i dont even know where to start..


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
i noticed my husbands aussie shepard had an eye issue....on sunday.....vetted on monday....given eye drops...no real problem...recheck on thursday....noticed that the drops were suppose to work within 48 hours his eye was getting worse....vet aide comes out...there is a problem with is eye ..do we want to go to charlotte to see a canine eye specialist...we did...they worked us in with the top eye doctor in n.c. our vet tells us semba has glaucoma...on monday it appeared to be a mild infection by thursday it was easy to see...so let me bottom line all this....semba has primary glaucoma....genetic....they gave us a week to come to terms with all this and to see if drops could restore any vision in his left eye....back six days later...eye is swelling ...pressure is up...the vet removed his eye the next day....now we are in shock stage still..we are watching his right eye and are prepared to do the procedure to try to save his right eye when it comes to it. we are lucky the vet assistant had an eye with the clinic in charlotte and this guy is considered the best eye doctor in n.c.

he has weaponized his cone....
i noticed my husbands aussie shepard had an eye issue....on sunday.....vetted on monday....given eye drops...no real problem...recheck on thursday....noticed that the drops were suppose to work within 48 hours his eye was getting worse....vet aide comes out...there is a problem with is eye ..do we want to go to charlotte to see a canine eye specialist...we did...they worked us in with the top eye doctor in n.c. our vet tells us semba has glaucoma...on monday it appeared to be a mild infection by thursday it was easy to see...so let me bottom line all this....semba has primary glaucoma....genetic....they gave us a week to come to terms with all this and to see if drops could restore any vision in his left eye....back six days later...eye is swelling ...pressure is up...the vet removed his eye the next day....now we are in shock stage still..we are watching his right eye and are prepared to do the procedure to try to save his right eye when it comes to it. we are lucky the vet assistant had an eye with the clinic in charlotte and this guy is considered the best eye doctor in n.c.

he has weaponized his cone....
my diabetic dog lost his eye for the same reason....his other eye is blind but he has eye drops to keep the pressure down that he will need for the rest of his days......
My dog went blind from sudden acquired retinal disintegration. It took 48 hours for her to go from sighted to totally blind. She was so scared. I would hold her as she cried. Her little body shaking with terror. I talked to her and rocked her.

There are scent strips for blind dogs that you can put on furniture and walls to help them navigate. I put small rugs of different textures at the entrance to rooms so she would know where she was. I got toys that made noise. I got stuffed dolls that made noise when they were moved and balls that chimed when they were rolled.

Eventually she adapted quite well. In the house she was like any sighted dog. The biggest change was that she was terrified of other dogs approaching her and tried to hire. I had to keep her away on walks and such.
Today's glaucoma therapy: Vitamins enter the arena, first-line ...
www.healio.com › news › optometry › today-s-glaucoma...

Feb 25, 2012 - Medical and surgical options for glaucoma treatment continue to expand and shift. ... Addressing some of the nutritional deficiencies in older patients may ... All of the B vitamins, such as B-12, and magnesium may help fortify ..

Niacin, or vitamin B3,

Scientists have found that baicalein significantly lowers eye pressure and may act as an all-natural treatment for glaucoma. Scientists have found that baicalein significantly lowers eye pressure and may act as an all-natural treatment for glaucoma.May 7, 2015

Herbal supplement may successfully treat glaucoma ...
thanks...i think we both know he will go blind....hubby cant handle the thought so i will do whatever it takes....to prolong life in his right eye....it happened fast...he was already blind in that eye when we took him down to charlotte the first time....i think the vet knew we needed to adjust to everything we were being told...we have drops and emergency drops but the vet has warned us...once it starts it will be fast...

semba has taken it well...i think the slow adjustment was good... i have ordered a couple of books...and started trying to get hubby on board with some things that need to be done...he goes from denial to total heartbreak...suddenly he is questioning why it happened...he needs someone to blame and it looks like bones is gonna be that person..even as the vet told us it was not something we could have done faster or anything....it was going to be what it is...i was so stunned when they told us to go to charlotte i was dressed for curbside service and remember asking them if i had time to go home and change clothes and put on a bra....i now have a bra in glove for emergencies

and charlotte is a covid hot spot.......so every trip is two more weeks of quarantine...i went to see my baby yesterday and told her to stay away....i finally put on a mask...we just inched closer and closer to each other...
i welcome all hints...i have read about the scent training...i have a yard sign saying 'blind dog' i will get everything necessary as time passes...he has such beautiful blue eye he was a chick magnet and still is
Dogs are amazingly adaptive to the loss of an eye and even their sight all together...I had a dog that went blind he was very old but lived 7 years as a sightless dog...it was amazing to watch him adapt.....

to be honest for the first time in a long time....i dont think my marriage is going to make this hurdle...hubby is so angry...lashing out...its like he expects me to have answers and know the future and when i tell him exactly what the vet said..he was there...listening to...he just blows up more

i suggested we put bells on other animals..he refuses...we have a total of 6 pets...3 dogs...3 cats...we need to start now and get ready ....i dont have time to rant at the world and cosmos ....i need to deal with this
We had a Peke that was totally blind as a young dog. It is harder for the older dogs but they can adapt.
to be honest for the first time in a long time....i dont think my marriage is going to make this hurdle...hubby is so angry...lashing out...its like he expects me to have answers and know the future and when i tell him exactly what the vet said..he was there...listening to...he just blows up more

i suggested we put bells on other animals..he refuses...we have a total of 6 pets...3 dogs...3 cats...we need to start now and get ready ....i dont have time to rant at the world and cosmos ....i need to deal with this
No need for bells on other animals. The blind dog will be able to smell them and hear them. The first sense dogs rely on is smell anyway. Even sighted ones. If you can't find the scent strips cut up some fabric softener sheets and tape them to walls and furniture. Don't need much. Get a few toys that make noise. Once your dog imprints the layout of your home and yard you might not notice that he is blind at all. You have to take special care on walks so he doesn't bump into things. You might notice that another one of your animals is stepping up to be a helper. A seeing eye dog or even a cat. Your other animals know exactly what's going on and have plans of their own. Tell your hubster to calm down. You aren't sending pup off to braille school.
Lol@ braille schools thanks bells on five others would be a little much.. hopefully we have some time before his other eye crashes but the vet said it would eventually crash..this happens between three and seven ..semba is seven..I think the scent strips are worth a hard try..amazon has them
Is the eye gonna pop? If not, then it's not so bad. If it is, well, here's to hoping it has another eye.
One of my grooming customers was a very old cocker spaniel named Cookie. She was completely blind. Her owner would take her to the park and She would sit on the grass. Just sit.

One day this filthy stray came up to Cookie and offered the nose of friendship. Then this muddy dog put her shoulder up against Cookie's shoulder and the two of them went off across the park leaving Cookie's owner open mouthed. Cookie sniffed every tree. Then the man put Cookie in the backseat of his car. When he went around to the driver's side there was the stray waiting. Well. There was nothing to do but bring her by for a wash and de flea. The stray turned out to be an absolutely gorgeous snowy white American Eskimo. After that wherever Cookie went, her seeing eye dog, Lady was right beside her. Shoulder to shoulder. Now they went everywhere.
things have chilled a bit here...other than weaponizing the damn cone...semba seems fine...he is being a bit aggressive with other dogs...but i think once the cone comes off it will get better...i have to admit when it rains it is hard on semba to go out...he picked up the back legs of the rat terrier and tossed him...
back to the vet for two week check up..expect to find out a bit more today...luckily the vet travels up here once a month and my local vet is willing to take semba as a patient and in all this..i dont think semba ever got his yearly vaccines...

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