I agree with Rush, Obama is in trouble

Well, we know that whatever you said after this is wrong.

TurnOffFox | Bad News For America

lol, they have a website telling you to Turn off Fox...how figgen hilarious.:lol::lol:
Do you get paid to ADVERTISE IT or sumthing?

Fox is actively promoting falsehoods and some outright deceit. We need to be active on our opposition. They've been allowed to run amuck and someone needs to rein them in, our libel/slander laws don't seem to be enough by themselves and there seems to be no accountability for truth in reporting any longer. It’s just another way we are turning from a first world country into a second or third world country.


Jon Stewart totally destroyed Fox's attempt at diversion from the bin Laden kill to the poet/rapper "Common" being invited to the WH. I mean don't those clowns at Fox have archived material they look at before they go on the air and make royal fools of themselves? If not Jon Stewart, SOMEBODY would have found this stuff.

Tone Def Poetry Jam - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 05/11/11 - Video Clip | Comedy Central
Obama looks like just about the only adult in the room compared to most of the GOP field. With that said, Obama MIGHT be in trouble IF the GOP hadn't veered HARD right since the 2008 election. Consequently, the best hope the GOP has of beating Obama is to embrace a more moderate candidate, and I don't think the GOP base is at all inclined to do that.

I think they're slowly realizing they can't win by silly politics or just negativity. People may lap that stuff up, but when push comes to shove, they still want a positive plan.

Here's the plan...

$14,000,000,000,000 debt, Obamacare, 50,000,000+ unemployed, jobless recovery, new war of aggression against a foreign nation, water boarding - bad, assassination of foreign national - great, massive deficits, etc.

Wow.. now there's a plan!


And most "normal" Americans realize all of that can't be flung at Obama, genius.

In spite of it all, however:



Unfortunately, someone still without a job will continue to blame Obama as long as you idiots keep lying to them and TELLING THEM it's all his fault.
I'll ask again. Who will beat him?

Whomever becomes the Republican Nominee will beat Obama. He's going to be a one termer, just like his political doppleganger Jimmy Carter. Sorry. He has a record now and it stinks. Hope and Change ain't gonna work again....

Kinda like Harry Reid I guess

Any Republican can beat him
I'll ask again. Who will beat him?

Whomever becomes the Republican Nominee will beat Obama. He's going to be a one termer, just like his political doppleganger Jimmy Carter. Sorry. He has a record now and it stinks. Hope and Change ain't gonna work again....

Kinda like Harry Reid I guess

Any Republican can beat him
I underestimated the stupidity of Sharon Angle, and the corruption of Reid and Nevada union machine.
Wait until the debates. Obama is going to have a hard time selling what people are no longer buying.

Hope and change was just a catchy phrase, which many moderates now know was just a political ploy for votes.

Those pesky facts just keep getting in your way. All you need to do is read the polling information on the issues, and you would know your assertion is not true. Are people still worried about the economy? Sure. But who do they trust to keep the momentum going? Noboby in your camp, at least so far.

And unless you're a noob to politics, you would know that "hope and change" are the mantra of ANY presidential candidate. What the fuck do you think they're running for? No hope and same old shit?

A LARGE majority of Americans think we are headed in the wrong direction.

Obama is driving. He will be held accountable.

We've been headed in the wrong direction for a helluva long time. Trying to steer the ship from crashing into unchartered reefs isn't easy. If conservatives think they've got all the answers, I sure hope they've got the right maps and don't rely on Magic 8 balls with philosophic answers. Otherwise, those same pissed off Americans will turn on a dime and blame whomever unseats Obama, if that happens.
Those pesky facts just keep getting in your way. All you need to do is read the polling information on the issues, and you would know your assertion is not true. Are people still worried about the economy? Sure. But who do they trust to keep the momentum going? Noboby in your camp, at least so far.

And unless you're a noob to politics, you would know that "hope and change" are the mantra of ANY presidential candidate. What the fuck do you think they're running for? No hope and same old shit?

A LARGE majority of Americans think we are headed in the wrong direction.

Obama is driving. He will be held accountable.

We've been headed in the wrong direction for a helluva long time. Trying to steer the ship from crashing into unchartered reefs isn't easy. If conservatives think they've got all the answers, I sure hope they've got the right maps and don't rely on Magic 8 balls with philosophic answers. Otherwise, those same pissed off Americans will turn on a dime and blame whomever unseats Obama, if that happens.

The Republicans are in the same position that the Democrats were in 2008- a very unpopular president with a shitty economy and multiple wars. They don't have to do anything but "not be Obama" and they'll win.
Wait until the debates. Obama is going to have a hard time selling what people are no longer buying.

Hope and change was just a catchy phrase, which many moderates now know was just a political ploy for votes.

Those pesky facts just keep getting in your way. All you need to do is read the polling information on the issues, and you would know your assertion is not true. Are people still worried about the economy? Sure. But who do they trust to keep the momentum going? Noboby in your camp, at least so far.

And unless you're a noob to politics, you would know that "hope and change" are the mantra of ANY presidential candidate. What the fuck do you think they're running for? No hope and same old shit?

From what I can tell, yup. They have to gussy that up though and make us think they're 'the one' who is really going to make a change! Yeah . . . riiiight. This goes for both sides.

"Campaigning is like poetry; leadership is prose." Somebody said that.
Allegedly. Look at Reid.

When you have enough cash to throw around, you can buy the votes.

Having the put-upon Unions in your corner doesn't hurt, either.

