I almost feel sorry for Trump supporters


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Trump supporters -

You strike me as honest, hard working folks. I think you want the best for your country and your families, but there are some unpleasant things you're going to have to accept:

* Mexico was never going to pay for a border wall, and what little of it that was built under Trump, came directly from your tax dollars and mine.

* Donald Trump did not win the 2020 election. Trump's own hand picked judges found no evidence of massive voter fraud, and rejected his claims he won the election.

* Trump's promotion of hydroxychloroquine, ingesting household cleansers, and UV rays as cures for COVID 19 was just plain false.

* Trump's promises of manufacturing jobs for hard working American's never materialized, in fact Trump's trade policies cost many thousands of these jobs.

* Donald J Trump was never was the multi billionaire success he claimed to be. That title goes to Fred Trump. The tax returns and financial records he tried so desperately to hide show Donald went broke multiple times, now has trouble paying even his lawyers, his properties and revenues from them are down sharply, and he has not the funds to even make the payments on the millions of dollars of loans he guaranteed, all of which are coming due soon.

* Donald Trump's repeated attacks on his own fellow Republicans have left the GOP fragmented, smaller, and angry. They now have to resort to district gerrymandering, conspiracy theory's, fear mongering, and name calling just to remain competitive with a larger, more united Democratic party.

Trump supporters - This is what "The Donald" is......

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I feel sorry for all of the TDS infected on this board in the media and across the country who can’t let Trump go. All you guys wanted for four years was for Trump to be out of office he is and yet he is still the center of your universe.
He's still the head of the republican party. You'll be surprised at how fast he disappears when you finally dump him.
I feel sorry for all of the TDS infected on this board in the media and across the country who can’t let Trump go. All you guys wanted for four years was for Trump to be out of office he is and yet he is still the center of your universe.
He's still the head of the republican party. You'll be surprised at how fast he disappears when you finally dump him.

Trump is like Bettlejuice and he is never gone…
Trump supporters -

You strike me as honest, hard working folks. I think you want the best for your country and your families, but there are some unpleasant things you're going to have to accept:

* Mexico was never going to pay for a border wall, and what little of it that was built under Trump, came directly from your tax dollars and mine.

* Donald Trump did not win the 2020 election. Trump's own hand picked judges found no evidence of massive voter fraud, and rejected his claims he won the election.

* Trump's promotion of hydroxychloroquine, ingesting household cleansers, and UV rays as cures for COVID 19 was just plain false.

* Trump's promises of manufacturing jobs for hard working American's never materialized, in fact Trump's trade policies cost many thousands of these jobs.

* Donald J Trump was never was the multi billionaire success he claimed to be. That title goes to Fred Trump. The tax returns and financial records he tried so desperately to hide show Donald went broke multiple times, now has trouble paying even his lawyers, his properties and revenues from them are down sharply, and he has not the funds to even make the payments on the millions of dollars of loans he guaranteed, all of which are coming due soon.

* Donald Trump's repeated attacks on his own fellow Republicans have left the GOP fragmented, smaller, and angry. They now have to resort to district gerrymandering, conspiracy theory's, fear mongering, and name calling just to remain competitive with a larger, more united Democratic party.

Trump supporters - This is what "The Donald" is......

Now who doesn't like being condescended to? Warms the cockles of my heart. Meanwhile democrats are burning down cities and pushing a anti white pogrom like good ol' eastern Europe did with jews. You think Trump is bad? Do tell.
I used to be a Democrat. And liberal, too. Key word : "USED" to be. The democratic party seems to forget what it's base, its principles, and became an arm of the Chinese Mafia. They evolved, now they have rackets, (fighting racism and speaking for the oppressed i.e. criminals or the insane) and they use racial intimidation and riots as their club to beat us into submission. Isn't politics great?
ingesting household cleansers, and UV rays as cures for COVID 19 was just plain false.
Until I saw this^, I took you seriously. Trump has lots of issues to criticize in a mature way. Instead of going that route and looking for reasonable consensus, folks like yourself are STILL repeating known, debunked lies. I suppose you also believe he called Nazis in Charlottesville, "good people", amiright?

So... the question is, are you genuinely ignorant of the truth, even years later, or are you a willing liar that has no compunction over spreading hateful rhetoric?
You strike me as honest, hard working folks. I think you want the best for your country and your families, but there are some unpleasant things you're going to have to accept:
Republicans who refuse to come to grips with reality are in the grip of a myth.

It really is a joke -- the intelligent Republicans know that -- but they still embrace the "Big Lie," and they contribute millions to the cause.

One such cause is the Conservative Political Action Conference or CPAC, and it is attended by elected Republican officials.

Business Insider reports, "Attendees of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Dallas have been presented with a strategy outlining a 7-point-plan to reinstate Donald Trump as president 'in days, not years.

I said it was a joke.

Business Insider continues, "The outlandish plan involves ousting House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and eventually installing Donald Trump in her place.

"Donald Trump as Speaker would then call for a vote to impeach, charge, and remove "imposters" President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. As the Speaker of the House is third in the line of presidential succession, Trump would then take up the presidency again in this highly improbable scenario.

"The plan hinges upon Republicans regaining control of the House, which they plan to do by pulling back the curtain on "the horror show" of the Democrat Party, causing groups such as the Black Caucus to "flip" sides."

