I do not understand why Russia would prefer Trump over Clinton?

What’s always puzzled me is why would Putin want Trump to win all that bad over Hillary? Aside from the fact he probably hates Hillary’s guts, it is the democrats who are the cowards when it comes to serious combat with other nations. Reagan and Bush were willing to fight (spare me the ill fated Iraq 2 war) meanwhile Clinton bombed an aspirin factory in Africa for his show of force, and Obama has red lines drawn here and there for what, a hopscotch game? Face it, Obama is a coward and a Muslim lover, combine those two and he lets everyone out there get away with murder.

Oh, we know about the drones that kill and the latest aerial bombings but so what? He had to absolutely do something to make it look good. He is not intent on any mission but to look good. So to my point --- Wouldn’t Putin prefer phonies and cowards and self-aggrandizing crooks like Obama and the Clintons over someone like Trump who may prove to be military serious as he says? I am not against wiping out ISIS in one huge push and then leave, with the Muslim circles left to work it out. What nation (besides the usual pricks like Russia and China) would be opposed to us doing that? I just do not want Trump to get us into another Iraq or major war unless first greatly provoked like some terrible bomb on our soil. I do not know why Russia would not prefer a flake like Hildebeest?

because strong leaders respect and trust other strong leaders. Weak leaders like obozo and hilly are dangerous to the entire world.

there is no reason why the USA cannot have good mutually beneficial relations with Russia.

Lol at the suggestion that the handjobs Trump has been offering up to Putin has something to do with strength.

Rediculous platitudes.

for the last 8 years Putin and the world have laughed in the face of the most incompetent president in our history. What's "rediculous" (sp) is your ignorance.

Yea, Putin thought it was really funny that his country's economy is in the shitter in big part due to their Ukrainian adventures. He is laughing to this day...while praying his lapdog Trump can help him lift the crippling Obama sanctions somehow.

Good grief. You actually believe the propaganda that Russia is suffering?

Russia is doing just fine. On the other hand the Ukrainians are suffering mightily under the rules of the EU.The quota system has nuked the Ukrainian agriculture segment of their economy. That would be 40%.

You need to get up to speed.

France is about to pivot on the sanctions. Ditto Hungary and others. They do prefer Putin over Obama.

There is what you say, and then there are facts of recessionary economy in Russia:


In what fucking universe is this "fine" outside of Russian spin machinery?
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because strong leaders respect and trust other strong leaders. Weak leaders like obozo and hilly are dangerous to the entire world.

there is no reason why the USA cannot have good mutually beneficial relations with Russia.

Lol at the suggestion that the handjobs Trump has been offering up to Putin has something to do with strength.

Rediculous platitudes.

for the last 8 years Putin and the world have laughed in the face of the most incompetent president in our history. What's "rediculous" (sp) is your ignorance.

Yea, Putin thought it was really funny that his country's economy is in the shitter in big part due to their Ukrainian adventures. He is laughing to this day...while praying his lapdog Trump can help him lift the crippling Obama sanctions somehow.

Good grief. You actually believe the propaganda that Russia is suffering?

Russia is doing just fine. On the other hand the Ukrainians are suffering mightily under the rules of the EU.The quota system has nuked the Ukrainian agriculture segment of their economy. That would be 40%.

You need to get up to speed.

France is about to pivot on the sanctions. Ditto Hungary and others. They do prefer Putin over Obama.

There is what you say, and then there are facts of recessionary economy in Russia:


In what fucking universe is this "fine" outside of Russian spin machinery?

"The welfare of a nation can, therefore, scarcely be inferred from a measurement of national income" (c) Simon Kuznets (inventor of GDP meausure :))
Lol at the suggestion that the handjobs Trump has been offering up to Putin has something to do with strength.

Rediculous platitudes.

for the last 8 years Putin and the world have laughed in the face of the most incompetent president in our history. What's "rediculous" (sp) is your ignorance.

Yea, Putin thought it was really funny that his country's economy is in the shitter in big part due to their Ukrainian adventures. He is laughing to this day...while praying his lapdog Trump can help him lift the crippling Obama sanctions somehow.

Good grief. You actually believe the propaganda that Russia is suffering?

Russia is doing just fine. On the other hand the Ukrainians are suffering mightily under the rules of the EU.The quota system has nuked the Ukrainian agriculture segment of their economy. That would be 40%.

You need to get up to speed.

France is about to pivot on the sanctions. Ditto Hungary and others. They do prefer Putin over Obama.

There is what you say, and then there are facts of recessionary economy in Russia:


In what fucking universe is this "fine" outside of Russian spin machinery?

"The welfare of a nation can, therefore, scarcely be inferred from a measurement of national income" (c) Simon Kuznets (inventor of GDP meausure :))

Silly denial.

GDP is measure of economic activity. In Russia economic activity has slowed, in part due to oil revenues declining and in part due to all the business that got halted by the sanctions.
You are right, Putin Vision your country is fed on the daily is far more credible than all of them independent western sources. :rolleyes:

You can now resume sticking your head in the sand.


