How would the Public Response with respect to the public schools response to parents rights?


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2022
What if the public schools decided to not inform parents that their children were being converted and baptized to a Christian sect on campus by teachers and administrators consent only. What would be the Democrat's response to this? Would they object and why would they?

My thoughts would be that they would object because Christ has no place in the public arena especially at schools. They would site the separation of church and state even though Jefferson's statement is wrong. The 1st amendment is solely to keep the government from infringing upon the rights of the people, not the other way around. Democrats are fine with porn in books at the elementary schools when it comes to homosexual and transgender behavior. But, the Bible can't be anywhere on the premise. Silly since smart phones can download the Bible, Book of Mormon and the Koran.

So Democrats, what say you? Okay to baptize on campus and not let the parents know about it? While it's okay to mutilate their children without letting the parents know about that?
What if the public schools decided to not inform parents that their children were being converted and baptized to a Christian sect on campus by teachers and administrators consent only. What would be the Democrat's response to this? Would they object and why would they?

My thoughts would be that they would object because Christ has no place in the public arena especially at schools. They would site the separation of church and state even though Jefferson's statement is wrong. The 1st amendment is solely to keep the government from infringing upon the rights of the people, not the other way around. Democrats are fine with porn in books at the elementary schools when it comes to homosexual and transgender behavior. But, the Bible can't be anywhere on the premise. Silly since smart phones can download the Bible, Book of Mormon and the Koran.

So Democrats, what say you? Okay to baptize on campus and not let the parents know about it? While it's okay to mutilate their children without letting the parents know about that?
I'm not a Democrat but the answer to that is it's not ok...unless of course you are fine with accommodating the other 4200 religions as well but then their wouldn't be much time for learning science, math etc.
You must remember that both sides feel we shouldn't force the other side's ideas on schools, but their own ideas are necessary so should be taught "for the good of the children."
You must remember that both sides feel we shouldn't force the other side's ideas on schools, but their own ideas are necessary so should be taught "for the good of the children."
Are you saying that Christianity should be taught in the schools without notification to the parents so that it's perfectly fine to also teach and push students to changing their genders with puberty blockers and surgery?
Are you saying that Christianity should be taught in the schools without notification to the parents so that it's perfectly fine to also teach and push students to changing their genders with puberty blockers and surgery?
Gofless libs have bern purging references to Christ in public schools for decades

Now its our turn to go after them
Are you saying that Christianity should be taught in the schools without notification to the parents so that it's perfectly fine to also teach and push students to changing their genders with puberty blockers and surgery?
No. I am saying both sides want their side, and only their side taught in the schools. They are just opposite sides of the same coin.
No. I am saying both sides want their side, and only their side taught in the schools. They are just opposite sides of the same coin.
So, which side is correct? The one that teaches about the attributes of Christ, patience, tolerance, love towards neighbor and enemy, virtue, peace or the one that teaches all white people are racist, bigots, homophobes and so on while mutilating little children?
What if the public schools decided to not inform parents that their children were being converted and baptized to a Christian sect on campus by teachers and administrators consent only. What would be the Democrat's response to this? Would they object and why would they?

My thoughts would be that they would object because Christ has no place in the public arena especially at schools. They would site the separation of church and state even though Jefferson's statement is wrong. The 1st amendment is solely to keep the government from infringing upon the rights of the people, not the other way around. Democrats are fine with porn in books at the elementary schools when it comes to homosexual and transgender behavior. But, the Bible can't be anywhere on the premise. Silly since smart phones can download the Bible, Book of Mormon and the Koran.

So Democrats, what say you? Okay to baptize on campus and not let the parents know about it? While it's okay to mutilate their children without letting the parents know about that?
^ :cuckoo:
What would be the Democrat's response to this?
Sounds terrible but SCOTUS says that we have to respect the teacher’s right to baptize students.

I hope they don’t do it on the 50 yard line of a football game but there’s nothing I can do about it.
Sounds terrible but SCOTUS says that we have to respect the teacher’s right to baptize students.

I hope they don’t do it on the 50 yard line of a football game but there’s nothing I can do about it.
But without the parents knowledge? What do you think is right as a Democrat?
Maybe parents should try having a relationship with their kids.

