Humans Are not made to travel into Space. Its a waste of Money.

After that, please explain the mass beachings.
No, you lazy, dishonest turd. Look it up yourself. I am not your assistant. If you think that phenomenon supports anything you say or undermines evolution, then make your own point, ya helpless little baby, and tell us why that is.
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ETA: What happened to the check and MATE haha?
Let's check the scoreboard:

Evolution remains an accepted fact. No, an uneducated slob who knows less than nothing about evolution screaming"it was magic!" on the internet poses no actual challenge to the most robust scientific theory in the history of mankind..

Thanks for asking!
ETA: What happened to the check and MATE haha?
Let's check the scoreboard:

Evolution remains an accepted fact. No, an ineducated slob who knows less than nothing about evolution screaming"it was magic!" on the internet poses no actual challenge to the most robust scientific theory in the history of mankind..

Thanks for asking!
Actually, cetaceans would not fit into that statement. They are not fish, nor birds, nor livestock, nor do they creep. Maybe you could argue that "over all the earth" means every thing on the Earth, but then what's the point of all the specific examples before and after it? :p

You gonna explain cetaceans or even whales to ancient peoples haha? I doubt that word was around back then as it was explained as great fish. The Bible wasn't written as a science book.
And you quote mine what I said in order to avoid responding to the tough questions I brought up as usual.
Are you high? You only asked one question:

"Why do whales beach themselves."

And I mocked you for being at beat embarrassingly lazy, at worst dishonestly asking questions.

Since you won't provide a diagram
Other than the one I posted on this page? What the hell is wrong with your brain?

Thus, it took about 50 million years forPakicetusto evolve into a modern whale.
You fool...the chart you posted clearly shows that Pakicetus did not evolve into whales, but split from their ancestral line long ago. Dude, seriously, are you high?

That question wasn't to you but you could not help interrupting.

My questions for you were:
1. Why don't you show a picture of these transitional whale fossils? I bet I can demonstrate they could be something else.
2. How many times do I have to tell you God used similar parts by design? And are you going to go into your DNA percentages again, i.e. statistical arguments to rebut? Bottom line is even if chimps and humans have 96% same DNA, there are still 4% difference and out of the difference it equates to DNA expression of 29% same proteins and 71% different proteins. Moreover, there are 35 million differences in molecules and 5 million places where the human DNA either has more or fewer bases than chimp DNA. This is practical evidence of no common ancestor. Yet, you do not have the transitional evidence of tailed to tailless monkeys, monkeys to chimps and gorillas, nor the transitional evidence of apes/chimps to humans. I'm still waiting.

I'll stop here as I'm wasting my time typing lol.
When I read the first post I had to laugh. I would say that if he had been born earlier in history then he would have been strongly against going to far in ther ocean as he might fall off the world. Same thinking. Lack of knowledge does that to stupid people. Gongrads to the original poster as he is a true flat worlder.
1. Why don't you show a picture of these transitional whale fossils?
Because you can look them up yourself. I am not your mommy.

2. How many times do I have to tell you God used similar parts by design?
It doesn't matter how many times. That will always represent you rejecting evidence and determinism and substituting magic. Which immediately removes you from any discussion involving evidence or causality. You have admitted you cannot account for the evidence, and have retreated to "it's magic!", placing you on intellectual par with 3 year olds.

I answered both of those questions earlier. But i understand how high you are, so i was kind enough to repeat myself.
I will.
It is believed powerful sonar is confusing marine life causing mass beachings. We have risen the noise levels in the oceans and sound is more powerful in water.
Does Military Sonar Kill Marine Wildlife?

Nice. But it helps my argument that man doms cetaceans.

"Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” Genesis 1:26
1. Why don't you show a picture of these transitional whale fossils?
Because you can look them up yourself. I am not your mommy.

2. How many times do I have to tell you God used similar parts by design?
It doesn't matter how many times. That will always represent you rejecting evidence and determinism and substituting magic. Which immediately removes you from any discussion involving evidence or causality. You have admitted you cannot account for the evidence, and have retreated to "it's magic!", placing you on intellectual par with 3 year olds.

I answered both of those questions earlier. But i understand how high you are, so i was kind enough to repeat myself.
I've tried looking them up and came up with nothing,,,
Years long missions could be carried out on ships with artificial gravity.

The Cosmic Gama ray radiation that any Mars three year mission Astronauts would be exposed to, if they make it to Mars or are able to lift off of Mars once they land, could kill them all.

Driving down your street could kill you too.

If you look at the technology that is a direct result of the space program, you will see it has been well worth the money.

If you don't want to go to space, don't go.
I'm all for sending libs to mars.

Says the bible is not a science book.

Quotes it as scientific authority 3 minutes later.

Smokin' the Jesus crack...
Ya like ribz ?
Do you?

I will.
It is believed powerful sonar is confusing marine life causing mass beachings. We have risen the noise levels in the oceans and sound is more powerful in water.
Does Military Sonar Kill Marine Wildlife?

Nice. But it helps my argument that man doms cetaceans.

"Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” Genesis 1:26
We still don't dominate the bacterial world despite medical advances. All our livestock and the worlds wildlife is susceptible to the most ancient organisms.
We are open to destruction from organisms, global and cosmic disaster and even by our own hand. Only thing we dominate is our own arrogance.
ETA: What happened to the check and MATE haha?
Let's check the scoreboard:

Evolution remains an accepted fact. No, an uneducated slob who knows less than nothing about evolution screaming"it was magic!" on the internet poses no actual challenge to the most robust scientific theory in the history of mankind..

Thanks for asking!

Hahahahahahahaha. We're back to evolution is FACT cause I say so must point scoring.

I didn't even use the word magic until you did and pointed out it appears as magic to you because of your puny brain. Some people here think aliens or cetaceans have superior brains compared to humans and are plotting to take over Earth because of Earthlings puny brains. That isn't magic to you?
I will.
It is believed powerful sonar is confusing marine life causing mass beachings. We have risen the noise levels in the oceans and sound is more powerful in water.
Does Military Sonar Kill Marine Wildlife?

Nice. But it helps my argument that man doms cetaceans.

"Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” Genesis 1:26
We still don't dominate the bacterial world despite medical advances. All our livestock and the worlds wildlife is susceptible to the most ancient organisms.
We are open to destruction from organisms, global and cosmic disaster and even by our own hand. Only thing we dominate is our own arrogance.
But nature does provide its own check on cataclysms via pathogens. When they become very deadly, they kill their hosts, limiting transmission.

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