How’d That Work Out for You, Lefty’s?

"...the impeachment hearings will begin for sure."

We've been hearing that for two damn pants-shitting-in-rage years.

We get it. You're butthurt. But making liberals butthurt is not an impeachable offense.

Grow the hell up.

I’m laughing at you swampy morons that think that Trump can provably break laws and all the people will simply roll over and forget the whole thing.

Spineless Republican sheep will, but Democrats will absolutely impeach or indict this mother fucker if he loses the election. For our county’s sake he is not simply walking off this one.
/——/ Ask Mommy to kiss it and the boo boo better.
View attachment 271147

Clinton was impeached and disbarred. It was a black stain on his presidency, even though his lies about an affair didn't come within a thousand miles of what Trump did.
/----/ What did Trump do besides keep Hildabest out of the White House?
View attachment 271189

What got Trump into office wasn't nor is it his current job qualifications. He doesn't have any. What has gotten him into office has been the creation of fear. Fear then turned to hate, hate turned back into fear. It's a cycle. I think the adage of the fear of being buried alive in a box comes to mind. And here are the two words to cure it. Listen well and learn from it.

Your Fear and Your Hate.
Suck It Hate Tard.
I’m laughing at you swampy morons that think that Trump can provably break laws and all the people will simply roll over and forget the whole thing.

Spineless Republican sheep will, but Democrats will absolutely impeach or indict this mother fucker if he loses the election. For our county’s sake he is not simply walking off this one.
/——/ Ask Mommy to kiss it and the boo boo better.
View attachment 271147

Clinton was impeached and disbarred. It was a black stain on his presidency, even though his lies about an affair didn't come within a thousand miles of what Trump did.
/----/ What did Trump do besides keep Hildabest out of the White House?
View attachment 271189

What got Trump into office wasn't nor is it his current job qualifications. He doesn't have any. What has gotten him into office has been the creation of fear. Fear then turned to hate, hate turned back into fear. It's a cycle. I think the adage of the fear of being buried alive in a box comes to mind. And here are the two words to cure it. Listen well and learn from it.

Your Fear and Your Hate.
Suck It Hate Tard.

/——/ Ask Mommy to kiss it and the boo boo better.
View attachment 271147

Clinton was impeached and disbarred. It was a black stain on his presidency, even though his lies about an affair didn't come within a thousand miles of what Trump did.
/----/ What did Trump do besides keep Hildabest out of the White House?
View attachment 271189

What got Trump into office wasn't nor is it his current job qualifications. He doesn't have any. What has gotten him into office has been the creation of fear. Fear then turned to hate, hate turned back into fear. It's a cycle. I think the adage of the fear of being buried alive in a box comes to mind. And here are the two words to cure it. Listen well and learn from it.

Nah: the message did it. Jobs; not food stamps!!! Works every time!!!


You keep leaving out parts. How about jobs so crappy that your family will need food stamps. Meanwhile, your employer is getting Tax Breaks that you will never see any of. But the CEO and his other Upper Level Managers did need new mansions in various places around the globe.

/----/ "Meanwhile, your employer is getting Tax Breaks that you will never see any of."
My Lord, what a pathetic outlook on life. First of all, who says the money a business saves has to go to the employees? It's the business owners money to spend as he chooses on new equipment, inventory paying off debt. Does anyone tell you how to spend the money from your tax refunds?
Clinton was impeached and disbarred. It was a black stain on his presidency, even though his lies about an affair didn't come within a thousand miles of what Trump did.
/----/ What did Trump do besides keep Hildabest out of the White House?
View attachment 271189

What got Trump into office wasn't nor is it his current job qualifications. He doesn't have any. What has gotten him into office has been the creation of fear. Fear then turned to hate, hate turned back into fear. It's a cycle. I think the adage of the fear of being buried alive in a box comes to mind. And here are the two words to cure it. Listen well and learn from it.

Nah: the message did it. Jobs; not food stamps!!! Works every time!!!


You keep leaving out parts. How about jobs so crappy that your family will need food stamps. Meanwhile, your employer is getting Tax Breaks that you will never see any of. But the CEO and his other Upper Level Managers did need new mansions in various places around the globe.

/----/ "Meanwhile, your employer is getting Tax Breaks that you will never see any of."
My Lord, what a pathetic outlook on life. First of all, who says the money a business saves has to go to the employees? It's the business owners money to spend as he chooses on new equipment, inventory paying off debt. Does anyone tell you how to spend the money from your tax refunds?

