Hydrochloric Acid in the Tap Water

One more reason I'm glad I have a well and don't use town water
And I suppose your private well is fully permitted by the board of commissioners in the county of your residence, and subject to mandatory water quality testing, annual recertification, environmental remediation and decommissioning at your own expense in the event of failure to meet environmental regulations or community water quality standards.
A little less than 2 months ago I had began to feel some extreme discomfort in terms of digestion, circulatory, respiratory, and nervous system distress. First feeling an upset stomach and bloating, hyper digestion; this didn't feel as a virus though, because I didn't feel the fever, and the throat irritation didn't feel as a viral or bacteria caused sore throat, more as an irritant. When I drank the tap water, I felt a filmy texture on My mouth, and a strange taste in the water. I asked around the apartment complex in Austin, TX and others were describing the same symptoms, as did one of My flatmates. I then began to feel a cold sensation around My heart, My blood vessels and lungs felt as though they were being constricted. I also began to feel an irregular pressure on My heart one day, and started to feel the symptoms of an oncoming heart attack, and I know what that feels as because I was poisoned with anti-freeze, and prescribed and had forced upon Me a lithium overdose in the roman catholic St. Francis Medical Center in Trenton, right after the anti-freeze poisoning... which was confirmed by a doctor at the Sommerville Hospital in New Jersey.

(Yes, I did call emergency services about the illegal detention of St. Francis, yes, I explained I'm a Lutheran and that the medical center has a religious agenda (ref: Council of Trent/Vatican canon law 1364); yes, I objected to the 1500mg lithium salt prescription citing a faithbased objected saying that the Holy and Great Spirit was telling Me the lithium is hazardous to My health; yes, after being released as the lithium levels peaked 4 days later I had lithium poisoning symptoms which resulted in near death heart attack and stroke symptoms.)

I mitigated these things with wine as a blood thinner and vessel dilator, and had switched to spring water instead of using tap. In order to confirm if My suspicions about the tap water being the cause were true or not, I took a Quaternary testing strip for industrial sanitizers, the active ingredient being sodium hydrochlorite, and tested the tap water. The tap water tested at ~300ppm of Sodium Hydrochlorite, which is a bleach, a destroyer of life (dol). I reasoned that My food was being hyper digested because of that chemical, and now I'm have bowel movements of undigested food, rice, peas, coming out whole and undigested. I think the chemical has caused damage to the celia in My intestines, which I will drink milk for the essential amino acids and proteins to rebuild My body. But, the chemical that is in the tap water is what is killing people and causing physical distress, since those were/are the symptoms I was, and am having.

Someone is putting a deadly chemical in the tap water, and the locations of the mass poisonings appear to be politically motivated, targeting specific populations. "Crown" virus, Spanish. Covi-d9-tine, Italian. Quaran-tine. Arabic. An Axis mass chemical attack.
I'm somewhat sceptical. At 300ppm your house would smell like a public pool every time you turned a tap.
remember the fracker-water.....?


A little less than 2 months ago I had began to feel some extreme discomfort in terms of digestion, circulatory, respiratory, and nervous system distress. First feeling an upset stomach and bloating, hyper digestion; this didn't feel as a virus though, because I didn't feel the fever, and the throat irritation didn't feel as a viral or bacteria caused sore throat, more as an irritant. When I drank the tap water, I felt a filmy texture on My mouth, and a strange taste in the water. I asked around the apartment complex in Austin, TX and others were describing the same symptoms, as did one of My flatmates. I then began to feel a cold sensation around My heart, My blood vessels and lungs felt as though they were being constricted. I also began to feel an irregular pressure on My heart one day, and started to feel the symptoms of an oncoming heart attack, and I know what that feels as because I was poisoned with anti-freeze, and prescribed and had forced upon Me a lithium overdose in the roman catholic St. Francis Medical Center in Trenton, right after the anti-freeze poisoning... which was confirmed by a doctor at the Sommerville Hospital in New Jersey.

(Yes, I did call emergency services about the illegal detention of St. Francis, yes, I explained I'm a Lutheran and that the medical center has a religious agenda (ref: Council of Trent/Vatican canon law 1364); yes, I objected to the 1500mg lithium salt prescription citing a faithbased objected saying that the Holy and Great Spirit was telling Me the lithium is hazardous to My health; yes, after being released as the lithium levels peaked 4 days later I had lithium poisoning symptoms which resulted in near death heart attack and stroke symptoms.)

