How’d That Work Out for You, Lefty’s?

/----/ "Meanwhile, your employer is getting Tax Breaks that you will never see any of."
My Lord, what a pathetic outlook on life. First of all, who says the money a business saves has to go to the employees? It's the business owners money to spend as he chooses on new equipment, inventory paying off debt. Does anyone tell you how to spend the money from your tax refunds?

Those tax breaks was to spur the economy. Part of the deal was to increase the wages of the workers. Yes, the wages of workers were increased. But the top 1% level got the raise in wages. The Worker got his jobs cut. Is this your idea of spurring the economy? Well I guess it did spur the economy of luxury boats and Mercedes and Lecuxes.
/—-/ Who made a deal with business owners how they had to spend their money? Got a link on sales of luxury boats, and Mercedes? And wtf is a Lecuxes?

That was part of the agreement. The Workers were supposed to be doing better. Not just the 1% club. As far as I am concerned, the 1% stole billions and will continue as long as the tax brackets are left like they are. Yes, we have a Thief in Charge or a Criminal in Charge and a whole lot of conspirators in office as well. The whole lot needs to be replaced by real Fiscal Conservatives.
/—-/ An agreement between whom? Sure as he’ll wasn’t with the millions of business owners.

The real taxbreaks didn't go to millions of business owners. It went to the 1%. You can lie about it but the facts speak for themselves. But why would I think better of you than that. You haven't let me down (or up in this case) yet
Well, every Democrat is running on raising taxes, so how does that fit into your rant?
As for the GOP working for the Middle Class, I am what's left of the Middle Class. We are slowly drifting into the poverty class. While min wage has gone up, our wages (which are higher) haven't gone up one thin dime but out cost of living has skyrocketed. Anytime you increase the Min Wage, this is what happens. The Middle Class gets nailed to the wall by the Greedy SOBs that see a way to screw everyone even more. I think that we need to place these Greedy MFers in prison using the Rico act when this happens.
Except that is false.

Where’s the Middle Class Going? Up

The facts show that the middle class is NOT sinking into poverty but rising up.

23% of the working population of the US makes between 20K to 44K and are considered low income. I find that percentage wrong considering MOST of us make between those figures. Of course, this is only part of the data. Someone took the figures of just the White Males and used that data leaving out all the rest of the data. Standard funny math.

In order to just barely miss Lower Middle Class a person making 20 bucks an hour will gross 33K a year. Guess what, in most areas, that person will be eligable for some for of government assistance with a family of 4. Around here, 20 bucks an hour is top pay for most workers. Most Workers will be right around 15 bucks an hour and many lower than that. At 25,200 a year gross, they just barely miss the poverty rating. Federal Poverty Rating for a family of 4 is 21,600. At 15 an hour, like the 20 an hour, they can get public assistance (for you stupid people, that's welfare). 12.85 an hour is Poverty which gets the family of 4 full blown welfare benefits.

When you put out any Graph, it's probably done by only reporting the parts that show what makes up trying to prove your own argument. It's a lie. When you take a real look at the areas then you get a totally conflicting story. In this case, the 1% grabbed the money and the middle class got smaller considering the real middle class, until a couple of years ago started out at 25K but now it's been raised anywhere from 35K to 45K depending on who is telling the story. What's happening is, the poverty financial amount is growing until it's almost where the old Middle Class used to start. And today, there are one hell of a lot of people making just above the poverty rate.

There are more Waitresses, 7-11 clerks, Grocery Store Clerks, etc. than there are anything else. And don't forget the Hotel Maids. By moving the figures up in the chart, these people get left off the figures. Well, cupcake, they are still there. You just don't notice them. And most of them make not much more than the Poverty Income Rate but not more than the old Lower Middle Class Rate of less than 30K a year. Most make an average of about 15 bucks an hour or less. And no matter how you make your claim, those people are the majority of the workers in the US today. So when you do present your charts that say something else, it's probably a lie.
As for the GOP working for the Middle Class, I am what's left of the Middle Class. We are slowly drifting into the poverty class. While min wage has gone up, our wages (which are higher) haven't gone up one thin dime but out cost of living has skyrocketed. Anytime you increase the Min Wage, this is what happens. The Middle Class gets nailed to the wall by the Greedy SOBs that see a way to screw everyone even more. I think that we need to place these Greedy MFers in prison using the Rico act when this happens.
Except that is false.

Where’s the Middle Class Going? Up

The facts show that the middle class is NOT sinking into poverty but rising up.

23% of the working population of the US makes between 20K to 44K and are considered low income. I find that percentage wrong considering MOST of us make between those figures. Of course, this is only part of the data. Someone took the figures of just the White Males and used that data leaving out all the rest of the data. Standard funny math.

In order to just barely miss Lower Middle Class a person making 20 bucks an hour will gross 33K a year. Guess what, in most areas, that person will be eligable for some for of government assistance with a family of 4. Around here, 20 bucks an hour is top pay for most workers. Most Workers will be right around 15 bucks an hour and many lower than that. At 25,200 a year gross, they just barely miss the poverty rating. Federal Poverty Rating for a family of 4 is 21,600. At 15 an hour, like the 20 an hour, they can get public assistance (for you stupid people, that's welfare). 12.85 an hour is Poverty which gets the family of 4 full blown welfare benefits.

When you put out any Graph, it's probably done by only reporting the parts that show what makes up trying to prove your own argument. It's a lie. When you take a real look at the areas then you get a totally conflicting story. In this case, the 1% grabbed the money and the middle class got smaller considering the real middle class, until a couple of years ago started out at 25K but now it's been raised anywhere from 35K to 45K depending on who is telling the story. What's happening is, the poverty financial amount is growing until it's almost where the old Middle Class used to start. And today, there are one hell of a lot of people making just above the poverty rate.