I swear. Conservatives treat children like property.
It’s weird that Democrats want to give elementary children the freedom to castrate themselves or using puberty blockers without parents knowledge but want parents thrown in jail if their children commit crimes. Also fire coaches for praying or having a Bible on campus.
No, we don’t view them as property. We follow the Biblical teaching that parents have the responsibility to train up a child teaching how to be good members of the society. Teaching them God and godly principles that protect the God given rights in the Constitution. If taking responsibility to choose the right is looking as children as property, I’m fine with that too. We love children while leftist Democrats experiment on children.
Because teachers don’t want or support this castration you pretend happens by every public school teacher.

It’s really too bad that there is a very small population of people that feel that way and those people don’t have any right to be teaching children.

Quit saying us normal teachers do these things or support these things.
We don’t
It’s weird that Democrats want to give elementary children the freedom to castrate themselves or using puberty blockers without parents knowledge but want parents thrown in jail if their children commit crimes. Also fire coaches for praying or having a Bible on campus.
No, we don’t view them as property. We follow the Biblical teaching that parents have the responsibility to train up a child teaching how to be good members of the society. Teaching them God and godly principles that protect the God given rights in the Constitution. If taking responsibility to choose the right is looking as children as property, I’m fine with that too. We love children while leftist Democrats experiment on children.
Conservatives love controlling children. They’re property which means they must think and act as instructed regardless of how they feel.

Rather than have a relationship with children, conservatives will demand teachers facilitate their authoritarianism by taking away any possible safe space where they can be who they are.

Why is this even happening? Because children of conservatives fear their parent’s oppression.
Conservatives love controlling children. They’re property which means they must think and act as instructed regardless of how they feel.

Rather than have a relationship with children, conservatives will demand teachers facilitate their authoritarianism by taking away any possible safe space where they can be who they are.

Why is this even happening? Because children of conservatives fear their parent’s oppression.
Liberals like to let 5 year olds decide on their own to take puberty blockers and cut off the protruding parts of their bodies without parents being allowed to be told. That’s your idea of safe space.

Parents are legally responsible for the actions of their children and the responsibility to correct their children when they behave wrongly. Liberals don’t believe that. They believe children can do whatever they want to. Heck, look at who are doing all the smash and grab grand theft and gang killings. There is the liberal communist way.

There is a difference between controlling properly your children and abuse. But liberals don’t know the difference.
Liberals like to let 5 year olds decide on their own to take puberty blockers
I'm going to stop you right there. Just read this statement again. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about.
Parents are legally responsible for the actions of their children and the responsibility to correct their children when they behave wrongly. Liberals don’t believe that. They believe children can do whatever they want to. Heck, look at who are doing all the smash and grab grand theft and gang killings. There is the liberal communist way.
Conservatives aren't just interested in making their children behave as they demand, but also they must think as they demand. We aren't talking about criminal behavior. We aren't talking about anything that harms anyone else. Conservatives think their children can be forced to have the same thoughts and opinions as them because that is the only "right" way and everything else is "wrong.

That's how you treat property, not people
I'm going to stop you right there. Just read this statement again. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about.

Conservatives aren't just interested in making their children behave as they demand, but also they must think as they demand. We aren't talking about criminal behavior. We aren't talking about anything that harms anyone else. Conservatives think their children can be forced to have the same thoughts and opinions as them because that is the only "right" way and everything else is "wrong.

That's how you treat property, not people
I'm going to stop you right there. You are insane. No conservative forces their children to think as they do. Not anymore than the liberal mind that forces adults to follow their path and only their path such as in politics, abortion, LGBTQ issues, 1619 project, reparations, and every other liberal Democrat talking point.
So, which side is correct? The one that teaches about the attributes of Christ, patience, tolerance, love towards neighbor and enemy, virtue, peace or the one that teaches all white people are racist, bigots, homophobes and so on while mutilating little children?
Neither side is necessarily right. The crusades didn't seem to be about patience, tolerance, or love towards neighbor etc. There are many other religions out there and they believe they are as good or better than yours, so why teach yours?
Neither side is necessarily right. The crusades didn't seem to be about patience, tolerance, or love towards neighbor etc. There are many other religions out there and they believe they are as good or better than yours, so why teach yours?
You mean the Tao? How about Mao and the 50 million he killed? Buddha? How about the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and WW2? Or, about China and Japan at war in the past? Which other religions? Again, It's the current Christians that teach Christ and his attributes while the Liberal Communists tear down the greatest nation ever and the one that has pulled more people out of extreme poverty than any other nation. There's a big difference between the liberal Democrats and their 70 million killings of unborn infants, mutilation of children, giving criminals the edge over victims and a lot, lot more than the conservative Republicans.

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