Thanks, I'll do it, when the snow go :) So give me a 100$ to access a free media and get wise.

You and Toddsterpatriot are awesome illustration, why Trump, not Hillary. Because you've built in your head own world, which doesn't related with reality. Today you think up a troops on Ukraine, tomorrow - Russians are always drunk as a cobbler, then - Russians never has any civilizations and tools to respond an aggression. By the way, just look on NATO plans for "heroical retalation of Russian aggression in Baltic countries for two weeks by 50.000 troops"... Wake up, dude. Russia has 200.000 troops of "fast reaction". If we want to own Baltic countries or Ukraine - we'll easily do it in 48 hours. We already kicked down all Georgia forces with all your NATO instructors and supply in 5 days, by forces of SINGLE 58th Army. And this rupture between reality and wet dreams of your democratic administration is enormous. What about "sanctions" which turned our economy in tatters? By the way, thanks for the great help by your sanctions for Russian microelectronics industry :))

And, frankly speaking, in this situation Hillary would be more profitable for Russia - because she's a great subject of manipulations. If we don't have a MAD tools. With MAD tools all we need a man, who don't cherish illusions about world reality. Trump - is our compromise to save America and all world :)))

This is exactly why you Russian nationalist fools need to be contained and get hit in the economic nuts every time you venture out westward. So next time you are mulling over another unilateral adventure with those 200,000 troops YOU KNOW serious pain will follow. Aggressive dogs with itchy teeth need to be dealt with in very firm Pavlovian ways.This invaluable training is not brought to you unilaterally from America by the way, it is from international coalition and consensus. It is you against most of the world.

But here is what you need to REALLY need to learn
- Me and Todd are mostly on the opposite spectrum of American politics. You are conversing with mainstream Democrats and Republicans. You and Russians in general are kind of ignorant of American political dynamics and keep thinking that Democrats have something special against Putin's Russia. You are mistaken gravely, Democrats are actually historically considered "SOFT" on Russia and Republicans to this day complain that Obama is weak and too nice to you as they mock the RESET button gesture that signified Obama and Clinton's efforts to improve relations with your country.

During 2012 Obama ran against a Republican nominee who called Russia our #1 geo-political threat. Like in your own country the right wing party (Republicans) is where hardcore nationalists thrive. What Putin has done by firmly opposing Hillary, hacking and releasing DNC is aggravate the left in this country which now be a lot more willing to agree with Republicans.

Trump is in NO SHAPE OR FORM represents any slice of American view on Russia except a handful idiots for whom his word is gospel. His positioning is a political anomaly explained only by special external relationship with Putin's regime. Russians seem to confuse his win to mean something about American attitude toward Russia, it doesn't. He won in spite of it as it was a tertiary issue at best.

And one more thing you need to learn about Trump. Unlike Czars like Putin he has limited set of tools to defy what our Congress and public opinion is uniformly against. Working to lift international sanctions against Russia will not come cheap for him politically and with another re-election to win in just short 4 years his hands are tied by his ability to build consensus that simply does not exist currently in America.

That's what I told about. Open eyes. US troops a placed all over the Russian borders, not vise versa. American ships are invading Black Sea, not Russian in Carribean. Hillary performing a nuclear blackmail, not Putin. US diplomats threaten Russia to terroristic acts and, apparently, performing it in Tu-154 some days ago... Who is the hell the mad dogs of war in reality?

And what "serious pain" you're talking about, don't make laugh my slippers? :) Terroristic acts? We already have a lot of them from Islamists... Total war? Damn, welcome! We even don't need 300, one for each your company is enough
(Why the Russians cannot be defeated - Fort Russ). Playing your political games under an umbrella of your propaganda, just don't forget, there are no instructions in Bible about third cheek...

You didn't see yet Russian aggression, man...

US troops a placed all over the Russian borders

The formerly captive nations don't like Russia very much. I wonder why?

Russia were captured by USSR too. Russia had most losses from communist government, full of men from your "captive nations"...

And you wonder why the captive nations ask for help from NATO? DERP!
Thanks, I'll do it, when the snow go :) So give me a 100$ to access a free media and get wise.