There are more Waitresses, 7-11 clerks, Grocery Store Clerks, etc. than there are anything else. And don't forget the Hotel Maids. By moving the figures up in the chart, these people get left off the figures. Well, cupcake, they are still there. You just don't notice them. And most of them make not much more than the Poverty Income Rate but not more than the old Lower Middle Class Rate of less than 30K a year. Most make an average of about 15 bucks an hour or less. And no matter how you make your claim, those people are the majority of the workers in the US today. So when you do present your charts that say something else, it's probably a lie.
The Average Welfare Recipient takes in $35,000 a year for sitting on their ass. Imagine how much money everyone could make if we weren't supporting those assholes with our already too high taxes.

Then take the $150 Billion a year we blow on Illegal Indigents, and we could lower our taxes even more, put more money in to the economy.

Just those two things right there we could double the average salary of most Americans.
Those tax breaks was to spur the economy. Part of the deal was to increase the wages of the workers. Yes, the wages of workers were increased. But the top 1% level got the raise in wages. The Worker got his jobs cut. Is this your idea of spurring the economy? Well I guess it did spur the economy of luxury boats and Mercedes and Lecuxes.
/—-/ Who made a deal with business owners how they had to spend their money? Got a link on sales of luxury boats, and Mercedes? And wtf is a Lecuxes?

That was part of the agreement. The Workers were supposed to be doing better. Not just the 1% club. As far as I am concerned, the 1% stole billions and will continue as long as the tax brackets are left like they are. Yes, we have a Thief in Charge or a Criminal in Charge and a whole lot of conspirators in office as well. The whole lot needs to be replaced by real Fiscal Conservatives.
/—-/ An agreement between whom? Sure as he’ll wasn’t with the millions of business owners.

The real taxbreaks didn't go to millions of business owners. It went to the 1%. You can lie about it but the facts speak for themselves. But why would I think better of you than that. You haven't let me down (or up in this case) yet
Well, every Democrat is running on raising taxes, so how does that fit into your rant?

yes, they are running about raising taxes. They aren't running about raising taxes of the average citizen. They ARE wanting to take away the tax giveaway of the 1% and tax them a little harder. I can live with that. Are YOU part of the 1%? Try telling the truth for a change.
As for the GOP working for the Middle Class, I am what's left of the Middle Class. We are slowly drifting into the poverty class. While min wage has gone up, our wages (which are higher) haven't gone up one thin dime but out cost of living has skyrocketed. Anytime you increase the Min Wage, this is what happens. The Middle Class gets nailed to the wall by the Greedy SOBs that see a way to screw everyone even more. I think that we need to place these Greedy MFers in prison using the Rico act when this happens.
Except that is false.

Where’s the Middle Class Going? Up

The facts show that the middle class is NOT sinking into poverty but rising up.

23% of the working population of the US makes between 20K to 44K and are considered low income. I find that percentage wrong considering MOST of us make between those figures. Of course, this is only part of the data. Someone took the figures of just the White Males and used that data leaving out all the rest of the data. Standard funny math.

In order to just barely miss Lower Middle Class a person making 20 bucks an hour will gross 33K a year. Guess what, in most areas, that person will be eligable for some for of government assistance with a family of 4. Around here, 20 bucks an hour is top pay for most workers. Most Workers will be right around 15 bucks an hour and many lower than that. At 25,200 a year gross, they just barely miss the poverty rating. Federal Poverty Rating for a family of 4 is 21,600. At 15 an hour, like the 20 an hour, they can get public assistance (for you stupid people, that's welfare). 12.85 an hour is Poverty which gets the family of 4 full blown welfare benefits.

When you put out any Graph, it's probably done by only reporting the parts that show what makes up trying to prove your own argument. It's a lie. When you take a real look at the areas then you get a totally conflicting story. In this case, the 1% grabbed the money and the middle class got smaller considering the real middle class, until a couple of years ago started out at 25K but now it's been raised anywhere from 35K to 45K depending on who is telling the story. What's happening is, the poverty financial amount is growing until it's almost where the old Middle Class used to start. And today, there are one hell of a lot of people making just above the poverty rate.

There are more Waitresses, 7-11 clerks, Grocery Store Clerks, etc. than there are anything else. And don't forget the Hotel Maids. By moving the figures up in the chart, these people get left off the figures. Well, cupcake, they are still there. You just don't notice them. And most of them make not much more than the Poverty Income Rate but not more than the old Lower Middle Class Rate of less than 30K a year. Most make an average of about 15 bucks an hour or less. And no matter how you make your claim, those people are the majority of the workers in the US today. So when you do present your charts that say something else, it's probably a lie.
Your rant is pretty meaningless considering the hard facts tell a different story. You can claim over and over again that the middle class is degrading into poverty but the facts show it to be false. End of story.

The reality is that more of the middle class is rising rather than falling.
/—-/ Who made a deal with business owners how they had to spend their money? Got a link on sales of luxury boats, and Mercedes? And wtf is a Lecuxes?

That was part of the agreement. The Workers were supposed to be doing better. Not just the 1% club. As far as I am concerned, the 1% stole billions and will continue as long as the tax brackets are left like they are. Yes, we have a Thief in Charge or a Criminal in Charge and a whole lot of conspirators in office as well. The whole lot needs to be replaced by real Fiscal Conservatives.
/—-/ An agreement between whom? Sure as he’ll wasn’t with the millions of business owners.

The real taxbreaks didn't go to millions of business owners. It went to the 1%. You can lie about it but the facts speak for themselves. But why would I think better of you than that. You haven't let me down (or up in this case) yet
Well, every Democrat is running on raising taxes, so how does that fit into your rant?

yes, they are running about raising taxes. They aren't running about raising taxes of the average citizen. They ARE wanting to take away the tax giveaway of the 1% and tax them a little harder. I can live with that. Are YOU part of the 1%? Try telling the truth for a change.
Only a moron thinks they aren’t going to be paying the bill you hand to Bill Gates.
As for the GOP working for the Middle Class, I am what's left of the Middle Class. We are slowly drifting into the poverty class. While min wage has gone up, our wages (which are higher) haven't gone up one thin dime but out cost of living has skyrocketed. Anytime you increase the Min Wage, this is what happens. The Middle Class gets nailed to the wall by the Greedy SOBs that see a way to screw everyone even more. I think that we need to place these Greedy MFers in prison using the Rico act when this happens.
Except that is false.