I mitigated these things with wine as a blood thinner and vessel dilator, and had switched to spring water instead of using tap. In order to confirm if My suspicions about the tap water being the cause were true or not, I took a Quaternary testing strip for industrial sanitizers, the active ingredient being sodium hydrochlorite, and tested the tap water. The tap water tested at ~300ppm of Sodium Hydrochlorite, which is a bleach, a destroyer of life (dol). I reasoned that My food was being hyper digested because of that chemical, and now I'm have bowel movements of undigested food, rice, peas, coming out whole and undigested. I think the chemical has caused damage to the celia in My intestines, which I will drink milk for the essential amino acids and proteins to rebuild My body. But, the chemical that is in the tap water is what is killing people and causing physical distress, since those were/are the symptoms I was, and am having.

Someone is putting a deadly chemical in the tap water, and the locations of the mass poisonings appear to be politically motivated, targeting specific populations. "Crown" virus, Spanish. Covi-d9-tine, Italian. Quaran-tine. Arabic. An Axis mass chemical attack.
I'm somewhat sceptical. At 300ppm your house would smell like a public pool every time you turned a tap.

There was definiately a weird taste, but when I used to get the sanitizer at the restaurant I worked for, there wasn't really a strong smell to it, you know? I made a Lime Green turning to Aqua Marine ribbon pin with 2020 Mass Poisoning Survivor as a token of remembrance.
A little less than 2 months ago I had began to feel some extreme discomfort in terms of digestion, circulatory, respiratory, and nervous system distress. First feeling an upset stomach and bloating, hyper digestion; this didn't feel as a virus though, because I didn't feel the fever, and the throat irritation didn't feel as a viral or bacteria caused sore throat, more as an irritant. When I drank the tap water, I felt a filmy texture on My mouth, and a strange taste in the water. I asked around the apartment complex in Austin, TX and others were describing the same symptoms, as did one of My flatmates. I then began to feel a cold sensation around My heart, My blood vessels and lungs felt as though they were being constricted. I also began to feel an irregular pressure on My heart one day, and started to feel the symptoms of an oncoming heart attack, and I know what that feels as because I was poisoned with anti-freeze, and prescribed and had forced upon Me a lithium overdose in the roman catholic St. Francis Medical Center in Trenton, right after the anti-freeze poisoning... which was confirmed by a doctor at the Sommerville Hospital in New Jersey.

(Yes, I did call emergency services about the illegal detention of St. Francis, yes, I explained I'm a Lutheran and that the medical center has a religious agenda (ref: Council of Trent/Vatican canon law 1364); yes, I objected to the 1500mg lithium salt prescription citing a faithbased objected saying that the Holy and Great Spirit was telling Me the lithium is hazardous to My health; yes, after being released as the lithium levels peaked 4 days later I had lithium poisoning symptoms which resulted in near death heart attack and stroke symptoms.)

I mitigated these things with wine as a blood thinner and vessel dilator, and had switched to spring water instead of using tap. In order to confirm if My suspicions about the tap water being the cause were true or not, I took a Quaternary testing strip for industrial sanitizers, the active ingredient being sodium hydrochlorite, and tested the tap water. The tap water tested at ~300ppm of Sodium Hydrochlorite, which is a bleach, a destroyer of life (dol). I reasoned that My food was being hyper digested because of that chemical, and now I'm have bowel movements of undigested food, rice, peas, coming out whole and undigested. I think the chemical has caused damage to the celia in My intestines, which I will drink milk for the essential amino acids and proteins to rebuild My body. But, the chemical that is in the tap water is what is killing people and causing physical distress, since those were/are the symptoms I was, and am having.

Someone is putting a deadly chemical in the tap water, and the locations of the mass poisonings appear to be politically motivated, targeting specific populations. "Crown" virus, Spanish. Covi-d9-tine, Italian. Quaran-tine. Arabic. An Axis mass chemical attack.

You said they put you on lithium? And you went off of it? I would ask if you're crazy but the answer is obvious.
Hey Duke Energy said years ago our water was safe from their coal ash spill. I totally believe them.
Seems less hazardous then drinking bleached water, but hopefully there won't be adverse health effects. Some poisons introduced in small amounts allows an immunity to build up.