Alabama Republican Representative Mo Brooks asked audience members at CPAC) if they would be "willing" and ready "to fight" for America, echoing his controversial remarks ahead of the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Brooks, who is running for the U.S. Senate with Trump's backing, said during his speech Friday, "Our choice is simple: We can surrender and submit, or we can fight back" against "dictatorial socialists" and Democratic control.

This is today's Republican Party.

You will get no argument to that statement from today's Republicans.
Trump supporters -

You strike me as honest, hard working folks. I think you want the best for your country and your families, but there are some unpleasant things you're going to have to accept:

* Mexico was never going to pay for a border wall, and what little of it that was built under Trump, came directly from your tax dollars and mine.

* Donald Trump did not win the 2020 election. Trump's own hand picked judges found no evidence of massive voter fraud, and rejected his claims he won the election.

* Trump's promotion of hydroxychloroquine, ingesting household cleansers, and UV rays as cures for COVID 19 was just plain false.

* Trump's promises of manufacturing jobs for hard working American's never materialized, in fact Trump's trade policies cost many thousands of these jobs.

* Donald J Trump was never was the multi billionaire success he claimed to be. That title goes to Fred Trump. The tax returns and financial records he tried so desperately to hide show Donald went broke multiple times, now has trouble paying even his lawyers, his properties and revenues from them are down sharply, and he has not the funds to even make the payments on the millions of dollars of loans he guaranteed, all of which are coming due soon.

* Donald Trump's repeated attacks on his own fellow Republicans have left the GOP fragmented, smaller, and angry. They now have to resort to district gerrymandering, conspiracy theory's, fear mongering, and name calling just to remain competitive with a larger, more united Democratic party.

Trump supporters - This is what "The Donald" is......

How are you gasoline prices today? Bet they are at least a dollar more than they were last year. Dont feel sorry for US, feel sorry for the poor that Democrats hate so much.
Trump supporters -

You strike me as honest, hard working folks. I think you want the best for your country and your families, but there are some unpleasant things you're going to have to accept:

* Mexico was never going to pay for a border wall, and what little of it that was built under Trump, came directly from your tax dollars and mine.

* Donald Trump did not win the 2020 election. Trump's own hand picked judges found no evidence of massive voter fraud, and rejected his claims he won the election.

* Trump's promotion of hydroxychloroquine, ingesting household cleansers, and UV rays as cures for COVID 19 was just plain false.

* Trump's promises of manufacturing jobs for hard working American's never materialized, in fact Trump's trade policies cost many thousands of these jobs.

* Donald J Trump was never was the multi billionaire success he claimed to be. That title goes to Fred Trump. The tax returns and financial records he tried so desperately to hide show Donald went broke multiple times, now has trouble paying even his lawyers, his properties and revenues from them are down sharply, and he has not the funds to even make the payments on the millions of dollars of loans he guaranteed, all of which are coming due soon.

* Donald Trump's repeated attacks on his own fellow Republicans have left the GOP fragmented, smaller, and angry. They now have to resort to district gerrymandering, conspiracy theory's, fear mongering, and name calling just to remain competitive with a larger, more united Democratic party.

Trump supporters - This is what "The Donald" is......

Oh darlin don't you dare even THINK of feeling sorry for anyone of us that voted for Trump. We're all doing just fine. As usual.

It's you people on the crazy left lines that you need to pity, not us. You should pity anyone in your party that is still trying to keep their party sane and viable. You should pity every one of your fellow citizens when that stupid sack of crap in the White house gets on tv and shows the world just how fucking stupid you are with your choice for the most important job on the planet.

They should hire Cornpop as chief drool wiper for the CiC
Trump supporters -

You strike me as honest, hard working folks. I think you want the best for your country and your families, but there are some unpleasant things you're going to have to accept:

* Mexico was never going to pay for a border wall, and what little of it that was built under Trump, came directly from your tax dollars and mine.

* Donald Trump did not win the 2020 election. Trump's own hand picked judges found no evidence of massive voter fraud, and rejected his claims he won the election.

* Trump's promotion of hydroxychloroquine, ingesting household cleansers, and UV rays as cures for COVID 19 was just plain false.

* Trump's promises of manufacturing jobs for hard working American's never materialized, in fact Trump's trade policies cost many thousands of these jobs.

* Donald J Trump was never was the multi billionaire success he claimed to be. That title goes to Fred Trump. The tax returns and financial records he tried so desperately to hide show Donald went broke multiple times, now has trouble paying even his lawyers, his properties and revenues from them are down sharply, and he has not the funds to even make the payments on the millions of dollars of loans he guaranteed, all of which are coming due soon.

* Donald Trump's repeated attacks on his own fellow Republicans have left the GOP fragmented, smaller, and angry. They now have to resort to district gerrymandering, conspiracy theory's, fear mongering, and name calling just to remain competitive with a larger, more united Democratic party.

Trump supporters - This is what "The Donald" is......

Oh darlin don't you dare even THINK of feeling sorry for anyone of us that voted for Trump. We're all doing just fine. As usual.

It's you people on the crazy left lines that you need to pity, not us. You should pity anyone in your party that is still trying to keep their party sane and viable. You should pity every one of your fellow citizens when that stupid sack of crap in the White house gets on tv and shows the world just how fucking stupid you are with your choice for the most important job on the planet.

They should hire Cornpop as chief drool wiper for the CiC
And Covfefe to you too.

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