Human Caused Global Warming

But the data doesn't show that, Frank. That's been explained to you before.

And even if it did, it wouldn't mean what deniers claim it means. The present is not required to act like the past, given conditions in the present are wildly different. A third grader grasps such common sense, but nearly every denier doesn't. Most deniers are literally just morons.
But the data doesn't show that, Frank. That's been explained to you before.

And even if it did, it wouldn't mean what deniers claim it means. The present is not required to act like the past, given conditions in the present are wildly different. A third grader grasps such common sense, but nearly every denier doesn't. Most deniers are literally just morons.

You sound literally insane.

First you tell me that the data isnt really showing CO2 lagging temperature for 800,000 consecutive years, then you're telling me that even if it did, modern CO2 is different.

But the data doesn't show that, Frank. That's been explained to you before.

And even if it did, it wouldn't mean what deniers claim it means. The present is not required to act like the past, given conditions in the present are wildly different. A third grader grasps such common sense, but nearly every denier doesn't. Most deniers are literally just morons.

You sound literally insane.

First you tell me that the data isnt really showing CO2 lagging temperature for 800,000 consecutive years, then you're telling me that even if it did, modern CO2 is different.

you see this over here, it is a bean and you see this over here, this is a bean. I know it looks like an egg, but I'm liberal left and it's a bean. I said so, so therefore it is. Frank, Don't you just love this stuff. Skooks has it pegged everyday on here. Like I've posted many times today, them lefties love to post the stupid.

And if you want more, go to [email protected]. :lmao:
You sound literally insane.

You don't run well. You lean so crazily to the right, you just go in circles.

First you tell me that the data isnt really showing CO2 lagging temperature for 800,000 consecutive years

Yep. Do learn the basics, will you?

The easy way out is to compare ice core layer readings for CO2 and temperature from the same ice layer. That's the wrong way.

CO2 measurements come from the trapped air in the air bubbles in the ice.

Temperature measurements come from the ice itself.

As the ice is laid down, it remains air-permeable for thousands of years. Thus, the air in the bubbles is much younger than the ice those bubbles are trapped in. Thus, if you simply compare from the same layers, you get a totally wrong answer. If you line up the layers correctly, CO2 is found to match temperature increase, not lag it.

Synchronous Change of Atmospheric CO2 and Antarctic Temperature During the Last Deglacial Warming
Understanding the role of atmospheric CO2 during past climate changes requires clear knowledge of how it varies in time relative to temperature. Antarctic ice cores preserve highly resolved records of atmospheric CO2 and Antarctic temperature for the past 800,000 years. Here we propose a revised relative age scale for the concentration of atmospheric CO2 and Antarctic temperature for the last deglacial warming, using data from five Antarctic ice cores. We infer the phasing between CO2 concentration and Antarctic temperature at four times when their trends change abruptly. We find no significant asynchrony between them, indicating that Antarctic temperature did not begin to rise hundreds of years before the concentration of atmospheric CO2, as has been suggested by earlier studies.

You will, of course, keep pretending you never saw this science, since your cult commands it of you.

Then you're telling me that even if it did, modern CO2 is different.

Nobody has ever told you such a crazy thing. And that's why you and your cult have such a bad reputation, because you choose to lie about everything.

And jc, the grownups are trying to talk. Please have your tantrums at the kiddie table down in the basement.
You sound literally insane.

You don't run well. You lean so crazily to the right, you just go in circles.

First you tell me that the data isnt really showing CO2 lagging temperature for 800,000 consecutive years

Yep. Do learn the basics, will you?

The easy way out is to compare ice core layer readings for CO2 and temperature from the same ice layer. That's the wrong way.

CO2 measurements come from the trapped air in the air bubbles in the ice.

Temperature measurements come from the ice itself.

As the ice is laid down, it remains air-permeable for thousands of years. Thus, the air in the bubbles is much younger than the ice those bubbles are trapped in. Thus, if you simply compare from the same layers, you get a totally wrong answer. If you line up the layers correctly, CO2 is found to match temperature increase, not lag it.