Where’s the Middle Class Going? Up

The facts show that the middle class is NOT sinking into poverty but rising up.

23% of the working population of the US makes between 20K to 44K and are considered low income. I find that percentage wrong considering MOST of us make between those figures. Of course, this is only part of the data. Someone took the figures of just the White Males and used that data leaving out all the rest of the data. Standard funny math.

In order to just barely miss Lower Middle Class a person making 20 bucks an hour will gross 33K a year. Guess what, in most areas, that person will be eligable for some for of government assistance with a family of 4. Around here, 20 bucks an hour is top pay for most workers. Most Workers will be right around 15 bucks an hour and many lower than that. At 25,200 a year gross, they just barely miss the poverty rating. Federal Poverty Rating for a family of 4 is 21,600. At 15 an hour, like the 20 an hour, they can get public assistance (for you stupid people, that's welfare). 12.85 an hour is Poverty which gets the family of 4 full blown welfare benefits.

When you put out any Graph, it's probably done by only reporting the parts that show what makes up trying to prove your own argument. It's a lie. When you take a real look at the areas then you get a totally conflicting story. In this case, the 1% grabbed the money and the middle class got smaller considering the real middle class, until a couple of years ago started out at 25K but now it's been raised anywhere from 35K to 45K depending on who is telling the story. What's happening is, the poverty financial amount is growing until it's almost where the old Middle Class used to start. And today, there are one hell of a lot of people making just above the poverty rate.

There are more Waitresses, 7-11 clerks, Grocery Store Clerks, etc. than there are anything else. And don't forget the Hotel Maids. By moving the figures up in the chart, these people get left off the figures. Well, cupcake, they are still there. You just don't notice them. And most of them make not much more than the Poverty Income Rate but not more than the old Lower Middle Class Rate of less than 30K a year. Most make an average of about 15 bucks an hour or less. And no matter how you make your claim, those people are the majority of the workers in the US today. So when you do present your charts that say something else, it's probably a lie.
The Average Welfare Recipient takes in $35,000 a year for sitting on their ass. Imagine how much money everyone could make if we weren't supporting those assholes with our already too high taxes.

Then you need to get with your State and get things changed.

In Colorado, that "Welfare Check" has strings attached. If you are of working age and not disabled (disable comes from a different fund like SSDI) then you have a ton of restrictions in it and there will be a not be an open ended time frame. The average "Welfare" or SNAP check is less than 1000 dollars a month if you qualify for it. You might be able to get Leap which covers your gas and electric bill or part of it to the tune of about 90 a month. You might be able to get housing assistance which comes from tax breaks given to housing companies. But if you are of working age, your kids are 5 or above, you will be required to have a JOB in order to qualify for "Welfare". Each dollar from that job lessens the amount of Welfare money you are going to receive until that welfare figure is zeroed out.

MOST people on "Welfare" do have jobs or are incapable of working due to age. Most people on Social Security make far less than the Poverty rate and qualify for welfare benefits. Turn off Hannity and Rush long enough to give your County Court House a call and find out for yourself. You have been lied to and, in turn, keep on repeating that lie. And no matter how many times you repeat a lie, it's still a lie.
As for the GOP working for the Middle Class, I am what's left of the Middle Class. We are slowly drifting into the poverty class. While min wage has gone up, our wages (which are higher) haven't gone up one thin dime but out cost of living has skyrocketed. Anytime you increase the Min Wage, this is what happens. The Middle Class gets nailed to the wall by the Greedy SOBs that see a way to screw everyone even more. I think that we need to place these Greedy MFers in prison using the Rico act when this happens.
Except that is false.

Where’s the Middle Class Going? Up

The facts show that the middle class is NOT sinking into poverty but rising up.

23% of the working population of the US makes between 20K to 44K and are considered low income. I find that percentage wrong considering MOST of us make between those figures. Of course, this is only part of the data. Someone took the figures of just the White Males and used that data leaving out all the rest of the data. Standard funny math.

In order to just barely miss Lower Middle Class a person making 20 bucks an hour will gross 33K a year. Guess what, in most areas, that person will be eligable for some for of government assistance with a family of 4. Around here, 20 bucks an hour is top pay for most workers. Most Workers will be right around 15 bucks an hour and many lower than that. At 25,200 a year gross, they just barely miss the poverty rating. Federal Poverty Rating for a family of 4 is 21,600. At 15 an hour, like the 20 an hour, they can get public assistance (for you stupid people, that's welfare). 12.85 an hour is Poverty which gets the family of 4 full blown welfare benefits.

When you put out any Graph, it's probably done by only reporting the parts that show what makes up trying to prove your own argument. It's a lie. When you take a real look at the areas then you get a totally conflicting story. In this case, the 1% grabbed the money and the middle class got smaller considering the real middle class, until a couple of years ago started out at 25K but now it's been raised anywhere from 35K to 45K depending on who is telling the story. What's happening is, the poverty financial amount is growing until it's almost where the old Middle Class used to start. And today, there are one hell of a lot of people making just above the poverty rate.

There are more Waitresses, 7-11 clerks, Grocery Store Clerks, etc. than there are anything else. And don't forget the Hotel Maids. By moving the figures up in the chart, these people get left off the figures. Well, cupcake, they are still there. You just don't notice them. And most of them make not much more than the Poverty Income Rate but not more than the old Lower Middle Class Rate of less than 30K a year. Most make an average of about 15 bucks an hour or less. And no matter how you make your claim, those people are the majority of the workers in the US today. So when you do present your charts that say something else, it's probably a lie.
Your rant is pretty meaningless considering the hard facts tell a different story. You can claim over and over again that the middle class is degrading into poverty but the facts show it to be false. End of story.

The reality is that more of the middle class is rising rather than falling.

