How’s That Experimental Vax Working Out for You?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
The Royal Navy’s flagship HMS Queen Elizabeth has a major outbreak of the ChiCom Flu.

The BBC has been told there have been around 100 cases on the aircraft carrier, which is part way through a world tour. Defence Secretary Ben Wallace said all crew on the deployment had received two doses of a Covid-19 vaccine and the outbreak was being managed. A spokeswoman said mitigation measured on board included masks, social distancing and a track and trace system.

Standard crew size is 1600, so that’s 1 in 16 people. Who are young, fit, 100% double vaxed, with military discipline enforcing hygiene rules. How does that translate into the rest of society? Or the long term care homes this fall and winter when the seasonal pressure kicks in again?
The Royal Navy’s flagship HMS Queen Elizabeth has a major outbreak of the ChiCom Flu.

The BBC has been told there have been around 100 cases on the aircraft carrier, which is part way through a world tour. Defence Secretary Ben Wallace said all crew on the deployment had received two doses of a Covid-19 vaccine and the outbreak was being managed. A spokeswoman said mitigation measured on board included masks, social distancing and a track and trace system.

Standard crew size is 1600, so that’s 1 in 16 people. Who are young, fit, 100% double vaxed, with military discipline enforcing hygiene rules. How does that translate into the rest of society? Or the long term care homes this fall and winter when the seasonal pressure kicks in again?

This is a prime example of why this virus is unlike any other and the antidote is still flimsy and unreliable. Sure, in theory, wearing a mask and social distancing should help. Though I see in some of the masks I've worn it states clearly on the front (probably for legal reasons), "this is not a medical mask". I am walking around with a piece of clothing on my face and nose. that may not provide any protection at all.

Second, the vaccine isn't perfect and may not even be effective over time. There is FAR too much we do not know, especially for such a rapidly developed vaccine.

It requires decades to know the outcome of a vaccine and the virus. Obviously the world doesn't have this much time. Therefore, it's anyones guess what impact this may have long term, of both the virus and vaccines. It may also be different outcomes for some not for others depending on a predisposition. Clearly, it's been ineffective for this group which should be a red flag.

In the end, it's unbelievable not just how Western leaders threw away their massive advantage to a foreign communist state, but, also how they and businesses continue to do so. It's mind boggling.
Let me encapsulate this. If 6% of everyone who go the Smallpox Vaccine, or the Polio Vaccine...still got those diseases, how long you think those vaccines would be in use? HOW LONG would it take for the media, the government, the politicians, everybody to declare those vaccines an absolute, tits up, failure?

OR, in the case of Wales, upwards of 30% of Covid deaths are from vaccinated people.

So...let's be real...this shit doesn't work very well...IF AT ALL. PLUS the vaccine itself is fucking people up!

The shit is getting so deep you need a snorkel.
The Royal Navy’s flagship HMS Queen Elizabeth has a major outbreak of the ChiCom Flu.

The BBC has been told there have been around 100 cases on the aircraft carrier, which is part way through a world tour. Defence Secretary Ben Wallace said all crew on the deployment had received two doses of a Covid-19 vaccine and the outbreak was being managed. A spokeswoman said mitigation measured on board included masks, social distancing and a track and trace system.

Standard crew size is 1600, so that’s 1 in 16 people. Who are young, fit, 100% double vaxed, with military discipline enforcing hygiene rules. How does that translate into the rest of society? Or the long term care homes this fall and winter when the seasonal pressure kicks in again?
For me, so far so good. No ill effects and no COVID to date. Thanks for asking.

As we've been told the vaccine will not prevent one from getting the disease or passing it on. The key is that the effects of getting COVID are mild and temporary. How many of that crew even knew they were infected?
Let me encapsulate this. If 6% of everyone who go the Smallpox Vaccine, or the Polio Vaccine...still got those diseases, how long you think those vaccines would be in use? HOW LONG would it take for the media, the government, the politicians, everybody to declare those vaccines an absolute, tits up, failure?

OR, in the case of Wales, upwards of 30% of Covid deaths are from vaccinated people.

So...let's be real...this shit doesn't work very well...IF AT ALL. PLUS the vaccine itself is fucking people up!

The shit is getting so deep you need a snorkel.

Thanks for the information.

From your article, apparently some of the vaccinated were recently vaccinated before catching it and the Delta variant is not stopped or reduced by vaccines, until weeks after being vaccinated ....for time to develop stronger antibodies against the variant...:(

Those vaccinated, need to be careful too. This sucks wind!