Synchronous Change of Atmospheric CO2 and Antarctic Temperature During the Last Deglacial Warming
Understanding the role of atmospheric CO2 during past climate changes requires clear knowledge of how it varies in time relative to temperature. Antarctic ice cores preserve highly resolved records of atmospheric CO2 and Antarctic temperature for the past 800,000 years. Here we propose a revised relative age scale for the concentration of atmospheric CO2 and Antarctic temperature for the last deglacial warming, using data from five Antarctic ice cores. We infer the phasing between CO2 concentration and Antarctic temperature at four times when their trends change abruptly. We find no significant asynchrony between them, indicating that Antarctic temperature did not begin to rise hundreds of years before the concentration of atmospheric CO2, as has been suggested by earlier studies.

You will, of course, keep pretending you never saw this science, since your cult commands it of you.

Then you're telling me that even if it did, modern CO2 is different.

Nobody has ever told you such a crazy thing. And that's why you and your cult have such a bad reputation, because you choose to lie about everything.

And jc, the grownups are trying to talk. Please have your tantrums at the kiddie table down in the basement.

Let me see if I understand this, the unaltered data refuses to validate your insane theory, so you adjust the data to fit your insane theory.

Also since your latest lie is that CO2 won't raise temperature until thousands of years later...whats the problem?
Frank, I'm sure nobody expected you'd be able to locate your balls and address the science. You're just fundamentally yellow, down to your innermost core. A perfect denier cultist, in other words.
Billy Bob said:
SIlly you...

You think CO2 has never before been higher than today?
That is an outright lie and a fabrication. You should check your sources more carefully.
View attachment 35838

We have been well over 7,000ppm and the earth has been over 1,500 for most of its history.

Epic Cult FAIL

Stupid you Billy Bob...

Can you not read?!?!?

We can read the unbroken record of Earth's atmosphere that extends back over the last 800,000 years. In all that time, the amount of carbon dioxide in the air never rose above three-hundredths of one percent.

Cherry PICKING YOUR START TIME SO YOU CAN CLAIM MAN IS THE TOTAL INFLUENCE IS BOGUS. That is the reason I choose to call the lie out. It is you that cant read or is is simply that you dont want to be shown a fool for crying its all man made when empirical evidence says it is not.?
I didn't cherry pick jack shit. That was what the man said and it was that to which you FAILED to respond. You're the liar, not him.
In my thread "Will You Vote Republican," somebody who goes by Vigilante sent me a reply that seems to refute the whole human caused global warming thing. But I thought my reply is something that you would all like to weigh in on.

Each year, all the volcanoes on earth put out an estimated 200 MILLION tons of CO2. Though some of this of course goes directly into the oceans. Humans on the other hand are responsible for an estimated 26.8 BILLION tons per year. Also, anybody who wishes to can look up a graph of the ammount of CO2 humans have put out since the beginning of the industrial revolution. Lately, human generated CO2 appears to be going up at a rate that is beyond exponential. There is a good chance that temperatures will follow suit.

This past summer, temperatures were fairly cool around where I live. But from what I have seen, if there are cooler temperatures in one area, it means that temperatures are hotter in another area of the earth.

I have a sister who is a human caused global warming denier. She points that in the far distant past, atmospheric CO2 levels were much higher than they are now. Which is true. Around one hundred million years ago or so, they were much higher. Apparently because of the breakup of the continents, things have been cooling down over a long time. Causing many ice ages. But as far as I have seen, this isn't something that happened a very long time ago. When global CO2 levels were much higher. We are in uncharted territory. No doubt there is much more methane in places like frozen tundra or shallow seas than there was in the far past. And methane is 20 times better at causing global warming than CO2. Just how much warming will it take for that to start getting released in ever greater quantity. It's hard to say. But there is one thing I know for sure. Most people don't really care what happens. As long as it happens to someone else.