Those tax breaks was to spur the economy. Part of the deal was to increase the wages of the workers. Yes, the wages of workers were increased. But the top 1% level got the raise in wages. The Worker got his jobs cut. Is this your idea of spurring the economy? Well I guess it did spur the economy of luxury boats and Mercedes and Lecuxes.
/----/ What did Trump do besides keep Hildabest out of the White House?
View attachment 271189

What got Trump into office wasn't nor is it his current job qualifications. He doesn't have any. What has gotten him into office has been the creation of fear. Fear then turned to hate, hate turned back into fear. It's a cycle. I think the adage of the fear of being buried alive in a box comes to mind. And here are the two words to cure it. Listen well and learn from it.

Nah: the message did it. Jobs; not food stamps!!! Works every time!!!


You keep leaving out parts. How about jobs so crappy that your family will need food stamps. Meanwhile, your employer is getting Tax Breaks that you will never see any of. But the CEO and his other Upper Level Managers did need new mansions in various places around the globe.

/----/ "Meanwhile, your employer is getting Tax Breaks that you will never see any of."
My Lord, what a pathetic outlook on life. First of all, who says the money a business saves has to go to the employees? It's the business owners money to spend as he chooses on new equipment, inventory paying off debt. Does anyone tell you how to spend the money from your tax refunds?

Those tax breaks was to spur the economy. Part of the deal was to increase the wages of the workers. Yes, the wages of workers were increased. But the top 1% level got the raise in wages. The Worker got his jobs cut. Is this your idea of spurring the economy? Well I guess it did spur the economy of luxury boats and Mercedes and Lecuxes.

/—-/ Who made a deal with business owners how they had to spend their money? Got a link on sales of luxury boats, and Mercedes? And wtf is a Lecuxes?
I’m laughing at you swampy morons that think that Trump can provably break laws and all the people will simply roll over and forget the whole thing.

Spineless Republican sheep will, but Democrats will absolutely impeach or indict this mother fucker if he loses the election. For our county’s sake he is not simply walking off this one.
/——/ Ask Mommy to kiss it and the boo boo better.
View attachment 271147

Clinton was impeached and disbarred. It was a black stain on his presidency, even though his lies about an affair didn't come within a thousand miles of what Trump did.
/----/ What did Trump do besides keep Hildabest out of the White House?
View attachment 271189

What got Trump into office wasn't nor is it his current job qualifications. He doesn't have any. What has gotten him into office has been the creation of fear. Fear then turned to hate, hate turned back into fear. It's a cycle. I think the adage of the fear of being buried alive in a box comes to mind. And here are the two words to cure it. Listen well and learn from it.

Your Fear and Your Hate.
Suck It Hate Tard.

/——/ Nadler doubles down on stupid:
Dems launch ‘impeachment investigation’ with bid for grand jury info, insist Mueller delivered
Jerry Nadler is slowly becoming a bigger threat to permanently damage The Democrat Party that the 5 Whores of the Apocalypse.
What got Trump into office wasn't nor is it his current job qualifications. He doesn't have any. What has gotten him into office has been the creation of fear. Fear then turned to hate, hate turned back into fear. It's a cycle. I think the adage of the fear of being buried alive in a box comes to mind. And here are the two words to cure it. Listen well and learn from it.

Nah: the message did it. Jobs; not food stamps!!! Works every time!!!


You keep leaving out parts. How about jobs so crappy that your family will need food stamps. Meanwhile, your employer is getting Tax Breaks that you will never see any of. But the CEO and his other Upper Level Managers did need new mansions in various places around the globe.

/----/ "Meanwhile, your employer is getting Tax Breaks that you will never see any of."
My Lord, what a pathetic outlook on life. First of all, who says the money a business saves has to go to the employees? It's the business owners money to spend as he chooses on new equipment, inventory paying off debt. Does anyone tell you how to spend the money from your tax refunds?

Those tax breaks was to spur the economy. Part of the deal was to increase the wages of the workers. Yes, the wages of workers were increased. But the top 1% level got the raise in wages. The Worker got his jobs cut. Is this your idea of spurring the economy? Well I guess it did spur the economy of luxury boats and Mercedes and Lecuxes.

/—-/ Who made a deal with business owners how they had to spend their money? Got a link on sales of luxury boats, and Mercedes? And wtf is a Lecuxes?

That was part of the agreement. The Workers were supposed to be doing better. Not just the 1% club. As far as I am concerned, the 1% stole billions and will continue as long as the tax brackets are left like they are. Yes, we have a Thief in Charge or a Criminal in Charge and a whole lot of conspirators in office as well. The whole lot needs to be replaced by real Fiscal Conservatives.
Nah: the message did it. Jobs; not food stamps!!! Works every time!!!


You keep leaving out parts. How about jobs so crappy that your family will need food stamps. Meanwhile, your employer is getting Tax Breaks that you will never see any of. But the CEO and his other Upper Level Managers did need new mansions in various places around the globe.
/----/ "Meanwhile, your employer is getting Tax Breaks that you will never see any of."
My Lord, what a pathetic outlook on life. First of all, who says the money a business saves has to go to the employees? It's the business owners money to spend as he chooses on new equipment, inventory paying off debt. Does anyone tell you how to spend the money from your tax refunds?