The only thing that is rising is the cutoff for the Middle class. You keep making it go up so that you don't have to figure in anyone below a certain amount. Middle class should be figured at 25k but some use 35K while others use 45K and that figure keeps going up. The Middle Class is shrinking. Yes, the middle class can go up and some do. But the middle class right around 25K to 33K are watching the Poverty rate slowly creep up on them. Lower Middle class is now Poverty.
That was part of the agreement. The Workers were supposed to be doing better. Not just the 1% club. As far as I am concerned, the 1% stole billions and will continue as long as the tax brackets are left like they are. Yes, we have a Thief in Charge or a Criminal in Charge and a whole lot of conspirators in office as well. The whole lot needs to be replaced by real Fiscal Conservatives.
/—-/ An agreement between whom? Sure as he’ll wasn’t with the millions of business owners.

The real taxbreaks didn't go to millions of business owners. It went to the 1%. You can lie about it but the facts speak for themselves. But why would I think better of you than that. You haven't let me down (or up in this case) yet
Well, every Democrat is running on raising taxes, so how does that fit into your rant?

yes, they are running about raising taxes. They aren't running about raising taxes of the average citizen. They ARE wanting to take away the tax giveaway of the 1% and tax them a little harder. I can live with that. Are YOU part of the 1%? Try telling the truth for a change.
Only a moron thinks they aren’t going to be paying the bill you hand to Bill Gates.

Only a Moron would increase my tax load just to give the top 1% a tax break so they can buy another luxury liner paid for by me. Only a moron would not find this criminal.
how did 11 hearings on Benghazi work out for you Righties ?

They worked out great, if you bothered paying attention to them. They detailed the failed decisions by the state department and the Hussein regime. They exposed the lie the Hussein regime told to the American public about a YouTube video starting the whole thing. They showed what a callous bitch Hillary was towards the dead staff members. It demonstrated to the American public the abysmal decisions Dems make when in power. The American public listened and voted accordingly the following election.

Which is exact how phaxnews has trump down 10 points to Biden in their just released national poll.

As for the GOP working for the Middle Class, I am what's left of the Middle Class. We are slowly drifting into the poverty class. While min wage has gone up, our wages (which are higher) haven't gone up one thin dime but out cost of living has skyrocketed. Anytime you increase the Min Wage, this is what happens. The Middle Class gets nailed to the wall by the Greedy SOBs that see a way to screw everyone even more. I think that we need to place these Greedy MFers in prison using the Rico act when this happens.
Except that is false.

Where’s the Middle Class Going? Up

The facts show that the middle class is NOT sinking into poverty but rising up.

23% of the working population of the US makes between 20K to 44K and are considered low income. I find that percentage wrong considering MOST of us make between those figures. Of course, this is only part of the data. Someone took the figures of just the White Males and used that data leaving out all the rest of the data. Standard funny math.

In order to just barely miss Lower Middle Class a person making 20 bucks an hour will gross 33K a year. Guess what, in most areas, that person will be eligable for some for of government assistance with a family of 4. Around here, 20 bucks an hour is top pay for most workers. Most Workers will be right around 15 bucks an hour and many lower than that. At 25,200 a year gross, they just barely miss the poverty rating. Federal Poverty Rating for a family of 4 is 21,600. At 15 an hour, like the 20 an hour, they can get public assistance (for you stupid people, that's welfare). 12.85 an hour is Poverty which gets the family of 4 full blown welfare benefits.

When you put out any Graph, it's probably done by only reporting the parts that show what makes up trying to prove your own argument. It's a lie. When you take a real look at the areas then you get a totally conflicting story. In this case, the 1% grabbed the money and the middle class got smaller considering the real middle class, until a couple of years ago started out at 25K but now it's been raised anywhere from 35K to 45K depending on who is telling the story. What's happening is, the poverty financial amount is growing until it's almost where the old Middle Class used to start. And today, there are one hell of a lot of people making just above the poverty rate.

There are more Waitresses, 7-11 clerks, Grocery Store Clerks, etc. than there are anything else. And don't forget the Hotel Maids. By moving the figures up in the chart, these people get left off the figures. Well, cupcake, they are still there. You just don't notice them. And most of them make not much more than the Poverty Income Rate but not more than the old Lower Middle Class Rate of less than 30K a year. Most make an average of about 15 bucks an hour or less. And no matter how you make your claim, those people are the majority of the workers in the US today. So when you do present your charts that say something else, it's probably a lie.
The Average Welfare Recipient takes in $35,000 a year for sitting on their ass. Imagine how much money everyone could make if we weren't supporting those assholes with our already too high taxes.

Then take the $150 Billion a year we blow on Illegal Indigents, and we could lower our taxes even more, put more money in to the economy.

Just those two things right there we could double the average salary of most Americans.

What welfare are you referring too.
As for the GOP working for the Middle Class, I am what's left of the Middle Class. We are slowly drifting into the poverty class. While min wage has gone up, our wages (which are higher) haven't gone up one thin dime but out cost of living has skyrocketed. Anytime you increase the Min Wage, this is what happens. The Middle Class gets nailed to the wall by the Greedy SOBs that see a way to screw everyone even more. I think that we need to place these Greedy MFers in prison using the Rico act when this happens.
Except that is false.

Where’s the Middle Class Going? Up

The facts show that the middle class is NOT sinking into poverty but rising up.

23% of the working population of the US makes between 20K to 44K and are considered low income. I find that percentage wrong considering MOST of us make between those figures. Of course, this is only part of the data. Someone took the figures of just the White Males and used that data leaving out all the rest of the data. Standard funny math.

In order to just barely miss Lower Middle Class a person making 20 bucks an hour will gross 33K a year. Guess what, in most areas, that person will be eligable for some for of government assistance with a family of 4. Around here, 20 bucks an hour is top pay for most workers. Most Workers will be right around 15 bucks an hour and many lower than that. At 25,200 a year gross, they just barely miss the poverty rating. Federal Poverty Rating for a family of 4 is 21,600. At 15 an hour, like the 20 an hour, they can get public assistance (for you stupid people, that's welfare). 12.85 an hour is Poverty which gets the family of 4 full blown welfare benefits.

