I Can't Do It Anymore...

I mean, Israel isn't even mentioned.

“Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.”
“Obviously the rise of antisemitism is very real,” said Axelman. But at the same time, “there has been this phenomenon of people, especially on the pro-Israel right, using the word ‘antisemitism’ very nonchalantly and throwing it around at anybody who is willing to criticize Israel, be they Palestinian, Jewish or otherwise. We’ve seen that phenomenon accelerate quite dramatically since Oct. 7.”
I’ve taken it even further. I’ve had to cut off an extended family member who has been marching in the anti-Israel protests - including going to the Capitol. Even if we don’t speak about it, just knowing that she is joining in with the antisemites who are screaming “Death to Jews’” is beyond more tolerance level.

And yes, she is “Jewish,” but her leftism comes first.
Sounds like she has her own mind.
there are many more than 2 kinds of people in the world. not all are evil, but those who try to divide the world's people into "us and them" are well on their way. towards "evil."

Matthew 12:30
English Standard Version
30 Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters
Antisemitism isn't the only form of bigotry sweeping the nation. But you couldn't care less about that.
Another nasty smack. It’s the WORST bigotry sweeping the nation right now. But you libs make it clear that you’re appalled by any bigotry….other than antisemitism. For that you are quite tolerant.
Another nasty smack. It’s the WORST bigotry sweeping the nation right now. But you libs make it clear that you’re appalled by any bigotry….other than antisemitism. For that you are quite tolerant.
You bore me
Sounds like she has her own mind.
No, it sounds like she’s willing to promote antisemitism.

One liberal after another shows how acceptable they find antisemitism. They describe a Jewish woman who marches along side antisemites who yell “Death to Jews!!” as having her own mind.
Get back to us when ANYONE actually tries to do that retard.
Yup….these antisemites are screaming about “trying to eradicate 2 million palestinians“ when 99.25% of them remain alive - and there would be more than that if HAMAS wasn’t using them as human shields and preventing them from leaving.
I am an easy-going guy. I don't get upset by all the horror in the world because horror has always been (and seems will always be) the human condition.

I see violence, I see suffering, I see cruelty every day in my job, I believed I was immured to it.

It turns out, there is a limit.

If you try to create a moral equivalency between Israelis defending the very lives of their citizens, if you try to rationalize the unthinkable cruelty of Hamas and their supporters among the Palestinian population, if you try to convince me there this is a two-sided conflict, I will ignore you.

I will not engage with you. I will ignore you.

I will maintain my friendships with Muslims (of which I have quite a few) and with those people of liberal persuasion, just as long as they NEVER mention the conflict in Israel.

That subject cannot be discussed in those terms and I will not pretend that it can.

If you support or defend Hamas, you want Jews dead, and that means you want me dead.

I am not afraid of those who want me dead, but I won't pay them the respect of trying to understand their reasons.

Feel free to try and sell your poison to anyone who will listen. But, I will not listen.

Do we have that privilege?

One of the main purposes of anti-Israel propaganda
is to prevent any constructive conversation by
subverting means of communication with
poisonous rhetoric to isolate followers
from those who don't fit the agenda.
Both to keep their morale, and
discourage anyone who may
be of a natural challenge -
from engaging.

The funny part, is that we are also the critical mass.
If anything, we just have to get used to the fact
that the world will keep demanding for vital
answers from Jews, even if subconsciously,
and by violent means. As getting used to
open-carry rifles in synagogues, which
is much empowering and respectful,
than sad, to the collective image
of the Jew in the world.

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