Oh our water is bleached. It smells strong of clorox once the temps start staying in the upper 90's. It is to take the orange hue from the red mud of the south out of it.
A little less than 2 months ago I had began to feel some extreme discomfort in terms of digestion, circulatory, respiratory, and nervous system distress. First feeling an upset stomach and bloating, hyper digestion; this didn't feel as a virus though, because I didn't feel the fever, and the throat irritation didn't feel as a viral or bacteria caused sore throat, more as an irritant. When I drank the tap water, I felt a filmy texture on My mouth, and a strange taste in the water. I asked around the apartment complex in Austin, TX and others were describing the same symptoms, as did one of My flatmates. I then began to feel a cold sensation around My heart, My blood vessels and lungs felt as though they were being constricted. I also began to feel an irregular pressure on My heart one day, and started to feel the symptoms of an oncoming heart attack, and I know what that feels as because I was poisoned with anti-freeze, and prescribed and had forced upon Me a lithium overdose in the roman catholic St. Francis Medical Center in Trenton, right after the anti-freeze poisoning... which was confirmed by a doctor at the Sommerville Hospital in New Jersey.

(Yes, I did call emergency services about the illegal detention of St. Francis, yes, I explained I'm a Lutheran and that the medical center has a religious agenda (ref: Council of Trent/Vatican canon law 1364); yes, I objected to the 1500mg lithium salt prescription citing a faithbased objected saying that the Holy and Great Spirit was telling Me the lithium is hazardous to My health; yes, after being released as the lithium levels peaked 4 days later I had lithium poisoning symptoms which resulted in near death heart attack and stroke symptoms.)

I mitigated these things with wine as a blood thinner and vessel dilator, and had switched to spring water instead of using tap. In order to confirm if My suspicions about the tap water being the cause were true or not, I took a Quaternary testing strip for industrial sanitizers, the active ingredient being sodium hydrochlorite, and tested the tap water. The tap water tested at ~300ppm of Sodium Hydrochlorite, which is a bleach, a destroyer of life (dol). I reasoned that My food was being hyper digested because of that chemical, and now I'm have bowel movements of undigested food, rice, peas, coming out whole and undigested. I think the chemical has caused damage to the celia in My intestines, which I will drink milk for the essential amino acids and proteins to rebuild My body. But, the chemical that is in the tap water is what is killing people and causing physical distress, since those were/are the symptoms I was, and am having.

Someone is putting a deadly chemical in the tap water, and the locations of the mass poisonings appear to be politically motivated, targeting specific populations. "Crown" virus, Spanish. Covi-d9-tine, Italian. Quaran-tine. Arabic. An Axis mass chemical attack.
I'm somewhat sceptical. At 300ppm your house would smell like a public pool every time you turned a tap.

There was definiately a weird taste, but when I used to get the sanitizer at the restaurant I worked for, there wasn't really a strong smell to it, you know? I made a Lime Green turning to Aqua Marine ribbon pin with 2020 Mass Poisoning Survivor as a token of remembrance.
Swimming pools are at about 2ppm.

I'm still calling bullshit on 300ppm.

Commercial sanitizing solutions are 50-100ppm.
One more reason I'm glad I have a well and don't use town water
And I suppose your private well is fully permitted by the board of commissioners in the county of your residence, and subject to mandatory water quality testing, annual recertification, environmental remediation and decommissioning at your own expense in the event of failure to meet environmental regulations or community water quality standards.
when I built my house I had to get a well permit and have the potability tested

I test the water every year. The water is pumped from about 300 feet underground and is pure as can be

And it doesn't have all kinds of chemicals in it like town water does.
Hydrochloric acid (muriatic acid) works wonders for removing rust or corrosion from metal objects, or cleaning bricks or concrete. I keep a gallon of it that I bought at the hardware store just for that purpose. Always pour the acid in the water, not the other way around. The fumes will also choke the hell out of you, so use it outside.

Doesn’t Coca Cola do that?
Hydrochloric acid (muriatic acid) works wonders for removing rust or corrosion from metal objects, or cleaning bricks or concrete. I keep a gallon of it that I bought at the hardware store just for that purpose. Always pour the acid in the water, not the other way around. The fumes will also choke the hell out of you, so use it outside.

Doesn’t Coca Cola do that?
Works great for corrosion on battery terminals. Eats that crap right off.
Hydrochloric acid (muriatic acid) works wonders for removing rust or corrosion from metal objects, or cleaning bricks or concrete. I keep a gallon of it that I bought at the hardware store just for that purpose. Always pour the acid in the water, not the other way around. The fumes will also choke the hell out of you, so use it outside.

Doesn’t Coca Cola do that?
Works great for corrosion on battery terminals. Eats that crap right off.

The doctor recommends it for gastroenteritis.
Hydrochloric acid (muriatic acid) works wonders for removing rust or corrosion from metal objects, or cleaning bricks or concrete. I keep a gallon of it that I bought at the hardware store just for that purpose. Always pour the acid in the water, not the other way around. The fumes will also choke the hell out of you, so use it outside.

Doesn’t Coca Cola do that?