When you put out any Graph, it's probably done by only reporting the parts that show what makes up trying to prove your own argument. It's a lie. When you take a real look at the areas then you get a totally conflicting story. In this case, the 1% grabbed the money and the middle class got smaller considering the real middle class, until a couple of years ago started out at 25K but now it's been raised anywhere from 35K to 45K depending on who is telling the story. What's happening is, the poverty financial amount is growing until it's almost where the old Middle Class used to start. And today, there are one hell of a lot of people making just above the poverty rate.

There are more Waitresses, 7-11 clerks, Grocery Store Clerks, etc. than there are anything else. And don't forget the Hotel Maids. By moving the figures up in the chart, these people get left off the figures. Well, cupcake, they are still there. You just don't notice them. And most of them make not much more than the Poverty Income Rate but not more than the old Lower Middle Class Rate of less than 30K a year. Most make an average of about 15 bucks an hour or less. And no matter how you make your claim, those people are the majority of the workers in the US today. So when you do present your charts that say something else, it's probably a lie.
The Average Welfare Recipient takes in $35,000 a year for sitting on their ass. Imagine how much money everyone could make if we weren't supporting those assholes with our already too high taxes.

Then take the $150 Billion a year we blow on Illegal Indigents, and we could lower our taxes even more, put more money in to the economy.

Just those two things right there we could double the average salary of most Americans.

What welfare are you referring too.

his blatant hypocrisy, what else ..
As for the GOP working for the Middle Class, I am what's left of the Middle Class. We are slowly drifting into the poverty class. While min wage has gone up, our wages (which are higher) haven't gone up one thin dime but out cost of living has skyrocketed. Anytime you increase the Min Wage, this is what happens. The Middle Class gets nailed to the wall by the Greedy SOBs that see a way to screw everyone even more. I think that we need to place these Greedy MFers in prison using the Rico act when this happens.
Except that is false.

Where’s the Middle Class Going? Up

The facts show that the middle class is NOT sinking into poverty but rising up.

23% of the working population of the US makes between 20K to 44K and are considered low income. I find that percentage wrong considering MOST of us make between those figures. Of course, this is only part of the data. Someone took the figures of just the White Males and used that data leaving out all the rest of the data. Standard funny math.

In order to just barely miss Lower Middle Class a person making 20 bucks an hour will gross 33K a year. Guess what, in most areas, that person will be eligable for some for of government assistance with a family of 4. Around here, 20 bucks an hour is top pay for most workers. Most Workers will be right around 15 bucks an hour and many lower than that. At 25,200 a year gross, they just barely miss the poverty rating. Federal Poverty Rating for a family of 4 is 21,600. At 15 an hour, like the 20 an hour, they can get public assistance (for you stupid people, that's welfare). 12.85 an hour is Poverty which gets the family of 4 full blown welfare benefits.

When you put out any Graph, it's probably done by only reporting the parts that show what makes up trying to prove your own argument. It's a lie. When you take a real look at the areas then you get a totally conflicting story. In this case, the 1% grabbed the money and the middle class got smaller considering the real middle class, until a couple of years ago started out at 25K but now it's been raised anywhere from 35K to 45K depending on who is telling the story. What's happening is, the poverty financial amount is growing until it's almost where the old Middle Class used to start. And today, there are one hell of a lot of people making just above the poverty rate.

There are more Waitresses, 7-11 clerks, Grocery Store Clerks, etc. than there are anything else. And don't forget the Hotel Maids. By moving the figures up in the chart, these people get left off the figures. Well, cupcake, they are still there. You just don't notice them. And most of them make not much more than the Poverty Income Rate but not more than the old Lower Middle Class Rate of less than 30K a year. Most make an average of about 15 bucks an hour or less. And no matter how you make your claim, those people are the majority of the workers in the US today. So when you do present your charts that say something else, it's probably a lie.
The Average Welfare Recipient takes in $35,000 a year for sitting on their ass. Imagine how much money everyone could make if we weren't supporting those assholes with our already too high taxes.

Then take the $150 Billion a year we blow on Illegal Indigents, and we could lower our taxes even more, put more money in to the economy.

Just those two things right there we could double the average salary of most Americans.

What welfare are you referring too.

I haven't figured that out myself. If I do, I want my cut. I am 68, fully retired, get about 1000 bucks for SSI and about 1500 bucks for Military Retirement. I consider myself middle class. That's 30K a year. I don't qualify for any benefits other than VA benefits. My retirement pay is about 9000 above poverty rate and the poverty rate climbs each year closer to my income each year. Even when I was hurt and unable to work, my Military Retirement Pay was more than the amount to qualify for any government assistance. Again, where is MY cut? But I don't ask for anything and do just fine without it.

But I live around a lot of people on government assistance. MOST have jobs or are of retirement age and not able to work. Those that are not of retirement age, they get SSDI. Ever try to make it on 667 bucks a month even with assistance? That 35 grand figure must be somewhere because it's not around here. Let me know where that is so we can get those people moved to there. Except, these people are so poor that they can't afford to move.
As for the GOP working for the Middle Class, I am what's left of the Middle Class. We are slowly drifting into the poverty class. While min wage has gone up, our wages (which are higher) haven't gone up one thin dime but out cost of living has skyrocketed. Anytime you increase the Min Wage, this is what happens. The Middle Class gets nailed to the wall by the Greedy SOBs that see a way to screw everyone even more. I think that we need to place these Greedy MFers in prison using the Rico act when this happens.
Except that is false.

Where’s the Middle Class Going? Up

The facts show that the middle class is NOT sinking into poverty but rising up.

23% of the working population of the US makes between 20K to 44K and are considered low income. I find that percentage wrong considering MOST of us make between those figures. Of course, this is only part of the data. Someone took the figures of just the White Males and used that data leaving out all the rest of the data. Standard funny math.

