I Do Not Believe in Black Racism

Sometimes it slides into historical fact and the fact is that one group created the hate that is shown to them by the way they treated others That is not semantics. What we see is a lack of empathy by those who are white generally to the effects of things they have done. You cannot be sane and believe that you can do what whites have done to blacks for example, for now close to 400 years in various forms and believe that no one black should be angry about it. Also you cannot be living in reality to know what whites have done and continue doing to blacks then call blacks racists for their reaction to the history and continuing abuses by whites. It is not close to logical to even begin talking about how it's the same on both sides when NOTHING has ever been the same for both sides.

I could use the same examples for Native American nations, Hispanics, Japanese, Chinese, Koreans, and other Asian populations, populations from the pacific islands and people from the middle east. Until whites can understand what they have done to these groups and fix the damage that was created, there is no right to judgment from them about racism.

I see a lack of empathy in groups of black youths ganging up to beat old white


A disturbing lack of empathy.

Shut the fuck up with your false equivalences.

No you STFU with your silly, unrealistic bullshit.

Why is it these young people have no morals or respect for human life?

Now I grew up with black people, I have black friends that are lifelong, but your bullshit is outrageous. These bad little motherfuckers need put down before they ruin somebody's life.

3 arrested in attack on woman who was beaten, set on fire

4 in custody after mentally disabled man tied up, tortured on Facebook Live

I'm not into looking for more bad stories, I have one of my own as well.

False equivalencies?

No bitch, I'm calling a spade a spade, that is all.

Reality. It is what it is.

Don't deny it. Recognize it and come up with a plan to stop it.

I think the 1st step is to have a daddy in the house.

Yes, false equivalences. Having a daddy in the house is not the answer.

No sense conversing with you. Let me know if you ever extract your cranium from your colon.
According to The New Jim Crow, far too many daddies are in prison, making money for that profit making industry. Rather than spending money on rehab or drug treatment, which would bring them home, they are kept locked up indefinitely. Also, some forms of assistance are withheld if a man is present in the household. My sister-in-law remembers raids of apartments looking for signs of a male resident, so they could cut off their checks.

I know many, many stable Black families in and around my neighborhood, it's just that they don't get the press for being good, law-abiding folks. Unfortunately, nobody would watch that news show.
I see a lack of empathy in groups of black youths ganging up to beat old white


A disturbing lack of empathy.

Shut the fuck up with your false equivalences.

No you STFU with your silly, unrealistic bullshit.

Why is it these young people have no morals or respect for human life?

Now I grew up with black people, I have black friends that are lifelong, but your bullshit is outrageous. These bad little motherfuckers need put down before they ruin somebody's life.

3 arrested in attack on woman who was beaten, set on fire

4 in custody after mentally disabled man tied up, tortured on Facebook Live

I'm not into looking for more bad stories, I have one of my own as well.

False equivalencies?

No bitch, I'm calling a spade a spade, that is all.

Reality. It is what it is.

Don't deny it. Recognize it and come up with a plan to stop it.

I think the 1st step is to have a daddy in the house.

Yes, false equivalences. Having a daddy in the house is not the answer.

It's part of it.

No it's not. Really it has little to do with it.

Has a lot to do with it.
If you actually believe that you have the righto mistreat someone for years and they are not to be angry about it, ....

Who have I mistreated for years?

Really? Are we going tp ;play stupid?

Don't answer a question with a question.

Is that against the rules?

You ask a dumb ass question because you know exactly what I am talking about,

And until people like you stop paying these childish games, things will mot change.

There can't be a decent conversation when whites think they get to male up all he rules of hat conversation. We can't tall decently about r ace web whites thimk that the only way to see it is the way they see it. That's an example of white racism. That the way you see this issue is superior to everybody elses no mater how false it is.

This is what's going on here right now.

Foe someone to be so stupid as to actually believe my talking about racism that exists right here in this forum in front of everyone's faces faces is doing so to inflame while all the cracks about blacks, welfare, food stamps etc, is a show of just how ignorant and obtuse some of you whites here are.

