Hysterical Howard Dean: Scott Walker Says Obama Born In Kenya


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
Their getting more and more desperate, even having their MSM allies reel them back in!

NewsBusters ^
How unhinged has Howard Dean become? So bad that an MSNBC host had to gently walk him back off the ledge. On Chris Hayes' MSNBC show tonight, Dean claimed that Scott Walker says Barack Obama was "born in Kenya." It took Hayes two attempts to break through Dean's blather, but eventually he was able to politely point out: "I should note, you mention the Kenya thing, he has not been asked that." View the video....
I hope Howard Dean throws his hat into the ring for 2016. He could duke it out with Joe Biden for last place. "YEAHHHH"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Walker has not said or implied that Obama was born in Kenya.

Walker is not pleased with the former mayor's remark.

Walker wants the party's nomination, and while he is not willing to say "party of stupid," he will not, I think, bow down to the far right.
dean simply got ahead of himself

this was set for release in next weeks democrat lies

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Walker has not said or implied that Obama was born in Kenya.

Walker is not pleased with the former mayor's remark.

Walker wants the party's nomination, and while he is not willing to say "party of stupid," he will not, I think, bow down to the far right.

Why would a CommiecRAT care?
One would not, but since I am a mainstream Republican and you are merely a far right wing nut, I do care.

The LIES just roll off your tongue, like butter on hot popcorn!
Walker has not said or implied that Obama was born in Kenya.

Walker is not pleased with the former mayor's remark.

Walker wants the party's nomination, and while he is not willing to say "party of stupid," he will not, I think, bow down to the far right.

Why would a CommiecRAT care?
One would not, but since I am a mainstream Republican and you are merely a far right wing nut, I do care.
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
I am a mainstream Republican and since Vigilante is a far right wing nut and S. J. is a vile racist, what they think matters not when it comes to the nomination.
I see Vigilante is lagging behind Chris L on this month's leader board after winning last month. You will have to pick your nonsense up. Your paymasters give you plenty of stuff to post. Get to it.
I am a mainstream Republican and since Vigilante is a far right wing nut and S. J. is a vile racist, what they think matters not when it comes to the nomination.

The Manchurian Republican in BLUE.....

I see Vigilante is lagging behind Chris L on this month's leader board after winning last month. You will have to pick your nonsense up. Your paymasters give you plenty of stuff to post. Get to it.

I support My friend Chris, but because I participate in many threads, I have a fairly high post count, unlike you, who makes a fool of himself when posting.
Well since Democratic consultant Gruber pointed out correctly that stupid voters would reelect Obozo does Jake realize that he is the apologist for the self proclaimed party of stupid?
I am a mainstream Republican and since Vigilante is a far right wing nut and S. J. is a vile racist, what they think matters not when it comes to the nomination.

The Manchurian Republican in BLUE.....


You can provide nothing that I have ever said that defends Lee's position above.

See, you have lied again, and you got caught again.

Why would I provide anything? People who post here KNOW who and what you are, and it' has nothing to do with being a Republican.
Well since Democratic consultant Gruber pointed out correctly that stupid voters would reelect Obozo does Jake realize that he is the apologist for the self proclaimed party of stupid?
That's why Jindal called you folks "the party of stupid" for that type of comment.

The far right has proven that it has defeated the GOP candidate twice in a row, and the GOP mainstream knows that since it can't win the White House without the center, the "party of stupid" has to be stomped. That's what happened in last year's primaries.

So we will see how it all goes through the next year. It won't be what you hope, though.
Well since Democratic consultant Gruber pointed out correctly that stupid voters would reelect Obozo does Jake realize that he is the apologist for the self proclaimed party of stupid?
That's why Jindal called you folks "the party of stupid" for that type of comment.

The far right has proven that it has defeated the GOP candidate twice in a row, and the GOP mainstream knows that since it can't win the White House without the center, the "party of stupid" has to be stomped. That's what happened in last year's primaries.

So we will see how it all goes through the next year. It won't be what you hope, though.
I will leave you lame stream wing nuts to it, tonight.
See, you have lied again, and you got caught again.

Why would I provide anything? People who post here KNOW who and what you are, and it' has nothing to do with being a Republican.

Because folks who post are know you are a far right reactionary wing nut pimping for far right wing nut causes. Of course they know you lie.
I have no trouble stating I AM a far right reactionary, It is the proper position of any patriot. You on the other hand, have a history of bashing your SUPPOSED Republican base, which consists of many million of fine people, and PROMOTE almost everything that has to do with the subversive Obuma. Nothing far reaching here, a simple fact! Should we put it to a vote?
See, you have lied again, and you got caught again.

Why would I provide anything? People who post here KNOW who and what you are, and it' has nothing to do with being a Republican.

Because folks who post are know you are a far right reactionary wing nut pimping for far right wing nut causes. Of course they know you lie.
I have no trouble stating I AM a far right reactionary, It is the proper position of any patriot. You on the other hand, have a history of bashing your SUPPOSED Republican base, which consists of many million of fine people, and PROMOTE almost everything that has to do with the subversive Obuma. Nothing far reaching here, a simple fact! Should we put it to a vote?
Yeah, put it to a vote. Jake needs another wake up call. (or bitch slap).

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