Hussein bullies "Little Sisters of the Poor" and no outrage


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
It's reminiscent of the old Peter Sellers dual role in the old anti-nuke movie "How I stopped worrying and learned to love the bomb". The Hussein administration tells the Little Sisters "show me your papers". When they refuse the "Justice" Dept freaking sues the Catholic Nuns and you can almost imagine A.G. Holder on the phone with Hussein "but mein fuherer they refuse to sign the papers, should we round them up and place them in the camps"?
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It's reminiscent of the old Peter Sellers dual role in the old anti-nuke movie "How I stopped worrying and learned to love the bomb". The Hussein administration tells the Little Sisters "show me your papers". When they refuse the "Justice" Dept freaking sues the Catholic Nuns and you can almost imagine A.G. Holder on the phone with Hussein "but mein fuherer they refuse to sign the papers, should we round them up and place them in the camps"?

Bullies? If requiring a one page form be filled out is "bullying"....I'm bullied by the government on almost a daily basis. Where can I sign up to have people like you start thread after thread about how I am being "bullied"?
It's reminiscent of the old Peter Sellers dual role in the old anti-nuke movie "How I stopped worrying and learned to love the bomb". The Hussein administration tells the Little Sisters "show me your papers". When they refuse the "Justice" Dept freaking sues the Catholic Nuns and you can almost imagine A.G. Holder on the phone with Hussein "but mein fuherer they refuse to sign the papers, should we round them up and place them in the camps"?

Bullies? If requiring a one page form be filled out is "bullying"....I'm bullied by the government on almost a daily basis. Where can I sign up to have people like you start thread after thread about how I am being "bullied"?

Ah, the key word is "requiring". When the federal government "requires" innocent people to fill out a form and then tells them not to worry about it, it is reminiscent of about 70 years ago in Germany. The Little Sisters have been doing good work for a hundred years. All of a sudden the (neo-fascist) federal government comes along and sues the poor people for failing to swear that they will not only support but finance birth control which is against their religious beliefs. The A.G. tells the Nuns "don't worry about it , it's just a form" and then the incredible might of the federal government comes down on them because they signed the form.
It's reminiscent of the old Peter Sellers dual role in the old anti-nuke movie "How I stopped worrying and learned to love the bomb". The Hussein administration tells the Little Sisters "show me your papers". When they refuse the "Justice" Dept freaking sues the Catholic Nuns and you can almost imagine A.G. Holder on the phone with Hussein "but mein fuherer they refuse to sign the papers, should we round them up and place them in the camps"?

Bullies? If requiring a one page form be filled out is "bullying"....I'm bullied by the government on almost a daily basis. Where can I sign up to have people like you start thread after thread about how I am being "bullied"?

Ah, the key word is "requiring". When the federal government "requires" innocent people to fill out a form and then tells them not to worry about it, it is reminiscent of about 70 years ago in Germany. The Little Sisters have been doing good work for a hundred years. All of a sudden the (neo-fascist) federal government comes along and sues the poor people for failing to swear that they will not only support but finance birth control which is against their religious beliefs. The A.G. tells the Nuns "don't worry about it , it's just a form" and then the incredible might of the federal government comes down on them because they signed the form.
So...I am required to fill out forms too. When will you be starting a thread about poor me and how I am persecuted by the government because I am required to fill out forms?
Bullies? If requiring a one page form be filled out is "bullying"....I'm bullied by the government on almost a daily basis. Where can I sign up to have people like you start thread after thread about how I am being "bullied"?

Ah, the key word is "requiring". When the federal government "requires" innocent people to fill out a form and then tells them not to worry about it, it is reminiscent of about 70 years ago in Germany. The Little Sisters have been doing good work for a hundred years. All of a sudden the (neo-fascist) federal government comes along and sues the poor people for failing to swear that they will not only support but finance birth control which is against their religious beliefs. The A.G. tells the Nuns "don't worry about it , it's just a form" and then the incredible might of the federal government comes down on them because they signed the form.
So...I am required to fill out forms too. When will you be starting a thread about poor me and how I am persecuted by the government because I am required to fill out forms?

Go ahead and fill out your forms. When you sign a document that indicates that you are willing to violate your religious beliefs in exchange for lenient treatment by the government it's time to re-consider the government's agenda.
Its the all powerful and wealthy catholic church that is the biggest bully on the planet.

Ah, the key word is "requiring". When the federal government "requires" innocent people to fill out a form and then tells them not to worry about it, it is reminiscent of about 70 years ago in Germany. The Little Sisters have been doing good work for a hundred years. All of a sudden the (neo-fascist) federal government comes along and sues the poor people for failing to swear that they will not only support but finance birth control which is against their religious beliefs. The A.G. tells the Nuns "don't worry about it , it's just a form" and then the incredible might of the federal government comes down on them because they signed the form.
So...I am required to fill out forms too. When will you be starting a thread about poor me and how I am persecuted by the government because I am required to fill out forms?

Go ahead and fill out your forms. When you sign a document that indicates that you are willing to violate your religious beliefs in exchange for lenient treatment by the government it's time to re-consider the government's agenda.

We all fill out forms for the government certifying this or that, particularly on our tax returns. No 1st Amendment violations exist in filling out and signing the document, unless the Nuns intend to violate their vows and get pregnant.

Your comments are the type to which Jindal refers to as from the party of stupid.
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Go ahead and fill out your forms. When you sign a document that indicates that you are willing to violate your religious beliefs in exchange for lenient treatment by the government it's time to re-consider the government's agenda.

Does the form do that?
If by bully you mean the Catholic Church is one of the largest CHARITY organizations on the planet, ...well, I suppose they're bullies.

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