And even worse when we try talking to you then you go to the default position. Such as "Who have I mistreated?". Well this is not just about you dumb ass. This is about the white race. The white race has mistreated other faces terribly and continues to do so. This is documented fact. But instead of trying to be honest, you fall back into disingenuous mod. " I didn't own anybody." What did I do?" " Who did mistreat?, "Show me this, show me that." All of this is dishonest bullshit that certain whites use to deflect from the issue and to derail the conversation.

We are going to have this conversation folks. We can have it now and whites can work to change or whites can face the same thing they have put on us in about 15-20 years when whites become a minority in America, You can continue being arrogant ad end up being slaughtered by the young blacks and Hispanics who are already out of patience with how certain whites act and see things or you can begin the press of reconciliation and making amends.

I'm 56 and may not be around in 20 years, but to had better start thinking about your children or grandchildren and the America you want them to live in. Because at the time whites become the minority those out of patience young blacks and Hispanics will be grown men and women some in positions of power and authority. At that time, your threats of terror because you out number people as you do now will fall upon the words bring it.

The choice is yours. America is getting browner, not whiter.

If anyone is still confused about what racism looks like - ^^^^^^^^^ - there it is.
You must remember that racism means having the power to put that hatred into law and mandating the treatment of people according to their skin color. Black folks do not currently have the power to run the country. If they did, I believe they would mostly feel like Frederick Douglass who said,"No man can put a chain about the ankle of his fellow man without at last finding the other end fastened about his own neck.”
Shut the fuck up with your false equivalences.

No you STFU with your silly, unrealistic bullshit.

Why is it these young people have no morals or respect for human life?

Now I grew up with black people, I have black friends that are lifelong, but your bullshit is outrageous. These bad little motherfuckers need put down before they ruin somebody's life.

3 arrested in attack on woman who was beaten, set on fire

4 in custody after mentally disabled man tied up, tortured on Facebook Live

I'm not into looking for more bad stories, I have one of my own as well.

False equivalencies?

No bitch, I'm calling a spade a spade, that is all.

Reality. It is what it is.

Don't deny it. Recognize it and come up with a plan to stop it.

I think the 1st step is to have a daddy in the house.

Yes, false equivalences. Having a daddy in the house is not the answer.

It's part of it.

No it's not. Really it has little to do with it.

Has a lot to do with it.

This lie you guys keep telling fails when one considers there are plenty of no father in the house white kids out there..
If only blacks were chattel slaves in the history of humans I could agree, yet they were not, and the people that enslaved them were fellow black Africans, which sold them to the Arabs or Europeans....
From a book titled "Slaves in the Family", In 1556, Sir John Hawkins sailed from London to some landing point on the West African coast, and sent 80 men on shore to trap people. Villagers fought back and the poachers took just ten captives. Sailing farther south, Hawkins tried again, succeeded in filling his ship, and headed for the Caribbean. Eventually Europeans found an easier way of procuring workers, namely, encouraging black clans to fight one another and to sell their prisoners of war.
I am well aware of what my relatives did, yet, Western Europe would also sail to Eastern Europe and get white slaves in the same manner..Is it worse for white people to obtain slaves or black, Chinese, Native American Indians, etc,etc.?
One is no worse than the other. It's just that living here in the U.S. we are still suffering the consequences of actions that subjugated certain people and I think we should find ways of righting those wrongs.

Such as?
Creating equal opportunities, equal education, equal housing, acceptance of folks instead of tolerance of folks. Removing the 3/5 human law from the books. Instituting laws that end mass incarceration. Rebuilding inner cities that have been virtually abandoned. Insisting that large corporations like Walmart and McDonalds pay higher wages so that people who work there make a decent living. Stopping corporate welfare. Ending lobbying in Washington. Ending campaigns that make it possible for only the rich folks to be represented in Washington.
Well maybe you need to go look at the recent decisions made relative to those bogus voter ID laws before you run your mouth.
There are no voter ID laws stopping colored people from voting anywhere they please. .... :cool:


Federal Judge Says Texas Voter ID Law Intentionally Discriminates

A federal judge ruled on Monday that the voter identification law the Texas Legislature passed in 2011 was enacted with the intent to discriminate against black and Hispanic voters, raising the possibility that the state’s election procedures could be put back under federal oversight.