I heard this while watching The Cosmos. The new one. Everyone should watch the old one and the new one.

We can read the unbroken record of Earth's atmosphere that extends back over the last 800,000 years. In all that time, the amount of carbon dioxide in the air never rose above three-hundredths of one percent. That is, until the turn of the 20th century. It's now more than 40% higher than before the Industrial Revolution. By burning coal, oil and gas, our civilization is exhaling carbon dioxide much faster than Earth can absorb it. So CO2 is building up in the atmosphere. The planet is heating up.

All right but how do we know that we're the problem? Maybe it's those damn volcanoes. Every few years, Mount Etna, in Sicily, blows its stack. Each big eruption sends millions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. Now, combine that with the output of all the other volcanic activity on the planet. Let's take the largest scientific estimate-- about 500 million tons of volcanic CO2 entering the atmosphere ever year.
Sounds like a lot, right? But that's not even two percent of the 30 billion tons of CO2 that our civilization is cranking out every year.

It's clear that the increased CO2 in the air is not from volcanoes. It's a pretty tight case. Our fingerprints are all over this one.
SIlly you...

You think CO2 has never before been higher than today? That is an outright lie and a fabrication. You should check your sources more carefully.
View attachment 35838

We have been well over 7,000ppm and the earth has been over 1,500 for most of its history.

Epic Cult FAIL

You are lying and/or wrong and the kind of co2 we spew out is different than volcanic co2 you idiot. Anyone who denies man made climate change is a fool and shouldn't even be listened to. Please don't reply back to me on this subject you dumb fuck. People like you are why we will go extinct. Humans have only been "in control" for 40,000 years. We know so little. You are proof of it. Watch the Cosmos with Sagan and Tyson. Watch both of them you dumb mother fucker.
So what happens when you combine Shankun's phony proxies with the thousand year delay in CO2 raising temperature and apply them to the Vostock Ice core, why the altered data perfectly matches the failed models and now shows CO2 driving the climate, amiright?
In my thread "Will You Vote Republican," somebody who goes by Vigilante sent me a reply that seems to refute the whole human caused global warming thing. But I thought my reply is something that you would all like to weigh in on.

Each year, all the volcanoes on earth put out an estimated 200 MILLION tons of CO2. Though some of this of course goes directly into the oceans. Humans on the other hand are responsible for an estimated 26.8 BILLION tons per year. Also, anybody who wishes to can look up a graph of the ammount of CO2 humans have put out since the beginning of the industrial revolution. Lately, human generated CO2 appears to be going up at a rate that is beyond exponential. There is a good chance that temperatures will follow suit.

This past summer, temperatures were fairly cool around where I live. But from what I have seen, if there are cooler temperatures in one area, it means that temperatures are hotter in another area of the earth.

I have a sister who is a human caused global warming denier. She points that in the far distant past, atmospheric CO2 levels were much higher than they are now. Which is true. Around one hundred million years ago or so, they were much higher. Apparently because of the breakup of the continents, things have been cooling down over a long time. Causing many ice ages. But as far as I have seen, this isn't something that happened a very long time ago. When global CO2 levels were much higher. We are in uncharted territory. No doubt there is much more methane in places like frozen tundra or shallow seas than there was in the far past. And methane is 20 times better at causing global warming than CO2. Just how much warming will it take for that to start getting released in ever greater quantity. It's hard to say. But there is one thing I know for sure. Most people don't really care what happens. As long as it happens to someone else.

I heard this while watching The Cosmos. The new one. Everyone should watch the old one and the new one.

We can read the unbroken record of Earth's atmosphere that extends back over the last 800,000 years. In all that time, the amount of carbon dioxide in the air never rose above three-hundredths of one percent. That is, until the turn of the 20th century. It's now more than 40% higher than before the Industrial Revolution. By burning coal, oil and gas, our civilization is exhaling carbon dioxide much faster than Earth can absorb it. So CO2 is building up in the atmosphere. The planet is heating up.

