele by a suspected Russian intelligence figure.

BJ's pull quote:
In kicking off the hearing, Graham noted that the committee discovered evidence recently that the FBI suspected nearly a decade ago that the Steele Dossier sub-source was linked to Russian intelligence.

BJ -
This Guy is J. Edgar Hoover level of corrupt.
If history is consistent they will name a building after this piece of shit.
Actually. Comey's exposure of the Clinton emails was a huge factor in trump's election. The piece of shit grifter demanded Comey's loyalty to him and Comey informed the piece of shit grifter that he was loyal to the American people. Everyone in trump's sphere must be loyal to that piece of shit and not to the American people or they are out, and the piece of shit trump decided to squash Comey. This is what dictators do, kinda like Putin did to his opposition leader and others. Trump has the utmost respect for dictators. How 'bout you?

I respect that you're an idiot

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