I Didn't Know Where To Put This

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
But I believe that Christianity and science can go together and that God created the big bang. I don't believe that we evolved directly from monkeys, but I believe that the first humans (Adam and Eve) looked a lot differently than we do today (we evolved) and I was wondering if there were any other Christians on her who agreed with me.
But I believe that Christianity and science can go together and that God created the big bang. I don't believe that we evolved directly from monkeys, but I believe that the first humans (Adam and Eve) looked a lot differently than we do today (we evolved) and I was wondering if there were any other Christians on her who agreed with me.
I guess the people who wrote that book do?
It has to do with ancient Sumeria and he claims that recovered cuneiform tablets give a different view of the past than established history does, from around 6000 years ago, and that these writings do indeed offer proof of some of the events written in the bible. It also has to do with otherworldly beings.
I guess the people who wrote that book do?
It has to do with ancient Sumeria and he claims that recovered cuneiform tablets give a different view of the past than established history does, from around 6000 years ago, and that these writings do indeed offer proof of some of the events written in the bible. It also has to do with otherworldly beings.


Okay so God would know what a Cubits is but you still get the picture. :p In other words, I didn't have a clue what you were talking about and that skit came to mind LOL No matter what Bill Cosby did or didn't know (that's between him and the Lord) it's still hilarious. XD
I guess the people who wrote that book do?
It has to do with ancient Sumeria and he claims that recovered cuneiform tablets give a different view of the past than established history does, from around 6000 years ago, and that these writings do indeed offer proof of some of the events written in the bible. It also has to do with otherworldly beings.


What I described is exactly what that book is about.
What I described is exactly what that book is about.

I know but my brain can only hold so much information before it explodes. XD (You gotta remember I also have special needs)
I'm sorry but I see all that and all I hear in my mind is this.

. . . one wonders if she read the Potter books, or only watched the movies. . . :auiqs.jpg:

Oh I read the books as those weren't too complicated for me.
So. . . anything that is intellectually above the grade level of. . . say, the eighth grade, is too complex for you?

. . . you should fit right in on this forum.

For any intelligence to create the Universe we exist in, or to have a hand in the biology of Earth and lifeforms, it would surely have great knowledge in all sciences. A God or higher intelligence would obviously be a scientist.
God doesn't wear a white robe, he wears a lab coat.

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