In a long-running case over the legality of one of the toughest voter ID laws in the country, the judge found that the law violated the federal Voting Rights Act.


Federal Appeals Court Strikes Down North Carolina Voter ID Requirement

A federal appeals court decisively struck down North Carolina’s voter identification law on Friday, saying its provisions deliberately “target African-Americans with almost surgical precision” in an effort to depress black turnout at the polls.


Whitey gets blamed for what whitey does. Learn that.

Are you implying that brown people are too stupid to get an ID?
If you actually believe that you have the righto mistreat someone for years and they are not to be angry about it, ....

Who have I mistreated for years?

Really? Are we going tp ;play stupid?

Don't answer a question with a question.

Is that against the rules?

You ask a dumb ass question because you know exactly what I am talking about,

And until people like you stop paying these childish games, things will mot change.

There can't be a decent conversation when whites think they get to male up all he rules of hat conversation. We can't tall decently about r ace web whites thimk that the only way to see it is the way they see it. That's an example of white racism. That the way you see this issue is superior to everybody elses no mater how false it is.

This is what's going on here right now.

Foe someone to be so stupid as to actually believe my talking about racism that exists right here in this forum in front of everyone's faces faces is doing so to inflame while all the cracks about blacks, welfare, food stamps etc, is a show of just how ignorant and obtuse some of you whites here are.

And even worse when we try talking to you then you go to the default position. Such as "Who have I mistreated?". Well this is not just about you dumb ass. This is about the white race. The white race has mistreated other faces terribly and continues to do so. This is documented fact. But instead of trying to be honest, you fall back into disingenuous mod. " I didn't own anybody." What did I do?" " Who did mistreat?, "Show me this, show me that." All of this is dishonest bullshit that certain whites use to deflect from the issue and to derail the conversation.

We are going to have this conversation folks. We can have it now and whites can work to change or whites can face the same thing they have put on us in about 15-20 years when whites become a minority in America, You can continue being arrogant ad end up being slaughtered by the young blacks and Hispanics who are already out of patience with how certain whites act and see things or you can begin the press of reconciliation and making amends.

I'm 56 and may not be around in 20 years, but to had better start thinking about your children or grandchildren and the America you want them to live in. Because at the time whites become the minority those out of patience young blacks and Hispanics will be grown men and women some in positions of power and authority. At that time, your threats of terror because you out number people as you do now will fall upon the words bring it.

The choice is yours. America is getting browner, not whiter.

If anyone is still confused about what racism looks like - ^^^^^^^^^ - there it is.

I think racism has bee explained sufficiently here by another poster. None of my post is racist. But this is t he problem we have. Dumb ass whites wanting to be victims of racism will try to male anything out to be racist.

It is not racist to criticize whites for what they have done. Nor is it racist to warn whites about the consequences to come if they continue doing the things they do.
Well maybe you need to go look at the recent decisions made relative to those bogus voter ID laws before you run your mouth.
There are no voter ID laws stopping colored people from voting anywhere they please. .... :cool:


Federal Judge Says Texas Voter ID Law Intentionally Discriminates

A federal judge ruled on Monday that the voter identification law the Texas Legislature passed in 2011 was enacted with the intent to discriminate against black and Hispanic voters, raising the possibility that the state’s election procedures could be put back under federal oversight.

In a long-running case over the legality of one of the toughest voter ID laws in the country, the judge found that the law violated the federal Voting Rights Act.


Federal Appeals Court Strikes Down North Carolina Voter ID Requirement

A federal appeals court decisively struck down North Carolina’s voter identification law on Friday, saying its provisions deliberately “target African-Americans with almost surgical precision” in an effort to depress black turnout at the polls.


Whitey gets blamed for what whitey does. Learn that.

Are you implying that brown people are too stupid to get an ID?