You and Toddsterpatriot are awesome illustration, why Trump, not Hillary. Because you've built in your head own world, which doesn't related with reality. Today you think up a troops on Ukraine, tomorrow - Russians are always drunk as a cobbler, then - Russians never has any civilizations and tools to respond an aggression. By the way, just look on NATO plans for "heroical retalation of Russian aggression in Baltic countries for two weeks by 50.000 troops"... Wake up, dude. Russia has 200.000 troops of "fast reaction". If we want to own Baltic countries or Ukraine - we'll easily do it in 48 hours. We already kicked down all Georgia forces with all your NATO instructors and supply in 5 days, by forces of SINGLE 58th Army. And this rupture between reality and wet dreams of your democratic administration is enormous. What about "sanctions" which turned our economy in tatters? By the way, thanks for the great help by your sanctions for Russian microelectronics industry :))

And, frankly speaking, in this situation Hillary would be more profitable for Russia - because she's a great subject of manipulations. If we don't have a MAD tools. With MAD tools all we need a man, who don't cherish illusions about world reality. Trump - is our compromise to save America and all world :)))

This is exactly why you Russian nationalist fools need to be contained and get hit in the economic nuts every time you venture out westward. So next time you are mulling over another unilateral adventure with those 200,000 troops YOU KNOW serious pain will follow. Aggressive dogs with itchy teeth need to be dealt with in very firm Pavlovian ways.This invaluable training is not brought to you unilaterally from America by the way, it is from international coalition and consensus. It is you against most of the world.

But here is what you need to REALLY need to learn
- Me and Todd are mostly on the opposite spectrum of American politics. You are conversing with mainstream Democrats and Republicans. You and Russians in general are kind of ignorant of American political dynamics and keep thinking that Democrats have something special against Putin's Russia. You are mistaken gravely, Democrats are actually historically considered "SOFT" on Russia and Republicans to this day complain that Obama is weak and too nice to you as they mock the RESET button gesture that signified Obama and Clinton's efforts to improve relations with your country.

During 2012 Obama ran against a Republican nominee who called Russia our #1 geo-political threat. Like in your own country the right wing party (Republicans) is where hardcore nationalists thrive. What Putin has done by firmly opposing Hillary, hacking and releasing DNC is aggravate the left in this country which now be a lot more willing to agree with Republicans.

Trump is in NO SHAPE OR FORM represents any slice of American view on Russia except a handful idiots for whom his word is gospel. His positioning is a political anomaly explained only by special external relationship with Putin's regime. Russians seem to confuse his win to mean something about American attitude toward Russia, it doesn't. He won in spite of it as it was a tertiary issue at best.

And one more thing you need to learn about Trump. Unlike Czars like Putin he has limited set of tools to defy what our Congress and public opinion is uniformly against. Working to lift international sanctions against Russia will not come cheap for him politically and with another re-election to win in just short 4 years his hands are tied by his ability to build consensus that simply does not exist currently in America.

That's what I told about. Open eyes. US troops a placed all over the Russian borders, not vise versa. American ships are invading Black Sea, not Russian in Carribean. Hillary performing a nuclear blackmail, not Putin. US diplomats threaten Russia to terroristic acts and, apparently, performing it in Tu-154 some days ago... Who is the hell the mad dogs of war in reality?

And what "serious pain" you're talking about, don't make laugh my slippers? :) Terroristic acts? We already have a lot of them from Islamists... Total war? Damn, welcome! We even don't need 300, one for each your company is enough
(Why the Russians cannot be defeated - Fort Russ). Playing your political games under an umbrella of your propaganda, just don't forget, there are no instructions in Bible about third cheek...

You didn't see yet Russian aggression, man...

US troops a placed all over the Russian borders

The formerly captive nations don't like Russia very much. I wonder why?

Russia were captured by USSR too. Russia had most losses from communist government, full of men from your "captive nations"...

And you wonder why the captive nations ask for help from NATO? DERP!

Because they became professional askers. Do you know, how much they cost to NATO? And how do you think, who will be a maximal dislike for them when they should understand the real value of Pentagon's promises.

So, it doesn't mean. Russia already made a mistake, helping to Poland, Baltic countries and so on "former captive nations". If US want to do the same - it's your right :) But, are they good or bad, it don't cancels a fact of US aggression.

Mexica have a claim for Texas too - but Russia don't upkeep Mexica in it. That's the big differense.
for the last 8 years Putin and the world have laughed in the face of the most incompetent president in our history. What's "rediculous" (sp) is your ignorance.

Yea, Putin thought it was really funny that his country's economy is in the shitter in big part due to their Ukrainian adventures. He is laughing to this day...while praying his lapdog Trump can help him lift the crippling Obama sanctions somehow.

Good grief. You actually believe the propaganda that Russia is suffering?

Russia is doing just fine. On the other hand the Ukrainians are suffering mightily under the rules of the EU.The quota system has nuked the Ukrainian agriculture segment of their economy. That would be 40%.

You need to get up to speed.

France is about to pivot on the sanctions. Ditto Hungary and others. They do prefer Putin over Obama.

There is what you say, and then there are facts of recessionary economy in Russia:


In what fucking universe is this "fine" outside of Russian spin machinery?

"The welfare of a nation can, therefore, scarcely be inferred from a measurement of national income" (c) Simon Kuznets (inventor of GDP meausure :))

Silly denial.

GDP is measure of economic activity. In Russia economic activity has slowed, in part due to oil revenues declining and in part due to all the business that got halted by the sanctions.

We have very strange economics in Russia. In consumer sector we really have an economics down...

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