How would you reform the USA?


Senior Member
Dec 4, 2014
We've seen a lot of commentary about how the black riots could act as a spur for reform (constitutional or otherwise) in the USA. Assuming you had carte blanche, what reforms would you like to see?
Change and replace but not to destroy...
Which reform is the most necessary one?
We've seen a lot of commentary about how the black riots could act as a spur for reform (constitutional or otherwise) in the USA. Assuming you had carte blanche, what reforms would you like to see?
Change and replace but not to destroy...
Which reform is the most necessary one?

At one time I thought that what we do to get change is elect the right people to do the changes we want done. Unfortunately, during election season, the candidates of each party say what the people want to hear, but when they get to work (such that it is - a very few days) they seem to do everything but what they promised to do.

Street protest can be good. Sometimes those we elected get things done because of those protests.

Riots are never good. They are always stupid. Well.....maybe they are good if the goal is to trash the joint so that the government (taxpayers) can buy new stuff for that trashed area. But to me, destroying your own bed is never a good idea.
First things first. I would ban political parties. I don't like how they function now. They bring in shit individuals under the party banner and then pressure them to vote how they want. You might as well elect marionettes.
Instead I would construct a government website based on potential policies which politicians or even the general public might upload proposals on how to change the country.
These: Mark Levin s Liberty Amendments RedStatelevins-liberty-amendments

1) Term Limits: He proposes limiting service in both the House and Senate to 12 years. Yes, we’ve heard all the arguments about elections being the best limit. But the past 100 year has proven that to be false. As someone who works day and night to throw the bums out, I can tell you that is nearly impossible to throw them out with the amount of money they raise – precisely for their abuses of power. Levin also proves that limiting time in office was a highly regarded proposal during the Constitutional Congress.

2) Repealing the 17th Amendment: Levin proposes repealing the 17th amendment and vesting state legislators with the power to elect senators so that the power of states is not diluted, as originally feared by the framers of the Constitution.

3) Restoring the Judiciary to its proper role: The Judiciary was never meant to be an all-powerful institution in which five men in robes have the final say over every major policy battle in the country. In order to end judicial tyranny, Levin proposes limiting service to one 12-year term, and granting both Congress and the state legislatures the authority to overturn court decisions with the vote of three-fifths of both houses of Congress or state legislative bodies.

4) Limiting Taxation and Spending: Levin proposes a balanced budget amendment, limiting spending to 17.5% of GDP and requiring a three-fifths vote to raise the debt ceiling. He also proposes limiting the power to tax to 15% of an individual’s income, prohibiting other forms of taxation, and placing the deadline to file one’s taxes one day before the next federal election.

5) Limiting bureaucracy: He proposes an amendment to limit and sunset federal regulations and subject the existence of all federal departments to stand-alone reauthorization bills every three years.

6) Defining the Commerce Clause: Levin writes an amendment that, while technically unnecessary, is practically an imperative to restoring the original intent of the Commerce Clause. The amendment would make it clear that the commerce clause grants not power to actively regulate and control activity; rather to prevent states from impeding commerce among other states, as Madison originally intended.

7) Limiting Federal power to take private property

8) Allowing State Legislature to Amend the Constitution: Although the Framers intentionally made it difficult to amend the Constitution, they did so to preserve the Republic they created. However, the progressives have illegally altered our Republic through a silent and gradual coup without using the amendment process. If we are going to successfully push the aforementioned amendments, we will need an easier mechanism to force them through. The proposed amendment allows states to bypass Congress and propose an amendment with support of just two-thirds of the states (instead of three-fourths) and without convening a convention.

9) State Authority to Override Congress: A proposed amendment to allow states to override federal statutes by majority vote in two-thirds of state legislatures. The last two proposals are rooted in the idea that the states only agreed to the Constitution on condition that their power would not be diluted and that all federal power is derived from the states.