Those tax breaks was to spur the economy. Part of the deal was to increase the wages of the workers. Yes, the wages of workers were increased. But the top 1% level got the raise in wages. The Worker got his jobs cut. Is this your idea of spurring the economy? Well I guess it did spur the economy of luxury boats and Mercedes and Lecuxes.
/—-/ Who made a deal with business owners how they had to spend their money? Got a link on sales of luxury boats, and Mercedes? And wtf is a Lecuxes?

That was part of the agreement. The Workers were supposed to be doing better. Not just the 1% club. As far as I am concerned, the 1% stole billions and will continue as long as the tax brackets are left like they are. Yes, we have a Thief in Charge or a Criminal in Charge and a whole lot of conspirators in office as well. The whole lot needs to be replaced by real Fiscal Conservatives.
Yes, run on telling people their not doing better economically the last two years.
Nah: the message did it. Jobs; not food stamps!!! Works every time!!!


You keep leaving out parts. How about jobs so crappy that your family will need food stamps. Meanwhile, your employer is getting Tax Breaks that you will never see any of. But the CEO and his other Upper Level Managers did need new mansions in various places around the globe.
/----/ "Meanwhile, your employer is getting Tax Breaks that you will never see any of."
My Lord, what a pathetic outlook on life. First of all, who says the money a business saves has to go to the employees? It's the business owners money to spend as he chooses on new equipment, inventory paying off debt. Does anyone tell you how to spend the money from your tax refunds?

Those tax breaks was to spur the economy. Part of the deal was to increase the wages of the workers. Yes, the wages of workers were increased. But the top 1% level got the raise in wages. The Worker got his jobs cut. Is this your idea of spurring the economy? Well I guess it did spur the economy of luxury boats and Mercedes and Lecuxes.
/—-/ Who made a deal with business owners how they had to spend their money? Got a link on sales of luxury boats, and Mercedes? And wtf is a Lecuxes?

That was part of the agreement. The Workers were supposed to be doing better. Not just the 1% club. As far as I am concerned, the 1% stole billions and will continue as long as the tax brackets are left like they are. Yes, we have a Thief in Charge or a Criminal in Charge and a whole lot of conspirators in office as well. The whole lot needs to be replaced by real Fiscal Conservatives.
/—-/ An agreement between whom? Sure as hell wasn’t with the millions of business owners.
Last edited:
As for the GOP working for the Middle Class, I am what's left of the Middle Class. We are slowly drifting into the poverty class. While min wage has gone up, our wages (which are higher) haven't gone up one thin dime but out cost of living has skyrocketed. Anytime you increase the Min Wage, this is what happens. The Middle Class gets nailed to the wall by the Greedy SOBs that see a way to screw everyone even more. I think that we need to place these Greedy MFers in prison using the Rico act when this happens.
Except that is false.

Where’s the Middle Class Going? Up

The facts show that the middle class is NOT sinking into poverty but rising up.
View attachment 270814

First Rule of Holes:
When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.

It’s dead. You pinned all of your hopes on a lie fabricated by Obama and Hillary.

And once again Obama and Hillary let you down.


LOL. It went as expected. The Republicans attempted and failed to assassinate the character of Mr. Mueller. The Democrats were professional, and got what they needed.

Trump's lie was exposed when he said the report exonerated him from Obstruction, and there was no collusion with Trump&Co. and the Russians.
What did they get?

The testimony was a farce. the Dems lost a lot of ground with it and this is recognized by pretty much everyone at this point. It is rather funny that you even mention exhortation as there is only one highlight on exoneration during Muller's testimony.

It was never Muller's job to exonerate anyone. His job was to investigate and make a determination on wrongdoing and Russian interference. He failed miserable in his job.
The leftists don't get presumption of innocence. In their tyrannical world, you are guilty until proven innocent.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) said at the Turning Point USA’s Teen Student Action Summit in Washington, DC, on Wednesday that Special Counsel Robert Mueller does not understand American jurisprudence.

“Here’s the thing,” Paul said. “Alright. I’m not a lawyer. I’m a doctor. But I know that American jurisprudence —our system — is based on what? Innocent until proven guilty.”

“Now Mueller is supposed to be this smart lawyer, but he doesn’t seem to understand the fundamental part of our judicial system,” Paul said. “So he writes in his report, ‘Well, I can not exonerate him, I can’t tell you that he’s innocent.’”

“That’s never the job of a prosecutor,” Paul said. “A prosecutor never does that. You either prove guilt or the presumption is of innocence.”