All right but how do we know that we're the problem? Maybe it's those damn volcanoes. Every few years, Mount Etna, in Sicily, blows its stack. Each big eruption sends millions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. Now, combine that with the output of all the other volcanic activity on the planet. Let's take the largest scientific estimate-- about 500 million tons of volcanic CO2 entering the atmosphere ever year.
Sounds like a lot, right? But that's not even two percent of the 30 billion tons of CO2 that our civilization is cranking out every year.

It's clear that the increased CO2 in the air is not from volcanoes. It's a pretty tight case. Our fingerprints are all over this one.
SIlly you...

You think CO2 has never before been higher than today? That is an outright lie and a fabrication. You should check your sources more carefully.
View attachment 35838

We have been well over 7,000ppm and the earth has been over 1,500 for most of its history.

Epic Cult FAIL

You are lying and/or wrong and the kind of co2 we spew out is different than volcanic co2 you idiot. Anyone who denies man made climate change is a fool and shouldn't even be listened to. Please don't reply back to me on this subject you dumb fuck. People like you are why we will go extinct. Humans have only been "in control" for 40,000 years. We know so little. You are proof of it. Watch the Cosmos with Sagan and Tyson. Watch both of them you dumb mother fucker.
This is sooooooo typical leftist stupidness. bobo just showin us all how the left works. See I tell you something and you are not allowed to counter argue, you will sit and adhere to the program thus you are a liar denier, etc. Dude, you got jack. Just remember who told you that. JC456. you got jack. Now you wish to discuss the topic in a debate environment, then provide us the lab work from the experiment that proves your foolish claim. Anytime!!!!

Don't forget, I got Herr Koch 1901 proving my side of the debate. I have an open challenge to disprove that one experiment. Ready set, go!!!!
In my thread "Will You Vote Republican," somebody who goes by Vigilante sent me a reply that seems to refute the whole human caused global warming thing. But I thought my reply is something that you would all like to weigh in on.

Each year, all the volcanoes on earth put out an estimated 200 MILLION tons of CO2. Though some of this of course goes directly into the oceans. Humans on the other hand are responsible for an estimated 26.8 BILLION tons per year. Also, anybody who wishes to can look up a graph of the ammount of CO2 humans have put out since the beginning of the industrial revolution. Lately, human generated CO2 appears to be going up at a rate that is beyond exponential. There is a good chance that temperatures will follow suit.

This past summer, temperatures were fairly cool around where I live. But from what I have seen, if there are cooler temperatures in one area, it means that temperatures are hotter in another area of the earth.

I have a sister who is a human caused global warming denier. She points that in the far distant past, atmospheric CO2 levels were much higher than they are now. Which is true. Around one hundred million years ago or so, they were much higher. Apparently because of the breakup of the continents, things have been cooling down over a long time. Causing many ice ages. But as far as I have seen, this isn't something that happened a very long time ago. When global CO2 levels were much higher. We are in uncharted territory. No doubt there is much more methane in places like frozen tundra or shallow seas than there was in the far past. And methane is 20 times better at causing global warming than CO2. Just how much warming will it take for that to start getting released in ever greater quantity. It's hard to say. But there is one thing I know for sure. Most people don't really care what happens. As long as it happens to someone else.

I heard this while watching The Cosmos. The new one. Everyone should watch the old one and the new one.

We can read the unbroken record of Earth's atmosphere that extends back over the last 800,000 years. In all that time, the amount of carbon dioxide in the air never rose above three-hundredths of one percent. That is, until the turn of the 20th century. It's now more than 40% higher than before the Industrial Revolution. By burning coal, oil and gas, our civilization is exhaling carbon dioxide much faster than Earth can absorb it. So CO2 is building up in the atmosphere. The planet is heating up.

