Humanity Is Not Fungi...

Jay Zepher

Aug 21, 2020
Other than a single celled creature called Tetrahymena thermophila, certain species of fungi, some algae, and I think clam shrimp, biologics are solely two sex beings. As humans are not fungi or any of the microbial or other creatures that might have more than one sex it is relatively obvious to denote the characteristic they share with all other animal species, that of being binary or having only two sexes. The idea that there is a third human sex is a creation of the human psyche in relation to the more emotional aspect of the person and in order to substantiate this more than belief and actual certainty of the person committed to it examples are attested to of individuals who've completed procedures to change their sex that this is in fact the person in their rightful sex, while realistically this is highly elaborate fantasy on a global scale such as has been rarely seen, though historically similar phenomenon have occurred. Even today in certain cults and religions people can claim with conviction that what they experienced is genuine.
The proof of what individuals are of course lies in their DNA. Surgically altering a person's body and infusing them with hormones does not alter the body's creation of XX chromosomes if female and XY if male. Hormone blockers may stop production of female or male hormones but it does not alter the bodies ability to produce what it was born to produce and will continue to produce if the hormone blockers are taken away, which is why hormone therapy can be reversed and why someone born male and changed to female cannot have babies, as there is no DNA code in the hormones that can create a uterus and other female baby producing organs. In other words, the sex change is only "skin deep" and "hormone deep." In order to effectively and thoroughly change one human sex to another the DNA itself must be altered, not transferred through hormone therapy. That is, XX chromosomes must be changed to XY and vice versa.
And that is a technology that science presently does not possess. It means manipulating DNA, and if scientists could do that they could not only change one sex to another, but also change one species to another, perhaps integrate animal genes into human to create something totally different, or even create superhuman beings or people with different abilities.
Again, that is a technology beyond the present day, nor likely to exist anytime soon. Therefore, if you're male who's had a sex change with today's technology, you are still a male, and vice versa for females. No matter what's going on in your head. This is about the physical being.
We are just not advanced enough yet to truly change a person's sex.
I'm fairly well convinced that some of our posters are, indeed, quite fungal in nature.

I've seen better stuff growing in that last little dollop of beer in the glass of forgotten shower beer I left in the bathroom three weeks ago.

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