Howdy from the UK

Welcome here.
I love British military and political fiction, especially this really amazing "Russian Poisoners" show, while I think they should have been a bit more attentive to details to make the show a bit more realistic.
And yes, James, are you exclusively a writer, or a reader either?
Right now he have a little discussion about cultural appropriation of LOTR-verse and I believe your expertise might be pretty useful.

Good evening, I'm a new member from the UK.
I'm a writer of military and political fiction.
Also a political buff though probably with less knowledge of US politics than I'd like to think.
Anyway, Howdy.
Saturday Night Live did a great skit on British Cavemen

Good evening, I'm a new member from the UK.
I'm a writer of military and political fiction.
Also a political buff though probably with less knowledge of US politics than I'd like to think.
Anyway, Howdy.
14 different British accents. Which one do you have?

America has a lot too. Hillbillies, NY, Cali, Jersey, Philly, midwest, black dialect. That's 7 and I'm sure there are more.

I love my conservative Brit friends. Conservative about everything except guns and socialized medicine.
Saturday Night Live did a great skit on British Cavemen

You can’t do skits. Not like the British..

The only time l’ve seen the best American version of farce was Robin Williams in The Birdcage. The dinner party scene.
Have never met a Conservative who is not conservative about these two matters:-
Guns are for the ignorant .
Don't use medicine like America does -- to kill the patient and to take their money .

My brit friend who's conservative thinks America should have socialized medicine. He said it allows people to be entreprenureal. For example, if you start a business, you don't have to worry about paying employees healthcare. So it's good for companies and it's good for entrepreneurs.

If you get fired you don't have to worry about not having healthcare till you have a job.

And guns, he thinks we are gun crazy in America. But these are the only two things he disagrees with Republicans on. He's a good bloak. LOL
My brit friend who's conservative thinks America should have socialized medicine. He said it allows people to be entreprenureal. For example, if you start a business, you don't have to worry about paying employees healthcare. So it's good for companies and it's good for entrepreneurs.

If you get fired you don't have to worry about not having healthcare till you have a job.

And guns, he thinks we are gun crazy in America. But these are the only two things he disagrees with Republicans on. He's a good bloak. LOL

Have you seen the waiting lists for medical treatment in Britain? If you’re lucky, you might see a dentist next year. Or even the year after that.

I’m in the German ‘socialised’ system, and let’s say l needed a hip surgery, I’d be there within ten days. In the UK, months, even years. Some people are taking out loans to bypass the waiting period.
Have you seen the waiting lists for medical treatment in Britain? If you’re lucky, you might see a dentist next year. Or even the year after that.

I’m in the German ‘socialised’ system, and let’s say l needed a hip surgery, I’d be there within ten days. In the UK, months, even years. Some people are taking out loans to bypass the waiting period.

Let's ask JamesG if that's true. And it seems to me here in America, the waits can be long too.

I would hope even with socialized medicine rich folk like us could buy better insurance through our work. But at least there would be the bare bones basics for something catastrophic. I don't like how you can get FUBARED in America if you get sick and you aren't insured. That's all I'm saying.
Let's ask JamesG if that's true. And it seems to me here in America, the waits can be long too.

I would hope even with socialized medicine rich folk like us could buy better insurance through our work. But at least there would be the bare bones basics for something catastrophic. I don't like how you can get FUBARED in America if you get sick and you aren't insured. That's all I'm saying.

Yes, l get that. l was hospitalised in the US a couple of years ago. Luckily l had insurance.

l think the German way of funding its health system is better than the British.
Have you seen the waiting lists for medical treatment in Britain? If

I've seen the lines here for the public county hospitals for working class people with no insurance. The wait for specialists can be months, and then you sit in a waiting room or hallway for as long as 8 hours, then told to come back the next day. The claim Americans don't have to wait is a load of bullshit, put out by Karens.
I've seen the lines here for the public county hospitals for working class people with no insurance. The wait for specialists can be months, and then you sit in a waiting room or hallway for as long as 8 hours, then told to come back the next day. The claim Americans don't have to wait is a load of bullshit, put out by Karens.

I missed an appointment or had to reschedule and they pushed me off for months.

I know it's worse in Canada but it's not perfect here either.

Mar 21, 2024 — “We are looking at substantial shortages of doctors that will not meet our future health care demands.

This is a great reason we should accept black people into medical schools even if they don't have as good of grades as their white counterparts. They will work in our cities.

General doctors or family doctors or your personal physician, doesn't have to be the top notch med student. They aren't doing surgeries. Heck, half the time I meet with the Physicians assistant.
I've seen the lines here for the public county hospitals for working class people with no insurance. The wait for specialists can be months, and then you sit in a waiting room or hallway for as long as 8 hours, then told to come back the next day. The claim Americans don't have to wait is a load of bullshit, put out by Karens.

And then Potato brings in another 10 million illegals for free emergency care.
Have you seen the waiting lists for medical treatment in Britain? If you’re lucky, you might see a dentist next year. Or even the year after that.

I’m in the German ‘socialised’ system, and let’s say l needed a hip surgery, I’d be there within ten days. In the UK, months, even years. Some people are taking out loans to bypass the waiting period.
Well that is the price of years of Tory rule and it's a disgrace, this Country is more like some failed third World state every day, i have a dentist on the NHS, still have to pay something but its good, now people can't get a NHS dentist, some have resorted to pulling out their own teeth, and you are right about waiting for treatement, i had to wait 8 days to see my GP about a eyelid infection then when i tried to get a follow up was told it would be three weeks, so i ended up going to see someone at a eye clinic, and its still ongoing after two other clinic visits, then we have the scandal of people having to spend hours and sometimes days on trolleys in Hospital corridors because of a shortage of beds and Doctors, yet many of the herd vote for the criminals responsible, they should be shot.
But is the result higher, the same, or lower!!

I’m not sure what you mean, as l can’t really compare. Only go by what UK people tell me. I get quick appointments, if that’s what you mean. And can see my GP speedily.

Although l was told once by an insurance guy, that Germany does the most surgeries per day in Europe, to make money. The hospitals are becoming privatised.
I’m not sure what you mean, as l can’t really compare. Only go by what UK people tell me. I get quick appointments, if that’s what you mean. And can see my GP speedily.

Although l was told once by an insurance guy, that Germany does the most surgeries per day in Europe, to make money. The hospitals are becoming privatised.

Some people think that the more money spent/invested etc.. into something creates better results. Germany spends a greater percentage of GDP on their healthcare than the UK. The link above ranks countries by healthcare delivered.
Good evening, I'm a new member from the UK.
I'm a writer of military and political fiction.
Also a political buff though probably with less knowledge of US politics than I'd like to think.
Anyway, Howdy.
Welcome to usmb, JamesG. Hope you enjoy the boards! Most of us prefer that we have peace on earth in our lifetimes. A chicken in everyone's pot ideal has fed a lot of Americans. Our leaders believe in sharing with all and it makes a difference for our children. Bless the teachers and the children. :thup:

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