All right but how do we know that we're the problem? Maybe it's those damn volcanoes. Every few years, Mount Etna, in Sicily, blows its stack. Each big eruption sends millions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. Now, combine that with the output of all the other volcanic activity on the planet. Let's take the largest scientific estimate-- about 500 million tons of volcanic CO2 entering the atmosphere ever year.
Sounds like a lot, right? But that's not even two percent of the 30 billion tons of CO2 that our civilization is cranking out every year.

It's clear that the increased CO2 in the air is not from volcanoes. It's a pretty tight case. Our fingerprints are all over this one.
SIlly you...

You think CO2 has never before been higher than today? That is an outright lie and a fabrication. You should check your sources more carefully.
View attachment 35838

We have been well over 7,000ppm and the earth has been over 1,500 for most of its history.

Epic Cult FAIL

You are lying and/or wrong and the kind of co2 we spew out is different than volcanic co2 you idiot. Anyone who denies man made climate change is a fool and shouldn't even be listened to. Please don't reply back to me on this subject you dumb fuck. People like you are why we will go extinct. Humans have only been "in control" for 40,000 years. We know so little. You are proof of it. Watch the Cosmos with Sagan and Tyson. Watch both of them you dumb mother fucker.
This is sooooooo typical leftist stupidness. bobo just showin us all how the left works. See I tell you something and you are not allowed to counter argue, you will sit and adhere to the program thus you are a liar denier, etc. Dude, you got jack. Just remember who told you that. JC456. you got jack. Now you wish to discuss the topic in a debate environment, then provide us the lab work from the experiment that proves your foolish claim. Anytime!!!!

Don't forget, I got Herr Koch 1901 proving my side of the debate. I have an open challenge to disprove that one experiment. Ready set, go!!!!

I can either listen to you and 33 right wing scientists who have been paid to deny global warming or the majority of scientists, all the other countries who know GW is happening, NASA.

Yea, I'll worry about what some stupid libertarian on USMB thinks. Fuck you. NASA is all I need to say. Do I believe you, the corporations who want to continue burning fossil fuels or NASA and science. No brainer just like you. I'll remember JC456 is a stupid fuck.
In my thread "Will You Vote Republican," somebody who goes by Vigilante sent me a reply that seems to refute the whole human caused global warming thing. But I thought my reply is something that you would all like to weigh in on.

Each year, all the volcanoes on earth put out an estimated 200 MILLION tons of CO2. Though some of this of course goes directly into the oceans. Humans on the other hand are responsible for an estimated 26.8 BILLION tons per year. Also, anybody who wishes to can look up a graph of the ammount of CO2 humans have put out since the beginning of the industrial revolution. Lately, human generated CO2 appears to be going up at a rate that is beyond exponential. There is a good chance that temperatures will follow suit.

This past summer, temperatures were fairly cool around where I live. But from what I have seen, if there are cooler temperatures in one area, it means that temperatures are hotter in another area of the earth.

I have a sister who is a human caused global warming denier. She points that in the far distant past, atmospheric CO2 levels were much higher than they are now. Which is true. Around one hundred million years ago or so, they were much higher. Apparently because of the breakup of the continents, things have been cooling down over a long time. Causing many ice ages. But as far as I have seen, this isn't something that happened a very long time ago. When global CO2 levels were much higher. We are in uncharted territory. No doubt there is much more methane in places like frozen tundra or shallow seas than there was in the far past. And methane is 20 times better at causing global warming than CO2. Just how much warming will it take for that to start getting released in ever greater quantity. It's hard to say. But there is one thing I know for sure. Most people don't really care what happens. As long as it happens to someone else.

I heard this while watching The Cosmos. The new one. Everyone should watch the old one and the new one.

We can read the unbroken record of Earth's atmosphere that extends back over the last 800,000 years. In all that time, the amount of carbon dioxide in the air never rose above three-hundredths of one percent. That is, until the turn of the 20th century. It's now more than 40% higher than before the Industrial Revolution. By burning coal, oil and gas, our civilization is exhaling carbon dioxide much faster than Earth can absorb it. So CO2 is building up in the atmosphere. The planet is heating up.

