Hr 3962 passes!

Show me the PLAN that promises a FUTURE, and I'll show you the devil.

2084, "THE Absolute Truth About Reality"

The symbol to the right represents
the entirety of reality:

Up, Down, Left, and Right
North, West, South, and East

In precisely the same manner, our SuperState contains all of reality.
There are four divinely-sanctioned power dimensions on earth:
The Supreme Ruling Group
The Supreme Liberation Army
The Supreme State Police
The Supreme Administrators
This four-square nature of reality is also proven by religion: There are four and only four authentic New Testament gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
(The apocryphal gospels are the work of anti-religious reality terrorists.)

Reality Terrorists

Unfortunately, there are some evil mind- terrorists who are now trying to undermine this reality.

By decree of the Supreme Ruling Group, you common people are now going to be trained NOT to be taken in by these demonic forces. First, these wicked people begin to picture reality in slightly different ways, such as this. Notice that the inner walls of Reality have fissures in them.

These reprehensible heretics will tell you that the old view of reality has some limitations or defects. For example, some irresponsible scientists are now saying that the old Newtonian-Einsteinian world view has broken down.

Their evil teachings include such nonsense as that the New Global Economy represents the obscenely rich destroying people by paying slave wages in whatever country will allow it. Their comrades in arms in the social sciences are saying that in our Glorious State of Prosperity the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting downsized, unemployed, welfare assistance-deprived, and homeless. Do not believe anyone who tries to tell you that our Glorious State is anything but Wonderful for everybody.
Progressive Mind Terrorism
These horrid malcontents next present such an insane picture as this. Notice that not only does the square have spaces missing on all four sides but that there are now parts of the four circles that are cut out. Presenting such a distorted picture of reality is bad enough, but these trouble-makers then try to FORCE you to see something that isn't there.
They say that if you view reality this way - with the fissures in the square and the sections cut out of the circles - that you will begin to hallucinate a white square in the position of a diamond. Now any right-thinking citizen of our Glorious State will not and cannot see such a figment of the evil imagination.

By newly-enacted State Edict #772-4B-Part C, it is now a CRIME AGAINST THE STATE to see anything but the original picture of a square and four black circles.

However, there have been some feeble-minded people who allowed themselves to be brainwashed into thinking that they actually see the hallucinatory white square. If you hear of anyone who sees this mind-destroying white square inform the Supreme State Police immediately! Our Benevolent State Mental Rehabilitation Centers are for the express purpose of helping our citizens see REALITY AS DEFINED BY OUR GLORIOUS SUPERSTATE.

If you see even the slightest hint of the Dread White Diamond, then move the page upward slowly, ridding yourself of the evil hallucination until you arrive back at THE Entire Truth, the square and the four circles.


(high five to Dr. Normal Livergood - great synopsis to the world we live in)
I do not know about States having the ability to rewrite laws or repeal laws that are of a federal nature.

The question is:Will the supreme court agree that the states have a right to do A if the Federal Gvernment want B.
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If so, what happened to Jim Crow laws?

I'm sure eventually you'll see a resurgence in it eventually again under the same guise as last time, "states rights." A certain President did that.

Sorry, I changed the my post. I realized that was too simple of a statement to make. It really breaks down to the Supremes siding with the states.

Today, Federalism is not as an enshrined concept as some would think.
The wingnuts are upset that we are going to take care of our sick.

The world moves forward, but they move backward.
Brown v. Board of Education

We conclude that, in the field of public education, the doctrine of "separate but equal" has no place. Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal. Therefore, we hold that the plaintiffs and others similarly situated for whom the actions have been brought are, by reason of the segregation complained of, deprived of the equal protection of the laws guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment. This disposition makes unnecessary any discussion whether such segregation also violates the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

Decision (1954)

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Pub.L. 88-352, 78 Stat. 241, July 2, 1964) was a landmark piece of legislation in the United States that outlawed racial segregation in schools, public places, and employment. Conceived to help African Americans, the bill was amended prior to passage to protect women, and explicitly included white people for the first time.
Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The National Voting Rights Act of 1965 (42 U.S.C. § 1973–1973aa-6)[1] outlawed discriminatory voting practices that had been responsible for the widespread disenfranchisement of African Americans in the United States. Echoing the language of the 15th Amendment, the Act prohibited states from imposing any "voting qualification or prerequisite to voting, or standard, practice, or procedure ... to deny or abridge the right of any citizen of the United States to vote on account of race or color."[2] Specifically, Congress intended the Act to outlaw the practice of requiring otherwise qualified voters to pass literacy tests in order to register to vote, a principal means by which Southern states had prevented African-Americans from exercising the franchise.[3] The Act was signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson, a Democrat, who had earlier signed the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964 into law.

