I don't find Melina particularly attractive

She has a "plastic" look to me. And her eyes are "weird", like her skin is pulled too far towards her ears

I am going to agree with you... She is still more attractive than the other First Lady Candidate ( Bill Clinton ) and is more Attractive than Hillary Clinton, but she is not that hot...

Sure when she was younger she was but now she look like you described...
Melina grabbing guys by the crotch again?
Her name is Melania, unless you are talking about a porn site. Anyway Melania has made boo-coo bucks with her looks. And you?

Melanomia cashing in on celebrity and looks says something about american society doesn't it.
Her name is Melania, unless you are talking about a porn site. Anyway Melania has made boo-coo bucks with her looks. And you?
I was about to ask who's Melina
I just hate fake tits
She is pretty in a dress, though
I'd call her a nice looking lady , what is she , 50 some years old and she is simply getting older I guess . Time takes its toll .
Trump grabbed her pussy. This ones for real. LOL!
Her name is Melania, unless you are talking about a porn site. Anyway Melania has made boo-coo bucks with her looks. And you?
Ah...so the measure of a First Lady is their ability to make money off their looks. Interesting.

You've got a point there. The measure of a First Lady, or a First Man, or a First Family, or a First Buddy, or a First Puppy, should be, "who gives a shit?" Unless they're officially made a member of the cabinet, then they're ultimately just a super famous activist. Fuck 'em, vote for the president based on shit that actually matters.

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