Rand Paul on Mueller: He Doesn’t Understand Presumed Innocence

Trump hands in a WRITTEN REPORT swearing to Mueller he cant remember, then walks away tweeting "no collusion" and ignoring subpoenas ....

you goddamn right Paul couldnt prove or prove jackshit one way or the other either.
/——/ I can’t prove one way of the other if you robbed the 7/11 this morning. Since I can’t exonerate you, it means you’re guilty until you prove yourself innocent—- using your sense of justice and fair play.

for the 99th time - Trump refuses to do anything that would suggest he might be guilty, and the dems let him slide by.

the fat fuck is SUING CONGRESS to keep from turning over information

/——/ “Trump refuses to do anything that would suggest he might be guilty,”
Well Hell’s Bells, who would agree to do anything to suggest they are guilty?
This seems to have been the actual expectation. Several members pursued questions around Trump not testifying before Muller. Everyone with more than 2 brain cells to rub together realizes that Trump should not have testified under any circumstances. It is ludicrous to expect the accused to willingly give the prosecution anything at all.
How many times did the pubs cede their time to three chair? They loved it and wanted the Dimms to keep questioning Mueller!

It was 6 hours of hilarity!
Why the hell would you compare Benghazi to an investigation that found 10 instances of possible Obstruction of Justice and will more then likely get Trump impeached (if not removed) for?

what did the dems do with 10 instances of obstruction in heir pocket ?

they should have kicked Barr's lackey ass on top of Trump's ass and proceeded from there - now they're getting watered down with Trumpspin, and gasping for air.

Slow your roll, if you think Democrats will simply let this go then you don't understand whats going on.

They are trying to make the strongest case they can with public testimonies of what is ALREADY in the report, but once those take place the impeachment hearings will begin for sure.

Trump commited Obstruction crimes and to simply swap it under the rug is to undermine this country for generations to come, to elevate the President above the law.

And they DID kick Barr's ass by holding him in criminal contempt. DOJ just a day ago refused to prosecute, which was of course was expected. But that needed to play out for Democrats to take the next steps. But even if they do nothing further, Barr has a black stain on his career.

everything the dems had, or will have going forward just became so diluted it's barely one notch above irrelevant after yesterday.

Mueller said exactly what he said he will. His testimony is the report, it contains everything the Democrats need to impeach and nothing changed in that report as of yesterday.

thats not the issue - the timeline dictates the only avenue to kick Trumps fat ass to the curb is VOTE HIM OUT - with over a year for The Trump Cartel to smear the living shit out of any viable candidate the dems finally come up with, apathy will set in with 2/3rds of the dem voters, and another weak turn out at the polls awaits them ...

maybe I'm wrong, but it damn sure looks that way.
I think you underestimate the level of fear around Trump on the left. I expect this to be a rather large turnout election unless the dems fail to run a sane campaign.

Trumps base is pretty charged - they are going to show up. The center is pretty jaded in general and I think they are much more likely to show up for the democrat. The left is just as charged as the right.

The only consideration I see at this point (and it is really early so this will change) is if Trump is successful in painting the entire left as extensions of the 'squad' or not. That is why you see Trump totally abandoning the current candidates, that is not a winner for him.

Honestly, he is more politically astute than I would have given him credit for.
You keep leaving out parts. How about jobs so crappy that your family will need food stamps. Meanwhile, your employer is getting Tax Breaks that you will never see any of. But the CEO and his other Upper Level Managers did need new mansions in various places around the globe.
/----/ "Meanwhile, your employer is getting Tax Breaks that you will never see any of."
My Lord, what a pathetic outlook on life. First of all, who says the money a business saves has to go to the employees? It's the business owners money to spend as he chooses on new equipment, inventory paying off debt. Does anyone tell you how to spend the money from your tax refunds?

Those tax breaks was to spur the economy. Part of the deal was to increase the wages of the workers. Yes, the wages of workers were increased. But the top 1% level got the raise in wages. The Worker got his jobs cut. Is this your idea of spurring the economy? Well I guess it did spur the economy of luxury boats and Mercedes and Lecuxes.
/—-/ Who made a deal with business owners how they had to spend their money? Got a link on sales of luxury boats, and Mercedes? And wtf is a Lecuxes?

That was part of the agreement. The Workers were supposed to be doing better. Not just the 1% club. As far as I am concerned, the 1% stole billions and will continue as long as the tax brackets are left like they are. Yes, we have a Thief in Charge or a Criminal in Charge and a whole lot of conspirators in office as well. The whole lot needs to be replaced by real Fiscal Conservatives.
/—-/ An agreement between whom? Sure as he’ll wasn’t with the millions of business owners.

The real taxbreaks didn't go to millions of business owners. It went to the 1%. You can lie about it but the facts speak for themselves. But why would I think better of you than that. You haven't let me down (or up in this case) yet

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