Coke is mildly acidic, as is vinegar. But those take time while the acid eats it right off. Probably too much if you don't water it down.
A little less than 2 months ago I had began to feel some extreme discomfort in terms of digestion, circulatory, respiratory, and nervous system distress. First feeling an upset stomach and bloating, hyper digestion; this didn't feel as a virus though, because I didn't feel the fever, and the throat irritation didn't feel as a viral or bacteria caused sore throat, more as an irritant. When I drank the tap water, I felt a filmy texture on My mouth, and a strange taste in the water. I asked around the apartment complex in Austin, TX and others were describing the same symptoms, as did one of My flatmates. I then began to feel a cold sensation around My heart, My blood vessels and lungs felt as though they were being constricted. I also began to feel an irregular pressure on My heart one day, and started to feel the symptoms of an oncoming heart attack, and I know what that feels as because I was poisoned with anti-freeze, and prescribed and had forced upon Me a lithium overdose in the roman catholic St. Francis Medical Center in Trenton, right after the anti-freeze poisoning... which was confirmed by a doctor at the Sommerville Hospital in New Jersey.

(Yes, I did call emergency services about the illegal detention of St. Francis, yes, I explained I'm a Lutheran and that the medical center has a religious agenda (ref: Council of Trent/Vatican canon law 1364); yes, I objected to the 1500mg lithium salt prescription citing a faithbased objected saying that the Holy and Great Spirit was telling Me the lithium is hazardous to My health; yes, after being released as the lithium levels peaked 4 days later I had lithium poisoning symptoms which resulted in near death heart attack and stroke symptoms.)

I mitigated these things with wine as a blood thinner and vessel dilator, and had switched to spring water instead of using tap. In order to confirm if My suspicions about the tap water being the cause were true or not, I took a Quaternary testing strip for industrial sanitizers, the active ingredient being sodium hydrochlorite, and tested the tap water. The tap water tested at ~300ppm of Sodium Hydrochlorite, which is a bleach, a destroyer of life (dol). I reasoned that My food was being hyper digested because of that chemical, and now I'm have bowel movements of undigested food, rice, peas, coming out whole and undigested. I think the chemical has caused damage to the celia in My intestines, which I will drink milk for the essential amino acids and proteins to rebuild My body. But, the chemical that is in the tap water is what is killing people and causing physical distress, since those were/are the symptoms I was, and am having.

Someone is putting a deadly chemical in the tap water, and the locations of the mass poisonings appear to be politically motivated, targeting specific populations. "Crown" virus, Spanish. Covi-d9-tine, Italian. Quaran-tine. Arabic. An Axis mass chemical attack.
So you are a wino

A little less than 2 months ago I had began to feel some extreme discomfort in terms of digestion, circulatory, respiratory, and nervous system distress. First feeling an upset stomach and bloating, hyper digestion; this didn't feel as a virus though, because I didn't feel the fever, and the throat irritation didn't feel as a viral or bacteria caused sore throat, more as an irritant. When I drank the tap water, I felt a filmy texture on My mouth, and a strange taste in the water. I asked around the apartment complex in Austin, TX and others were describing the same symptoms, as did one of My flatmates. I then began to feel a cold sensation around My heart, My blood vessels and lungs felt as though they were being constricted. I also began to feel an irregular pressure on My heart one day, and started to feel the symptoms of an oncoming heart attack, and I know what that feels as because I was poisoned with anti-freeze, and prescribed and had forced upon Me a lithium overdose in the roman catholic St. Francis Medical Center in Trenton, right after the anti-freeze poisoning... which was confirmed by a doctor at the Sommerville Hospital in New Jersey.

(Yes, I did call emergency services about the illegal detention of St. Francis, yes, I explained I'm a Lutheran and that the medical center has a religious agenda (ref: Council of Trent/Vatican canon law 1364); yes, I objected to the 1500mg lithium salt prescription citing a faithbased objected saying that the Holy and Great Spirit was telling Me the lithium is hazardous to My health; yes, after being released as the lithium levels peaked 4 days later I had lithium poisoning symptoms which resulted in near death heart attack and stroke symptoms.)

I mitigated these things with wine as a blood thinner and vessel dilator, and had switched to spring water instead of using tap. In order to confirm if My suspicions about the tap water being the cause were true or not, I took a Quaternary testing strip for industrial sanitizers, the active ingredient being sodium hydrochlorite, and tested the tap water. The tap water tested at ~300ppm of Sodium Hydrochlorite, which is a bleach, a destroyer of life (dol). I reasoned that My food was being hyper digested because of that chemical, and now I'm have bowel movements of undigested food, rice, peas, coming out whole and undigested. I think the chemical has caused damage to the celia in My intestines, which I will drink milk for the essential amino acids and proteins to rebuild My body. But, the chemical that is in the tap water is what is killing people and causing physical distress, since those were/are the symptoms I was, and am having.