All right but how do we know that we're the problem? Maybe it's those damn volcanoes. Every few years, Mount Etna, in Sicily, blows its stack. Each big eruption sends millions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. Now, combine that with the output of all the other volcanic activity on the planet. Let's take the largest scientific estimate-- about 500 million tons of volcanic CO2 entering the atmosphere ever year.
Sounds like a lot, right? But that's not even two percent of the 30 billion tons of CO2 that our civilization is cranking out every year.

It's clear that the increased CO2 in the air is not from volcanoes. It's a pretty tight case. Our fingerprints are all over this one.
SIlly you...

You think CO2 has never before been higher than today? That is an outright lie and a fabrication. You should check your sources more carefully.
View attachment 35838

We have been well over 7,000ppm and the earth has been over 1,500 for most of its history.

Epic Cult FAIL

You are lying and/or wrong and the kind of co2 we spew out is different than volcanic co2 you idiot. Anyone who denies man made climate change is a fool and shouldn't even be listened to. Please don't reply back to me on this subject you dumb fuck. People like you are why we will go extinct. Humans have only been "in control" for 40,000 years. We know so little. You are proof of it. Watch the Cosmos with Sagan and Tyson. Watch both of them you dumb mother fucker.
This is sooooooo typical leftist stupidness. bobo just showin us all how the left works. See I tell you something and you are not allowed to counter argue, you will sit and adhere to the program thus you are a liar denier, etc. Dude, you got jack. Just remember who told you that. JC456. you got jack. Now you wish to discuss the topic in a debate environment, then provide us the lab work from the experiment that proves your foolish claim. Anytime!!!!

Don't forget, I got Herr Koch 1901 proving my side of the debate. I have an open challenge to disprove that one experiment. Ready set, go!!!!

I can either listen to you and 33 right wing scientists who have been paid to deny global warming or the majority of scientists, all the other countries who know GW is happening, NASA.

Yea, I'll worry about what some stupid libertarian on USMB thinks. Fuck you. NASA is all I need to say. Do I believe you, the corporations who want to continue burning fossil fuels or NASA and science. No brainer just like you. I'll remember JC456 is a stupid fuck.
You do know that NASA is a space agency right? They are not climate scientists. At least state your position correctly.

And, I knew your majority, didn't have the experiment to disprove my guy Herr Koch and the proof of what CO2 actually does. You don't want to debate, fine, just get off of here.
I heard this while watching The Cosmos. The new one. Everyone should watch the old one and the new one.

We can read the unbroken record of Earth's atmosphere that extends back over the last 800,000 years. In all that time, the amount of carbon dioxide in the air never rose above three-hundredths of one percent. That is, until the turn of the 20th century. It's now more than 40% higher than before the Industrial Revolution. By burning coal, oil and gas, our civilization is exhaling carbon dioxide much faster than Earth can absorb it. So CO2 is building up in the atmosphere. The planet is heating up.

All right but how do we know that we're the problem? Maybe it's those damn volcanoes. Every few years, Mount Etna, in Sicily, blows its stack. Each big eruption sends millions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. Now, combine that with the output of all the other volcanic activity on the planet. Let's take the largest scientific estimate-- about 500 million tons of volcanic CO2 entering the atmosphere ever year.
Sounds like a lot, right? But that's not even two percent of the 30 billion tons of CO2 that our civilization is cranking out every year.

It's clear that the increased CO2 in the air is not from volcanoes. It's a pretty tight case. Our fingerprints are all over this one.
SIlly you...

You think CO2 has never before been higher than today? That is an outright lie and a fabrication. You should check your sources more carefully.
View attachment 35838

We have been well over 7,000ppm and the earth has been over 1,500 for most of its history.