The Act established extensive federal oversight of elections administration, providing that states with a history of discriminatory voting practices (so-called "covered jurisdictions") could not implement any change affecting voting without first obtaining the approval of the Department of Justice, a process known as preclearance. These enforcement provisions applied to states and political subdivisions (mostly in the South) that had used a "device" to limit voting and in which less than 50 percent of the population was registered to vote in 1964. Congress has amended and extended the Act several times since its original passage, the most recent being the 25-year extension signed by President George W. Bush.
Voting Rights Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Both fully within the scope of the constitution as written.
No Chris let me tell you why I find this whole thing completely wrong. Frist, I don't think you would find many that would disagree that bringing down the costs of healthcare so that those that NEED it and those that WANT it can have access to it. However, the right to make that choice belongs in your hands and mine not in the Govts. hands. To look upon a citizen as a mere commodity much the same as an automobile or perhaps make them pay for the right to be born in this nation violates every principle of this nation. So that is why many disagree with legislation that would force people to purchase insurance all in the name trying to bring coverage to the so called 45 million or is it 32 or is it 51 I forget because the number changes depending on who is using it. One other issue you have here is this, our nation is in financial trouble and as we continue to borrow money at an alarming rate from China and run our debt to such a degree that we become a severe credit risk all this talk of providing healthcare for people will become mute because the money to pay for it will be non-existant. I have no problem with any of those who wish to purchase Govt. insurance actually, in fact I've given this a lot of thought, and think that everyAmerican should have the opportunity to purcahse insurance WHEREVER they wish. It doesn't take though the construction of an entire new insurance program and 100 plus new departments to accomplish this, just lower the age requirements on Medicare to zero and require those that want to purchase it do so at competitive environment, just DON'T force my daughter or my family to purchase healthcare as a requirement for being a citizen.
No Chris let me tell you why I find this whole thing completely wrong. Frist, I don't think you would find many that would disagree that bringing down the costs of healthcare so that those that NEED it and those that WANT it can have access to it. However, the right to make that choice belongs in your hands and mine not in the Govts. hands. To look upon a citizen as a mere commodity much the same as an automobile or perhaps make them pay for the right to be born in this nation violates every principle of this nation. So that is why many disagree with legislation that would force people to purchase insurance all in the name trying to bring coverage to the so called 45 million or is it 32 or is it 51 I forget because the number changes depending on who is using it. One other issue you have here is this, our nation is in financial trouble and as we continue to borrow money at an alarming rate from China and run our debt to such a degree that we become a severe credit risk all this talk of providing healthcare for people will become mute because the money to pay for it will be non-existant. I have no problem with any of those who wish to purchase Govt. insurance actually, in fact I've given this a lot of thought, and think that everyAmerican should have the opportunity to purcahse insurance WHEREVER they wish. It doesn't take though the construction of an entire new insurance program and 100 plus new departments to accomplish this, just lower the age requirements on Medicare to zero and require those that want to purchase it do so at competitive environment, just DON'T force my daughter or my family to purchase healthcare as a requirement for being a citizen.
What else needs to be said? Really? Why does the government have to come in an take over 1/6th of the US Economy for the whiney few that have every chance of getting care on their own?

I really echo this sentiment.
What else needs to be said? Really? Why does the government have to come in an take over 1/6th of the US Economy for the whiney few that have every chance of getting care on their own?

I really echo this sentiment.

You know, instead of just agreeing with everything Navy says, maybe you can actually form your own opinion. :eusa_whistle:
This was the right vote at the right time by the right electors for the right interest of the right people: all of the U.S. citizens.

I am so thankful that the cold-hearted sons of guns who have made the poor and laboring classes bleed for the wealthy's greed, that the latter are going to have to pay their fair share.

This is what the hard right (the Judas Iscariots of the American Dream) would do if they could to anyone making them participate in the social compact.