Someone is putting a deadly chemical in the tap water, and the locations of the mass poisonings appear to be politically motivated, targeting specific populations. "Crown" virus, Spanish. Covi-d9-tine, Italian. Quaran-tine. Arabic. An Axis mass chemical attack.

Sodium hypochlorite is not hydrochloric acid, it is used as a disinfectant in most drinking water systems. It is used nationwide for this purpose, including NYC, but in small doses, that degrade by the time they get to a person's tap.

And how did you get the 300 ppm number? What testing agency was used?
Hydrochloric acid (muriatic acid) works wonders for removing rust or corrosion from metal objects, or cleaning bricks or concrete. I keep a gallon of it that I bought at the hardware store just for that purpose. Always pour the acid in the water, not the other way around. The fumes will also choke the hell out of you, so use it outside.

Doesn’t Coca Cola do that?

Coke is mildly acidic, as is vinegar. But those take time while the acid eats it right off. Probably too much if you don't water it down.

I visited the museum once, in Atlanta.
A little less than 2 months ago I had began to feel some extreme discomfort in terms of digestion, circulatory, respiratory, and nervous system distress. First feeling an upset stomach and bloating, hyper digestion; this didn't feel as a virus though, because I didn't feel the fever, and the throat irritation didn't feel as a viral or bacteria caused sore throat, more as an irritant. When I drank the tap water, I felt a filmy texture on My mouth, and a strange taste in the water. I asked around the apartment complex in Austin, TX and others were describing the same symptoms, as did one of My flatmates. I then began to feel a cold sensation around My heart, My blood vessels and lungs felt as though they were being constricted. I also began to feel an irregular pressure on My heart one day, and started to feel the symptoms of an oncoming heart attack, and I know what that feels as because I was poisoned with anti-freeze, and prescribed and had forced upon Me a lithium overdose in the roman catholic St. Francis Medical Center in Trenton, right after the anti-freeze poisoning... which was confirmed by a doctor at the Sommerville Hospital in New Jersey.

(Yes, I did call emergency services about the illegal detention of St. Francis, yes, I explained I'm a Lutheran and that the medical center has a religious agenda (ref: Council of Trent/Vatican canon law 1364); yes, I objected to the 1500mg lithium salt prescription citing a faithbased objected saying that the Holy and Great Spirit was telling Me the lithium is hazardous to My health; yes, after being released as the lithium levels peaked 4 days later I had lithium poisoning symptoms which resulted in near death heart attack and stroke symptoms.)

I mitigated these things with wine as a blood thinner and vessel dilator, and had switched to spring water instead of using tap. In order to confirm if My suspicions about the tap water being the cause were true or not, I took a Quaternary testing strip for industrial sanitizers, the active ingredient being sodium hydrochlorite, and tested the tap water. The tap water tested at ~300ppm of Sodium Hydrochlorite, which is a bleach, a destroyer of life (dol). I reasoned that My food was being hyper digested because of that chemical, and now I'm have bowel movements of undigested food, rice, peas, coming out whole and undigested. I think the chemical has caused damage to the celia in My intestines, which I will drink milk for the essential amino acids and proteins to rebuild My body. But, the chemical that is in the tap water is what is killing people and causing physical distress, since those were/are the symptoms I was, and am having.

Someone is putting a deadly chemical in the tap water, and the locations of the mass poisonings appear to be politically motivated, targeting specific populations. "Crown" virus, Spanish. Covi-d9-tine, Italian. Quaran-tine. Arabic. An Axis mass chemical attack.
I'm somewhat sceptical. At 300ppm your house would smell like a public pool every time you turned a tap.

There was definiately a weird taste, but when I used to get the sanitizer at the restaurant I worked for, there wasn't really a strong smell to it, you know? I made a Lime Green turning to Aqua Marine ribbon pin with 2020 Mass Poisoning Survivor as a token of remembrance.
Swimming pools are at about 2ppm.

I'm still calling bullshit on 300ppm.

Commercial sanitizing solutions are 50-100ppm.
I'm just going off the results of coloration codes on the Quaternary test, the strip didn't turn the dark dark green, but a shade or two lighter. The full strength sanitizer on the testing kit is at 400 ppm. Thankfully, I've finally started digesting food again and am having more regular looking bowl movements instead of a movement that look as though I took My food and dumped it in the toilet.

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