Huff Post: Trump is Winning


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
While the Left chases Trumps tweets like a cat chases a laser light Trump keeps pushing his agenda thru.

Trump is winning and will continue to win. The thing that will most hurt the left, is that America will also keep winning. That’s why they are so foaming at the mouth crazy right now.
Why do you think the Left doesn't want America to win?
Yes, Trump is winning - at the expense of the poor and middle class. By the time his base wises up - it will be too late.

Actually no. The poor will allways be poor, they were poor all through the 0bama regime and they will be poor during Trump’s presidency. The middle class will benefit as well. Just watch, but make sure you have tissues handy, as much as a successful America saddens you.
Sort of funny that you lemmings see full filing promises to wealthy donors as winning for you. Amazing how blind people can choose to be
"wealthy donors and the far right"

That just reeks of ass hurt.

Now, I am considered the "far right" when I support certain non-interventionist policies proffered by Trump?

This "right" and "left" labeling bullshit has to end. It should be authoritarian v. libertarian, the former needing to die of lead poisoning.
Trump is winning and will continue to win. The thing that will most hurt the left, is that America will also keep winning. That’s why they are so foaming at the mouth crazy right now.
Why do you think the Left doesn't want America to win?

theyre globalists who want open borders and blame america for basically everything bad in history, in fact they rarely speak about how great america is unless they are getting votes. lefties in academia HATE america with a passion
Trump is winning and will continue to win. The thing that will most hurt the left, is that America will also keep winning. That’s why they are so foaming at the mouth crazy right now.
Why do you think the Left doesn't want America to win?

Because they do everything in their power to destroy it.
why would they want to destroy it?
Mentally unstable people often do not know why they take a destructive path.
While the Left chases Trumps tweets like a cat chases a laser light Trump keeps pushing his agenda thru.

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Of course Trump is winning. He was winning in 2015 when folks called him nothing but a rodeo clown. He was winning in 2016 when all the pundits laughed at his chances, and he has been winning steadily more ever since. We all have known it, the Left has known it too despite all their distractions, despite all claims otherwise, that is why they've been so bitter, flailing helplessly twisting in the Cheetos wind despite all their efforts, his candidacy has survived despite things that would have killed anyone else, and he has prospered in the face of all things that wouldn't work any other time, partly BECAUSE of the Left! Not only have they stepped it up on all things that drove voters away to vote Trump in the first place but the more they revile against him now, the more his supporters simply double down in their resolve to see him through.


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