One issue with the delta variant is that vaccines do not appear to be as effective as against other variants until several weeks after the second dose. A single dose of a vaccine is only 33% effective against Delta Covid, according to Public Health England. Several weeks after a second dose, that figure rises to 60% for AstraZeneca and 88% for Pfizer
The Royal Navy’s flagship HMS Queen Elizabeth has a major outbreak of the ChiCom Flu.

The BBC has been told there have been around 100 cases on the aircraft carrier, which is part way through a world tour. Defence Secretary Ben Wallace said all crew on the deployment had received two doses of a Covid-19 vaccine and the outbreak was being managed. A spokeswoman said mitigation measured on board included masks, social distancing and a track and trace system.

Standard crew size is 1600, so that’s 1 in 16 people. Who are young, fit, 100% double vaxed, with military discipline enforcing hygiene rules. How does that translate into the rest of society? Or the long term care homes this fall and winter when the seasonal pressure kicks in again?
It’s working out great for 90% of those who take it. Never claimed it was 100%. Close to 100% of hospitalizations are unvaxxed. You think that’s a better option?!
Let me encapsulate this. If 6% of everyone who go the Smallpox Vaccine, or the Polio Vaccine...still got those diseases, how long you think those vaccines would be in use? HOW LONG would it take for the media, the government, the politicians, everybody to declare those vaccines an absolute, tits up, failure?

OR, in the case of Wales, upwards of 30% of Covid deaths are from vaccinated people.

So...let's be real...this shit doesn't work very well...IF AT ALL. PLUS the vaccine itself is fucking people up!

The shit is getting so deep you need a snorkel.

Thanks for the information.

From your article, apparently some of the vaccinated were recently vaccinated before catching it and the Delta variant is not stopped or reduced by vaccines, until weeks after being vaccinated ....for time to develop stronger antibodies against the variant...:(

Those vaccinated, need to be careful too. This sucks wind!

One issue with the delta variant is that vaccines do not appear to be as effective as against other variants until several weeks after the second dose. A single dose of a vaccine is only 33% effective against Delta Covid, according to Public Health England. Several weeks after a second dose, that figure rises to 60% for AstraZeneca and 88% for Pfizer.
I think it's all a big excuse to get you to take an ever increasing line of shots.
They have big plans for everything from Colds, and flu to obesity, heart disease, and diabetes prevention.

All a big experiment...and you are the lab rat.
The UK has relied upon the AstraZeneca vaccine.
There's a huge reason why it never has been approved in the USA...their science was crap, disorganized, and inconsistent.

Also the reason why the mRNA vaccines were chosen instead of a HK based vaccine was the history of HK vaccine abject failure when used on Corona type viruses.
However....mRNA vaccines have been extremely successful against various carcinogenic viruses of various types.
So...let's be real...this shit doesn't work very well...IF AT ALL. PLUS the vaccine itself is fucking people up!

The shit is getting so deep you need a snorkel.

I'd say............

it's getting so deep, you need a SHOVEL..........

Let me encapsulate this. If 6% of everyone who go the Smallpox Vaccine, or the Polio Vaccine...still got those diseases, how long you think those vaccines would be in use? HOW LONG would it take for the media, the government, the politicians, everybody to declare those vaccines an absolute, tits up, failure?

OR, in the case of Wales, upwards of 30% of Covid deaths are from vaccinated people.

So...let's be real...this shit doesn't work very well...IF AT ALL. PLUS the vaccine itself is fucking people up!

The shit is getting so deep you need a snorkel.
That’s why the FDA refuses to approve any vaccine.
The Royal Navy’s flagship HMS Queen Elizabeth has a major outbreak of the ChiCom Flu.

The BBC has been told there have been around 100 cases on the aircraft carrier, which is part way through a world tour. Defence Secretary Ben Wallace said all crew on the deployment had received two doses of a Covid-19 vaccine and the outbreak was being managed. A spokeswoman said mitigation measured on board included masks, social distancing and a track and trace system.

Standard crew size is 1600, so that’s 1 in 16 people. Who are young, fit, 100% double vaxed, with military discipline enforcing hygiene rules. How does that translate into the rest of society? Or the long term care homes this fall and winter when the seasonal pressure kicks in again?
It’s working out great for 90% of those who take it. Never claimed it was 100%. Close to 100% of hospitalizations are unvaxxed. You think that’s a better option?!
And for the healthy people who took the ChiCom Flu vaccine who died or had heart inflammation, it didn’t work out so good.
Let me encapsulate this. If 6% of everyone who go the Smallpox Vaccine, or the Polio Vaccine...still got those diseases, how long you think those vaccines would be in use? HOW LONG would it take for the media, the government, the politicians, everybody to declare those vaccines an absolute, tits up, failure?