In order to just barely miss Lower Middle Class a person making 20 bucks an hour will gross 33K a year. Guess what, in most areas, that person will be eligable for some for of government assistance with a family of 4. Around here, 20 bucks an hour is top pay for most workers. Most Workers will be right around 15 bucks an hour and many lower than that. At 25,200 a year gross, they just barely miss the poverty rating. Federal Poverty Rating for a family of 4 is 21,600. At 15 an hour, like the 20 an hour, they can get public assistance (for you stupid people, that's welfare). 12.85 an hour is Poverty which gets the family of 4 full blown welfare benefits.

When you put out any Graph, it's probably done by only reporting the parts that show what makes up trying to prove your own argument. It's a lie. When you take a real look at the areas then you get a totally conflicting story. In this case, the 1% grabbed the money and the middle class got smaller considering the real middle class, until a couple of years ago started out at 25K but now it's been raised anywhere from 35K to 45K depending on who is telling the story. What's happening is, the poverty financial amount is growing until it's almost where the old Middle Class used to start. And today, there are one hell of a lot of people making just above the poverty rate.

There are more Waitresses, 7-11 clerks, Grocery Store Clerks, etc. than there are anything else. And don't forget the Hotel Maids. By moving the figures up in the chart, these people get left off the figures. Well, cupcake, they are still there. You just don't notice them. And most of them make not much more than the Poverty Income Rate but not more than the old Lower Middle Class Rate of less than 30K a year. Most make an average of about 15 bucks an hour or less. And no matter how you make your claim, those people are the majority of the workers in the US today. So when you do present your charts that say something else, it's probably a lie.
Your rant is pretty meaningless considering the hard facts tell a different story. You can claim over and over again that the middle class is degrading into poverty but the facts show it to be false. End of story.

The reality is that more of the middle class is rising rather than falling.

The only thing that is rising is the cutoff for the Middle class. You keep making it go up so that you don't have to figure in anyone below a certain amount. Middle class should be figured at 25k but some use 35K while others use 45K and that figure keeps going up. The Middle Class is shrinking. Yes, the middle class can go up and some do. But the middle class right around 25K to 33K are watching the Poverty rate slowly creep up on them. Lower Middle class is now Poverty.
The data is in constant 2016 dollars. It does not matter where you place the cutoff - more have risen to over 100K than have fallen below 35K.

Should you move the bar even lower then you are only going to DECREASE the number that have fallen into poverty. You are trying to state the numbers are manipulated while posting zero facts, just your conjecture.

It is rather strange that you want to place the cutoff at 25K anyway - that is not middle class at all. You really think that middle class is 12.50 an hour?
/—-/ An agreement between whom? Sure as he’ll wasn’t with the millions of business owners.

The real taxbreaks didn't go to millions of business owners. It went to the 1%. You can lie about it but the facts speak for themselves. But why would I think better of you than that. You haven't let me down (or up in this case) yet
Well, every Democrat is running on raising taxes, so how does that fit into your rant?

yes, they are running about raising taxes. They aren't running about raising taxes of the average citizen. They ARE wanting to take away the tax giveaway of the 1% and tax them a little harder. I can live with that. Are YOU part of the 1%? Try telling the truth for a change.
Only a moron thinks they aren’t going to be paying the bill you hand to Bill Gates.

Only a Moron would increase my tax load just to give the top 1% a tax break so they can buy another luxury liner paid for by me. Only a moron would not find this criminal.
/—-/ How sophomoric
As for the GOP working for the Middle Class, I am what's left of the Middle Class. We are slowly drifting into the poverty class. While min wage has gone up, our wages (which are higher) haven't gone up one thin dime but out cost of living has skyrocketed. Anytime you increase the Min Wage, this is what happens. The Middle Class gets nailed to the wall by the Greedy SOBs that see a way to screw everyone even more. I think that we need to place these Greedy MFers in prison using the Rico act when this happens.
Except that is false.

Where’s the Middle Class Going? Up

The facts show that the middle class is NOT sinking into poverty but rising up.

23% of the working population of the US makes between 20K to 44K and are considered low income. I find that percentage wrong considering MOST of us make between those figures. Of course, this is only part of the data. Someone took the figures of just the White Males and used that data leaving out all the rest of the data. Standard funny math.

In order to just barely miss Lower Middle Class a person making 20 bucks an hour will gross 33K a year. Guess what, in most areas, that person will be eligable for some for of government assistance with a family of 4. Around here, 20 bucks an hour is top pay for most workers. Most Workers will be right around 15 bucks an hour and many lower than that. At 25,200 a year gross, they just barely miss the poverty rating. Federal Poverty Rating for a family of 4 is 21,600. At 15 an hour, like the 20 an hour, they can get public assistance (for you stupid people, that's welfare). 12.85 an hour is Poverty which gets the family of 4 full blown welfare benefits.

When you put out any Graph, it's probably done by only reporting the parts that show what makes up trying to prove your own argument. It's a lie. When you take a real look at the areas then you get a totally conflicting story. In this case, the 1% grabbed the money and the middle class got smaller considering the real middle class, until a couple of years ago started out at 25K but now it's been raised anywhere from 35K to 45K depending on who is telling the story. What's happening is, the poverty financial amount is growing until it's almost where the old Middle Class used to start. And today, there are one hell of a lot of people making just above the poverty rate.

There are more Waitresses, 7-11 clerks, Grocery Store Clerks, etc. than there are anything else. And don't forget the Hotel Maids. By moving the figures up in the chart, these people get left off the figures. Well, cupcake, they are still there. You just don't notice them. And most of them make not much more than the Poverty Income Rate but not more than the old Lower Middle Class Rate of less than 30K a year. Most make an average of about 15 bucks an hour or less. And no matter how you make your claim, those people are the majority of the workers in the US today. So when you do present your charts that say something else, it's probably a lie.
Your rant is pretty meaningless considering the hard facts tell a different story. You can claim over and over again that the middle class is degrading into poverty but the facts show it to be false. End of story.

The reality is that more of the middle class is rising rather than falling.