Epic Cult FAIL

You are lying and/or wrong and the kind of co2 we spew out is different than volcanic co2 you idiot. Anyone who denies man made climate change is a fool and shouldn't even be listened to. Please don't reply back to me on this subject you dumb fuck. People like you are why we will go extinct. Humans have only been "in control" for 40,000 years. We know so little. You are proof of it. Watch the Cosmos with Sagan and Tyson. Watch both of them you dumb mother fucker.
This is sooooooo typical leftist stupidness. bobo just showin us all how the left works. See I tell you something and you are not allowed to counter argue, you will sit and adhere to the program thus you are a liar denier, etc. Dude, you got jack. Just remember who told you that. JC456. you got jack. Now you wish to discuss the topic in a debate environment, then provide us the lab work from the experiment that proves your foolish claim. Anytime!!!!

Don't forget, I got Herr Koch 1901 proving my side of the debate. I have an open challenge to disprove that one experiment. Ready set, go!!!!

I can either listen to you and 33 right wing scientists who have been paid to deny global warming or the majority of scientists, all the other countries who know GW is happening, NASA.

Yea, I'll worry about what some stupid libertarian on USMB thinks. Fuck you. NASA is all I need to say. Do I believe you, the corporations who want to continue burning fossil fuels or NASA and science. No brainer just like you. I'll remember JC456 is a stupid fuck.
You do know that NASA is a space agency right? They are not climate scientists. At least state your position correctly.

And, I knew your majority, didn't have the experiment to disprove my guy Herr Koch and the proof of what CO2 actually does. You don't want to debate, fine, just get off of here.

Humans are a greedy ignorant self destructive species. I think everyone gets that at some level. But no one ever admits they are part of that society.
SIlly you...

You think CO2 has never before been higher than today? That is an outright lie and a fabrication. You should check your sources more carefully.
View attachment 35838

We have been well over 7,000ppm and the earth has been over 1,500 for most of its history.

Epic Cult FAIL

You are lying and/or wrong and the kind of co2 we spew out is different than volcanic co2 you idiot. Anyone who denies man made climate change is a fool and shouldn't even be listened to. Please don't reply back to me on this subject you dumb fuck. People like you are why we will go extinct. Humans have only been "in control" for 40,000 years. We know so little. You are proof of it. Watch the Cosmos with Sagan and Tyson. Watch both of them you dumb mother fucker.
This is sooooooo typical leftist stupidness. bobo just showin us all how the left works. See I tell you something and you are not allowed to counter argue, you will sit and adhere to the program thus you are a liar denier, etc. Dude, you got jack. Just remember who told you that. JC456. you got jack. Now you wish to discuss the topic in a debate environment, then provide us the lab work from the experiment that proves your foolish claim. Anytime!!!!

Don't forget, I got Herr Koch 1901 proving my side of the debate. I have an open challenge to disprove that one experiment. Ready set, go!!!!

I can either listen to you and 33 right wing scientists who have been paid to deny global warming or the majority of scientists, all the other countries who know GW is happening, NASA.

Yea, I'll worry about what some stupid libertarian on USMB thinks. Fuck you. NASA is all I need to say. Do I believe you, the corporations who want to continue burning fossil fuels or NASA and science. No brainer just like you. I'll remember JC456 is a stupid fuck.
You do know that NASA is a space agency right? They are not climate scientists. At least state your position correctly.

And, I knew your majority, didn't have the experiment to disprove my guy Herr Koch and the proof of what CO2 actually does. You don't want to debate, fine, just get off of here.

Humans are a greedy ignorant self destructive species. I think everyone gets that at some level. But no one ever admits they are part of that society.
I can either listen to you and 33 right wing scientists who have been paid to deny global warming or the majority of scientists, all the other countries who know GW is happening, NASA.

Yea, I'll worry about what some stupid libertarian on USMB thinks. Fuck you. NASA is all I need to say. Do I believe you, the corporations who want to continue burning fossil fuels or NASA and science. No brainer just like you. I'll remember JC456 is a stupid fuck.


As for CO2, please show me the lab work which differentiates types in our atmosphere and there respective latency rates.

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