And the Republicans will have the US Chamber of Commerce, as a lobby, and all their members also giving individual donations. Don't forget the millions that can now be raised by clubs with catchy names, without ever having to disclose who the players are. I'd say the donation pot will be just about even.

Think Obama will turn off the security validation for credit card donations again this go around?

Getting well past his billion should be no problem since he has bowed and blown half the middle east leaders.

By the way, the partisan attempt to discredit the Chamber of Commerce backfired tremendously. You might want to check the liberal memo board for the latest talking points.

Better than having them all aiming directly at us and shutting off the oil spigot at the same time, moron.
Provocateur said:
By the way, the partisan attempt to discredit the Chamber of Commerce backfired tremendously. You might want to check the liberal memo board for the latest talking points.

You mean you have no link to back that up, dickhead?
I don't know if Obama is trouble, but he certainly has been moving to the Right in the past few weeks most likely due to his high disapproval ratings.

He's moving to the center, which is where he wants to be. The first year in office, he tried to accomplish what he had promised the people who voted for him, namely health care (although many don't think it goes far enough). At the same time, he tried to shore up the gaping wound in the overall economy, deal with a compromise on his promises regarding Iraq and Afghanistan. So yes, from now on, you'll see a more centrist strategy, barring any OTHER unforeseen circumstance or rage inflicted by Mother Nature.

You are a mindless sucker.

He was the most (MOST) liberal Senator. His record proved so.

He is not center. He just wants the moderate vote in 2012.

Stop your partisan cheerleading antics. It makes you appear desperate and/or ignorant.

I'll support whoever the FUCK I want, and whatever the FUCK I want, and I will SAY SO, unless that freedom of speech thingie only applies to the loopy assholes like you these days. And I really couldn't give a sweet shit what YOU think about it. Your opinion of me is hardly going to cause me to lose sleep.
A LARGE majority of Americans think we are headed in the wrong direction.

Obama is driving. He will be held accountable.

We've been headed in the wrong direction for a helluva long time. Trying to steer the ship from crashing into unchartered reefs isn't easy. If conservatives think they've got all the answers, I sure hope they've got the right maps and don't rely on Magic 8 balls with philosophic answers. Otherwise, those same pissed off Americans will turn on a dime and blame whomever unseats Obama, if that happens.

The Republicans are in the same position that the Democrats were in 2008- a very unpopular president with a shitty economy and multiple wars. They don't have to do anything but "not be Obama" and they'll win.

Not really. Look how "not Obama" Paul Ryan's deficit reduction plan was and how that turned out. People from the right hailed it for all of a week, then started listening to the public and now it's in the toilet. People don't like the spending, but they don't want spending cuts that will affect THEM. If they think they're feeling economic pain now, they ain't seen nuthin' yet if Republicans gain full power.
He's moving to the center, which is where he wants to be.

Obama is not now, never has been, and never will be a moderate or centrist. He is on the far left of the political scale. He's only pretending to be centrist so he can salvage his presidency and get reelected. Anybody who thinks he is a centrist is exactly the useful idiot he is counting on on Election Day.
He's moving to the center, which is where he wants to be. The first year in office, he tried to accomplish what he had promised the people who voted for him, namely health care (although many don't think it goes far enough). At the same time, he tried to shore up the gaping wound in the overall economy, deal with a compromise on his promises regarding Iraq and Afghanistan. So yes, from now on, you'll see a more centrist strategy, barring any OTHER unforeseen circumstance or rage inflicted by Mother Nature.

You are a mindless sucker.

He was the most (MOST) liberal Senator. His record proved so.

He is not center. He just wants the moderate vote in 2012.

Stop your partisan cheerleading antics. It makes you appear desperate and/or ignorant.

I'll support whoever the FUCK I want, and whatever the FUCK I want, and I will SAY SO, unless that freedom of speech thingie only applies to the loopy assholes like you these days. And I really couldn't give a sweet shit what YOU think about it. Your opinion of me is hardly going to cause me to lose sleep.

Oh look. A hysterical liberal chick. You don't see that too often. :lol:

He's moving to the center, which is where he wants to be.

Obama is not now, never has been, and never will be a moderate or centrist. He is on the far left of the political scale. He's only pretending to be centrist so he can salvage his presidency and get reelected. Anybody who thinks he is a centrist is exactly the useful idiot he is counting on on Election Day.

If he was that far left, he would have demanded (and got) a universal health plan. He would have nationalized the banks and the auto industry. He would not have compromised on extending the Bush tax cuts. He would be trying to get education completely funded by the federal government. He would have withdrawn within one year from Afghanistan. He would not have asked Robert Gates to stay on as Defense Secretary; he would not have recently appointed General Patreaus to head up the CIA (both staunch Republicans). I could go on regarding some of the more insignificant issues, but if Barack Obama were a far-left person, his policies would resemble those of Dennis Kucinich, but instead, they resemble those of Bill Clinton.
You are a mindless sucker.

He was the most (MOST) liberal Senator. His record proved so.

He is not center. He just wants the moderate vote in 2012.

Stop your partisan cheerleading antics. It makes you appear desperate and/or ignorant.

I'll support whoever the FUCK I want, and whatever the FUCK I want, and I will SAY SO, unless that freedom of speech thingie only applies to the loopy assholes like you these days. And I really couldn't give a sweet shit what YOU think about it. Your opinion of me is hardly going to cause me to lose sleep.

Oh look. A hysterical liberal chick. You don't see that too often. :lol:


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