10) Protecting the Vote: A proposal to require photo ID for all federal elections and limit early voting.
Shorten the allowable time to campaign to 6 months.
All FCC licensed broadcasters MUST permit candidates on the ballot free commercial time.
One ad every two hours 4 times per day. Ads are limited to 45 seconds.
All ads mentioning the names or make reference to a candidate's opponent(s) are BANNED..I. E...NO mudslinging....Sick of it.
Get rid of the "winner take all" method by which the Electoral College votes are distributed. Instead, EC votes are apportioned according to each US House district.....The two votes representing the Senator seats, are assigned by total state popular vote.
For example. Let's say a state has 15 Electoral Votes available. Candidate A wins the popular vote in 7 House districts, the other wins 6, but candidate B wins the overall state popular vote, then B wins the two EC votes assigned as represented by the two US Senators....The count Candidate A wins 7 EC votes. Candidate B wins 8.
Term limits for US Senators and House Members. "Congress"...
No Senator or House member may serve more than the number of terms equaling 12 years. Each may run again, but must sit out at least 4 years.
No former Member of Congress may become employed or advise any firm or entity which is deemed "lobbyist".....
Pay for Senators and House members is reduced by one third. If they can't live on $120k per year, too bad. They can go get real jobs.
No Senator or Member of the House will be eligible for federal pension until they have served at least 20 years as a Senator or member of the House.
All "perks" are hereby banned.
Elected office in DC is SERVICE.....Not a career. It is not intended for those elected to office to live like royalty and be waited on by dozens of staff hand and foot.
BTW, whatever the maximum number of allowable staff members for each Sen or House member is, cut it in half. If the Member requires more, they can pay them out of pocket.
There is no reason to have "the assistant to the assistant"......
Reduce federal employment in non essential roles by one third.
Increase the number of enforcement personnel for social programs, the USDA, FDA and OSHA. Laws and regs with no enforcement lack teeth.
Place all federal employees into the Social Security system. Eliminate federal pensions, banking of sick and vacation time, eliminate sick and vacation time and refer to time off as PTO Days, to be taken for any reason....There is no "banking of any unused time. Use it or lose it.
Federal employees
Eliminate all federal holidays except New Year's Day, MLK, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving( no more Friday after) and Christmas( Christmas eve is a normal business day)...No more New Year's Eve..Not a holiday.
The following "holidays" are eliminated.....President's Day, Veteran's Day, Day after Thanksgiving. Christmas Eve, New Year's Eve, All employees may take these by using their PTO days...All overtime is eliminated and replaced by "Comp Time"....For each 8 hours worked past 40 in a given week,an employee will earn one PTO day.
The federal medical insurance coverage policy is eliminated. All federal employees must use their ACA home state exchange or purchase their insurance privately.
We must get rid of the political system we get used to live in.
The two party system will exist so long as the Constitution is in effect. The very nature of the strong President means that the party v. party presidential election dictates politics down the ballot. We even have "third parties" occasionally, such as the dixiecrats or the tea party, but they end up falling under one of the major parties when it comes to presidential elections.
Abolish the federal reserve since it never should have existed in the first place. We shouldn't pay them for our own money. Government was meant to have that responsibility, not the banks.

We need to reform elections. Do away with campaign ads that are all a bunch of shit. We should pay, with tax payer money, for a series of many debates. Whether local or national, we should be able to hear specific ideas from politicians and they need to be held accountable for promises. No more of the shit that no one expects them to keep promises or even try. We need specific solutions, not meaningless fluff, like building a bridge to the 21st century. Candidates must show up at debates unless they have a genuine emergency. Missing debates without proper reason would eliminate them from the race. Anyone caught lying about an opponent or their own history would be eliminated from the race.

It's the only way we could get straight answers, no bullshit and politicians wouldn't go into office owing anyone but the voters as a whole. No favors to repay to those big donors. Unions and other people would not be allowed to spend millions on campaign ads.

We could have a website, paid for by taxpayers, where we could purchase bumper stickers or yard signs and the money would go toward paying for the live debates. We would be buying airtime on different stations and candidates would have to answer questions. People would be able to post questions on website and mediators would choose questions that people asked most often for the debates.

Too many things to list, but getting good, honest people in Washington would eventually take care of most problems. And we should have congress housed in a nice apartment building with full security. We don't need to pay people that much and they sure don't need to be paid enough to buy expensive houses. It should be considered an honor to serve your country, not a lucrative career.
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By taking care of my own responsibilities and encouraging others to take care of theirs.

We've forgotten that right that's come with responsibilities. When we reestablish the responsibilities we will reestablish our rights.
These: Mark Levin s Liberty Amendments RedStatelevins-liberty-amendments

1) Term Limits: He proposes limiting service in both the House and Senate to 12 years. Yes, we’ve heard all the arguments about elections being the best limit. But the past 100 year has proven that to be false. As someone who works day and night to throw the bums out, I can tell you that is nearly impossible to throw them out with the amount of money they raise – precisely for their abuses of power. Levin also proves that limiting time in office was a highly regarded proposal during the Constitutional Congress.

2) Repealing the 17th Amendment: Levin proposes repealing the 17th amendment and vesting state legislators with the power to elect senators so that the power of states is not diluted, as originally feared by the framers of the Constitution.