OR, in the case of Wales, upwards of 30% of Covid deaths are from vaccinated people.

So...let's be real...this shit doesn't work very well...IF AT ALL. PLUS the vaccine itself is fucking people up!

The shit is getting so deep you need a snorkel.

Thanks for the information.

From your article, apparently some of the vaccinated were recently vaccinated before catching it and the Delta variant is not stopped or reduced by vaccines, until weeks after being vaccinated ....for time to develop stronger antibodies against the variant...:(

Those vaccinated, need to be careful too. This sucks wind!

One issue with the delta variant is that vaccines do not appear to be as effective as against other variants until several weeks after the second dose. A single dose of a vaccine is only 33% effective against Delta Covid, according to Public Health England. Several weeks after a second dose, that figure rises to 60% for AstraZeneca and 88% for Pfizer.
I think it's all a big excuse to get you to take an ever increasing line of shots.
They have big plans for everything from Colds, and flu to obesity, heart disease, and diabetes prevention.

All a big experiment...and you are the lab rat.
I could be the lab rat.... But so far, this new technology is looking good and for a multitude of medical conditions, and will likely add years to the human lifespan, as the discovery of penicillin shots and medication did...., and as small pox vaccinations did, as Rubella vax did, but even with more potential of life saving qualities, than those of the past.

This technology is medical advancement, which is always initially scary...
Let me encapsulate this. If 6% of everyone who go the Smallpox Vaccine, or the Polio Vaccine...still got those diseases, how long you think those vaccines would be in use? HOW LONG would it take for the media, the government, the politicians, everybody to declare those vaccines an absolute, tits up, failure?

OR, in the case of Wales, upwards of 30% of Covid deaths are from vaccinated people.

So...let's be real...this shit doesn't work very well...IF AT ALL. PLUS the vaccine itself is fucking people up!

The shit is getting so deep you need a snorkel.
That’s why the FDA refuses to approve any vaccine.
In August the probably will. Then the military, and private industry will have more of a legal say in their members getting vaccinated...AS WELL AS...private industry customers.
Gonna be interesting.
Let me encapsulate this. If 6% of everyone who go the Smallpox Vaccine, or the Polio Vaccine...still got those diseases, how long you think those vaccines would be in use? HOW LONG would it take for the media, the government, the politicians, everybody to declare those vaccines an absolute, tits up, failure?

OR, in the case of Wales, upwards of 30% of Covid deaths are from vaccinated people.

So...let's be real...this shit doesn't work very well...IF AT ALL. PLUS the vaccine itself is fucking people up!

The shit is getting so deep you need a snorkel.

Thanks for the information.

From your article, apparently some of the vaccinated were recently vaccinated before catching it and the Delta variant is not stopped or reduced by vaccines, until weeks after being vaccinated ....for time to develop stronger antibodies against the variant...:(

Those vaccinated, need to be careful too. This sucks wind!

One issue with the delta variant is that vaccines do not appear to be as effective as against other variants until several weeks after the second dose. A single dose of a vaccine is only 33% effective against Delta Covid, according to Public Health England. Several weeks after a second dose, that figure rises to 60% for AstraZeneca and 88% for Pfizer.
I think it's all a big excuse to get you to take an ever increasing line of shots.
They have big plans for everything from Colds, and flu to obesity, heart disease, and diabetes prevention.

All a big experiment...and you are the lab rat.
I could be the lab rat.... But so far, this new technology is looking good and for a multitude of medical conditions, and will likely add years to the human lifespan, as the discovery of penicillin shots and medication did...., and as small pox vaccinations did, as Rubella vax did, but even with more potential of life saving qualities, than those of the past.

This technology is medical advancement, which is always initially scary...
Far far too early to determine ANY efficacy, or long term side effects. There are simply NO long term studies for these Adenovirus RnA platforms. It is all very new. YOU are part of that now. Better you than me. Good luck.
If 6% of everyone who go the Smallpox Vaccine, or the Polio Vaccine..
Why do you think people got four doses of polio vaccine?

Two doses was only 90% effective.
So? Your point? They recommend two does of this and people are still dying. 30% in Wales.

Do you want to know why? Because this is not a fucking vaccine. This is an RnA platform that only promises to ameliorate symptoms. It makes no claim to protect you from catching the virus...unlike Polio, and Small Pox...etc.
But only time will TRULY tell.

Question: Is this the latest vaccine they introduced or is this one of the older ones that has been in circulation for a while? I hear the Brits have come up with a very good one just recently.


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