Are you?
Well maybe you need to go look at the recent decisions made relative to those bogus voter ID laws before you run your mouth.
There are no voter ID laws stopping colored people from voting anywhere they please. .... :cool:


Federal Judge Says Texas Voter ID Law Intentionally Discriminates

A federal judge ruled on Monday that the voter identification law the Texas Legislature passed in 2011 was enacted with the intent to discriminate against black and Hispanic voters, raising the possibility that the state’s election procedures could be put back under federal oversight.

In a long-running case over the legality of one of the toughest voter ID laws in the country, the judge found that the law violated the federal Voting Rights Act.


Federal Appeals Court Strikes Down North Carolina Voter ID Requirement

A federal appeals court decisively struck down North Carolina’s voter identification law on Friday, saying its provisions deliberately “target African-Americans with almost surgical precision” in an effort to depress black turnout at the polls.


Whitey gets blamed for what whitey does. Learn that.

Are you implying that brown people are too stupid to get an ID?
It seems that way. Why it would cost at least twelve dollars.
Who have I mistreated for years?

Really? Are we going tp ;play stupid?

Don't answer a question with a question.

Is that against the rules?

You ask a dumb ass question because you know exactly what I am talking about,

And until people like you stop paying these childish games, things will mot change.

There can't be a decent conversation when whites think they get to male up all he rules of hat conversation. We can't tall decently about r ace web whites thimk that the only way to see it is the way they see it. That's an example of white racism. That the way you see this issue is superior to everybody elses no mater how false it is.

This is what's going on here right now.

Foe someone to be so stupid as to actually believe my talking about racism that exists right here in this forum in front of everyone's faces faces is doing so to inflame while all the cracks about blacks, welfare, food stamps etc, is a show of just how ignorant and obtuse some of you whites here are.

And even worse when we try talking to you then you go to the default position. Such as "Who have I mistreated?". Well this is not just about you dumb ass. This is about the white race. The white race has mistreated other faces terribly and continues to do so. This is documented fact. But instead of trying to be honest, you fall back into disingenuous mod. " I didn't own anybody." What did I do?" " Who did mistreat?, "Show me this, show me that." All of this is dishonest bullshit that certain whites use to deflect from the issue and to derail the conversation.

We are going to have this conversation folks. We can have it now and whites can work to change or whites can face the same thing they have put on us in about 15-20 years when whites become a minority in America, You can continue being arrogant ad end up being slaughtered by the young blacks and Hispanics who are already out of patience with how certain whites act and see things or you can begin the press of reconciliation and making amends.

I'm 56 and may not be around in 20 years, but to had better start thinking about your children or grandchildren and the America you want them to live in. Because at the time whites become the minority those out of patience young blacks and Hispanics will be grown men and women some in positions of power and authority. At that time, your threats of terror because you out number people as you do now will fall upon the words bring it.

The choice is yours. America is getting browner, not whiter.

If anyone is still confused about what racism looks like - ^^^^^^^^^ - there it is.

I think racism has bee explained sufficiently here by another poster. None of my post is racist. But this is t he problem we have. Dumb ass whites wanting to be victims of racism will try to male anything out to be racist.

It is not racist to criticize whites for what they have done. Nor is it racist to warn whites about the consequences to come if they continue doing the things they do.

What a silly post-Obama mindset.

Do you really want to push for a resurgence in the Klan? Derp!

Things were fine before Obama. He has no real identity for himself and hates America, so he elected to try to divide Americans on black and white lines. It appears you swallowed the bait hook, line, and sinker.

1 more year and things will be back to normal.

I hear you calling for race war.

Newsflash: Blacks are no more than 14% of the population and many cannot own guns. Bad idea. Furthermore, for what? Americans are Americans, no matter what race they may be. Except Obama, I really think he's not an American. At least I know his people don't go back 200+ years like my friends' people.

Who have I mistreated for years?

Really? Are we going tp ;play stupid?

Don't answer a question with a question.

Is that against the rules?

You ask a dumb ass question because you know exactly what I am talking about,

And until people like you stop paying these childish games, things will mot change.

