I am cancelled, are you?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
One of my nephews is officially dead because he unwittingly swallowed something laced with Fentanyl. Enough Fentanyl disappeared from the local hospital in my city to kill every human on the East Coast. That Fentanyl is all over the town. The CEO of the medical facility was not asked to step down and the board of directors was not fired. My wife’s cousin has had a pacemaker placed in her chest and will soon need a heart transplant. She has cardiomyopathy due to a Covid vaccine she took that had no clinical trials. Those are two people connected to me that have been victimized by the strange, corporately controlled direction Washington is steering us in. I cannot share these thoughts in the local newspaper in Keene New Hampshire because I have been told I am a dangerous gas lighter twisting the facts and my words will not be printed. Unlike the current US president, I do not choose truth over facts.

As a white male who grew up in the United States in the 1950’s and 60’s I have no recollection of whipping Negroes or attending father-son gay bashing picnics. I did, however, vote for Donald Trump in 2016. I was not alone. When Trump came down the escalator I had no idea how dishonest and corrupted national media was and how that media perceived Trump as a threat to how corroded and rotted they have become. People rely on the media to inform them about what is happening and to report on the significance of those happenings. Until recently the US media has taken an objective approach to reporting. After Trump’s election any pretenses of objectivity evaporated, and the true colors of US mass media were revealed. Those colors are curiously like the flags of every totalitarian nation that has ever existed. Instead of holding power accountable to the people, US media is holding the people accountable to the government. This was done in the former Soviet Union, East Germany, and is standard practice today in the People’s Republic of China.

Donald Trump put US media on notice as “fake news” and this label stuck. The Keene Sentinel joined the Boston Globe and many other national newspapers attacking Trump as a threat to free speech. That’s rich. A lot of not very careful readers swallowed the ploy. I have a lot more to say but I am cancelled.
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Sorry about the tragedy of your nephew passing. . It's an ugly world right now. . And thanks for stating the obvious in articulate words. . Maybe one person out there will get it and change their ways.
Donald Trump put US media on notice as “fake news” and this label stuck. The Keene Sentinel joined the Boston Globe and many other national newspapers attacking Trump as a threat to free speech. That’s rich. A lot of not very careful readers swallowed the ploy. I have a lot more to say but I am cancelled.

Actually, "fake news" was something that Trump cribbed from Palin, same with "lamestream media".
Matrix is having huge holes punched into it these last few hours .

And that timing is slap bang as forecast by the amazing Mr High .

Let's see if that is more likely coincidence than the accuracy of Predictive Linguistics .
True, but trump brought it home in ways that struck fear into the hearts of media because that media was as low on the respect scale as Congress. American media has a credibility issue that is close to terminal. They had to create the illusion that they owned the truth and people who voted for Trump were just too stupid to understand that.

Russian collusion? Lol. Nobody respects or takes the media seriously anymore.
True, but trump brought it home in ways that struck fear into the hearts of media because that media was as low on the respect scale as Congress. American media has a credibility issue that is close to terminal. They had to create the illusion that they owned the truth and people who voted for Trump were just too stupid to understand that.

Russian collusion? Lol. Nobody respects or takes the media seriously anymore.
You're woefully late on that train guy. I stopped respecting the white corporate media during the Bush II regime.

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