The only thing that is rising is the cutoff for the Middle class. You keep making it go up so that you don't have to figure in anyone below a certain amount. Middle class should be figured at 25k but some use 35K while others use 45K and that figure keeps going up. The Middle Class is shrinking. Yes, the middle class can go up and some do. But the middle class right around 25K to 33K are watching the Poverty rate slowly creep up on them. Lower Middle class is now Poverty.
The data is in constant 2016 dollars. It does not matter where you place the cutoff - more have risen to over 100K than have fallen below 35K.

Should you move the bar even lower then you are only going to DECREASE the number that have fallen into poverty. You are trying to state the numbers are manipulated while posting zero facts, just your conjecture.

It is rather strange that you want to place the cutoff at 25K anyway - that is not middle class at all. You really think that middle class is 12.50 an hour?

When you have 45% of the population earning less than 30K a year then I would say that middle class would fall below 30K. So the figure wouldn''t be off at starting at 25K. But to start it at 35K just isn't accurate. 35K is about 20 bucks an hour. And that's top wage around here. Most are around the 15 buck an hour range or 25K. When you are figuring middle class, it's where the largest group of people are. And the largest group of people are somewhere between the 15 to 20 buck range. So that would mean it would be between 25 to 30K a year for the middle class. By raising it to 35K you give off false data.
As for the GOP working for the Middle Class, I am what's left of the Middle Class. We are slowly drifting into the poverty class. While min wage has gone up, our wages (which are higher) haven't gone up one thin dime but out cost of living has skyrocketed. Anytime you increase the Min Wage, this is what happens. The Middle Class gets nailed to the wall by the Greedy SOBs that see a way to screw everyone even more. I think that we need to place these Greedy MFers in prison using the Rico act when this happens.
Except that is false.

Where’s the Middle Class Going? Up

The facts show that the middle class is NOT sinking into poverty but rising up.
Except that is false.

Where’s the Middle Class Going? Up

The facts show that the middle class is NOT sinking into poverty but rising up.

23% of the working population of the US makes between 20K to 44K and are considered low income. I find that percentage wrong considering MOST of us make between those figures. Of course, this is only part of the data. Someone took the figures of just the White Males and used that data leaving out all the rest of the data. Standard funny math.

In order to just barely miss Lower Middle Class a person making 20 bucks an hour will gross 33K a year. Guess what, in most areas, that person will be eligable for some for of government assistance with a family of 4. Around here, 20 bucks an hour is top pay for most workers. Most Workers will be right around 15 bucks an hour and many lower than that. At 25,200 a year gross, they just barely miss the poverty rating. Federal Poverty Rating for a family of 4 is 21,600. At 15 an hour, like the 20 an hour, they can get public assistance (for you stupid people, that's welfare). 12.85 an hour is Poverty which gets the family of 4 full blown welfare benefits.

When you put out any Graph, it's probably done by only reporting the parts that show what makes up trying to prove your own argument. It's a lie. When you take a real look at the areas then you get a totally conflicting story. In this case, the 1% grabbed the money and the middle class got smaller considering the real middle class, until a couple of years ago started out at 25K but now it's been raised anywhere from 35K to 45K depending on who is telling the story. What's happening is, the poverty financial amount is growing until it's almost where the old Middle Class used to start. And today, there are one hell of a lot of people making just above the poverty rate.

There are more Waitresses, 7-11 clerks, Grocery Store Clerks, etc. than there are anything else. And don't forget the Hotel Maids. By moving the figures up in the chart, these people get left off the figures. Well, cupcake, they are still there. You just don't notice them. And most of them make not much more than the Poverty Income Rate but not more than the old Lower Middle Class Rate of less than 30K a year. Most make an average of about 15 bucks an hour or less. And no matter how you make your claim, those people are the majority of the workers in the US today. So when you do present your charts that say something else, it's probably a lie.
Your rant is pretty meaningless considering the hard facts tell a different story. You can claim over and over again that the middle class is degrading into poverty but the facts show it to be false. End of story.

The reality is that more of the middle class is rising rather than falling.

The only thing that is rising is the cutoff for the Middle class. You keep making it go up so that you don't have to figure in anyone below a certain amount. Middle class should be figured at 25k but some use 35K while others use 45K and that figure keeps going up. The Middle Class is shrinking. Yes, the middle class can go up and some do. But the middle class right around 25K to 33K are watching the Poverty rate slowly creep up on them. Lower Middle class is now Poverty.
The data is in constant 2016 dollars. It does not matter where you place the cutoff - more have risen to over 100K than have fallen below 35K.

Should you move the bar even lower then you are only going to DECREASE the number that have fallen into poverty. You are trying to state the numbers are manipulated while posting zero facts, just your conjecture.

It is rather strange that you want to place the cutoff at 25K anyway - that is not middle class at all. You really think that middle class is 12.50 an hour?

When you have 45% of the population earning less than 30K a year then I would say that middle class would fall below 30K. So the figure wouldn''t be off at starting at 25K. But to start it at 35K just isn't accurate. 35K is about 20 bucks an hour. And that's top wage around here. Most are around the 15 buck an hour range or 25K. When you are figuring middle class, it's where the largest group of people are. And the largest group of people are somewhere between the 15 to 20 buck range. So that would mean it would be between 25 to 30K a year for the middle class. By raising it to 35K you give off false data.
/——/ Good News, Daryl. You can rest easy. Here are the latest numbers on income:
“The 2018 piece from Pew reported that, in 2016, the median income for the upper-income class was $187,872. While for the middle class, it was $78,442, and for the lower class, it was $25,624 (in 2016 dollars; figures reflect a three-person household).”
Which Income Class Are You?
how did 11 hearings on Benghazi work out for you Righties ?

Pretty damn well since Trump is President and Hillary is sitting at home.

So you don’t care about the lives of Americans.
Got it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
/——/ classic Strawman argument.