There can't be a decent conversation when whites think they get to male up all he rules of hat conversation. We can't tall decently about r ace web whites thimk that the only way to see it is the way they see it. That's an example of white racism. That the way you see this issue is superior to everybody elses no mater how false it is.

This is what's going on here right now.

Foe someone to be so stupid as to actually believe my talking about racism that exists right here in this forum in front of everyone's faces faces is doing so to inflame while all the cracks about blacks, welfare, food stamps etc, is a show of just how ignorant and obtuse some of you whites here are.

And even worse when we try talking to you then you go to the default position. Such as "Who have I mistreated?". Well this is not just about you dumb ass. This is about the white race. The white race has mistreated other faces terribly and continues to do so. This is documented fact. But instead of trying to be honest, you fall back into disingenuous mod. " I didn't own anybody." What did I do?" " Who did mistreat?, "Show me this, show me that." All of this is dishonest bullshit that certain whites use to deflect from the issue and to derail the conversation.

We are going to have this conversation folks. We can have it now and whites can work to change or whites can face the same thing they have put on us in about 15-20 years when whites become a minority in America, You can continue being arrogant ad end up being slaughtered by the young blacks and Hispanics who are already out of patience with how certain whites act and see things or you can begin the press of reconciliation and making amends.

I'm 56 and may not be around in 20 years, but to had better start thinking about your children or grandchildren and the America you want them to live in. Because at the time whites become the minority those out of patience young blacks and Hispanics will be grown men and women some in positions of power and authority. At that time, your threats of terror because you out number people as you do now will fall upon the words bring it.

The choice is yours. America is getting browner, not whiter.

If anyone is still confused about what racism looks like - ^^^^^^^^^ - there it is.

I think racism has bee explained sufficiently here by another poster. None of my post is racist. But this is t he problem we have. Dumb ass whites wanting to be victims of racism will try to male anything out to be racist.

It is not racist to criticize whites for what they have done. Nor is it racist to warn whites about the consequences to come if they continue doing the things they do.
Hey dude, in the white communities there is bias and bigotry amongst the whites. You think whites are in a perfect state of existence, you are kidding yourself.
Even as a white guy I still had to work hard to get ahead...it was no given, and even to this day I still have to maintain a competitive edge or I can fade from existence.
Really? Are we going tp ;play stupid?

Don't answer a question with a question.

Is that against the rules?

You ask a dumb ass question because you know exactly what I am talking about,

And until people like you stop paying these childish games, things will mot change.

There can't be a decent conversation when whites think they get to male up all he rules of hat conversation. We can't tall decently about r ace web whites thimk that the only way to see it is the way they see it. That's an example of white racism. That the way you see this issue is superior to everybody elses no mater how false it is.

This is what's going on here right now.

Foe someone to be so stupid as to actually believe my talking about racism that exists right here in this forum in front of everyone's faces faces is doing so to inflame while all the cracks about blacks, welfare, food stamps etc, is a show of just how ignorant and obtuse some of you whites here are.

And even worse when we try talking to you then you go to the default position. Such as "Who have I mistreated?". Well this is not just about you dumb ass. This is about the white race. The white race has mistreated other faces terribly and continues to do so. This is documented fact. But instead of trying to be honest, you fall back into disingenuous mod. " I didn't own anybody." What did I do?" " Who did mistreat?, "Show me this, show me that." All of this is dishonest bullshit that certain whites use to deflect from the issue and to derail the conversation.

We are going to have this conversation folks. We can have it now and whites can work to change or whites can face the same thing they have put on us in about 15-20 years when whites become a minority in America, You can continue being arrogant ad end up being slaughtered by the young blacks and Hispanics who are already out of patience with how certain whites act and see things or you can begin the press of reconciliation and making amends.

I'm 56 and may not be around in 20 years, but to had better start thinking about your children or grandchildren and the America you want them to live in. Because at the time whites become the minority those out of patience young blacks and Hispanics will be grown men and women some in positions of power and authority. At that time, your threats of terror because you out number people as you do now will fall upon the words bring it.

The choice is yours. America is getting browner, not whiter.

If anyone is still confused about what racism looks like - ^^^^^^^^^ - there it is.