3) Restoring the Judiciary to its proper role: The Judiciary was never meant to be an all-powerful institution in which five men in robes have the final say over every major policy battle in the country. In order to end judicial tyranny, Levin proposes limiting service to one 12-year term, and granting both Congress and the state legislatures the authority to overturn court decisions with the vote of three-fifths of both houses of Congress or state legislative bodies.

4) Limiting Taxation and Spending: Levin proposes a balanced budget amendment, limiting spending to 17.5% of GDP and requiring a three-fifths vote to raise the debt ceiling. He also proposes limiting the power to tax to 15% of an individual’s income, prohibiting other forms of taxation, and placing the deadline to file one’s taxes one day before the next federal election.

5) Limiting bureaucracy: He proposes an amendment to limit and sunset federal regulations and subject the existence of all federal departments to stand-alone reauthorization bills every three years.

6) Defining the Commerce Clause: Levin writes an amendment that, while technically unnecessary, is practically an imperative to restoring the original intent of the Commerce Clause. The amendment would make it clear that the commerce clause grants not power to actively regulate and control activity; rather to prevent states from impeding commerce among other states, as Madison originally intended.

7) Limiting Federal power to take private property

8) Allowing State Legislature to Amend the Constitution: Although the Framers intentionally made it difficult to amend the Constitution, they did so to preserve the Republic they created. However, the progressives have illegally altered our Republic through a silent and gradual coup without using the amendment process. If we are going to successfully push the aforementioned amendments, we will need an easier mechanism to force them through. The proposed amendment allows states to bypass Congress and propose an amendment with support of just two-thirds of the states (instead of three-fourths) and without convening a convention.

9) State Authority to Override Congress: A proposed amendment to allow states to override federal statutes by majority vote in two-thirds of state legislatures. The last two proposals are rooted in the idea that the states only agreed to the Constitution on condition that their power would not be diluted and that all federal power is derived from the states.

10) Protecting the Vote: A proposal to require photo ID for all federal elections and limit early voting.
This is ignorant, fearful reactionaryism, not 'reform.'
First things first. I would ban political parties. I don't like how they function now. They bring in shit individuals under the party banner and then pressure them to vote how they want. You might as well elect marionettes.
Instead I would construct a government website based on potential policies which politicians or even the general public might upload proposals on how to change the country.
Before you can 'ban' political parties, you'd first need to amend the Constitution to repeal the First Amendment.

You and most others on the right aren't interested in 'reforming' America, just destroying it.
Fist I would abolish the Department of Education, that has never educated one single child. I would eliminate the EPA that continues to promote a purely communist ideology instead of REAL environmental issues. Make energy independence our nation's number one goal through additional drilling, pipeline construction and improvements in drilling and refinement technologies. I would make finding a new energy source a commitment in scope as was landing on the moon during the 60's. I would bring home all troops from the middle east and post them along our southern border to stop the incredible tide of illegal immigrants and to finally secure our borders. I would require that all immigrants allowed to come into our country have 21st century job skills, a job awaiting them and be financially capable of supporting themselves and their families without government assistance. I would make it that government welfare programs such as food stamps, medicare, SSI and other assistance programs only be accessible by those who can prove their citizenship in the USA. I would limit the number of years that any person could receive public assistance to 10 years over the course of each person's lifetime, with the exception of Social Security Retirement Payments. I would throw out the bloated and crazy tax system and institute a national sales tax on all finished goods and services. I would require 2 term limits for each office a person holds, just like the president. I would create a secure method of voting that requires proof of one's identity, citizenship and where they live. I would eliminate the Federal Reserve and back our currency with something other than IOUs.
I would limit the number of conservatives who would make the changes listed above to no more than 2. And they must never live within 6000 miles (as the crow flies) of one another.
We've seen a lot of commentary about how the black riots could act as a spur for reform (constitutional or otherwise) in the USA. Assuming you had carte blanche, what reforms would you like to see?
Change and replace but not to destroy...
Which reform is the most necessary one?

Campaign donation reform. Make it so that money means nothing in a campaign. No more ads. No candidate can spend one dime. Networks required to provide free air time for all candidates at regular intervals. Outlaw lobbyists. ESPECIALLY outlaw lobbyists. Companies or forces interested in getting a law passed can only send written petitions or requests to legislators. If money is allowed, each candidate is given a certain, fixed amount out of public money.

Stuff like that.
We've seen a lot of commentary about how the black riots could act as a spur for reform (constitutional or otherwise) in the USA. Assuming you had carte blanche, what reforms would you like to see?
Change and replace but not to destroy...
Which reform is the most necessary one?
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