[ame=]YouTube - Jesus Christ - Woody Guthrie[/ame]
What else needs to be said? Really? Why does the government have to come in an take over 1/6th of the US Economy for the whiney few that have every chance of getting care on their own?

I really echo this sentiment.

You know, instead of just agreeing with everything Navy says, maybe you can actually form your own opinion. :eusa_whistle:
Perhaps he THINKS as I do? What the HELL is wrong with you?
Perhaps he THINKS as I do? What the HELL is wrong with you?

Considering Navy is far more superior in intelligence, I would say you try to think as he does (but fail often). I see you agreeing with Navy, but not too many original statements.

Nothing is wrong with me Yosemite.
The T is an absolute moron compared to Navy1960 when it comes to critical thinking and analysis.
If so, what happened to Jim Crow laws?

I'm sure eventually you'll see a resurgence in it eventually again under the same guise as last time, "states rights." A certain President did that.

States' rights were not only used for racist purposes, though the argument has been used to support racist purposes. An example would be northern states nullifying fugitive slave laws by simply not adhering to them, or the New England states refusing to submit to President Jefferson's embargo.
States' rights were not only used for racist purposes, though the argument has been used to support racist purposes. An example would be northern states nullifying fugitive slave laws by simply not adhering to them, or the New England states refusing to submit to President Jefferson's embargo.

That's my point.
No Chris let me tell you why I find this whole thing completely wrong. Frist, I don't think you would find many that would disagree that bringing down the costs of healthcare so that those that NEED it and those that WANT it can have access to it. However, the right to make that choice belongs in your hands and mine not in the Govts. hands. To look upon a citizen as a mere commodity much the same as an automobile or perhaps make them pay for the right to be born in this nation violates every principle of this nation. So that is why many disagree with legislation that would force people to purchase insurance all in the name trying to bring coverage to the so called 45 million or is it 32 or is it 51 I forget because the number changes depending on who is using it. One other issue you have here is this, our nation is in financial trouble and as we continue to borrow money at an alarming rate from China and run our debt to such a degree that we become a severe credit risk all this talk of providing healthcare for people will become mute because the money to pay for it will be non-existant. I have no problem with any of those who wish to purchase Govt. insurance actually, in fact I've given this a lot of thought, and think that everyAmerican should have the opportunity to purcahse insurance WHEREVER they wish. It doesn't take though the construction of an entire new insurance program and 100 plus new departments to accomplish this, just lower the age requirements on Medicare to zero and require those that want to purchase it do so at competitive environment, just DON'T force my daughter or my family to purchase healthcare as a requirement for being a citizen.

We disagree.

I think only the government can represent the people in this equation.

Certainly the insurance companies will NOT.

Their goal is to provide as little healthcare as possible for the most amount of money, and they have succeeded magnificently.
What else needs to be said? Really? Why does the government have to come in an take over 1/6th of the US Economy for the whiney few that have every chance of getting care on their own?

I really echo this sentiment.

You know, instead of just agreeing with everything Navy says, maybe you can actually form your own opinion. :eusa_whistle:

If Navy says something that is closely reasoned and generally accurate (as I view it or as The T views it), why the fuck shouldn't we simply quote his posts and note our agreement.

Your post is stupid. If Navy says the thing I believe (perhaps saying it in a more quotable and clear way), that doesn't mean I have not formed my own opinion.

Seriously, kid, you need to go take a dump or something.
What else needs to be said? Really? Why does the government have to come in an take over 1/6th of the US Economy for the whiney few that have every chance of getting care on their own?

I really echo this sentiment.

You know, instead of just agreeing with everything Navy says, maybe you can actually form your own opinion. :eusa_whistle:

If Navy says something that is closely reasoned and generally accurate (as I view it or as The T views it), why the fuck shouldn't we simply quote his posts and note our agreement.

Your post is stupid. If Navy says the thing I believe (perhaps saying it in a more quotable and clear way), that doesn't mean I have not formed my own opinion.

Seriously, kid, you need to go take a dump or something.

Indeed sage advice coming from you. 'Sweet Release' can solve many problems especially when it comes to personal plumbing. ;)

But then Doggie seems to think otherwise and seems to think we are as he, and that would be one in the projection room.

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