I think racism has bee explained sufficiently here by another poster. None of my post is racist. But this is t he problem we have. Dumb ass whites wanting to be victims of racism will try to male anything out to be racist.

It is not racist to criticize whites for what they have done. Nor is it racist to warn whites about the consequences to come if they continue doing the things they do.

What a silly post-Obama mindset.

Do you really want to push for a resurgence in the Klan? Derp!

Things were fine before Obama. He has no real identity for himself and hates America, so he elected to try to divide Americans on black and white lines. It appears you swallowed the bait hook, line, and sinker.

1 more year and things will be back to normal.

I hear you calling for race war.

Newsflash: Blacks are no more than 14% of the population and many cannot own guns. Bad idea. Furthermore, for what? Americans are Americans, no matter what race they may be. Except Obama, I really think he's not an American. At least I know his people don't go back 200+ years like my friends' people.

Yet, being part black didn't stop him from being President.
I have zero so called white guilt over the black man's plight here in America.

My grandparents were fresh off the boat from Ireland after the Civil War and the freeing of the slaves. Sure the blacks had a rough time, but so did the Irish people.

In my view, the black people who ended up in America were the lucky ones. Africa is still a poverty stricken hell hole, and every country in it is ruled by murderous dictators.

American blacks wouldn't survive a week if they returned to Africa, because there is no free Section 8 housing or EBT cards. They would die from either starvation or exposure to the elements. ... :cool:

The Irish were never slaves here or anywhere else. That's a lie. Your grandaunts got off the boat and lived during segregation where they benefitted from being white. Africa is the way it is because whites fucked it up by colonizing the continent, as well as removing people for slavery. Know what you are talking about before you make comments. American blacks would be welcomed with open arms in Africa. know, because I've been there. Whites get section 8 and EBT cards too dumb ass.

You don't have to have guilt, but you do have t o recognize that you are an example of how racism by whites has not ended in America. So then understand this, your grandparents ran away from the country they lived in, maybe you go back here ad see how YOU would fare instead of talking about blacks and Africa.

nope,not a lie. IRISH were slaves.

and you are a victim of a racist social engineering experiment that failed. You are also the result of that failed system. Stupid, brainwashed idiots who think they are innately superior to all.
Don't answer a question with a question.

Is that against the rules?

You ask a dumb ass question because you know exactly what I am talking about,

And until people like you stop paying these childish games, things will mot change.

There can't be a decent conversation when whites think they get to male up all he rules of hat conversation. We can't tall decently about r ace web whites thimk that the only way to see it is the way they see it. That's an example of white racism. That the way you see this issue is superior to everybody elses no mater how false it is.

This is what's going on here right now.

Foe someone to be so stupid as to actually believe my talking about racism that exists right here in this forum in front of everyone's faces faces is doing so to inflame while all the cracks about blacks, welfare, food stamps etc, is a show of just how ignorant and obtuse some of you whites here are.

And even worse when we try talking to you then you go to the default position. Such as "Who have I mistreated?". Well this is not just about you dumb ass. This is about the white race. The white race has mistreated other faces terribly and continues to do so. This is documented fact. But instead of trying to be honest, you fall back into disingenuous mod. " I didn't own anybody." What did I do?" " Who did mistreat?, "Show me this, show me that." All of this is dishonest bullshit that certain whites use to deflect from the issue and to derail the conversation.

We are going to have this conversation folks. We can have it now and whites can work to change or whites can face the same thing they have put on us in about 15-20 years when whites become a minority in America, You can continue being arrogant ad end up being slaughtered by the young blacks and Hispanics who are already out of patience with how certain whites act and see things or you can begin the press of reconciliation and making amends.

I'm 56 and may not be around in 20 years, but to had better start thinking about your children or grandchildren and the America you want them to live in. Because at the time whites become the minority those out of patience young blacks and Hispanics will be grown men and women some in positions of power and authority. At that time, your threats of terror because you out number people as you do now will fall upon the words bring it.

The choice is yours. America is getting browner, not whiter.

If anyone is still confused about what racism looks like - ^^^^^^^^^ - there it is.