Hardly. You scum care more about Hillary NOT GETTING ELECTED more than you care about human lives.
Own it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
As for the GOP working for the Middle Class, I am what's left of the Middle Class. We are slowly drifting into the poverty class. While min wage has gone up, our wages (which are higher) haven't gone up one thin dime but out cost of living has skyrocketed. Anytime you increase the Min Wage, this is what happens. The Middle Class gets nailed to the wall by the Greedy SOBs that see a way to screw everyone even more. I think that we need to place these Greedy MFers in prison using the Rico act when this happens.
Except that is false.

Where’s the Middle Class Going? Up

The facts show that the middle class is NOT sinking into poverty but rising up.
23% of the working population of the US makes between 20K to 44K and are considered low income. I find that percentage wrong considering MOST of us make between those figures. Of course, this is only part of the data. Someone took the figures of just the White Males and used that data leaving out all the rest of the data. Standard funny math.

In order to just barely miss Lower Middle Class a person making 20 bucks an hour will gross 33K a year. Guess what, in most areas, that person will be eligable for some for of government assistance with a family of 4. Around here, 20 bucks an hour is top pay for most workers. Most Workers will be right around 15 bucks an hour and many lower than that. At 25,200 a year gross, they just barely miss the poverty rating. Federal Poverty Rating for a family of 4 is 21,600. At 15 an hour, like the 20 an hour, they can get public assistance (for you stupid people, that's welfare). 12.85 an hour is Poverty which gets the family of 4 full blown welfare benefits.

When you put out any Graph, it's probably done by only reporting the parts that show what makes up trying to prove your own argument. It's a lie. When you take a real look at the areas then you get a totally conflicting story. In this case, the 1% grabbed the money and the middle class got smaller considering the real middle class, until a couple of years ago started out at 25K but now it's been raised anywhere from 35K to 45K depending on who is telling the story. What's happening is, the poverty financial amount is growing until it's almost where the old Middle Class used to start. And today, there are one hell of a lot of people making just above the poverty rate.

There are more Waitresses, 7-11 clerks, Grocery Store Clerks, etc. than there are anything else. And don't forget the Hotel Maids. By moving the figures up in the chart, these people get left off the figures. Well, cupcake, they are still there. You just don't notice them. And most of them make not much more than the Poverty Income Rate but not more than the old Lower Middle Class Rate of less than 30K a year. Most make an average of about 15 bucks an hour or less. And no matter how you make your claim, those people are the majority of the workers in the US today. So when you do present your charts that say something else, it's probably a lie.
Your rant is pretty meaningless considering the hard facts tell a different story. You can claim over and over again that the middle class is degrading into poverty but the facts show it to be false. End of story.

The reality is that more of the middle class is rising rather than falling.

The only thing that is rising is the cutoff for the Middle class. You keep making it go up so that you don't have to figure in anyone below a certain amount. Middle class should be figured at 25k but some use 35K while others use 45K and that figure keeps going up. The Middle Class is shrinking. Yes, the middle class can go up and some do. But the middle class right around 25K to 33K are watching the Poverty rate slowly creep up on them. Lower Middle class is now Poverty.
The data is in constant 2016 dollars. It does not matter where you place the cutoff - more have risen to over 100K than have fallen below 35K.

Should you move the bar even lower then you are only going to DECREASE the number that have fallen into poverty. You are trying to state the numbers are manipulated while posting zero facts, just your conjecture.

It is rather strange that you want to place the cutoff at 25K anyway - that is not middle class at all. You really think that middle class is 12.50 an hour?

When you have 45% of the population earning less than 30K a year then I would say that middle class would fall below 30K. So the figure wouldn''t be off at starting at 25K. But to start it at 35K just isn't accurate. 35K is about 20 bucks an hour. And that's top wage around here. Most are around the 15 buck an hour range or 25K. When you are figuring middle class, it's where the largest group of people are. And the largest group of people are somewhere between the 15 to 20 buck range. So that would mean it would be between 25 to 30K a year for the middle class. By raising it to 35K you give off false data.
/——/ Good News, Daryl. You can rest easy. Here are the latest numbers on income:
“The 2018 piece from Pew reported that, in 2016, the median income for the upper-income class was $187,872. While for the middle class, it was $78,442, and for the lower class, it was $25,624 (in 2016 dollars; figures reflect a three-person household).”
Which Income Class Are You?

And it supports what I have been saying. From your very own cite.

  • The middle class constitutes a slim majority of the U.S. population (52%), but that is still less than it has been in nearly half a century.
  • The share of income captured by the middle class has fallen from 60% in 1970 to 43% in 2014.
  • The middle class is shrinking due to an increase in population at the extreme bottom and top of the economic spectrum
Where does that extreme bottom come from? Is it magically created from a box of Lucky Charms? It has to come for somewhere. It comes from the traditional poverty (which has gone down if you believe the trumpster) and from the slipping middle class. The middle class used to be 60%. What happened. It's not like they all got rich all of a sudden. The upper middle didn't expand. But the Rich did expand. it actually didn't get any more people, it just got richer. Meanwhile, there is only X number of dollars so that money had to come from somewhere. You guessed it, it came from the shrinking middle class. Your claim that the middle class has largely just moved up is incorrect. The ones above the Middle Class remained about the same while the poverty class or lower class went up in numbers. Last time I checked, that meant that the US Economy wasn't doing as rosy red as it's claimed. But a small percentage are doing friggin fantastic.
how did 11 hearings on Benghazi work out for you Righties ?

Pretty damn well since Trump is President and Hillary is sitting at home.

So you don’t care about the lives of Americans.
Got it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
/——/ classic Strawman argument.

Hardly. You scum care more about Hillary NOT GETTING ELECTED more than you care about human lives.
Own it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You use that as a battering ram. I was right about the trumpster. And I would have been equally right about hillary. Not having hillary is no big loss. But having the strump is a huge loss and will be felt for decades to come. At least with hillary, nothing would have changed and as bad as things are/were, it would have been business as usual. Then, maybe, the Reps would have come up with a viable candidate instead of the crap they were presenting. Now, look at the mess. Sorry, no free rides.

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