Hunter Biden's Laptop not Russian disinformation.


Platinum Member
Jun 11, 2020
Several emails allegedly composed by the son of the Democratic presidential nominee appear to show terms of agreement with Chinese and Ukrainian companies. The laptop reportedly reveals how Biden was contracted out to receive $10 million a year for three years simply for making introductions and having direct access to the Obama White House.


"Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo repeatedly asked if "the big guy" is a reference toward Joe Biden being allegedly set up to receive 10 percent of the international consulting fee payout."


I wonder how the Dimsocialists on the board will try to spin this.

First off: It comes from Fox News.


I wonder how the Dimsocialists on the board will try to spin this.

First off: It comes from Fox News.

Oh, sources said eh?
Several emails allegedly composed by the son of the Democratic presidential nominee appear to show terms of agreement with Chinese and Ukrainian companies. The laptop reportedly reveals how Biden was contracted out to receive $10 million a year for three years simply for making introductions and having direct access to the Obama White House.


"Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo repeatedly asked if "the big guy" is a reference toward Joe Biden being allegedly set up to receive 10 percent of the international consulting fee payout."
Of course it's not disinformation. However, the Dems are using farce to buy time to lie extortionist Joe Biden's election into office. All that, and they well know he stalked the Benjamins from US gifts to hurting 3rd world countries by taking 30% of that money that originated in American taxpayer paychecks heisted from Congress gifts to the down and out countries.

I wonder how the Dimsocialists on the board will try to spin this.

First off: It comes from Fox News.

Oh, sources said eh?
And pedophilia specialist is involved as well.

They really went out of their way to elect the pedocratic shill candidate.

I wonder how the Dimsocialists on the board will try to spin this.

First off: It comes from Fox News.

Brennan and the MSM propagandist once again used the Russia spin to the story (just how dumb do they think the viewers that are left?)
Which means Brennan is still involved in dissinformation and election meddling.
So is the CIA cool with former agents committing treason and coups and destroying the agency risking its existance as an agency or are they gonna come forth with the evidence they have that John Brennan is acting as a foreign agent and save the CIA's reputation?
What the hell do you people think is going to happen here? Not going to happen. This laptop affair stinks to high-heaven. Also you people are getting enraged by something Trump's kids are doing right out in the open.
So...if it isn't Russian disinformation...does that mean it's American disinformation?
What the hell do you people think is going to happen here? Not going to happen. This laptop affair stinks to high-heaven. Also you people are getting enraged by something Trump's kids are doing right out in the open.
I'd ask what that would be, but Im scared you'd try to tell me.
What the hell do you people think is going to happen here? Not going to happen. This laptop affair stinks to high-heaven. Also you people are getting enraged by something Trump's kids are doing right out in the open.
Stfu,, your tds it’s annoying. Trump kids are professionals there in the real estate industry. they aren’t going to China and going to other countries asking for deals because there father is president.. they do business have been doing long before his father ran.
So can we have Adam Schiff expelled from Congress for his obvious lie about KNOWING that the laptop came directly from "The Kremlin"?
That clown should have his security clearance yanked.
At a minimum, he should be questioned in front of a Senate panel and forced to present his "evidence" since he stated on national TV he "KNOWS" it came from the Kremlin.
What the hell do you people think is going to happen here? Not going to happen. This laptop affair stinks to high-heaven. Also you people are getting enraged by something Trump's kids are doing right out in the open.
I'd ask what that would be, but Im scared you'd try to tell me.
Let me rephrase. You don't care that Trump's kids are selling access to the president, just fucking fine, but Biden should be prosecuted on evidence that seems to be manufactured.
What the hell do you people think is going to happen here? Not going to happen. This laptop affair stinks to high-heaven. Also you people are getting enraged by something Trump's kids are doing right out in the open.
Stfu,, your tds it’s annoying. Trump kids are professionals there in the real estate industry. they aren’t going to China and going to other countries asking for deals because there father is president.. they do business have been doing long before his father ran.
LOL, not a valid argument. Even if he were an otherwise honest person Trump is already a conflict of interest nightmare.
What the hell do you people think is going to happen here? Not going to happen. This laptop affair stinks to high-heaven. Also you people are getting enraged by something Trump's kids are doing right out in the open.
Biden was guilty as sin before this.............No large Gas company needs a Crack head to run it..........Your HERO HAS BEEN SELLING INFLUENCE.....He did it here and in China..........been doing it for 50 years......

And you know it..............awe.........lap top showing a crack head and you are desperate to hide it........poor thing.


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