Hundreds of U.S. citizens, Afghan commandos successfully evacuated through secret CIA base

Sure Trump was play golf he wasn't the CIC. Bidung was.

And he did get many out but he left some behind. No if, if, if, if about that.

I guess that's your idea of tough shit.

Trump was always busy watching TV, tweeting and playing golf.
Ain't no Prog feminists did this. the deep state they have a massive say did if true. These people overseas are going to to eviscerate you if they ever get here.

What? Do you think the Taliban is going to attack the US?
The guy who signed the deal withdrew no civilians only military units why did he not do the job he started?
because the taliban hadn’t met the conditions required for a withdraw. Hence he didn’t withdraw

this really isn’t a hard concept

Trump wasn’t going to allow the Taliban to do what Xiden allowed

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