I think racism has bee explained sufficiently here by another poster. None of my post is racist. But this is t he problem we have. Dumb ass whites wanting to be victims of racism will try to male anything out to be racist.

It is not racist to criticize whites for what they have done. Nor is it racist to warn whites about the consequences to come if they continue doing the things they do.

What a silly post-Obama mindset.

Do you really want to push for a resurgence in the Klan? Derp!

Things were fine before Obama. He has no real identity for himself and hates America, so he elected to try to divide Americans on black and white lines. It appears you swallowed the bait hook, line, and sinker.

1 more year and things will be back to normal.

I hear you calling for race war.

Newsflash: Blacks are no more than 14% of the population and many cannot own guns. Bad idea. Furthermore, for what? Americans are Americans, no matter what race they may be. Except Obama, I really think he's not an American. At least I know his people don't go back 200+ years like my friends' people.

Yet, being part black didn't stop him from being President.

No, because this is America. I really wanted Herman Cain that year, but he fell victim to DNC tactics. He would have been 5-6X better than Obama.

He's a real American.
Is that against the rules?

You ask a dumb ass question because you know exactly what I am talking about,

And until people like you stop paying these childish games, things will mot change.

There can't be a decent conversation when whites think they get to male up all he rules of hat conversation. We can't tall decently about r ace web whites thimk that the only way to see it is the way they see it. That's an example of white racism. That the way you see this issue is superior to everybody elses no mater how false it is.

This is what's going on here right now.

Foe someone to be so stupid as to actually believe my talking about racism that exists right here in this forum in front of everyone's faces faces is doing so to inflame while all the cracks about blacks, welfare, food stamps etc, is a show of just how ignorant and obtuse some of you whites here are.

And even worse when we try talking to you then you go to the default position. Such as "Who have I mistreated?". Well this is not just about you dumb ass. This is about the white race. The white race has mistreated other faces terribly and continues to do so. This is documented fact. But instead of trying to be honest, you fall back into disingenuous mod. " I didn't own anybody." What did I do?" " Who did mistreat?, "Show me this, show me that." All of this is dishonest bullshit that certain whites use to deflect from the issue and to derail the conversation.

We are going to have this conversation folks. We can have it now and whites can work to change or whites can face the same thing they have put on us in about 15-20 years when whites become a minority in America, You can continue being arrogant ad end up being slaughtered by the young blacks and Hispanics who are already out of patience with how certain whites act and see things or you can begin the press of reconciliation and making amends.

I'm 56 and may not be around in 20 years, but to had better start thinking about your children or grandchildren and the America you want them to live in. Because at the time whites become the minority those out of patience young blacks and Hispanics will be grown men and women some in positions of power and authority. At that time, your threats of terror because you out number people as you do now will fall upon the words bring it.

The choice is yours. America is getting browner, not whiter.

If anyone is still confused about what racism looks like - ^^^^^^^^^ - there it is.

I think racism has bee explained sufficiently here by another poster. None of my post is racist. But this is t he problem we have. Dumb ass whites wanting to be victims of racism will try to male anything out to be racist.

It is not racist to criticize whites for what they have done. Nor is it racist to warn whites about the consequences to come if they continue doing the things they do.

What a silly post-Obama mindset.

Do you really want to push for a resurgence in the Klan? Derp!

Things were fine before Obama. He has no real identity for himself and hates America, so he elected to try to divide Americans on black and white lines. It appears you swallowed the bait hook, line, and sinker.

1 more year and things will be back to normal.

I hear you calling for race war.

Newsflash: Blacks are no more than 14% of the population and many cannot own guns. Bad idea. Furthermore, for what? Americans are Americans, no matter what race they may be. Except Obama, I really think he's not an American. At least I know his people don't go back 200+ years like my friends' people.

Yet, being part black didn't stop him from being President.

No, because this is America. I really wanted Herman Cain that year, but he fell victim to DNC tactics. He would have been 5-6X better than Obama.

He's a real American.

Herman Cain ruined Godfather's Pizza...he'd ruin the US also.

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