I can't believe this is from San Francisco!!!

Maybe if we had no minimum wage we could get companies like Apple to bring all those buck an hour jobs back here from China.
Not until they lower corporate taxes back to pre-Obama levels.
You really want buck-an-hour jobs in this country?
Some people don't even earn that.

I used to push a lawn-mower for less than that.
Yeah, probably in the 60's. I'll bet you're one of those guys who leaves a 10% tip.
Maybe if we had no minimum wage we could get companies like Apple to bring all those buck an hour jobs back here from China.
Not until they lower corporate taxes back to pre-Obama levels.
You really want buck-an-hour jobs in this country?

More far left propaganda not connected to reality.

Then this far left drone supports Obama's policies to allow illegal slave labor into the country as a pay off for gaining support for his illegal wars..
Oh, that's what I support? That's news to me.

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