I am a liberal....


Warrior Princess
Mar 24, 2007
we own our home outright, i am now a stay at home, homemaker for the hubby and me, I am Religious/Christian, I have zero debt, owe no one for anything, own car outright as well....responsible, law abiding, self sufficient adult!

I am ALL that conservatives say liberals are not! YET, I am and will forever be, liberal.

just sayin' :D
You demand a never ending transfer of wealth from one group to another to pay for things you insist they are not able to afford, and never will be, but you yourself miraculously have.

That is your defect.
There is a difference between being a liberal and being a leftist Care.

tell THAT to rush limbaugh
glenn beck
ann coulter
michelle malkin
bill oreily
fox news
and most of the conservatives who post on this message board
i am a liberal...sounds like the start of some 12 step program....

i am a liberal...i owe my home and some land....i have been married to the same man for nearly 30 years...i had one child....raise him...etc...

not a christian...dont care if you are....
I am Liberal.
I own a one bedroom apartment in Manhattan. (Still paying the mortgage, but more then half there)
I work in the financial industry.
I donate time and money to charity.
I like scotch, steaks and an occassional cigar.
I work out like a maniac.
I am kind to animals and small children.
I am not so kind to assholes.
we own our home outright, i am now a stay at home, homemaker for the hubby and me, I am Religious/Christian, I have zero debt, owe no one for anything, own car outright as well....responsible, law abiding, self sufficient adult!

I am ALL that conservatives say liberals are not! YET, I am and will forever be, liberal.

just sayin' :D

Yep, your a Classical Liberal. Unfortunately, for you, your label has been hijacked by progressive leftists. Their agenda is not your agenda.
I knew when I saw the title of this thread I would have to move it. Can you guys stop long enough to think about what Care is saying and address it? Just sayin :eusa_whistle:

I think Care is in a category of liberals that is the classical term for the word

Classical Liberalism Explained
sallow, you are no longer ignoring me?

o put a sock in it...tms

if using the word ****** makes me a racist so be it....

personally i dont give a mal what someone on the net calls me...i am more concerned with what i answer to
we own our home outright, i am now a stay at home, homemaker for the hubby and me, I am Religious/Christian, I have zero debt, owe no one for anything, own car outright as well....responsible, law abiding, self sufficient adult!

I am ALL that conservatives say liberals are not! YET, I am and will forever be, liberal.

just sayin' :D

Some people have no interest in knowing anything but their own point of view, Care. They aren't even really building straw men, they honestly don't know or want to know anything about how the "other half" operates and find it easier and/or less threatening to accept propaganda at face value. Sad, but true.

Whenever somebody lectures me on what I believe rather than asks me, I simply roll my eyes and remind myself what kind of "mind" I'm dealing with.

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